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Увлечение Джорджа Харрисона и Ринго садоводством

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Re: Фотография любимого растения Джорджа.
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 08.06.05 16:25:12   
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В саду В саду
Re: Фотография любимого растения Джорджа.
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 08.06.05 16:26:55   
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Еще кадрЕще кадр
Re: Фотография любимого растения Джорджа.
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 22.05.06 12:51:22   
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Celebrity Diggers - Olivia HarrisonCelebrity Diggers - Olivia Harrison

One of Olivia Harrison's fondest memories of her husband, George, is of him standing in their 35-acre garden at night, looking out in wonderment into the darkness. "He loved the garden in the daytime, but at night he wouldn't notice all the imperfections, the things that needed to be done," the 58-year-old says, looking out into forests planted by the former Beatle. "He loved that. He'd look into the shadows and see something else - the darkness would free his imagination, his creativity. He also said nature was where he felt closest to God. Or as George Bernard Shaw said. "The best place to seek God is in the garden. You can dig for him there.' And I agree."

Since her husband died in 2001, Harrison has found the Oxfordshire garden they created together over 30 years a place of inspiration and spirituality. Today, it's often in special garden spots that she meditates. "Often when you meditate in the same spot, the vibrations feel right, so you tend to return to that place," she explains.

Whilst she has several full-time gardeners to keep the enormous grounds, with Alpine forests and caves, lakes, borders, greenhouses and rockeries, in shape, she still gardens most days. She also loves the soil, whether it's the clays of Surrey or the volcanic earth of Hawaii. "The last few years, I haven't been as hands-on as when George was around," she admits. "But then it was fun. We'd go to the garden centre and load the truck up with plants. And we'd always go to the big flower shows, where I'd have to write down everything he wanted. We'd sit with the bulb catalogues and order thousands of bulbs. Now it's more taking pine needles out of ponds and weeding."
While the pair often gardened together, each always had a seperate project: George a woodland, for instance, and she a potager, in which she still tries to grow several varieties of gourds, whose yellow, green and orange fruit spill down from four pergolas in autumn. They'd often start the day doing their own thing, then meet for tea and join forces, sometimes pinching each other's plants for their own projects. While the organic vegetable garden - which provided the mainly vegetarian family with enough produce for their own suppers - was Olivia's patch, the thousands of trees were George's responsibility: acers, birch, cedars, prunus.

"He was a real tree man, which is why we don't have views to the Thames and longer," she says wryly. "I think his love of gardening started when he'd go down the allotment with his farther. Before he died, it was where he found real peace."

Not that gardening brings only contentment, she admits. Nature provides constant tests of her patience. For the past few years, for instance, deer have been eating her precious red foxtail lillies and striped "Versicolor" roses. The hundreds of pale-pink poppies she planted a few years ago have turned salmon, then coral, then orange because of the alkaline soil. And her gourds always seem to wilt before they ripen, thanks to the overly cool autums. "But then that's what gardening gives you: a humility. You can plant a seed, but then nature will take its course. You can't overule it."

Much of her recent joy, she says, has come from the realisation that gardening is about creating beauty for future generations - such as their son Dhani, just as the original owner of the property, Sir Frank Crisp, who started the garden in the 1880s, never got to see the full glory of the garden she and George worked so hard on. "So while it's a selfish activity in some ways, it's also incredibly selfless. You give and you get. That's how nature works."

Article copied From The Times 20.5.06
The Gardeners Issue Magazine
Re: Увлечение Джорджа Харрисона и Ринго садоводством
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 22.05.06 13:12:54   
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Я тему для удобства переименовала, чтобы была более понятна ее суть при поиске.Я тему для удобства переименовала, чтобы была более понятна ее суть при поиске.

Еще одно фото Оливиии из статьи выше
Re: Увлечение Джорджа Харрисона и Ринго садоводством
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 22.05.06 19:22:22   
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MONDAY 22nd MAY, 11am, MA17 MONDAY 22nd MAY, 11am, MA17

Rock star legend, Ringo Starr and Barbara Bach will officially open THE 4HEAD GARDEN OF DREAMS. Featuring over 7,000 plants, healing herbs and trees, the 4head Garden of Dreams is one of the largest exhibits on Main Avenue at this year's show.

Sponsored by 4head, a natural treatment for headache, without pills, the Garden of Dreams is designed jointly by Gold medallist Marney Hall and Heather Yarrow, who will be making her debut at Chelsea. The 4head Garden provides a haven for wild life, and also features numerous medicinal plants.. It is designed to appeal to the human senses - reflecting the subtle power, possessed by plants, to affect our daily lives, health and wellbeing.

The Garden will be home to native trees - oaks, ash, alders, lime - weighing in at 4.5 tons each. These will form the central structure of the woodland, sheltered by an entwined hedge of hawthorn, wild rose, hazel, dogwood, privet and wayfaring trees - providing nectar, nesting sites and berries for insects, birds and small mammals to feed on.

A babbling brook emerges from the woodland and meanders through a sunlit glade to a pool and an island. This 'Island of Reflection' is home to a dreaming girl - one of the largest living sculptures ever shown at Chelsea. The Eden Project's artistic director, Sue Hill, with her brother Peter, have created the girl - who is over 4 metres long and clothed in a variety of grasses and plants.

Across from the woodland and bordering the pool is a scented lawn, featuring even more plants and herbs renowned for their health properties, including mentha piperita (black peppermint), the herb from which levomenthol is derived from - the main medicinal constituent of 4head. Herbalists have used many of these plants for hundreds, if not thousands of years to help treat common everyday ailments such as headaches, insomnia and pain relief.

The Garden features a choice of paths - the woodland walk or the scented lawn. Both offer the visitor a chance to experience a sensory journey of relaxation. At the end of the woodland walk, an ancient stumpery, made of intertwined driftwood tree roots, stands at three metres (10ft) high and over two and half metres wide. Providing shelter and with a carpet of soft bracken, the stumpery invites visitors to rest, relax and dream.
LONDON - MAY 22: Former Beatle Ringo Starr poses for photographs with Barbara Bach at the 4Head Garden of Dreams at Chelsea Flower Show on May 22, 2006 in London. The yearly flower show will be visited by HM Queen Elizabeth II today and opens to the public tomorrow
Re: Увлечение Джорджа Харрисона и Ринго садоводством
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 22.05.06 19:27:58   
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Увлечение Джорджа Харрисона и Ринго садоводствомЕще
Re: Увлечение Джорджа Харрисона и Ринго садоводством
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 22.05.06 19:32:05   
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Вот вся композиция, которую представил Ринго целиком.Вот вся композиция, которую представил Ринго целиком.
Сайт, об этом саде.
Re: Увлечение Джорджа Харрисона и Ринго садоводством
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 22.05.06 20:11:10   
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еще сегодняшние фотографии Рингоеще сегодняшние фотографии Ринго
Re: Увлечение Джорджа Харрисона и Ринго садоводством
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 22.05.06 20:15:40   
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Увлечение Джорджа Харрисона и Ринго садоводством+1
Re: Увлечение Джорджа Харрисона и Ринго садоводством
Автор: Thermidor   Дата: 23.05.06 13:16:13   
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Здесь (Восточная Сибирь) в 18.00 выпуске Сегодня на НТВ показали сюжет с Ринго и Варей на выставке в королевском саду.
Re: Увлечение Джорджа Харрисона и Ринго садоводством
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 23.05.06 13:24:07   
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У нас тоже только что! :)
Re: Увлечение Джорджа Харрисона и Ринго садоводством
Автор: Thermidor   Дата: 23.05.06 15:51:24   
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И повторили в 21.00 выпуске. Мероприятие - ежегодная выставка цветов в Челси.
На вопрос о том, что он любит делать в своем саду, Ринго ответил - "Указывать садовнику - надо копать тут.")))
Re: Увлечение Джорджа Харрисона и Ринго садоводством
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 24.05.06 13:20:22   
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На выставке цветов побывала и Оливия.На выставке цветов побывала и Оливия.
Re: Увлечение Джорджа Харрисона и Ринго садоводством
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 24.05.06 13:21:47   
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и Патти Бойди Патти Бойд
Re: Увлечение Джорджа Харрисона и Ринго садоводством
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 24.05.06 18:12:04   
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Перевод статьи с интервью Оливии из Таймс.
Re: Увлечение Джорджа Харрисона и Ринго садоводством
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 16.06.06 20:34:41   
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Olivia's dream purchase

THE widow of Beatles star George Harrison has bought the star of this year's Chelsea Flower Show.

The giant living sculpture, called The Dreaming Girl, is one of the enduring images from this year's show and formed part of the Garden of Dreams created by St Ives garden designer Marney Hall.

The garden, Marney's sixth Chelsea Show submission, won a coveted silver gilt medal.

Olivia Harrison is said to have installed the 15ft long, 6ft high sculpture at the home she shared with her husband George - a fantastical late-Victorian gothic mansion called Friar Park, located in Henley-on-Thames.

George died of cancer in 2001.

His fellow Beatle, Ringo Starr, is said to have snapped up two pieces from the showpiece garden - a gazebo-like "stumpery" made of intertwined driftwood trees and a wood carving of The Sleeping Lady.

Gardening fanatic Ringo, who wrote the Fab Four song Octopus's Garden, and his wife, Barbara Bach, opened the 4Head garden at the show.

The garden featured 7,000 plants, healing herbs and a babbling brook.

The Dreaming Girl was inspired by the famous Mudmaid from the Lost Gardens of Helligan in Cornwall.

George was possibly the world's first green-fingered rock star, although Elton John, Mick Jagger and Sting all shared his passion.

He was a regular, if discreet, visitor to Chelsea and occasionally other Royal Horticultural Society shows.

In 1980, when he published his limited edition autobiography entitled I, Me, Mine, he dedicated it to "gardeners everywhere".

He meticulously restored the 30- acre gardens of Friar Park, including a 30ft model of the Matterhorn.

Re: Увлечение Джорджа Харрисона и Ринго садоводством
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.06.06 01:08:32   
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Olivia's dream purchaseOlivia's dream purchase

THE widow of Beatles star George Harrison has bought the star of this year's Chelsea Flower Show.

The giant living sculpture, called The Dreaming Girl, is one of the enduring images from this year's show and formed part of the Garden of Dreams created by St Ives garden designer Marney Hall.

The garden, Marney's sixth Chelsea Show submission, won a coveted silver gilt medal.

Olivia Harrison is said to have installed the 15ft long, 6ft high sculpture at the home she shared with her husband George - a fantastical late-Victorian gothic mansion called Friar Park, located in Henley-on-Thames.

George died of cancer in 2001.

His fellow Beatle, Ringo Starr, is said to have snapped up two pieces from the showpiece garden - a gazebo-like "stumpery" made of intertwined driftwood trees and a wood carving of The Sleeping Lady.

St Ives garden designer Marney Hall Gardening fanatic Ringo, who wrote the Fab Four song Octopus's Garden, and his wife, Barbara Bach, opened the 4Head garden at the show.

The garden featured 7,000 plants, healing herbs and a babbling brook.

The Dreaming Girl was inspired by the famous Mudmaid from the Lost Gardens of Helligan in Cornwall.

George was possibly the world's first green-fingered rock star, although Elton John, Mick Jagger and Sting all shared his passion.

He was a regular, if discreet, visitor to Chelsea and occasionally other Royal Horticultural Society shows.

In 1980, when he published his limited edition autobiography entitled I, Me, Mine, he dedicated it to "gardeners everywhere".

He meticulously restored the 30- acre gardens of Friar Park, including a 30ft model of the Matterhorn.
Re: Увлечение Джорджа Харрисона и Ринго садоводством
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 12.05.08 17:26:10   
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Designer: Yvonne Innes, Olivia HarrisonDesigner: Yvonne Innes, Olivia Harrison

This garden was inspired by the life of George Harrison, who not only gained international fame from his time in The Beatles, but was a dedicated and inspired landscape gardener.

The garden will be divided into four areas to represent George’s life story. The area to represent his boyhood years in Liverpool will be a small area reflecting the post war atmosphere. It will include an old child’s bike, rough weedy grass and a reference to his father’s vegetable patch where George’s love of gardening began. The 60s are represented by colourful planting and textural contrasts reflecting the decade. A huge glass sun with George’s song titles spiralled into the glass is a focal point of this section.

Re: Увлечение Джорджа Харрисона и Ринго садоводством
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 12.05.08 17:26:48   
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London flower show to honor HarrisonLondon flower show to honor Harrison

Published: May 11, 2008 at 12:13 PM
Print story Email to a friend Font size:LONDON, May 11 (UPI) -- The Chelsea Flower Show in London is set to honor the Beatles' George Harrison with a special garden, show officials say.

Garden designer Yvonne Innes said Harrison -- who died of cancer at 58 in 2001 -- was "an amazing landscape gardener," The Sunday Times of London reported.

"I also realized few people knew this side of him and decided to design a narrative garden of his life and passing over to the next life," she said.

Innes worked with Harrison's widow, Olivia, to design the flower show garden.

One section of the garden will be dedicated to Harrison's time with the Beatles, while another follows his life in the 1960s, the newspaper said. Two other segments at the show, which runs from May 18 to May 25, reflect Harrison's spiritual life and later years.

Re: Увлечение Джорджа Харрисона и Ринго садоводством
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 12.05.08 17:27:24   
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The Chelsea Flower Show is to feature a garden dedicated to George Harrison, the ex-Beatle.

It is co-designed by his wife Olivia and depicts Harrison's life in four stages - childhood, shown by a vegetable plot and a bike in rough grass; a Beatles and 1960's area; and representations of his older self and spiritual life.

The 1960's section of the garden will contain the names of his songs and a 6ft wide glass sun, reminding visitors of Here Comes The Sun, which Harrison wrote for the Beatles (sic) album Abbey Road in 1969. The flowers -palmatum, anchusa and achillea - represent the psychedelic colours of the era.

The garden was co-designed with Yvonne Innes, who worked closely with Harrison before his death in 2001. 'I knew what an amazing landscape gardener george was. I also realised few people knew this side of him and decided to design a narrative garden of his life and passing over to the next life. '
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