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Майкл Джексон умер

Тема: Michael Jackson

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Re: Майкл Джексон умер
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 28.06.09 00:37:42   
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Очень важные слова, очень личные - слова любимой женщины Лизы Мари ПреслиОчень важные слова, очень личные - слова любимой женщины Лизы Мари Пресли
"Мне так горько и тяжело, во мне смешались все чувства. Я так переживаю за его детей: они были всем для него и его родных. Эта такая потеря, во многих смыслах, я даже слов не нахожу".
"Несколько лет назад между Майклом и мной был серьезный разговор о жизни вообще. Я не помню точно предмет разговора, но, по-моему, он меня расспрашивал об обстоятельствах смерти моего отца. В какой-то момент он сделал паузу, пристально на меня посмотрел и заявил с почти спокойной уверенностью: "Я боюсь, что я закончу как он, так, как он это сделал". По словам Пресли, она попыталась разубедить супруга, но Майкл лишь пожимал плечами и кивал, как будто давая понять, что он точно знает, что его ждет.
"14 years later, I am sitting here watching on the news an ambulance leaves the driveway of his home, the big gates, the crowds outside the gates, the coverage, the crowds outside the hospital, the cause of death and what may have led up to it and the memory of this conversation hit me, as did the unstoppable tears.
"A predicted ending by him, by loved ones and by me, but what I didn't predict was how much it was going to hurt when it finally happened. The person I failed to help is being transferred right now to the LA County Coroners office for his autopsy.
"All of my indifference and detachment that I worked so hard to achieve over the years has just gone into the bowels of hell and right now I am gutted. I am going to say now what I have never said before because I want the truth out there for once.
"Our relationship was not 'a sham' as is being reported in the press. It was an unusual relationship yes, where two unusual people who did not live or know a 'normal life' found a connection, perhaps with some suspect timing on his part. Nonetheless, I do believe he loved me as much as he could love anyone and I loved him very much. I wanted to 'save him.' I wanted to save him from the inevitable which is what has just happened.
"His family and his loved ones also wanted to save him from this as well but didn't know how and this was 14 years ago. We all worried that this would be the outcome then. At that time, in trying to save him, I almost lost myself.
"He was an incredibly dynamic force and power that was not to be underestimated. When he used it for something good, it was the best and when he used it for something bad, it was really, REALLY bad.
"Mediocrity was not a concept that would even for a second enter Michael Jackson's being or actions. I became very ill and emotionally/ spiritually exhausted in my quest to save him from certain self-destructive behavior and from the awful vampires and leeches he would always manage to magnetize around him. I was in over my head while trying. I had my children to care for; I had to make a decision.
"The hardest decision I have ever had to make, which was to walk away and let his fate have him, even though I desperately loved him and tried to stop or reverse it somehow. After the divorce, I spent a few years obsessing about him and what I could have done different, in regret. Then I spent some angry years at the whole situation. At some point, I truly became indifferent, until now.
"As I sit here overwhelmed with sadness, reflection and confusion at what was my biggest failure to date, watching on the news almost play by play the exact scenario I saw happen on August 16th, 1977 [the day Elvis Presley died after years of substance abuse] happening again right now with Michael (a sight I never wanted to see again) just as he predicted, I am truly, truly gutted. Any ill experience or words I have felt towards him in the past has just died inside of me along with him.
"He was an amazing person and I am lucky to have gotten as close to him as I did and to have had the many experiences and years that we had together. I desperately hope that he can be relieved from his pain, pressure and turmoil now.
"He deserves to be free from all of that and I hope he is in a better place or will be. I also hope that anyone else who feels they have failed to help him can be set free because he hopefully finally is. The World is in shock but somehow he knew exactly how his fate would be played out some day more than anyone else knew, and he was right.
"I really needed to say this right now, thanks for listening."

Пожалуйста, удаляйте флуд, и в теме про Queen тоже почистите.
Re: Майкл Джексон умер
Автор: Dimon   Дата: 28.06.09 01:17:20   
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2sergey ROLLING STONES "будет известно через 4 - 6 недель вам это не кажется обсурдом".
Да, мне как медику это действительно кажется абсурдом, тут не поспоришь. Но есть одно "но" -об этом пишут журналисты, а не паталогоанатомы или судмедэксперты. Конечно-они ссылаются на врачей, но все это может быть журналистской выдумкой.
Re: Майкл Джексон умер
Автор: bk   Дата: 28.06.09 01:33:38   
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так медики своё слово сказали. дело за расследованием
Re: Майкл Джексон умер
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 28.06.09 02:29:52   
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2John Lennon Knows Your Name:

>Я эту роль вижу скорее отрицательной - Майкл
>Джексон укрепил "попсовое" настроение в рок-музыке,
>после него именно музыка для танцев стала основным
>кассовым эквивалентом и я ему за это не благодарен.

Я не считаю окончательным решением Ваше мнение. Почему Вы считаете, что совместная работа Пола Маккартни, Мика Джаггера, Фредди Меркури с Майклом Джексоном не является их признанием ЕГО равным? Вы неправы.
Re: Майкл Джексон умер
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 28.06.09 02:51:32   
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Re: Майкл Джексон умер
Автор: Sabbath   Дата: 28.06.09 02:52:56   
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>Пожалуйста, удаляйте флуд, и в теме про Queen
>тоже почистите.

Во-первых, если флуд удалять, то, скорее всего, он будет разгораться снова и теми же фразами, только от других людей.
Во-вторых, нельзя уж совсем не отступать от темы и держаться в строгих её рамках - это уж слишком тоскливо. Хотя меру тоже надо знать, соглашусь.
В-третьих, если удалять всё, что можно посчитать флудом, то от темы мало, что останется, и оставшееся будет сухим, как доклад на пленуме ЦК КПСС.
В-четвёртых, это всё равно мысли, чувства и соображения членов клуба, наших сообщников, то есть, это наша история :))
Пусть будет, ведь пролистыватьстранички ещё никто не запрещал... ;))
Re: Майкл Джексон умер
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 28.06.09 03:05:58   
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Любим ТЕБЯ
Re: Майкл Джексон умер
Автор: sergey ROLLING STONES   Дата: 28.06.09 03:19:55   
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>2sergey ROLLING STONES "будет известно через
>4 - 6 недель вам это не кажется обсурдом".
>Да, мне как медику это действительно кажется
>абсурдом, тут не поспоришь. Но есть одно "но"
>-об этом пишут журналисты, а не паталогоанатомы
>или судмедэксперты. Конечно-они ссылаются на врачей,
>но все это может быть журналистской выдумкой.

Я вам могу сказать точно но к сожалению это именно так. Нового через 4 или 6 недель вам ничего не скажут вот попомните мои слова. И на сегодняшний день это реальность нашей жизни. Во всем виноваты деньги и этим все сказано.
Re: Майкл Джексон умер
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 28.06.09 03:37:06   
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флуд мешает чтению и поиску информации. Из 200 флудовых страниц про Queen лучше иметь 100 информативных.

50 Cent выпустил 2 песни с посвящением Майклу. Рэпперы The Game посвятили 1 композицию Майклу. Элтон Джон посвятил Майклу Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me на концерте в день смерти певца.

Coldplay's Twitter page said: "MJ was the best of the best. His music and performances made the world a brighter place. His light will shine on forever."

Джон Лэндис (режиссёр Триллера)
"I was lucky enough to know and work with Michael Jackson in his prime," the director said. "Michael was an extraordinary talent and a truly great international star. He had a troubled and complicated life and despite his gifts, remains a tragic figure. My wife, Deborah, and I will always have great affection for him."

Дайана Росс
Я не могу прекратить рыдать, это все так внезапно, это огромный шок. Я не могу себе представить это, мое сердце разрывается.I am in prayer for his kids and the family.

Лайонел Ричи назвал Джексона всемирным феноменом. «He was very misunderstood, but yet tried to desperately to be a part of this world. We all watched him as he struggled with that balance."

Бетт Мидлер described Jackson as "a showman without equal. I personally intend to only remember the best of him, his kindness, his charm, his superb musicianship, his magical dancing and his beautiful voice," she said in a statement.

Брук Шилдс (она встречалась с Майклом)
Мое сердце наполнено печалью. Это невосполнимая потеря - ушел мой друг Майкл. Он был необычайным другом, артистом и человеком, отдававшим себя миру. Я присоединяюсь к его семье и всему миру, чтобы оплакивать его великолепную жизнь и трагическую кончину.

Лэнс Армстронг: Terrible news about Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett. My best to their friends, fans, and families.

Коби Брайант
"I think it's probably deeper than people would expect, actually. Being out here in L.A., I had numerous conversations, just over the phone and also at his house, just talking about work ethic and paying attention to details. He was extremely inspirational for me because he helped me understand that it's OK to be different. And when I say different I mean different in the sense of being obsessed with your craft ... and working your tail off and being consumed by what you do. He helped mentor me in that department. I think we lost an absolutely brilliant, brilliant mind and just a genuine nice person."

Тина Тёрнер
"I am shocked and saddened by Michael's passing. I, along with his millions of fans, looked forward to seeing him tour one more time. Now, may he rest in peace."

Шерил Кроу
I can't speak highly enough about what I got to witness every single night for nearly two years, which was the brilliance of someone who was truly innovative. Before 1984, no one had ever seen moves like that. When I started working with him, I think that was when he really started to isolate himself. I think he started to take into his own hands what he was going to try to project as his legacy, so everybody in the band and in the crew was kind of held at arm's length.
I got to go out and sing with him twice every night on 'I Just Can't Stop Loving You' and 'The Way You Make Me Feel.' So I had more interaction with him than most. One thing I remember him telling me was that he really felt like he was sent to the planet for the children. I thought that was really telling, because he considered himself to be eternally childlike.
I did a couple of duets with him. He reached out to me on a couple of occasions and invited me to come up to his hotel room to watch movies. A big room with a couple of bodyguards and us throwing popcorn across the room at each other. He was just very childlike and loved to practical joke ... very childlike and innocent and then he'd walk out onstage and you'd see this magnetic, very strong artistic talent up there.
You can see how much of an impact he's had when you see Usher and Justin Timberlake. They're still using those moves, they're still sounding like him and using those riffs. You can see how deeply effective he was as an R&B artist.

Пресс-секретарь Гордона Брауна: "This is very sad news for the millions of Michael Jackson fans in Britain and around the world. The Prime Minister's thoughts are with Michael Jackson's family at this time."

Лидер Консервативной партии Великобритании Дэвид Кэмерон: "I know Michael Jackson's fans in Britain and across the world will be sad today. Despite the controversies, he was a legendary entertainer. Everyone will be thinking of his family, especially his children, at this time."

Софи Лорен: «В лице Майкла мир потерял икону, музыка – сокровище. Он написал песни на века, которые пели вчера, поют сегодня и будут петь будущие поколения».

Дама Ширли Бэйсси: "I have very fond memories of Michael with one dinner in particular where he renamed me Lady Goldfinger. For the rest of the time I knew him that was my name. He was an icon and the King of Pop, quite simply magic."

Карла Бруни-Саркози: «Теперь музыкальная культура разделилась на то, что было «до» Майкла и что будет «после» него. На мой взгляд, Майкл был первоклассным артистом», великолепным танцором и потрясающим композитором».
Re: Майкл Джексон умер
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 28.06.09 03:40:09   
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Фредди Меркьюри (интервью, 1985). Фредди Меркьюри (интервью, 1985).
Вспоминаю, как пару лет назад я работал с Майклом Джексоном. Мы пытались сделать вместе кое-какие записи, и у нас до сих пор в архивах хранятся незавершённые труды. Они так и не увидели свет, и среди них - "There Must Be More To Life Than This".
- Раньше ему нравилось творчество "Queen". Он приходил на все наши концерты, так мы и стали друзьями. Однажды он спросил: "Почему бы нам не поработать вместе?" Это было как раз перед его проектом "The Thriller", и я сказал: "Хорошо, давай попытаемся что-нибудь сделать вместе". Мы стали работать вдвоём, только я и он. Я пришёл к нему домой и сделал три или четыре пробных записи, чтобы понять, как они звучат. Хотя моя манера исполнения сильно отличалась от того, как пел эту песню Майкл Джексон, он делал это очень красиво. Я же сказал, что необходим иной подход к данной композиции, нужно усилить её оркестровое сопровождение. В любом случае я хотел, чтобы она была исполнена именно в этой манере. Наверное, он всё же мог спеть её таким образом.
Окончательное название одной из песен было "State Of Shock", в итоге я не смог завершить работу над ней, зато это сделал Мик Джаггер.
- Да, это правда. Я действительно исполнил вокальные партии, но так сложились обстоятельства, что всё упиралось в фактор времени, а Майкл Джексон хотел, чтобы я в срок закончил работу над песней. Я же просто сказал ему, что не могу, так как занят с "Queen" и у меня на самом деле нет времени. Я в этот момент был в Мюнхене, а он в Лос-Анджелесе. Майкл спросил у меня, как я отнесусь к тому, чтобы мои вокальные партии спел Мик? Таким образом всё, что осталось от нашего совместного труда, это только одна композиция, которую мы действительно написали вместе, она называлась "Victory". Позже Майкл использовал её название в качестве заглавия к альбому группы "The Jacksons". Мы сделали пробную запись этой песни, и она звучит потрясающе.
Re: Майкл Джексон умер
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 28.06.09 03:45:13   
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Смоки РобинсонСмоки Робинсон
"It is always hard to lose a friend. I will miss Michael and all that he brought to the world through his music and his creative genius. I know that his legend will live on and that the world will miss him dearly."

Al Sharpton
"I knew Michael since the mid-'70s. But we got tight in the '80s because by then James Brown had kind of adopted me as a son, and Michael was a James Brown fanatic. He used to always come to see James Brown ... I remember though, the thing that was kind of spooky to me this afternoon, I remember I got a call in the middle of the night before James Brown's last funeral, and it was the mortician saying that Michael wanted to visit the funeral home. ... He viewed the body and we convinced him to stay for the funeral and he spoke at the funeral.
He talked about how he hopes that as a legend James Brown will get the due in death he never got in life, and I felt the same way about Michael. I hope now the genius and humanity of Michael Jackson gets its due.

Гизер Батлер (Black Sabbath)
"Saddened and shocked to hear of the passing of Michael Jackson. He truly was, and always will be, a true icon. 'Thriller' was one of the greatest pop masterpieces of all time. A sad day for our world. R.I.P."

Джефф Скотт Сото:
Every day the world mourns over the loss of a loved one, a relative, even a pet...but it's not every day the whole world mourns over a single person like they were a loved one or blood relative.
On Thurday, June 25, 2009, we lost an icon, a legend, a superstar named Michael Jackson.
I don't think there is a man, woman or child over 5 years old in the world who doesn't know the name Michael Jackson. This in itself is an achievement that is rarely attainable anymore but it shows this man was known for better or worse (in my book, always better; the negative side of his life was always something I always chose to ignore as the MUSIC blanketed this) by EVERY person in the 21st century, and he will be remembered through his music and his legend.
Of all my childhood memories, many of them included buying my first 45 single (yes, that would be a small 8" vinyl platter called a 'record'!) of the JACKSON 5's 'I Want You Back' to standing in front of a mirror at the ripe age of 5 with a spoon in my hand, pretending it was a microphone and singing at the top of my lungs to every word little Mike was belting out. When my brother Joey and I were about 7 and 8, we would draw crowds at the local boys club of NY as the song 'Rockin' Robin' would be blasted on a record player. Joey would pound on benches/tables as they were percussive instruments while I crooned along to the alto notes of Michael's version. They called us the 'TWEET TWEET BROTHERS'. if you know the song, you'd understand why :)
Last night, I was witnessing the birth of a new supergroup, an amazing incarnation called CHICKENFOOT (featuring the eternally youthful Sammy Hagar, the baddest bass pounder Michael Anthony, the untouchable Joe Satriani and the mischievous Chad Smith) performing in London — an energetic and amazing evening — only to be flattened by the news of what was happening in Los Angeles simultaneously.... A night to remember indeed!
Today and forever, I celebrate the music and the influence of Michael Jackson.
Long live the King Of Pop, long live one of my few mentors of the mic.
RIP, Michael!

Фред Дёрст (LIMP BIZKIT): "On this tour I have been paying tribute to [Michael Jackson] by wearing his 'Beat It' jacket and rhinestone glove [see photos below]. The irony and timing is shocking. I am very sad. He was truly brilliant and the reason why I love to dance."

Крис Корнелл (who recorded a cover version of "Billie Jean" on his 2007 solo album, "Carry On"): "I was on my way from Poland to Berlin following a show. At 1:00 a.m. I got the news and was immediately saddened. I remembered being 6 years old and seeing the JACKSON 5 on our black-and-white TV. His brothers were cool but he had a halo around him. Superstar at 12. What promise. He had magic! It was by chance that I recorded and rearranged his song 'Billie Jean' and have been amazed at the response it gets when I perform it every night. He was amazingly talented and largely misunderstood. I hope that the media will be kind and celebrate the genius instead of cashing in on the tabloid angles that made him a prisoner. I think he deserves that."

Слэш (Guns N'Roses):
"Michael Jackson was one of the most talented and dynamic performer/singer/songwriters I ever had the pleasure of working with, he was amazing. Unfortunately, the controversy surrounding his personal life in recent years overshadowed his unparalleled contributions to the music world, which is a tragedy in and of itself. But his music will live on forever no matter what and his memory will be adored and admired for years to come."

Элис Купер: "Michael Jackson was easily as influential as James Brown, and that's saying a lot. He was the Fred Astaire of his time. We had Vincent Price in common – I used him first on Welcome To My Nightmare in 1975, and he later used him on Thriller. He was truly the King of Pop."

Ленни Кравиц: "He was a boy that God blessed with the most angelic voice. Just listen to an early Jackson Five album and listen to that voice. The purity, the feeling, the interpretation of the lyrics. At the age of ten, he was on par with James Brown and Aretha Franklin. But the thing he had that they could not match was the fact that he was a child. But at the same time he sang as an adult. That line between child and experienced adult took his expression to an unmatched level. I got to work with Michael on a track that has not been released and it was the most amazing experience I've had in the studio. He was funny. Very funny and we laughed the whole time. I also saw what a beautiful father he was. He was a beautiful human being. If not for him, I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing. He gave me joy as a child and showed me the way to go."
Re: Майкл Джексон умер
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 28.06.09 03:47:33   
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Робин Гибб (Би Джиз): We've not only lost a great friend in Michael but also lost a wonderful sensitive human being. The Bee Gees heard music with the same ears. He had a great voice and millions of people yet to be born will sing his songs. This tragedy should teach us a lesson to value and praise those gifts while we still have them in the world. If even a small portion of the praise that is bestowed on Michael Jackson now in death was given to him last year, in life, he might well still be with us. That is the sad truth. One consolation is that he will triumph by his legacy.Робин Гибб (Би Джиз): "We've not only lost a great friend in Michael but also lost a wonderful sensitive human being. The Bee Gees heard music with the same ears. He had a great voice and millions of people yet to be born will sing his songs. This tragedy should teach us a lesson to value and praise those gifts while we still have them in the world. If even a small portion of the praise that is bestowed on Michael Jackson now in death was given to him last year, in life, he might well still be with us. That is the sad truth. One consolation is that he will triumph by his legacy.

Pink: Michael Jackson was one of the best that ever did it. RIP

"If it were not for Michael Jackson I would not be where or who I am today. His Music and Legacy will live on Forever. Prayers to the fam. R.I.P."

Патрик Стамп (Fall Out Boy)
I feel like John Lennon got shot. "This is sad like 'On the Waterfront,' sad like 'Raging Bull,' sad like 'The Wrestler.' Music rarely gets hits like this; this is almost unparalleled. Even people who didn't enjoy his music have to acknowledge his influences. He was to pop what Davis and Coltrane were to bop. He was to R&B what Neil Armstrong was to the moon: an explorer who discovered a whole world unto itself. He was the Nikola Tesla of dance moves.

Trick Daddy
MJ made black folks proud. He influenced our music and our style of dress. He taught us what it meant to be a 'performer.' He was our beloved icon, and we'll hold him in our hearts forever. We've just lost the most loved, talented and famous African-American in the world. Everyone from the age of 25-80 should be saddened by this loss, and if you're younger and you don't know the history, you need to learn it. Michael paved the way for blacks into the mainstream."

"He was just a fabulous guy. Phenomenal. I watched him as a kid and I was like, 'Man, he works very hard.' His music was incredible. Everybody from Chris Brown to everybody who started dancing — he influenced all of that."

Rev Run (Run DMC)
The thing that went through my mind was that he lived so big. He just worked it so hard. He was such a big imagination. He danced, he sang, he pushed so hard to entertain us. He was so driven that it was really amazing. I think the best thing that Michael will leave is his ability to captivate people. He captivated us.

Snoop Dogg
I feel like his music will never die and his spirit will never die, because he influenced so many if us. He gave us a lot of hope that we feel like we can be big. He was very inspiring and up close and personal with his fans. That to me was special. That's one of the things that I loved about Mike. When I got a chance to meet him, that's the feeling and spirit that I got from him.

Kanye West took to his blog Friday and posted a photo of Jackson and then left the simple comment: "Thank you for everything, Mike."

Will.I.Am (Blackeyd Peas)
"I am so grateful to have worked with the King. He was a gift to the world. He is a bright light, and I wouldn't be surprised if the world stopped spinning tomorrow."
Re: Майкл Джексон умер
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 28.06.09 04:27:38   
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Майкл был Самодостаточный, Великолепный Артист.
Настолько, что повлиял на возникновение тем здесь. Но не думаю, что владение "трубой" как-то влияло на появление газа в конфорках, и бензина в машинах, рассуждая метафорически.
Полагаю, что Пол и Майкл протянули друг другу руки не потому, что кто-то из них в чем-то нуждался, одновременный успех Tug of War и Thriller тому яркий пример.
Дело было в чем-то другом. Дружба. Любовь.
И иные, Вечные Слова и Мысли, с больших букв.
Re: Майкл Джексон умер
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 28.06.09 05:00:09   
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Джо Джексон (отец Майкла), заявление семьи ДжексоновДжо Джексон (отец Майкла), заявление семьи Джексонов
In one of the darkest moments of our lives we find it hard to find the words appropriate to this sudden tragedy we all had to encounter. Our beloved son, brother and father of three children has gone so unexpectedly, in such a tragic way and much too soon. It leaves us, his family, speechless and devastated to a point, where communication with the outside world seems almost impossible at times.
We miss Michael endlessly, our pain cannot be described in words. But Michael would not want us to give up now. So we want to thank all of his faithful supporters and loyal fans worldwide, you – who Michael loved so much. Please do not despair, because Michael will continue to live on in each and every one of you. Continue to spread his message, because that is what he would want you to do. Carry on, so his legacy will live forever.
My grandchildren are deeply moved by all the love and support you have shown for them and their father, Michael Jackson.

Элизабет Тэйлор
My heart ... my mind ... are broken. I loved Michael with all my soul and I can’t imagine life without him. I don’t think anyone knew how much we loved each other. The purest most giving love I’ve ever known. Oh God! I’m going to miss him. I keep looking at the photo he gave me of himself which says, ‘To my true love Elizabeth, I love you forever.’ And I will love HIM forever.
He will live in my heart forever but it’s not enough. My life feels so empty ... I can’t imagine life without him. But I guess with God’s help I’ll learn.

Убойное фото с Уорхолом
Re: Майкл Джексон умер
Автор: kesha132   Дата: 28.06.09 10:28:38   
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Кстати может кому интересно, вот здесь собраны его фотографии последних лет .. из того что нашел, самая качественная подборка
Re: Майкл Джексон умер
Автор: Mikhail   Дата: 28.06.09 11:05:31   
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>Кстати может кому интересно, вот здесь
>собраны его фотографии последних лет .. из того
>что нашел, самая качественная подборка

интересная серия
Re: Майкл Джексон умер
Автор: Sitaradio   Дата: 28.06.09 11:42:29   
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Родственники Джексона требуют провести повторное вскрытие тела певца
Семья Джексона просит провести повторное вскрытие его телаСемья погибшего в ночь на пятницу Майкла Джексона хочет, чтобы медики провели повторное вскрытие тела, сообщило France Press со ссылкой на следователей, ведущих дело кончины легендарного певца.
Как сообщил представитель коронера Брайана Элиаса, родственники Джексона попросили следователей в пятницу, чтобы было проведено повторное вскрытие тела 50-летнего певца.

Операция уже проходит в одной из больниц Лос-Анджелеса.

О причинах такого желания семьи поп-музыканта не сообщается.

Re: Майкл Джексон умер
Автор: Sitaradio   Дата: 28.06.09 11:50:50   
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На шоу Джексона до сих пор предлагают билеты

Из-за отмены концертов Джексона компания-организатор его шоу понесет
многомиллионные убыткиСайт компании AEG Live, которая являлась
организатором концертного тура Майкла Джексона This Is It, до сих пор не
сообщил о кончине певца и предлагает купить билеты на его концерты.
Правда, перейдя по ссылке, желающие приобрести билеты смогут
удостовериться, что их нет в наличии.

Последний пресс-релиз, размещенный на сайте AEG Live, информирует
поклонников Майкла Джексона о том, что его концертный костюм будет
украшен 300 тысячами стразов Swarovski.

Смерть Майкла Джексона была констатирована в четверг, 25 июня, в 14:26
по местному времени (00:26 по Киеву) после того, как его доставили в
госпиталь при полной остановке сердца. Точная причина смерти пока не
установлена, вскрытие будет произведено позднее сегодня.

Коронер, официально подтвердивший распространенные СМИ сообщения, не
стал называть причины смерти. Вскрытие тела должно состояться в пятницу,
его уже доставили в морг. Предварительной причиной называют остановку

Между тем, как сообщил сегодня британский таблоид The Sun со ссылкой на
источник в отделении скорой помощи медцентра в Калифорнии, куда
доставили Джексона, певец перестал дышать после очередной инъекции
обезболивающего препарата.

Многомиллионные убытки

Между тем британские СМИ полагают, что компании в связи со срывом
концертов грозят многомиллионные убытки.

Предполагалось, что скончавшийся в ночь на пятницу, 26 июня, в возрасте
50 лет король поп-музыки даст в рамках тура 50 концертов. Все концерты
должны были пройти на лондонской арене O2, вмещающей 23 тыс. зрителей, с
13 июля по 6 марта 2010 года.

Однако на страховом рынке Лондона не оказалось желающих обеспечить риски
этого грандиозного мероприятия в полном объеме. Страховщики опасались,
что из-за состояния здоровья Майкл Джексон не сможет отработать
запланированную программу.

По некоторым данным, AEG Live удалось застраховать только первые десять
концертов на сумму 80 миллионов фунтов стерлингов ($120 млн), несмотря
на то, что глава компании Рэнди Филипс публично заявил, что Майкл
Джексон совершенно здоров и он готов "поменяться с певцом телами".

Возможные убытки от части концертной программы, не покрытой страхованием
составляют около 300 миллионов фунтов стерлингов (около $400 млн).

Планировалось, что последние выступления короля поп-музыки в британской
столице начнутся его эффектным появлением на сцене верхом на настоящем
африканском слоне. Все это должно было сопровождаться выходом ста воинов
восточноафриканского племени Масаи, а за спиной певца должны были идти
настоящие пантеры на золотых цепях и летать тропические птицы. Саму
сцену предполагалось оформить под джунгли.
Re: Майкл Джексон умер
Автор: Sitaradio   Дата: 28.06.09 11:52:08   
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Интересно почитать о страховке в контексте версии убийства...
Ироничная ухмылка  
Re: Майкл Джексон умер
Автор: Maloh   Дата: 28.06.09 12:27:14   
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AEG Live звучит как AIG Life (самая крупная страховая компания в мире). Ирония судьбы. Или закономерность?
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