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David Bowie

Тема: David Bowie

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Re: David Bowie
Автор: AlexB   Дата: 30.03.04 01:53:40   
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Ну Бо, так Бо - как скажете. Он сам в них путается ;) ..гыыНу Бо, так Бо - как скажете. Он сам в них путается ;) ..гыы

А это - моя любимая

Ээ... в смысле, фотка
Re: David Bowie
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 31.03.04 19:30:58   
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Early Bowie Lyrics Become Childrens Book Early Bowie Lyrics Become Childrens Book

Lyrics from David Bowie's early songs have been turned into a new book for children.

Author Jamilla Naji has taken the words from Bowie's 60's songs and added her own illustrations for 'Musical Storyland'.

"The Bowie songs in the book were written from 1966-1967" Jamilla tells Undercover News. "David Bowie has been on a world tour and I am not sure he has seen the book yet. It was on his website for a day for a news item, so he had probably seen that piece".

Jamilla took the early Bowie works and then created the illustrations herself. "Each song has the written lyrics on one page and the illustration on the other" she says.

The songs date back Bowie's Deram Records era and were sourced from the 70s compilation 'Images' featuring his mid 60s work. "Without exaggerating, I have surely listened to all of the songs from the "Images" album roughly 8,000 times" she says. "You see, I was introduced to them from an eight-track tape in 1973. Yes, I still get chills. Even before I began working on the illustrations for the book, I typically listened to the Deram Anthology three times daily while working on painting. Of course when I worked on the illustrations for the book I listened to them all day long".

For Jamilla, it has been a labour of love. "I have been working on the book for 2 1/2 years" she says. "It is wonderful".

'Musical Storyland' will be released in the USA on April 24 but due to copyright obligations cannot ship the book outside of the USA just yet. "I am presently looking for someone interested in purchasing world rights for the book" she says. "It is only available to be shipped within the US at this time due to copyright restrictions".

The book comes with a 10 track CD featuring:

01 Uncle Arthur
02 Rubber Band
03 There Is A Happy Land
04 Did You Ever Have A Dream
05 Sell Me A Coat
06 Come And Buy My Toys
07 Maid Of Bond Street
08 Love You Till Tuesday
09 When I Live My Dream
10 Ching-A-Ling
Re: David Bowie
Автор: AlexB   Дата: 01.04.04 02:23:27   
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Более безобразной обложки в жизни не видала - просто жуть...Более безобразной обложки в жизни не видала - просто жуть...

С другой стороны, хорошо, что Боуи на Ближнем востоке популяризируют (или откуда там эта герла, я уже забыла)
Re: David Bowie
Автор: Mary J Holly   Дата: 01.04.04 11:54:32   
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Да уж, обложечка того... этого... вполне может посоперничать с народным творчеством, обезобразившим "Лабиринт" :)))
Re: David Bowie
Автор: Fairy Wilbury   Дата: 04.04.04 01:58:59   
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Подскажите, please, кто поет в клипе Hallo Spaceboy вместе с Боуи?
Re: David Bowie
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.04.04 09:36:21   
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Pet Shop BoysPet Shop Boys
Re: David Bowie
Автор: Горыныч   Дата: 05.04.04 12:30:23   
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К Pet Shop Boys отношусь достаточно прохладно, но совместный синг очень даже ничего получился. Клип тоже.
Re: David Bowie
Автор: Mary J Holly   Дата: 05.04.04 13:20:52   
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Дивный клип. Правда, слегка жутковатенький, но это уж - как водится. "Привидение дикое, но симпатичное" :)))
Re: David Bowie
Автор: Горыныч   Дата: 05.04.04 14:28:47   
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to: Mary J Holly - хорошо формулируешь. Дэвид там просто не от мира сего. Кстати, я давно не видел - что у него там в руках за предмет?
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: David Bowie
Автор: AlexB   Дата: 05.04.04 23:56:12   
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Чо-то я никакого предмета у него в руках не помню, зато помню дамские туфли на шпильках и сережку s-e-x в ухеЧо-то я никакого предмета у него в руках не помню, зато помню дамские туфли на шпильках и сережку "s-e-x" в ухе

фотка с "бритиш мьюзик эвордз" 96 с той же серьгой в ухе

и в тех же царицыных черевичках (только х тут не видно :)
Re: David Bowie
Автор: AlexB   Дата: 05.04.04 23:59:01   
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ах да, и с теми же Пет Шоп Бойзах да, и с теми же Пет Шоп Бойз
Re: David Bowie
Автор: AlexB   Дата: 06.04.04 00:03:33   
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О! Нашла все-таки скрин-грэб серьги этойО! Нашла все-таки скрин-грэб серьги этой
Re: David Bowie
Автор: AlexB   Дата: 06.04.04 00:05:48   
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а это хрустальная туфелькаа это хрустальная туфелька
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: David Bowie
Автор: AlexB   Дата: 06.04.04 00:23:48   
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Каникулы БонифацияКаникулы Бонифация
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: David Bowie
Автор: Mary J Holly   Дата: 06.04.04 09:14:35   
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...К фотке с черевичками:
вот это я называю - Полная Эмансипация. Причем всесторонняя :) Ну не жалко человеку себя... Хотя тоже можно понять, ему на таких шпильках в метро не ездить :)))
Re: David Bowie
Автор: Ram On The Run   Дата: 06.04.04 11:57:22   
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~> Mary J Holly:
Мне кажется, что Дэвид запросто мог бы - в метро и на шпильках. И почему-то, кажется уж больно отчётливо. А это - уже не кажется, кажется... :)))

P.S. Кстати, в метро ему, наверняка, сложнее засветиться, чем на шпильках. Нет? :)
Re: David Bowie
Автор: Fairy Wilbury   Дата: 06.04.04 15:22:06   
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Хм... здорово... а кто такие Пет Шоп Бойз?
Re: David Bowie
Автор: Liver   Дата: 14.04.04 02:47:45   
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Я на прошлой неделе по случаю очень недорого купил 8 альбомов Дэвида на виниле и с удовольствием их сейчас слушаю. Пластинки с 71-го по 80-й годы начиная с Hunky Dory.
Немного удивило, что многие здесь считают его лучшим альбомом Young Americans. А мне он показался немного конЪюнктурным - ведь вышел альбом в период модного в то время переезда музыкантов в Штаты, позтому и Джон там тоже участвует в качестве молодого американца. А в английских чартах Young Americans и Fame занимали лишь 18 и 17 места и держались только 7 и 8 недель. Зато Space Oddity, Ashes to Ashes, Let's dance занимали первые места и держались намного дольше. Кроме того
Drive-in Saturday,
Life on Mars,
The Laughing gnome,
Rebel Rebel,
Knock on Wood,
Golden Years,
Sound and Vision,
Boys keep swinging
China Girl
Modern Love
Все эти классные вещи входили в Топ Тен и были на самом деле признаны и популярны. Зто конечно относительно ранний период ( до 84 года), но по моему - лучший.
Re: David Bowie
Автор: Ram On The Run   Дата: 14.04.04 10:45:00   
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Вопрос СУПЕРзнатокам Дэвида Боуи!!!
Какова судьба девушки, которая, можно сказать, прославилась тем, что ездила с Дэвидом (много лет) во все турне. Своеобразным талисманом стала.
Как её зовут и как она сейчас? Жива, здорова, так до сих пор и мотается по концертам?
Re: David Bowie
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.04.04 07:54:31   
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Earl Slick: Visiting Other Planets With Davie BowieEarl Slick: Visiting Other Planets With Davie Bowie

Few jobs in rock are more coveted than playing lead guitar for David Bowie. From Mick Ronson through Robert Fripp, Adrian Belew, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Pete Frampton and Reeves Gabrels, the Thin White Duke has always had a guitar hero as his right-hand man. Earl Slick is on his third stint with the Bowie band. In 1974, as a 22-year-old, he stepped in for Spider from Mars Mick Ronson; he then stuck around to record Young Americans and critical fave Station To Station. In '83, he played on the Let's Dance tour, and in 2000, he returned for Heathen; he's been in the fold ever since. Bowie describes his playing as "earthy, timeless and never less than stellar" and Slick has another virtue which must make him indispensable as a sideman: he's circumspect about the stories he tells.

Ask him, for instance, about that notorious year 1976, which Bowie claims not to remember because of his massive drug intake, and Slick laughs.

"I honestly will never elaborate on anything David says in that area, not to put my foot in my mouth. As for me, it was a crazy period. I was out there: having a good time, but on another planet having it. So I have a lot of vagueness over the years too... A lot of good memories, but when it started getting ugly, that was it. Time to rethink things, you know."

Was that why he left the band?
"No, actually, I left the David Bowie band for some other reasons at the time, but it was much later on that I actually got clear in my head the idea that I had to change the way I was living."

Zig Zag, Slick's first solo album since '91, was originally called Thirteen, after the number of years the guitarist had been clean since he recorded it. Slick may have done away with the stereotypically unlucky number in the title, but he closed the album with the track "The Cat," which has an eerie provenance. When recording demos with his keyboard player Jack Schell, "I kept thinking I was seeing this cat, and I knew he didn't have a cat. I kept catching it out of the corner of my eye. I would see movement and it kept looking like this little black cat was walking around behind this big plant. It was fuckin' weird! I spooked [Schell] out. I don't think he slept until a few days after I left — thinking his house was haunted!"

Zig Zag features guest spots from Bowie, Robert Smith and Joe Elliott, among others. Slick gave the singers demos of his backing tracks and encouraged them to come up with words and melodies. The lyrics are rather dark: as Slick puts it, Elliott's are about "a nut, a crazy person" trying to escape from an institution, Bowie's are fractured and "pensive" and Smith's are reliably bleak. "Yeah, you know, Robert does that," Slick deadpans.

The album is produced by fellow Bowie colleague, multi-instrumentalist and programmer Mark Plati; in fact, its hard-hitting but atmospheric template is quite similar to that of Bowie's latest, Reality. Put the albums on back-to-back and you'll think one is a continuation of the other. Zig Zag is hardly the kind of noodle-y shredfest that usually constitutes a rock guitarist's record.

"I tend to think more melodically anyway," says Slick, "but I'd done an instrumental record years back and it was a bit on the noodle-y side, because I kinda thought that was what you were supposed to do. And then I went, 'Why do we have to do that? I'm bored with that.' And as I went along, 'I'll just write what I write and record it.' I've never been that much of a heavy noodler anyway."

At the conclusion of the Bowie tour, Slick plans to take a band of his own on the road to play some of Zig Zag, along with even newer material. The guitarist has been inspired by touring with his seemingly ageless counterpart.
"Back in the '70s or '60s, or even the '80s, if you had been around for a while, even if you were a huge artist, once you passed a certain age, you were considered an 'oldie.' Whereas now, guys like David Bowie can go out there and not be a kid and still be accepted as current. That couldn't have happened 20 years ago. They're letting us actually mature in the business, these days."

While the young artists get dropped if their first singles don't sell?
"That's also nothing that new. Maybe in the old days they did stick with the artists a bit more, and I'm sure some of the labels do, but I think just a lot of it is that musicians and artists inherently like to moan about the state of the business. I've done my fair share. It's what we do."
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