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Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004

Тема: Пол Маккартни - тур '2004 (04 Summer)

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Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: SamRus   Дата: 04.06.04 10:05:20   
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Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: SamRus   Дата: 04.06.04 10:25:29   
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Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: SamRus   Дата: 04.06.04 17:07:40   
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Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: tarick   Дата: 04.06.04 17:36:27   
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ребята я нашел сайт где началась продажа билетов в фэн зону - урааАААААААААААААА!!! я заказал! 775 70 84
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: tarick   Дата: 04.06.04 17:37:33   
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даже как то не верится, цена 2500 р!!!!!
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: tarick   Дата: 04.06.04 17:42:07   
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модераторы, пожалуйста уточните, предполагалась ли продажа подобных билетов вообще в свободном доступе, может это лажа какая-то
Не в себе  
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Anna Beatla   Дата: 04.06.04 19:54:35   
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да, как-то странно... а что за сайт???
Не в себе  
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Anna Beatla   Дата: 04.06.04 20:59:17   
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Дейтвительно, модераторы, скажите, может такое быть или нет???
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: aaleks   Дата: 04.06.04 21:55:46   
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ЧТО ЗА САЙТ????!!!!!!
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Jools Joyce   Дата: 05.06.04 10:11:27   
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Записи с репетиции в Хихоне:

She's A Woman
In Spite Of All The Danger
I'll Follow The Sun
For No One
Drive My Car
Penny Lane
Get Back
I've Got A Feeling
Helter Skelter
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 05.06.04 10:32:47   
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2 tarick: первый раз об этом слышу. Билеты в ГП в свободную продажу НЕ поступают.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 06.06.04 10:46:28   
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А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Европейское турне i...
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 06.06.04 11:05:22   
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June 4 - Leipzig, Germany - Leipzig Zentralstadion
'early report'

Paul McCartney played to crowd of 45,000 in the pouring rain at Leipzig Stadium, his first concert in East Germany. McCartney's concert was the first concert staged in the 90 million euro stadium finished in March. In spite of the weather, the concert started around 8:15pm with the preshow. Fans were able to bring in umbrellas but closed them after the concert began. While the rain remained constant, it didn't damper the fan's enthusiasm. The setlist was the same.

After "Got To Get You Into My Life" Paul addressed the cheering crowd with "Guten Abend Leipzig. Endlich bin ich hier! Wir sind gekommen, um euch zu rocken!" (Good evening Leipzig. I'm finally be here! We have come to rock you!)

At the beginning of the acoustic set the band left and Paul said, "Jetzt bin ich allein mit Euch." (Now I am alone with you.)

For the intro to "Here Today" Paul said in German, "Lieben Freundes John." (good friend John). Paul led the "Yellow Submarine" singalong as a hommage to Ringo.

He talked about a German poem he learned in school when he took German called the "Jacob the Crow." He said, "Jakob der Rabe war der frechste von allen Vцgeln, die ich je gesehen habe."(Jakob the crow was the rudest of all birds, that I ever saw.)

The fireworks went off as usual during "Live and Let Die" working miraculously well in the rain.

For "Hey Jude" Paul led the singalong, "Zuerst die Maenner!" (first the Men )"Und jetzt die Frauen!" (and just the Women) "Alle zusammen!" (everyone together)

He came back at the second encore with the Germany flag and wore the "no more land mines" T-shirt.

After "The End," he said his goodbyes, and in German, "Bis zum nдchsten Mal!" (See you next time!) Confetti shot out and stuck to everything and everybody because of the rain.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 07.06.04 09:07:56   
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June 4 - Leipzig, Germany - Leipzig ZentralstadionJune 4 - Leipzig, Germany - Leipzig Zentralstadion
'Updated report'
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: tarick   Дата: 07.06.04 10:56:42   
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билет в фэн-зону я вчера купил, не знаю, вроде, обыкновенный билет, а можно выложить отсканированую копию ваших билетов в фэн - зону, чтобы удостовериться? к этому билету что-нибудь должно прилагаться??? гербовая печать или...заранее спасибо
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: BeatloManьka   Дата: 07.06.04 11:26:38   
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2tarick - Lenin уже выложил.
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 07.06.04 12:07:20   
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Синяя футболка.Синяя футболка.
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 07.06.04 17:02:45   
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Sir Paul McCartney loves to use public transport!Sir Paul McCartney loves to use public transport!
London | June 07, 2004 2:39:43 PM IST

Legendary rock star Sir Paul McCartney frequently uses public transport for travelling because he refuses to be cut off from the rest of the world.

The multi-millionaire former 'Beatle' does not rely on chauffeur-driven limousines, especially in London's busy streets and is happy to chat with other commuters while using public transport.

"If I get recognised, and I usually do, I just deal with it a quick handshake, an autograph, whatever. It's no big deal, just a small price to pay for the good things that come with fame," rate the music quoted Sir Paul as saying.

"Take it from me if you're well known like I am, you can always be assured that you'll get a decent poached egg in a posh restaurant," he added. (ANI)
Я тащусь!  
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Beetle   Дата: 07.06.04 18:57:57   
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jolu-palu ja bul tam!!! ja bul v Prage!!!! Ja prosto v woke eto slovami ne peredat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Eto dejstvitelno vpe4atlenije na vsiy zyzn! prosto syper!
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Европейское турне Пола Маккартни-2004
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 08.06.04 00:20:53   
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June 6 - Prague, Czech Republic - Park Kolbenova June 6 - Prague, Czech Republic - Park Kolbenova

Paul arrived in Prague Saturday evening. He played Prague's T-Mobile Park on Sunday to an estimated crowd of 50,000 enthusiastic fans. The setlist was the same. The preshow started at 8:15pm. People who knew the songs started singing and dancing, as the concert mood was slowly building.

Paul and the band came out, and launched right into "Jet." Macca tried to talked in Czech, but he wasn't always understandable though fans appreciated the effort and found his pronunciations to be humorous. Paul made fun of the spontaneous translation on the screens and tested the skill of the "two ladies in the back" translating what he said. He said something about a "yellow fish."

The concert went well with hardly any mistakes until the acoustic set when Paul started the story of a song saying that this is one song that he never played live before this tour. Then he realized his mistake and said, "Oh no, we've already done that one!" He said jokingly that the audience confused him, shouting requests for "Blue Jean Bop," and "Maybe I'm Amazed," and complained about having to read the signs while trying to remember the chords and the words.

"Drive My Car" and "Penny Lane" went down particularly well, and the crowd went crazy for "Get Back" and "Helter Skelter".

There was no "Yellow Submarine" singalong because of the language barrier and the audience not knowing about the singalong tribute to Ringo.

At one point John Hammel (Paul's assistant) came out, but when he got a big applause from the audience, he fled to the backstage area grinning.

Wix and Abe fooled around at the beginning of "Maybe I'm Amazed," with Wix imitating Abe's cymbal playing.

Rusty had his auto-language translator which was supposed to say something funny in Czech, but it didn't work at first. Paul asked Rusty "Do you have the skill to turn it on?"

The improv song before "Lady Madonna" had Paul singing about how happy he was to be in Prague and how glad he was that it didn't rain! The field was very muddy from rains the day before and fans were full of mud.

At the end of the show, the band and Paul gave each other hugs. Brian and Rusty did a bit of dancing, kicking up their legs can-can style with their arms were around each other. There was a big plush flower and a rabbit thrown on the stage.
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