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Обложки журналов о The Beatles и о Джоне, Поле, Джордже и Ринго.

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Re: Обложки Журналов о The Beatles и о Джоне, Поле, Джорже и Ринго.
Автор: ИгорьИзМагазинаЦветы   Дата: 03.11.05 17:01:35   
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Обложка журнала Итоги, посвященная выходу Антологии (книги)Обложка журнала "Итоги", посвященная выходу "Антологии" (книги)
Re: Обложки Журналов о The Beatles и о Джоне, Поле, Джорже и Ринго.
Автор: ИгорьИзМагазинаЦветы   Дата: 03.11.05 17:05:21   
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И фотография из этого номера ИтоговИ фотография из этого номера "Итогов"
Добрый профессор  
Re: Обложки Журналов о The Beatles и о Джоне, Поле, Джорже и Ринго.
Автор: Cloud9   Дата: 08.11.05 10:27:38   
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PEPPERLAND. Сделано в г. Краснодар с Любовью! Тираж 500 экз. Info - pepperland@yandex.ruPEPPERLAND. Сделано в г. Краснодар с Любовью! Тираж 500 экз. Info -
Re: Обложки Журналов о The Beatles и о Джоне, Поле, Джорже и Ринго.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 27.11.05 11:45:16   
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Lennon's friends recall ex-Beatle  Lennon's friends recall ex-Beatle

Friends and family of John Lennon have given their memories of the star as the 25th anniversary of his death nears.

Singers Tom Jones and Cilla Black were among those to recall the singer, who was shot dead in New York on 8 December 1980, for Radio Times magazine.

Ex-wife Cynthia Lennon said Lennon never "lost the pain of his childhood" while ex-girlfriend May Pang said he disliked being the focus of attention.

Rolling Stones star Keith Richards said the singer was "a great bloke".

Richards added: "For some reason he always felt he had to party harder than me.

"Which is a very difficult thing to do - especially in those days."

'Sensitive side'

Ex-wife Cynthia Lennon said the pain he experienced in his early life, including the death of his mother, was "a crucial part of John's aggressiveness and creativity".

"Whether people want to accept that, it's up to them, but John was violent and aggressive at times," she said.

"He never stopped creating. He was constantly searching for something new and trying to find himself within it.

"Even when he was married to Yoko, I don't think he lost the pain of childhood."

Singer Black, who got her big break when Lennon recommended her to The Beatles manager Brian Epstein, said the singer was "very, very sensitive".

"He had this caustic sense of humour, but at the end of the day if he thought he'd hurt anyone he'd be mortified," she said.

"You can't write all those incredible, vulnerable songs - Imagine, Across the Universe, Julia - and not be vulnerable and sensitive."

Transformation noted

May Pang, Lennon's personal assistant and girlfriend for two years, said: "John just didn't understand his being the focus of all this attention."

Journalist Maureen Cleaver, who befriended The Beatles while working for the Evening Standard newspaper in London, said Lennon was "bemused" by the wealth success had brought him.

Former NME news editor Derek Johnson recalls how The Beatles' final years saw Lennon "transform from a fun-loving cheeky chappie into a sombre and morose man".

Welsh singer Jones recalled a time when Lennon was snubbed by Lord Mountbatten.

Jones said: "John turned to me and said: 'Do you believe that? He blanked me. And I've met the Queen.'"
Re: Обложки Журналов о The Beatles и о Джоне, Поле, Джорже и Ринго.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 27.11.05 11:52:10   
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Lennon LivesLennon Lives
25 YEARS ago, his tragic death launched an endless season of mourning, along with decades' worth of turmoil and infighting among his survivors. The story of one Beatle's afterlife.
Re: Обложки Журналов о The Beatles и о Джоне, Поле, Джорже и Ринго.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.11.05 09:25:52   
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Lennon's Cousin Donates A Slice Of HistoryLennon's Cousin Donates A Slice Of History
Tuesday, 29 November 2005, 12:27 pm
Press Release: Reader's Digest
28 November 2005

Lennon's Cousin Donates A Slice Of History

Kiwi cousin of Beatle John Lennon, 71 year-old Jack Mathews of Hamilton, with the four covers of the December issue of Reader’s Digest. Jack, one of 14 John Lennon cousins in New Zealand, presented the first collectors set to the Beatles Museum in Hastings, owned by Beatles fan Brett Nelson.

‘Please please me’ is what Reader’s Digest aims to do this week when, for the first time ever, four different covers of the same issue of a magazine are released commercially in New Zealand.

Readers of the December issue of Reader’s Digest - which this month (subs December) celebrates 55 years of publishing in New Zealand - will have the opportunity to choose their favourite Beatle from one of four special edition covers. The issue also features an exclusive extract, revealing the untold story about the Beatles’ early days from Bob Spitz’s highly acclaimed biography of the Beatles to be released in New Zealand in December.

Tom Moore, editor-in-chief at Reader’s Digest, says he is looking forward to seeing how readers respond to the special issue and finding out which Beatle wins the popularity stakes.

“With the 25th anniversary of John Lennon’s death on 8 December 1980, we are anticipating a run on the Lennon cover, but Beatles fans are known for their devotion to their chosen Beatle, so we’ll wait and see.

“This issue has certainly made my job easier as choosing a cover is often one of the toughest jobs an editor can have,” says Tom Moore.

And for those who just can't decide between the singing legends, Readers Digest is also offering a special Collectors Edition pack featuring all four magazines. These will be available online at or by calling 0800 449 284 for just $14.99 (a significant discount off the normal retail price of $5.99 per magazine) but stocks will be limited.

The special Beatles' Collectors issue of the New Zealand Reader's Digest is on sale at newsagents and supermarkets from 30 November.
Re: Обложки Журналов о The Beatles и о Джоне, Поле, Джорже и Ринго.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.12.05 00:00:31   
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Проходил мимо газетного киоска и что-то мне бросилось в глаза! А именно лицо Маккартни. На обложке модного журнала L'Optimum. Цена в районе 150 р. Брать не стал.
Re: Обложки Журналов о The Beatles и о Джоне, Поле, Джорже и Ринго.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.12.05 07:39:26   
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Uncut Legends, the definitive guide to rock’s ultimate icons, proudly presents LENNON, a special issue published to celebrate the life and work of the most infamous Beatle on the 25th anniversary on his death. Uncut Legends, the definitive guide to rock’s ultimate icons, proudly presents LENNON, a special issue published to celebrate the life and work of the most infamous Beatle on the 25th anniversary on his death.

Boasting a foreward by John’s son Julian and interviews with his first wife Cynthia, Yoko Ono and May Pang, LENNON polls a celebrity panel to choose his 30 greatest songs and examines each of his albums in stunning detail.

Packed with rare and iconic photographs and clocking in at 148 brilliant pages, LENNON is a must for anyone who loves John’s genius music and wishes to discover more about the man. On sale now. £5.99.
Добрый профессор  
Re: Обложки Журналов о The Beatles и о Джоне, Поле, Джорже и Ринго.
Автор: Cloud9   Дата: 25.12.05 05:03:36   
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FMTY за декабрь 2005FMTY за декабрь 2005
Re: Обложки Журналов о The Beatles и о Джоне, Поле, Джорже и Ринго.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 25.03.06 22:30:09   
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Re: Обложки Журналов о The Beatles и о Джоне, Поле, Джорже и Ринго.
Автор: tommy   Дата: 29.05.06 13:20:33   
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вот такая вот обложка нового helloвот такая вот обложка нового hello
Re: Обложки Журналов о The Beatles и о Джоне, Поле, Джорже и Ринго.
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 29.05.06 19:42:18   
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Теперь ПРО ЭТО многие журналы навалят!
Re: Обложки Журналов о The Beatles и о Джоне, Поле, Джорже и Ринго.
Автор: ИгорьИзМагазинаЦветы   Дата: 30.05.06 12:41:07   
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Ну да, жареные фактики все издания любят. В этом отношении пресса становится все желтее и желтее.
Re: Обложки Журналов о The Beatles и о Джоне, Поле, Джорже и Ринго.
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 31.05.06 10:21:07   
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Кстати в этом номере 6 полос хороших, крупных фото. Текста минимум.
Re: Обложки Журналов о The Beatles и о Джоне, Поле, Джорже и Ринго.
Автор: Imaginary Avenue   Дата: 01.06.06 12:16:35   
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А вот тот самый номер Play,который мне не пробили на кассе в Букбери.А вот тот самый номер Play,который мне не пробили на кассе в Букбери.
Re: Обложки Журналов о The Beatles и о Джоне, Поле, Джорже и Ринго.
Автор: Imaginary Avenue   Дата: 01.06.06 12:17:56   
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Вот еще,нашла где-то.Вот еще,нашла где-то.
Re: Обложки Журналов о The Beatles и о Джоне, Поле, Джорже и Ринго.
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 06.06.06 20:09:31   
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2:tommy В тему! Какие кружева!2:tommy
В тему! Какие кружева!
Re: Обложки Журналов о The Beatles и о Джоне, Поле, Джорже и Ринго.
Автор: Polithene Pam   Дата: 06.06.06 21:04:13   
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Re: Обложки Журналов о The Beatles и о Джоне, Поле, Джорже и Ринго.
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 06.06.06 21:51:04   
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Record Collector # 253Record Collector # 253
Re: Обложки Журналов о The Beatles и о Джоне, Поле, Джорже и Ринго.
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 06.06.06 21:52:26   
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Record Collector # 122Record Collector # 122
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