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Progressive Rock

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Re: Progressive Rock
Автор: One Day   Дата: 15.06.05 01:56:38   
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Альбом Apollo (1978 все же) взял. Это саундтрек к фильму НАСА о полетах Аполлонов на Луну. Очень атмосферный, космический альбом. Roger Eno - соавтор трех композиций. В принципе, ничего нового, но настроение созерцательно-мечтательное создает отлично. В проекте участвует известный продюссер и композитор Daniel Lanois.

Вопрос. У Джона Зорна (John Zorn) есть несколько практически джазовых альбомов(видимо, ранних), где он не только композитор, но и саксофонист. Не подскажите, как они называются? Зорн неоклассический, авангардный и прочий, не поддающийся классификации, есть в достаточном количестве, интересно узнать именно про его джазовые альбомы.
Re: Progressive Rock
Автор: Горыныч   Дата: 15.06.05 12:11:52   
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to: One Day - а, Apollo слышал. Ино-его брат-Лануа. Правда, это 1983 год. Довольно приятный альбом. Одна композиция - Deep Blue Day вошла в саундтрек к известному фильму Trainspotting (это когда Рентон ныряет в унитаз и плавает в неизвестно откуда там оказавшихся синих водах (помните: "самый грязный туалет в Шотландии"?).

"В принципе, ничего нового" - надо учитывать, когда это создавалось. Эмбиент стал общим местом в 90-е годы, когда его стали записывать в каких-то ненормальных количествах.

А что ты имел в виду - (1978 все же)?
Re: Progressive Rock
Автор: One Day   Дата: 15.06.05 15:34:34   
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Странно. У меня в каталоге и на диске значится 1978 год. АМГ говорит о 1983. Наверное, все же 1983 - верно.
>>"В принципе, ничего нового" - надо учитывать, когда это создавалось.
Я имел в виду, что нет никаких музыкальных откровений. Не первый все же подобный альбом.
Re: Progressive Rock
Автор: karp   Дата: 04.10.05 12:18:23   
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Поговаривают о концерте Sieges Even в Москве.
Вообще говоря, интересно..
Re: Progressive Rock
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 05.10.05 01:11:00   
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Сегодня озвучил целую программу Ларсом Холлмером. Мне понравилось.-)))
Re: Progressive Rock
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.12.05 10:27:30   
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A Rush of Adrenaline (2005)A Rush of Adrenaline (2005)
DVD Release Date: January 24, 2006

This DVD features Nick Barrett and Clive Nolan, leaders of Pendragon and Arena, two top progressive bands today, in an absolutely unique acoustic live performance. Presented here is "the best of" tracks by Pendragon, Arena, Shadowland, Strangers On A Train and the Nolan/Wakeman project. Also included is a live premiere of the brand new track "Two Roads" from Pendragon's new album "Believe". This DVD is a classic collector's item - an absolute must for every prog-maniac!
Я тащусь!  
Re: Progressive Rock
Автор: Maria_Beatles   Дата: 30.12.05 11:56:33   
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Музыканты!!! Приглашаю сотрудничатьть!!! Пишу клёвые тексты+ могу накидать план аранжировки!!!!
ПишитЕ!ПишитЕ! ПишитЕ!
Re: Progressive Rock
Автор: Geka Genesis   Дата: 02.01.06 02:34:56   
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Что Нолану, что Барету пришёл пипец. Выдохлись они. Пендрагон последний просто ужасен, от Нолана последнего аж тошнит.Что Нолану, что Барету пришёл пипец. Выдохлись они. Пендрагон последний просто ужасен, от Нолана последнего аж тошнит.
Та и Ройне Столт обкакался во всех проектах, где только мог..
Вот Морз(Неил,который из Спокс Бид)имеет ещё порох в пороховницах :)
Re: Progressive Rock
Автор: pempe   Дата: 12.01.06 00:34:08   
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Queensrÿche's "Operation: Mindcrime II"

Queensrÿche returned to the studio this summer to record the long-anticipated sequel to 1988's acclaimed concept album "Operation: Mindcrime." Praised by critics and certified platinum, the original remained on Billboard's Album chart for more than a year, and its dynamic music and powerful message still resonate today. Rhino Records helps unravel the mysteries of the original with "Operation: Mindcrime II".

"Operation: Mindcrime Ii" contains a 17-track story and is performed by the Seattle-based quintet -- singer and chief songwriter Geoff Tate, guitarists Michael Wilton and Mike Stone, bassist Eddie Jackson, and drummer Scott Rockenfield.

Tate says the current political and social climate inspired him to revisit the storyline. "I left the original open-ended with the intent to come back with a sequel to finish the story up, " he says. "Considering where we are today and how little things have changed, it was too ironic not to continue the story."

"Operation: Mindcrime's" intriguing and complex plot revolves around Dr. X, a political puppetmaster who brainwashes Nikki, the story's main character, to assassinate corrupt public figures. The story also includes Nikki's lover, Sister Mary. A former teenage prostitute who becomes a nun, Sister Mary is murdered mysteriously, leaving the cliffhanger "Who Killed Sister Mary?"

Set 20 years after the original, "Operation: Mindcrime II" explores Nikki's fate after being released from prison and reveals the identity of Mary's killer. "I tried to put myself in Nikki's shoes and imagine what it would be like for him to come back to society after spending 20 years in jail stewing about what happened to him, " Tate says. "I became fascinated with the concept of revenge and what that would do to a person like Nikki. The story is ultimately about how Nikki wrestles with his conflicted emotions. On one side, his base instincts are pushing him to kill those who wronged him. On the other side, his conscience -- represented by the spirit of Sister Mary -- urges him to learn from his past mistakes and find salvation."

Earlier this year Queensrÿche launched a sold-out tour featuring the original "Operation: Mindcrime" performed in its entirety with actors onstage portraying the characters alongside the band. Tate says the band plans to launch a tour in 2006 that will feature a stage performance of both "Mindcrimes" in their entirety. "The actors onstage with us add a new dimension to the music, " he says. "It's different than your typical rock show, but the audiences really got into the 'Mindcrime I' tour. It's exciting to have the opportunity to combine both albums into one show. It's going to be epic."

Since its formation in 1981 near Seattle, Queensrÿche has released nine studio albums. "Empire, " the 1990 follow-up to "Operation: Mindcrime, " sold more than two million copies thanks in part to the enormous success of the hit "Silent Lucidity." Released in 1994, "Promised Land" was certified platinum and featured the hits "I Am I" and "Bridge."


1. "Freiheit Ouvertüre"
2. "Convict"
3. "I'm American"
4. "One Foot In Hell"
5. "Hostage"
6. "The Hands"
7. "Speed Of Light"
8. "Signs Say Go"
9. "Re-Arrange You"
10. "The Chase"
11. "Murderer"
12. "Circles"
13. "If I Could Change It All"
14. "An Intentional Confrontation"
15. "A Junkie's Blues"
16. "Fear City Slide"
17. "All The Promises"
Re: Progressive Rock
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.01.06 18:35:23   
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Barclay James Harvest: Glasnost And Victims Of CircumstanceBarclay James Harvest: Glasnost And Victims Of Circumstance
release on 30/01/2006

Special Features
Audio only option

Filmed live on 14th July 1987 at Treptower Park, Berlin GDR. This live concert was organised by the GDR authorities as part of celebrations to commemorate the 750th anniversary of Berlin. It is reputed to be the first time that a western rock band had ever been allowed to perform an open air concert in the GDR.

Originally, the concert was to be performed on the island of Youth, a small island (capacity 10,000) in the centre of the river that runs through the city. Within 14 days of the concert being announced, the authorities were besieged with in excess of 50,000 ticket allocations and therefore decided to relocate to what can be considered Berlin's equivalent to Hyde Park. On the day the weather conditions were perfect and the eventual attendance has been estimated at anywhere between 130,000 and 170,000 people!

Tracklist For Concert:
1. Poor Man's Moody Blues
2. Alone In The Night
3. On the Wings Of Love
4. African
5. Love On The Line
6. Berlin
7. Medicine man
8. Kiev
9. Life Is For Living
10. Hymn

Victims Of Circumstance: Filmed live on 13th October 1984 at Wembley Arena by Handle Artists and Kennedy Street Enterprises in association with Capitol Radio 194.

Tracklist For Concert:
1. Life Is For Living
2. Rebel Woman
3. Waiting For The Right Time
4. I've Got A Feeling
5. Rock 'N' Roll Lady
6. Paraiso Dos Cavalos
7. Poor Man's Moody Blues
8. Victims Of Circumstance
9. For Your Love
10. Child Of The Universe
11. Hymn
Re: Progressive Rock
Автор: Geka Genesis   Дата: 31.01.06 01:11:12   
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Хорошая группа была(Барклай)
У меня есть пару ДВД.. этот возьму обязательно
Re: Progressive Rock
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.03.06 14:57:48   
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Gentle Giant: GG At The GG - Sight And Sound In Concert (DVD & CD)Gentle Giant: GG At The GG - Sight And Sound In Concert (DVD & CD)
Due for release on 17/04/2006

Special Features
TV film from the 'Old Grey Whistle Test' in 1974
Bonus audio Cd of the concert and the 'Old Grey Whistle Test'
Promo video footage from 1976 and 1978

The official release of the famous BBC "Sight And Sound" concert from January 1978, at the Golders Green Hippodrome. Audio comes from the BBC Radio 1 Simulcast. There is also a commentary track by Gary, John, Derek, Kerry and Ray!
Extras include TV film from "The Old Grey Whistle Test" in 1974, and promo video footage from 1976 and 1978.
Also included is a bonus audio CD of the concert and "Old Grey Whistle Test."
There is also Super 8 footage from April 1975, filmed in Munster, Germany by Martin Buntrock with audio added by Klaus Buntrock.
As always, Gary has provided a superb gallery of pics, plus some live shots and memorabilia.
Finally, Kerry has composed new music for the intro and menus, with drumming by John "Pugwash" Weathers taken from multitracks provided by our old friend Dan Bornemark.
Re: Progressive Rock
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.03.06 10:55:10   
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(2006 issue CD album featuring an edited version of the now-deleted 2-CD album 'The 1999 Party' and includes 9 tracks recorded live at the Chicago's Auditorium in 1974).
released 03 April 2006

1. Brainbox Pollution
2. You Know You're Only Dreaming
3. Brainstorm
4. Seven By Seven
5. You'd Better Believe It
6. Psychedelic Warlords
7. D-Rider
8. Master Of The Universe
9. Welcome To The Future
Re: Progressive Rock
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.03.06 15:23:41   
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Темы для этого человека совсем подходящей нетТемы для этого человека совсем подходящей нет

Captain Beefheart: Under Review
Due for release on 24/04/2006

Special Features
The hardest Captain Beefheart interactive quiz in the world ever!

The ultimate review and critical analysis of the music and career of Captain Beefheart.
Without a doubt the most challenging artist of the rock era, the man formerly known as Don Van Vliet still retains an almost biblical dedication amongst the ever-increasing fanbase of 'those who get it'. You either do or you don't; the good Captain doesn't attract the casuals!
Captain Beefheart - Under Review is a two hour documentary film tracing the roots and history of this iconic musical legend. Featuring rare live and studio performances of Beefheart, interspersed with contributions from virtually all members of The Magic Band - along with a panel of esteemed experts.
John French, Mark Boston, Jeff Moris Tepper, Elliot Ingber, Ira Ingber, Jerry Handley, Doug Moon, Gary Marker, Eric Drew Feldman and Gary Lucas are all here discussing their times spent playing and recording with Beefheart and re-appraising the music they made.
Biographer Mike Barnes, author and critic Alan Clayson and Uncut Magazine's Contributing Editor Nigel Williamson all join the team too, offering their own criticism and review to the mix.
The film also features rarely seen promo films, interview footage with Beefheart, TV clips, location shots and a host of other features. Covering his entire musical career and with extra features including; 'the hardest Captain Beefheart interactive quiz in the world ever' and full contributor biographies, this is not simply the only Beefheart DVD on the commercial market, it is also the best ever film about the man and his music yet to emerge.
Re: Progressive Rock
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 19.03.06 00:45:41   
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Oh Those russiansOh Those russians
Re: Progressive Rock
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 19.03.06 00:50:56   
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Это я балуюсь-)))Это я балуюсь-)))
Re: Progressive Rock
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 19.03.06 01:06:02   
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Re: Progressive Rock
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 19.03.06 01:09:14   
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Июнь, однако...Июнь, однако...
Re: Progressive Rock
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.03.06 12:09:50   
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MAGNUM Stronghold MAGNUM Stronghold
(2006 23-track digitally remastered 2-CD album set featuring the live recording from the Birmingham prog rockers recorded during their farewell tour in 1996 including performances of 'How Far Jerusalem', 'Spirit' & 'Sacred Hour').
released 10 April 2006

CD One:
1. Intro
2. Changes
3. Back To Earth
4. Just Like An Arrow
5. Love Is A Stranger
6. Les Morts Dansant
7. Two Hearts
8. Rock Heavy
9. How Far Jerusalem
10. Tall Ships
11. Spirit
12. Days Of No Trust

CD Two:
1. Wild Swan
2. Start Talking Love
3. Rocking Chair
4. Vigilante
5. Kingdom Of Madness
6. Drum Solo (End To End)
7. Tell Tale Eyes
8. Last Dance
9. Sacred Hour
10. Only In America
11. You're The One
Re: Progressive Rock
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.03.06 13:59:18   
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Atomic Rooster - The Dawn RecordingsAtomic Rooster - The Dawn Recordings
Due for release on 10/04/2006

Little Bit Of Inner Air
Goodbye Planet Earth
Don't Know What Went Wrong
Voodoo In You
Save Me
Time Take My Life
People You Can't Trust
All Across The Country
Close Your Eyes
Ear In The Snow
Never To Lose
Satan's Wheel
Take One Toke
All In Satan's Name
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