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Pink Floyd

Тема: Pink Floyd family

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Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: BRIAN WILSON   Дата: 16.09.08 18:51:43   
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В память о Рике слушаю альбом Atom Heart Mother,один из самых моих любимых альбомов у Пинк Флойд
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Тёма Стоунз   Дата: 16.09.08 20:38:15   
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простите за оффтоп
Стоунз- величайшие Боги и лучшие шоумены
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: oskarash   Дата: 16.09.08 20:39:41   
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Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Тёма Стоунз   Дата: 16.09.08 20:45:29   
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Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 16.09.08 23:32:26   
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И я тоже после концерта и перезда домой заглянул на наш сайт,и узнал горестную весть-не стало еще одного великого музыканта!
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: JohnWLennon   Дата: 16.09.08 23:56:42   
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Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Betsy   Дата: 17.09.08 13:26:48   
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Pink Floyd
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Betsy   Дата: 17.09.08 13:27:50   
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Pink Floyd
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Betsy   Дата: 17.09.08 13:28:47   
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Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: beatloko   Дата: 17.09.08 19:12:53   
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Вечная память.Вечная память.
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Bzeg   Дата: 17.09.08 20:25:47   
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Человечище... Прощайте, Ричард.
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: oskarash   Дата: 17.09.08 20:51:31   
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Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Purple Rain   Дата: 18.09.08 00:10:48   
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Синий туман окутал как снег деревья - и поцелуй не в силах вернуть ушедшей любви.Мне тебя жаль,но счастье ушло навеки,но почему тянет к тебе,как прежде меня.                                                                            Ты попробуй разглядеть на небе звезды - вновь и вновь ты сумей еще понять...  (вольный подростковый перевод песни из THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON)            Свелая память RICHARDу WRIGHTу.Синий туман окутал как снег деревья - и поцелуй не в силах вернуть ушедшей любви.Мне тебя жаль,но счастье ушло навеки,но почему тянет к тебе,как прежде меня. Ты попробуй разглядеть на небе звезды - вновь и вновь ты сумей еще понять... (вольный подростковый перевод песни из "THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON") Свелая память RICHARDу WRIGHTу.
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Johnny_beatle   Дата: 18.09.08 11:07:11   
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Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 19.09.08 12:51:45   
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Roger said:

I was very sad to hear of Rick's premature death, I knew he had been ill, but the end came suddenly and shockingly. My thoughts are with his family, particularly [his children] Jamie and Gala and their mum Juliet, who I knew very well in the old days, and always liked very much and greatly admired.

As for the man and his work, it is hard to overstate the importance of his musical voice in the Pink Floyd of the '60s and '70s. The intriguing, jazz influenced, modulations and voicings so familiar in 'Us and Them' and 'Great Gig in the Sky,' which lent those compositions both their extraordinary humanity and their majesty, are omnipresent in all the collaborative work the four of us did in those times. Rick's ear for harmonic progression was our bedrock.

I am very grateful for the opportunity that Live 8 afforded me to engage with him and David [Gilmour] and Nick [Mason] that one last time. I wish there had been more.
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Mr. Kite   Дата: 19.09.08 13:08:53   
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Вечная память "Тихому Флойду".
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 19.09.08 17:00:31   
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Pink Floyd's Nick Mason on former bandmate Richard Wright (R.I.P.)

Sep 18, 2008, 03:27 PM | by Clark Collis

Categories: In Memoriam, Music

Pinkfloyd_2 Although he tended to be overshadowed by bandmates Dave Gilmour and Roger Waters, Pink Floyd keyboardist Richard Wright, who died on Monday following a battle with cancer, was a vital part of the group's sonic explorations. He also co-wrote several of the Floyd’s strongest songs, including “Us & Them,” from 1973's Dark Side Of The Moon. The day after Wright’s death, EW talked to Floyd drummer Nick Mason about his colleague and friend of more than 40 years.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: How important was Rick to Pink Floyd?
NICK MASON: The reality is, like any band, you can never quite quantify who does what. But Pink Floyd wouldn’t have been Pink Floyd if [we] hadn’t had Rick. I think there’s a feeling now -- particularly after all the warfare that went on with Roger and David trying to make clear what their contribution was -- that perhaps Rick rather got pushed into the background. Because the sound of Pink Floyd is more than the guitar, bass, and drum thing. Rick was the sound that knitted it all together.

More on Wright's musical style, and what he was like on a personal level, after the jump...

That seems to have been particularly true in the band’s early, musically adventurous, days.
Yeah. He had a very special style. He probably did more than I did in terms of not worrying too much about tempo, to the point where eventually we did produce arrhythmic pieces. That was, I think, probably rather ground-breaking in 1967.

What was he like on a personal level?
[Laughs] he was very like...Rick! Really. He was by far the quietest of the band, right from day one. And, I think, probably harder to get to know than the rest of us. But after 40 years, we probably felt we did know him quite well. We were just beginning to make inroads, perhaps.

Would this be an example of the British stiff upper lip at work?
Well, we did talk to each other. But we spent an awful lot of time sort of teasing each other, really, and winding each other up. It’s that curious thing. You form a gang. And so, to the outside world, you mount a united front. But four guys in a car, you spend an awful lot of time arguing and bickering and not being very creative.

Do you have a particularly fond memory of Rick?
I have to say that I think a number of our memories have to do with the ways that we all dealt with money. The first meeting with Roger I wouldn’t lend him my car and Rick wouldn’t give him a cigarette. And really we just carried on exactly like that for the next 40 years.

And Roger’s been punishing you ever since.
Yeah, absolutely. But he’s beginning to get over it we think.

Can you remember the first time you met Rick?
Well, it was '62 because we were all (studying) architecture together. He looked like an architect but he had no interest in architecture whatsoever, and within months, as far as I remember, he was off to music college, which is exactly where he should have gone in the first place.

What was he like back then?
Exactly the same. Of course, with the people you really know, no one changes that much. Roger was a rather sort of forbidding presence in 1962 and he hasn’t changed at all. He’s just got a bit more grizzled. And Rick was the quiet one then, as it was throughout.

He also wrote a fair amount of songs for the Floyd.
Something like "Us And Them" was absolutely a Rick piece. It’s almost that George Harrison thing. You sort of forget that they did a lot more than perhaps they’re given credit for.

Well, you have our condolences and sorry to bother you at a time like this.
No, it’s absolutely fine. I’d rather talk about him, I think, than not.

For more on Richard Wright and Pink Floyd, check out our remembrance of Wright, coverage of Roger Waters at Coachella this past spring, a review of Saucerful of Secrets: The Pink Floyd Odyssey and of the 1995 music documentary Pulse.
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: IzrA   Дата: 19.09.08 21:04:19   
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Тоже самый скромный, и тоже от рака...
Жаль, очень жаль...
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: ringostarr   Дата: 21.09.08 21:30:54   
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Посвящается Ричарду Райту.
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 22.09.08 19:20:24   
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В ночь с пятницы на субботу (с 26.09 на 27.09) на радио "Эхо Москвы" в передаче "120 минут классики рока" будет передача, посвященная Ричарду Райту. Начало в 0:10.
Послушать в Москве можно на волне 91.2 fm, в Питере 91.5 fm, везде по интернету: .
Ведущие Владимир Ильинский, Михаил Кузищев и Пётр Кулеш.
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