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Рой Бьюкенен (Roy Buchanan): человек, который послал Леннона

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Re: Рой Бьюкенен: человек, который послал Леннона
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 12.03.05 12:01:57   
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Выступлю в защиту "Грин Ониона":
понятно, что дело вкуса, но справедливости ради, весчь была записана и придумана задолго до стандартоф "Лиловых". Где-то 67-69 гг. Вы наверняка слышали Ти-Букеровское исполнение совместно с MG (лейтмотив в обоих "Братьях Блюз")с доминирующим Хэммондом. Весчь обогнала своё время, хотя по сути обычный квадрат в стиле буги, но драйв и саунд... Не случайно , наверное, журнал "Роллинг Стоун" в последнем своём списке 500 лучших рок-песенок поставил её на 181-е место, хотя весчица регулярно появляется в таких вот символич. хит-парадиках.Хорошо известен в народе и кавер "Венчерсов"...Потом пришли волосатые англичане со своими фуззово-тяжёлыми риффами и память народная размылась, пионэры подзабылись, но подвиг то остался :)))
Но, конечно, это лишь инфа-экскурс в недалекую историю.А примат личного вкуса--всегда доминант :))
Альбом этот мне тоже нра :)
Re: Рой Бьюкенен: человек, который послал Леннона
Автор: Dvas Nickolas   Дата: 12.03.05 15:01:32   
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john lee hooker
Драйв присутствует, саунд отменный. Это правда. Надо просто признаться, что я не любитель квадратной музыки.
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Рой Бьюкенен: человек, который послал Леннона
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 12.03.05 15:10:25   
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2john lee hooker:

2Dvas Nickolas:
>Надо просто признаться, что я не любитель квадратной музыки.
Кого ты хотел удивить!(с) :))))
Re: Рой Бьюкенен: человек, который послал Леннона
Автор: papan   Дата: 20.03.05 16:14:09   
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Roy Buchanan You're Not Alone,1978,Wounded BirdRoy Buchanan "You're Not Alone",1978,Wounded Bird
"Вы слыхали,как поют дрозды?"
(вместо эпиграфа)
Альбомы середины семидесятых уже приучили нас,что от Роя можно ждать чего угодно.Но чтобы такое!? Не знаю ,кто надоумил сделать его космический концептуал по калькам Пинк Флойд,но в 70-х Рой больше не записывался. Впрочем,его понять можно.
Начинается альбом с безгитарного почти амбиентного двухминутного "введения".Забавно,что никакого клавишника-синтезаторщика в кредитах не заявлено.
2.Wounded Bird.Начинается как добротный гитарный фьюжн,но вдруг появляются характерные аккорды.Ба,да это ж почти Dogs ,через пару минут уже ждёшь гавканья.
3.Fly... Night Bird. Экскурсия продолжается: Shine On You ...
Та же разбивка на части по схожему сценарию:клавишно-синтезаторный звуковой коллаж,гитарная сигнатура,медленный блюз.Только что нет вокальной части.
4.1841 Shuffle.Слегка отдохнём.Блюз-рок на базе сквозного риффа.
5.Down by the River.Песня Нила Янга превратилась в Dark Side ...Первый и единственный раз поют.Даже хором.Даже участвует Luther Vandross.
6.Supernova.Ещё один ,трёхминутный тайм-аут,для зажигательного рокенролла.
7.You're Not Alone.Заключительный,он же заглавный трек.Выход в открытый космос.Леонов отдыхает.Продолжение Shine On You ... (уж не Райт ли на клавишах?) с возвращением к Animals.Странно,почему не хрюкают свиньи? Ну да,в безвоздушном пространстве звук не распространяется.
Я конечно несколько утрирую,и кому -нибудь послышится совсем другое.Но уверен,что неудовлетворённость Роя работами второй половины 70-х явно имеет под собой серьёзную почву.Не верите-послушайте сами.Впрочем,играет он как всегда великолепно.
Re: Рой Бьюкенен: человек, который послал Леннона
Автор: papan   Дата: 12.04.05 21:30:07   
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Наконец получил "My babe" 1981.Разочарован очень.Слабейший альбом Роя вообще.Даже не знаю,стоит ли рецензировать.
Re: Рой Бьюкенен: человек, который послал Леннона
Автор: papan   Дата: 06.05.05 20:53:17   
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Roy Buchanan When a Guitar Plays the Blues,Alligator ,1985. Roy Buchanan "When a Guitar Plays the Blues",Alligator ,1985.

Для характеристики этого альбома ключевым словом может стать "первый".
Первый альбом после четырёхлетнего перерыва (депрессия с попыткой самоубийства,продажа легендарной гитары Telecaster 53,клубные концерты).
Первый альбом на блюзовом лейбле Alligator.
Первый полностью блюзовый альбом.
Первый альбом с новым Телекастером.
Первая запись со слайдом.
Первая номинация Грэмми.
Первый раз Рой улыбается с обложки.Это улыбка счастливого человека.
Рой вообще в одном из интервью назвал этот альбом дебютным,имея в виду,что впервые ему никто не указывал,что записывать и как это должно звучать.Из него никто не делал поп-звезду,как это было при сотрудничестве с мажорными лейблами в 70-х.Он почувствовал себя свободным.
Из 9-и треков 5 инструментальных,на двух он поёт сам,ещё два отданы приглошённым вокалистам.Рой -автор всех инструменталов.
Первый ,он же заглавный,чикагский блюз с длинными экспрессивными импровизациями,начинается с фуги Баха,что само по себе явление для этого жанра необычное.Рой поёт в речетативной манере,хорошо подходящей его низкому голосу.Отличное начало.
Следующий за ним пиротехнический прифанкованный инструментал Chicago Smokeshop привлекает ещё и интересной басовой линией.
Mrs. Pressure явно вдохновлён атмосферной зыбкостью питергриновского "Альбатроса".
На 4-ом треке появляется знатный гость Otis Clay.Солидный соул- блюз .
Сёрфообразный инструментал Short Fuse украшен партией тенор-сакса в исполнении Steele "Sonny" Seals.
Wy Don't You Want Me?-"салонный " госпел с замечательным вокалом молодой тогда ещё певицы Gloria Hardiman.Интересно,что на номерах с приглашёнными вокалистами Рой как бы уходит в тень,играет точно,со вкусом,но скромно.
Country Boy-виртуозный шафл ,второй вокал Роя.Он не пытается показать себя супервокалистом,поёт со скрытой эмоциональной силой.
Предпоследний номер Sneaking Godzilla Through The Alley стоит несколько особняком на альбоме .Инструментал из фильма ужасов.Звуковой аналог тех душевных кашмаров,что преследовали Роя всю его жизнь.
Но чтобы не заканчивать на столь жуткой ноте,альбом завершает изящное посвящение гению слайда Элмору Джеймсу Hawaiian Punch.
В записи Рою помогали известные блюзовые музыканты
Criss Johnson, Rhythm Guitar
Bill Heid, Keyboards
Larry Exum, Bass
Morris Jennings, Drums
Свою работу они сделали отлично.
Альбом показал,что в середине 80-х блюз отнюдь не умер и не один только SRV из белых музыкантов готовили блюзовый бум начала 90-х.
Re: Рой Бьюкенен: человек, который послал Леннона
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 06.05.05 22:30:55   
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Прекрасный разноплановый альбом. Всегда нравился.

>...не один только SRV из белых музыкантов готовили
>блюзовый бум начала 90-х.

Ну, наверное, этот бум начался всё-таки с конца 80-х :)
Re: Рой Бьюкенен: человек, который послал Леннона
Автор: papan   Дата: 07.05.05 10:48:01   
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john lee hooker***
"Ну, наверное, этот бум начался всё-таки с конца 80-х :)"
Нисколько не возражаю.Начался в конце 80-х.
Re: Рой Бьюкенен: человек, который послал Леннона
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 28.07.05 19:19:59   
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Dancing On The Edge
Roy Buchanan's death in a Virginia police cell was a sad, mysterious end to a troubled life. What the hell happened to the man blues aficionados once called The Best Unknown Guitarist In The World?


ON THE LAST day of his life, 14 August 1988, Roy Buchanan woke at 9am, ate breakfast at his home in suburban Reston, Virginia, then went to the grocery store to pick up a few items for his wife Judy. Returning home,he went downstairs to his music room and wrote his first classical piece in a long and storied career, which had begun some 30 years earlier when he formed his first rock'n'roll band."He was so excited about this piece of music that he made me stop cleaning the house to come and listen to it," recalled Judy Buchanan."I did, and told him how proud I was of him."
Shortly after noon that fateful day, Roy left the house again to go and buy some cigars at the Fair Oaks Mall. He didn't return home until 9.15pm. "This was not unusual, especially if he started drinking," said Judy, who had been home all day with their seven-year-old grandson, Matthew.
Roy returned accompanied by a stranger who had given him a ride home from the mall."He wanted to take this guy down to his music room,"Judy recalled,"and I said that wasn't a good idea since he had all kinds of tapes all over the floor and he'd had people steal from him before."
When Judy intervened, asking the man to leave, the stranger refused. She ran upstairs and called the police to have him removed from the premises. Roy stumbled upstairs to Judy, ripped the cord out of the phone and physically threatened her. She ran out the room, and when she went to check on the stranger in the music room she noticed he was gone. "I looked out the front door and saw him backing his car up with the lights out.Just then, Roy came downstairs and said he was leaving. He started to follow the car down the street, thinking the fellow would pick him up. Evidently, he didn't. And that was the last time I saw Roy alive."
According to a press release issued by the Fairfax County Sheriff's Department the following dayBuchanan was brought into the Adult Detention Center at 10.45pm. Police had picked him up on a charge of public drunkeness and driven him to the jail. At about 10.55pm he was booked and placed in receiving cell R-45.The press release states that a floor check was conducted at approxi¬mately 11.05pm, guards reporting nothing suspicious. However, during a second check at 11.16pm, Roy was found hanging in his cell. He had apparently tied his shirt around his neck and strung it through the steel bars in his cell.
Deputies and medical staff at the jail tried cardiopulmonary resuscitation, also inserting a tube down Roy's throat to get air into his lungs. A rescue squad responded at 11.23pm and took over all CPR functions while transporting him to the Fairfax Access Hospital.The Best Unknown Guitarist in the World was declared dead at 11.59pm. Cause of death, as determined by pathologist Dr Frances P Field and medical examiner Ralph Simone, who conducted an autopsy at 12.10pm, was listed as a crushed larynl Following the incident, an internal affairs board of the Fairfax County Sheriff's Department held an investigation into the possibility of excessive force or negligence on the part of officers. But as Public Information Officer Mike Profitt offered: "The investigation revealed that it was indeed self-inflicted."
Yet few of Roy's buddies at The Crossroads, the country bar in Bladensberg, Maryland where he had played during the '60s with Danny Denver's Soundmasters and continued to frequent up to his final days, believed that. "Ain't no way he hung hisself," said one Crossroads regular known as The Big Onion. "To say he hung his¬self with his shirt... hell, he'd have as much of a chance doing that as I would trying to hang myself with a shoelace."
Judy Buchanan had her suspicions early on.Roji had no reason to kill himself, she claimed, pointing to how excited he was about his next album, an all-instrumental project he was due to begin cutting that October. She also said how he was looking for¬ward to an upcoming European tour. But more than anything, she pointed to Roy's love for his grandson Matthew, who the couple had got full custody of a year earlier. On the mantelpiece in their Reston house, right alongside such prized mementos as his Grammy nomination for 1985'sWhen A Guitar Plays The Blues, sat a framed photo of a smiling Matthew atop Roy's shoulders.They're at an amusement park and you can see the twinkle in Roy's eye. He always got that way around Matthew, she explained, offering perhaps the strongest argument against the theory that Roy took his own life! More suspicions were raised by those who saw Buchanan at the Money & King funeral home in Vienna, Virginia, a couple of days after the incident. Bassist and former Roy sideman Jeff Gam: reported seeing bruises on the top and back of Roy's shaved head,; though no such bruises are listed in the autopsy -report.
Re: Рой Бьюкенен: человек, который послал Леннона
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 28.07.05 19:20:46   
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PERHAPS THE MOST chilling testimony came from a man who was being held in the same Fairfax County jail that Augusj night. According to this mysterious eyewitness (who requested anonymity for fear of police reprisal), it would've been physically impossible for Roy Buchanan to hang himself in his cell.PERHAPS THE MOST chilling testimony came from a man who was being held in the same Fairfax County jail that Augusj night. According to this mysterious eyewitness (who requested anonymity for fear of police reprisal), it would've been physically impossible for Roy Buchanan to hang himself in his cell.
"Everybody in that jail doubted that he killed himself," said Deep Cracker, who had found himself in cell R-45 on previous oca-sions. "First of all, those cells don't have any windows. All they have; is a little opening in the door, maybe 18 inches by 18 inches. It'sa small window with bars in it and just below the bars is the slot where they slide the food in.The cell is about eight feet by five feet, ani the ceiling is about 13 feet high.There's no way he could've hung himself from the lighting fixture up there. It's too high up. There's a concrete bunk in the cell that's about two feet ofFthe floor, and even if you stand on top of that you still can't even get close to reaching the ceiling.You can't touch it. The only place where he could've hung himself was from those bars in the door.
"Well, I understand that Roy Buchanan was five foot eleven.That's my height too,"he continued. "And that slot where the food slides in is maybe six inches below my belt line and the bars are just above it. These are four vertical bars in the door. And if you tied a noose around them, that noose would slide down to the bottom of the bar. I'm saying, the bottom of them bars can't be more than four, four-and-a-half feet off the floor. So you got a man almost six feet tall hanging himself from a bar that's only four feet off the floor. I'm not saying it's impossible, but you'd have to have a hell of an imagination to see how that could happen .The whole thing doesn't make sense, but if you see the cell, it makes even less sense."
Deep Cracker painted the improbable scene of Roy's suicide:"He's gotta tie this shirt around his neck and around the bar and then drop to the floor and hope it hangs him. His neck might've been a foot, foot-and-a-half from the bottom of the bar. That's maybe three feet ofFthe floor. I'm saying you could¬n't really choke yourself that way. I suppose it could've happened, but there were 700-some guys in that jail that night, and if you questioned all of them, there wouldn't have been a single one who'd believe it. Mainly, because they know how cops operate.You've got some big guys working over here , and there's several of 'em who are just plain mean. I've seen cops put choke holds on inmates. I've seen them bang heads to the floor and beat the hell out of guys when they're handcuffed. I wouldn't put anything past any of'em."
He further speculated:"They might've brought Roy in that night and he might've given them some trouble, maybe cussed at 'em or spit at 'em, or maybe even took a swing at 'em. Maybe they grabbed him in a choke hold and crushed his larynx and then rigged it up to make it look like he hung himself in his cell. I definitely would¬n't put it past 'em.But I'm telling you, there's just no way he could've hanged himself from that door, unless he was a midget. From a standing position, to drop down to about four feet ofFthe floor or less... you just don't get that jerk you need to do the job."
Re: Рой Бьюкенен: человек, который послал Леннона
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 28.07.05 19:21:31   
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ALTHOUGH JUDY BUCHANAN retained counsel in a wrongful death suit against the Fairfax County Sheriff's Department, she was forced to drop the case owing to lack of funds. A second forensic pathologist would have been the key to any such suit, offering a second opinion on the cause of death by exhuming the body and conducting a thorough examination to look for any signs of foul play on the part of the police. But the cost of providing such a specialist would have been prohibitive.Judy's attor- ney, Hubert Schlossberg ofWashington DC, subsequently closed his file on the case on 14 December 1988.ALTHOUGH JUDY BUCHANAN retained counsel in a wrongful death suit against the Fairfax County Sheriff's Department, she was forced to drop the case owing to lack of funds. A second forensic pathologist would have been the key to any such suit, offering a second opinion on the cause of death by exhuming the body and conducting a thorough examination to look for any signs of foul play on the part of the police. But the cost of providing such a specialist would have been prohibitive.Judy's attor- ney, Hubert Schlossberg ofWashington DC, subsequently closed his file on the case on 14 December 1988.
"There were pre-existing problems that caused concern in this case," said Schlossberg. "Roy did have a drinking problem, and that bothered me a little bit. And he did have a his¬tory of drug use going back to a 1969 arrest in Prince George's County for marijuana.These facts certainly would've provided them with an adequate defence. And even if it did get to a jury, you've got problems. Fairfax County is a pretty redneck area. All you gotta do is get a bunch of down-country folks sitting on the jury... all they gotta hear is 'alcohol and drugs' and it's all over. It's a stacked deck."
Roy's case was further complicated by an eerily similar incident had happened eight years earlier, on New Year's Eve 1980. London County police had brought Roy in for being drunk and disorder¬ly in a church. He was placed in a holding cell at lam, and when Judy came to bail him out an hour later, she was told that Roy had attempted to hang himself with his T-shirt but gone into a coma instead. He was taken to Loudon Memorial Hospital, where he remained comatose for three days.
When he finally came to in hospital, he had no recollection of the alleged hanging, insisting he had been beaten into senseless¬ness by the police.Judy had him transferred to George Washington Hospital in Washington DC, where a doctor examined him and noticed bruises on Roy's back and sides, and also indicated some internal damage. Judy said of that incident from 1980:"! wanted to hire an investigator right then to look into it but Roy didn't want to pursue the matter. And from that time on, he was petrified of the police."
Even though he didn't take up Roy's case, Schlossberg remained suspicious of findings conducted by the internal affairs board of the Fairfax County Sheriff's Department:"You're damn right I'm suspi¬cious. These police boards, they protect themselves. I have a strong suspicion that it was whitewashed. I suspect foul play on the part of the police, primarily because of their wilfulness to cover it up and not be cooperative. But what we may suspect is not sufficient in a court of law to prove a case.
"I'm not saying that they murdered him," he continued. "I just believe that Roy Buchanan died under highly suspicious cir¬cumstances involving, perhaps, an alterca¬tion, perhaps excess force used by the police. And even if this were not true, the police had an obligation and a duty to protect the pris¬oner against himself when they knew, or should have known, that he had a violent history and was at risk."
SO WHO WAS this man who died alone in that cramped jail cell that ugly August night? A soft-spoken, enigmatic guitar virtuoso, Buchanan was known for his explosively soulful playing and cathartic abandon on stage. He could make his guitar squeal high-end harmonics like a human cry and snarl in ways that stunned guitar afi¬cionados. Long before he became famous, such renowned players as Eric Clapton, Ritchie Blackmore, Nils Lofgren and Mick Taylor sang Roy's praises; fellow Telecaster player Jeff Beck dedicated 'Cause We've Ended As Lovers from his Blow By Blow album to him.Legend also has it the Rolling Stones offered him their lead guitar spot after Mick Taylors departure; Roy added to his own legend by claiming he turned the Stones down, saying he was too lazy to learn all of their songs.
A self-described"hillbilly journeyman," Roy Buchanan was born in the Ozark mountains of Arkansas on 23 September 1939. The youngest of four children, his father was both a farmer and Pentecostal preacher, bringing the youngster his first exposure to gospel music when his family attended racially mixed revival meetings. In 1945, when Roy was six, his family moved to California and settled in the small town of Pixley. Aged seven, Roy began taking steel guitar lessons,and in 1953, aged 13,brought his first Fender Telecaster.'T liked the tone," he recalled. "It sounded a lot like steel guitar." An early guitar influence was the
note-bending Jimmy Nolen, who would go on to cut classic tracks during the '60s with James Brown. Roy ran away from home at 15, hitchhiking to Los Angeles. By 1955, he was playing with a rock'n'roll outfit calledThe FJeartbeats. Two years later he travelled East, and in Oklahoma City hooked up with rockabilly legend Dale Hawkins, who had a big hit with Suzy Q. Roy played with Hawkins for three years and in 1957 made his recording debut on My Babe for Chess Records. By 1960, he'd moved to Canada,landing the guitar role in Ronnie Hawkins' group The Hawks (a forerunner of The Band). Robbie Robertson,The Hawks' bass player, studied guitar under Roy and took over the lead guitar spot when Buchanan left the band.
During the early '60s,Buchanan worked as a studio session play¬er, cutting tracks with the likes of pop act Freddie Cannon and country star Merle Kilgore. His groundbreaking 1.962 cut, Potato Peeler, with drummer Bobby Gregg, introduced his trademark whistling harmonics. After settling in Washington DC, he formed his own group,The Snakestretchers, and became an underground favourite around the DC-Maryland-Virginia area until Rolling Stone magazine discovered him in 1971. Its review of one of his performances stated: "Roy Buchanan provides what may well be the best rock-guitar picking in the world."
Shortly after the article appeared, an hour-long public televi¬sion documentary titledThe Best Unknown Guitarist in the World aired.The show won Roy a contract with Polydor Records, start¬ing a decade of national and international touring. He cut five albums for Polydor and three for Atlantic while playing virtually every major rock concert hall and festival. Eventually, frustrated by the lack of artistic free-s dom afforded him by the major I labels, Buchanan left the I recording scene in 1981, emerging four years later on the Chicago-based blues label, ' Alligator Records.
Re: Рой Бьюкенен: человек, который послал Леннона
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 28.07.05 19:22:33   
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BY ALL ACCOUNTS a complicated man with a troubled soul, Roy Buch¬anan had the capacity for great tenderness, the kind that inspired him to write such moving pieces as the gentle acoustic guitar and vocal number Thank You Lord (from 1.973's Second Album) and evocative Judy (from 1977's Loading Zone),for his wife of 27 years. But the flipside was a seething rage waiting to boil over, the kind that drove him to such vicious, shards-of-splintered-glass solos as on Sneaking GodzillaThroughThe Alley.As Roy himself said when asked how he maintained an outward calm while tearing through such cathartic solos: Because I'm screaming inside.BY ALL ACCOUNTS a complicated man with a troubled soul, Roy Buch¬anan had the capacity for great tenderness, the kind that inspired him to write such moving pieces as the gentle acoustic guitar and vocal number Thank You Lord (from 1.973's Second Album) and evocative Judy (from 1977's Loading Zone),for his wife of 27 years. But the flipside was a seething rage waiting to boil over, the kind that drove him to such vicious, shards-of-splintered-glass solos as on Sneaking GodzillaThroughThe Alley.As Roy himself said when asked how he maintained an outward calm while tearing through such cathartic solos: "Because I'm screaming inside."
It's this same pent-up rage that may have compelled Buchanan to kick, bite and spit at the police when they arrested him on a routine drunk and disorderly charge.
"I knew that Roy was troubled from very early on," said Bruce Iglauer, who signed Buchanan to his Alligator label in early 1985. "At the time we did that first session together, Roy was still on the wagon. He was going to AA meetings. His only vice then was cigars. But somewhere between that first album and the next one, Roy started drinking again. And although it really didn't present a prob¬lem in terms of recording — he was never too buzzed to really play well in the studio - he continued to drink regularly for the rest of the time I knew him."
Buchanan's roadie and family friendjohn Olds, confirmed that Roy was a heavy drinker. "He had a routine where he'd sit back stage and pound four beers right before going on stage.Then he'd walk on stage with the fifth. So before the set was halfway through, he had already downed nearly a six-pack.Then on the break, he'd start in with the rest of the band: Anybody got anything? He was looking for drugs of any kind. More often than not, he'd score -pot,coke,speed,barbs, whatever it took to get him blasted- to hide his fear. Because,believe it or not,Roy never got comfortable with being on stage. He was always nervous before a show and he'd escape the fear into a haze of alcohol and drugs."
At the same time he was downing all these beers and getting smashed, Buchanan was also taking the mood-altering drug Elavil to control his depression. His psychiatrist, Dr Richard Ratner, had prescribed the drug in July 1988, just a month before his death. Roy took two 50mg tablets a day and the bottle carried the label warning: DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL. Ratner has stated in retrospect that "Roy's suicide was not a voluntary act but was a product of his mental illness — a volcanic-like surge of emotion during which Roy lacked the mental capacity to realise the wrongfulness or dangerousness of his conduct. His ingestion of alcohol contributed by removing his inhibitions."
Nearly 17 years later, the facts of Roy Buchanan's death are still shrouded in suspicion. No one has yet come forward with a definitive account of what really happened in jail cell R-45 that hot August night. And the statute of limitations on a | wrongful death suit against the Fairfax County Sheriff s Department has long since past.
Meanwhile,Roy's widow,Judy, and his grandson, Matthew,now 24, still feel an immense sense of loss. But perhaps there is some
solace to be found in the fact that they can still commune with Roy's beautiful, raging spirit. It's in the records. Just listen.
Re: Рой Бьюкенен: человек, который послал Леннона
Автор: Bartolomeo   Дата: 13.07.06 04:51:12   
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Вчера услышал его впервые. Здорово! А где можно его скачать бесплатно?
Re: Рой Бьюкенен: человек, который послал Леннона
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 06.01.08 02:13:33   
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помусорил на ютьюбе:
помусорил на ютьюбе:

Roy Buchanan - When a Guitar Plays The Blues (Live)

Roy Buchanan
Автор: alex1972   Дата: 14.08.16 14:28:46   
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14 августа 1988 года, в одной из тюремных камер американского города Фэрфакс был найден повешенным на собственной рубашке великий блюзовый гитарист #Roy_Buchanan. Его взяли под стражу за день до этого, в состоянии крайнего алкогольного опьянения, за вызывающее поведение. Однако, что же стало последней каплей, заставившей Роя принять данное решение, до сих пор неизвестно. То ли стыд, то ли проблемы в семье. Как бы то ни было, такой вот трагичный конец великолепного мастера.


Это сообщение (дата создания: 14.08.2016 11:08:02) было перемещено из темы "Roy Buchanan".
Re: Roy Buchanan
Автор: alex1972   Дата: 14.08.16 14:28:46   
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Это сообщение (дата создания: 14.08.2016 11:08:22) было перемещено из темы "Roy Buchanan".
Re: Roy Buchanan
Автор: alex1972   Дата: 14.08.16 14:28:46   
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Это сообщение (дата создания: 14.08.2016 11:26:24) было перемещено из темы "Roy Buchanan".
Re: Roy Buchanan
Автор: Юрий Осташков   Дата: 14.08.16 14:28:46   
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Ещё один недооценённый талантище с трагической судьбой...

Это сообщение (дата создания: 14.08.2016 12:41:04) было перемещено из темы "Roy Buchanan".
Re: Roy Buchanan
Автор: Юрий Осташков   Дата: 14.08.16 14:28:46   
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Это сообщение (дата создания: 14.08.2016 12:43:26) было перемещено из темы "Roy Buchanan".
Re: Рой Бьюкенен (Roy Buchanan): человек, который послал Леннона
Автор: papan   Дата: 14.08.16 16:17:15   
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Одна из самых ранних записей гитары Бьюкенена.

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