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The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones' Lonely Hearts Club

Тема: Rolling Stones

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Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 22.02.20 19:23:13   
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DISC & MUSIC ECHO - 1st October 1966"DISC & MUSIC ECHO" - 1st October 1966
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 22.02.20 19:41:45   
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4th October 1966: UK TV (ARTV) 'Ready Steady Go!', Studio One, Wembley.4th October 1966: UK TV (ARTV) 'Ready Steady Go!', Studio One, Wembley.
The Rolling Stones:
- Paint It Black - playback
- Lady Jane - playback
- Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing In The Shadow - playback
Note: Televised on the 7th October.
Scheduled guests:
-Paul & Barry Ryan - "Have You Ever Loved Somebody?"
-Eric Burdon (possibly Eric Burdon & The Animals) - "Help Me Girl")
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 22.02.20 19:42:55   
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4th October 1966: UK TV (ARTV) 'Ready Steady Go!', Studio One, Wembley. 4th October 1966: UK TV (ARTV) 'Ready Steady Go!', Studio One, Wembley.
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 22.02.20 19:43:37   
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4th October 1966: UK TV (ARTV) 'Ready Steady Go!', Studio One, Wembley. 4th October 1966: UK TV (ARTV) 'Ready Steady Go!', Studio One, Wembley.
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 22.02.20 19:44:01   
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4th October 1966: UK TV (ARTV) 'Ready Steady Go!', Studio One, Wembley. 4th October 1966: UK TV (ARTV) 'Ready Steady Go!', Studio One, Wembley.
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 22.02.20 19:58:24   
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Flip, май 1966."Flip", май 1966.

+++ Поп-исследование №1 с Брайаном Джонсом +++

Брайан Джонс растерянно посмотрел на ручки, циферблаты и кнопки приборной панели своего нового серого Роллс-Ройса.
"Я всё ещё учусь управлять им", - признался он, наугад дёрнув рычаг. Включились стеклоочистители, но в них не было необходимости, поскольку не шёл дождь. Наконец мы отъехали от нового дома Брайана в Фулхэме, районе Лондона, и он отвёз меня к ближайшей станции.
Я только что завершил очередное эксклюзивное интервью для журнала Flip, которое провёл в присутствии его шведской подруги Аниты Палленберг, снабдившей бесконечным количеством кофе.
Так как Брайан посещал Америку по крайней мере трижды, с длительным пребыванием, я решил выяснить его мысли относительно США. Я просто называл слова или имена для того чтобы получить от Брайана мгновенную реакцию. Это новая методика интервьюирования, которую я назвал "Поп-исследование" и это первое интервью из новой серии, которую мы планируем представить в журнале Flip.

Поп-исследование I

Испытуемый: Брайан Джонс
Цель: Впечатления об Америке

КАССИУС КЛЕЙ - "Не хочу затрагивать личность - я могу стать разгромленным. Я не приверженец спорта".

ЭД САЛЛИВАН - "Хороший боксёр. Его шоу - это лучшее представление, которое можно посмотреть в Америке".

ГОСТИНИЦЫ - "Все они выглядят одинаково. Жить в них - это скука. Снаружи постоянно стрекочут сверчки и повсюду прыгают лягушки. Некоторые гостиницы роскошны, но все выглядят одинаково".

ГРИНВИЧ-ВИЛЛИДЖ - "Дилан брал меня туда. Это единственное место в мире, где толпа людей внешне эстетически хорошо выглядит. Обычно толпа людей смотрится безобразно, но в Гринвич-Виллидж это выглядит приятно".

СЁРФИНГ - "Beach Boys - хорошая группа. Я не занимаюсь сёрфингом, но я катаюсь на водных лыжах, поэтому полагаю что сёрфинг - это весело. Это схожее увлечение".

ТЕХАС - "Ковбойский менталитет. Находясь там, вам никуда не деться от вестернов по TV. Никто мне не наносил оскорблений больше, чем техасцы".

ДИСНЕЙ - "Диснейленд. Туда не пускают людей с длинными волосами. Это неправильно. Бэмби - хороший мультфильм. Я смотрел его раз 20, когда был ребёнком".

ФИЛ СПЕКТОР - "Веха в американской поп-музыке. Он ответственен за звучание и повальные увлечения в музыке, которые произошли. Я знаком с ним лично".

ЛАС-ВЕГАС - "Я никогда там не был - есть ощущение, что там полно техасцев".

ВЬЕТНАМ - "После того, как мы высказали свою точку зрения о войне, в Америке на нас стали смотреть так, будто мы коммунисты. Мне больше нечего сказать. Он наверное полон бедными техасцами".

ГАМБУРГЕРЫ - "Если нужно подобрать ассоциацию 'Америка и я'- я отвечу 'Гамбургеры, Стейки и Мотели' ".

АЛЕН КЛЕЙН - (американский бизнес-менеджер Стоунз) "Вроде отца для меня (смеётся). Этакий папочка".

ПРЕСЛИ - "Потрясающий. Я просто не верю в это. Он самый совершенно обработанный миф в Мире".

ПОПКОРН - "Поп-записи. О, ты имеешь в виду пакеты - слишком сухой, я не ем его".

BUNNIES (КРОЛИКИ) (прим. Сленг - bunnies (мн. ч), bunny (ед. ч.) - привлекательная, соблазнительная девушка) - "Работала у меня одна горничная - симпатичная девушка".

FRUIT MACHINES (ИГРОВЫЕ АВТОМАТЫ 'ФРУКТЫ') - "Никогда не удавалось собрать никаких фруктов. Я игроман, а Билл ещё похлеще. Я люблю что-то выигрывать".

КУ-КЛУКС-КЛАН - "Экстремистская организация, основанная на безумии".

АМЕРИКАНСКИЕ МУЗЫКАЛЬНЫЕ ЧАРТЫ - "Хорошо быть на вершине. Это вызов".

СИНАТРА - "Оставляет меня равнодушным - из другой эпохи и разные оценочные стандарты".

СОННИ И ШЕР - "Прекрасные люди".

ДЖЕЙМС БРАУН - "Великий".

SIMON AND GARFUNKEL - "Я никогда не забуду их имена - это точно".
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 22.02.20 20:15:02   
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+++ Rolling Stone: Brian Jones ++++++ "Rolling Stone: Brian Jones" +++

Rolling Stone Brian Jones might one day be called the “International Stone”. Each different country Brian visits that he likes he announces to whoever he’s with. “I like this place, like to have a flat here.”
For example when he was in Belgium earlier this year, he admired the buildings, the bright neon signs and the night life and told me: “Yes, I’d love to live here.” Later in Paris, he did the same again and said, “Yes, I might even get a flat here too one day, they have fabulous architecture. What I’d really like to do is have a flat in each capital and commute between the two.”
Brian, the moody and sometimes bitter Stone, gets odd treament from fans. As he left one hotel a girl tripped up to him and said, much to his annoyance, “Are the one that can’t write.”
Brian has strong views on most things. On TV “Miming is a big drag. I’d rather be playing anytime.”
On Willie Dixon who wrote “Little Red Rooster” - “He was a big drag - spent a day in the States trying to sell us some songs.”
His favourite singers - Jimmy Reed, Marvin Gaye, Chuck Berry. Favourite record: “I Need You Baby” by Bo Diddley.
His main ambition: “I’d like us to have the No.1 in the States, my main wish is to be as successful as possible, it would enable us to do more.”
Brian who is completely dedicated to the Stones and eats, sleeps and drinks music surprisingly enough at one time drove a coal lorry in his home town of Cheltenham. It was at a time when he’d already played in a jazz band and knew their music didn’t suit him, but hadn’t then discovered what he wanted to do.
He’s not likely to do that again for of all the Stones he is probably the one to whom music means most. It is the whole of his life.

Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 22.02.20 20:47:40   
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+++ Recording in Hollywood ++++++ "Recording in Hollywood" +++

Brian Jones on Grammar
by Peter Tate

“It should perhaps be conveyed at the outset that Mr. Brian Jones, of the Rolling Stones, is a conversationalist of some depth and that his spoken "grammas, is” never less than impeccable.
Nor does Mr. Michel Jagger display any lack of rhetorical fluency.
It should be stated because with such offerings as “I Can’t Get NO Satisfaction” and “Get Off OF My Cloud” in positions of prominence, it does not become immediately obvious.
Make no mistake - Pete is not trying to play the Regius Professor.
My point, very simply, is whether the Stones should care about how the words come out.
Talking like the Rolling Stones is as essential to their followers as looking like the Rolling Stones, sounding like the Rolling Stones, doing like the Rolling Stones.
Does a group in such an exalted position have an obligation to provide something worthwhile in the image.
That is how Brian Jones and I came to be talking about their lyrics.
“I am afraid I cannot sympathise with your hypothesis”, said Brian. Actually, he didn’t, but his words were equally profound.
“First of all” he said, “I dispute that youngsters look to us for sunshine. We are entertainers, they are entertained. It is as simple as that.”
I thought about times when the Stones were not entertaining, and the habit the adulation had of lasting.
“Well, even if you don’t feel responsible for your fans, don’t you think you ought to offer them something - educational?”
It was a bad word and I knew it.
“Enlightening,” I said as he said “Schmeducation”.
“Like good grammar, for a start”, I said.
“You might have a point”, Brian admitted, “but consider this - our type of music had its beginnings in the Negro quarters, in the ghettoes where education was a luxury. This was how many of our numbers were produced, by emotion fightning against illiteracy. Who are we to change the pure expression of it?”
“But what about your compositions”.
“Written in the classic tradition. What is correct grammar, anyhow? Only a set of rules.”
The Stones’ respect for rules, especially those made misty by age, is well-known.
But the rent-party authenticity is missing from lines like “Get Off Of My Cloud”.
“If people know what it means, it has as much right to be right as any other phrasing”, said Brian. “The kids get enough about unecessary prepositions in school.
"We provide a little light relief, maybe.”
And what about the contents of lyrics - “Satisfaction” was criticised on the boys’ last States tour.
“The words were supposed to be suggestive”, said Brian.
“The thing about suggestion is that it means everything, or nothing. If something is suggested to you, it is because the idea exists within you already.
"So what is our sin? There have always been suggestive lyrics. Look at the welter of debauchery suggested by "Hey nonny-nonny-no…”
We laughed.
“I just wanted to hear you react,” I said. “It’s something different. These days, we have to think hard to inspire something new. Otherwise, we’d never get no satisfaction.”

The photos taken during the last Stones recording session in R.C.A’s Hollywood Studios.
Top: Brian, Mick and Charlie listen to an early playback. Centre: Keith and Mick about to dub on a vocal. The backing they have previously recorded is palyed back to them through those earphones whilst they are singing. Bottom: The studio floor at the end of the session with Coke bottles, fag ends and guitars littering the floor.
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 22.02.20 21:09:39   
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20th April 1964 - UK TV (ARTV) Ready, Steady, Go! at The Golden Rose International TV-festival, Montreux, Switzerland.20th April 1964 - UK TV (ARTV) Ready, Steady, Go! at The Golden Rose International TV-festival, Montreux, Switzerland.
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 22.02.20 21:11:07   
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20th April 1964 - UK TV (ARTV) Ready, Steady, Go! at The Golden Rose International TV-festival, Montreux, Switzerland.20th April 1964 - UK TV (ARTV) Ready, Steady, Go! at The Golden Rose International TV-festival, Montreux, Switzerland.
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 22.02.20 21:11:41   
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20th April 1964 - UK TV (ARTV) Ready, Steady, Go! at The Golden Rose International TV-festival, Montreux, Switzerland.20th April 1964 - UK TV (ARTV) Ready, Steady, Go! at The Golden Rose International TV-festival, Montreux, Switzerland.
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 22.02.20 21:12:00   
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20th April 1964 - UK TV (ARTV) Ready, Steady, Go! at The Golden Rose International TV-festival, Montreux, Switzerland.20th April 1964 - UK TV (ARTV) Ready, Steady, Go! at The Golden Rose International TV-festival, Montreux, Switzerland.
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 22.02.20 21:12:34   
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20th April 1964 - UK TV (ARTV) Ready, Steady, Go! at The Golden Rose International TV-festival, Montreux, Switzerland.20th April 1964 - UK TV (ARTV) Ready, Steady, Go! at The Golden Rose International TV-festival, Montreux, Switzerland.
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 22.02.20 21:17:41   
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© Rob Bosboom© Rob Bosboom
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 22.02.20 21:18:01   
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© Rob Bosboom© Rob Bosboom
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 22.02.20 21:25:38   
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Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 22.02.20 21:35:27   
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Boys and Girls magazine, 1966"Boys and Girls" magazine, 1966
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 22.02.20 21:51:15   
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Keith at Olympic Studios, recording sessions Between The Buttons, November 1966 © Michael CooperKeith at Olympic Studios, recording sessions "Between The Buttons", November 1966
© Michael Cooper
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 22.02.20 21:51:35   
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Keith at Olympic Studios, recording sessions Between The Buttons, November 1966 © Michael CooperKeith at Olympic Studios, recording sessions "Between The Buttons", November 1966
© Michael Cooper
Re: The Rolling Stones Family: Brian Jones Lonely Hearts Club
Автор: Rollover   Дата: 22.02.20 21:52:09   
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Keith at Olympic Studios, recording sessions Between The Buttons, November 1966 © Michael CooperKeith at Olympic Studios, recording sessions "Between The Buttons", November 1966
© Michael Cooper
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