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Bob Dylan

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Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.07.05 19:07:55   
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2Кот Котофеич:

Конечно, спасибо! Я давно мечтал увидить этот ролик, о котором было столько шума.
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 25.07.05 00:28:17   
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Сейчас по РЕН-ТВ идёт фильм с Бобом!
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 26.07.05 07:49:26   
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Dylan and Peel for UK Music Hall of Fame

Bob Dylan and the late John Peel are to join the UK Music Hall of Fame.

Dylan will be amongst this year's inductees, whilst John Peel will receive 2005's honorary membership of the UK Music Hall of Fame.

The Beatles, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Bob Marley, Elvis Presley, Queen, Cliff Richard & The Shadows, The Rolling Stones, U2 and Robbie Williams become the inaugural members last year.

This year's inductees will be selected by the UK Music Hall of Fame Steering Group - a panel of over 60 respected artists, music journalists, broadcasters and music industry executives.

Bob Dylan is the first artist to be announced as an inductee for 2005.

Malcolm Gerrie, chair of the UK Music Hall of Fame Steering Group, said: "Bob Dylan is the Leonardo da Vinci of popular music.

"As one of the greatest artists of his generation we are honoured that he has agreed to enter the UK Music Hall of Fame."

Channel 4 is planning a prime-time launch show, leading into a two-week run of music documentaries.

These will include; John Peel's Record Box - an exclusive insight into the private record collection of the renowned DJ and broadcaster, marking the first anniversary of his death.

The season will climax with the live UK Music Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony.
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.08.05 12:55:16   
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Видеоанонс фильма Мартина Скорсезе No Direction Home: Bob Dylan наВидеоанонс фильма Мартина Скорсезе "No Direction Home: Bob Dylan" на
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Wendl   Дата: 02.08.05 15:07:49   
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а когда появится его автобиография на русском???
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.08.05 15:53:11   
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Rock journalism pioneer Aronowitz dies aged 77Rock journalism pioneer Aronowitz dies aged 77

Al Aronowitz, a US pioneer of rock journalism who introduced Bob Dylan to the Beatles, died yesterday in Elizabeth, New Jersey, his son said. He was 77.

Aronowitz died of cancer, said his son, Joel Roi Aronowitz.

Al Aronowitz became a journalist after studying at Rutgers University in the mid-1950s. In 1959, at the New York Post, he wrote a 12-part series on the “beat” movement.

In reporting the series, he became a friend of such early counterculture luminaries as poet Allen Ginsberg and novelist Jack Kerouac. “He really fell into the whole lifestyle,” said Gerry Nicosia, author of the Jack Kerouac biography Memory Babe.

The pieces have been described as early examples of participatory journalism, a technique perfected by better-known writers such as Tom Wolfe and Hunter Thompson.

The 1964 summit of the Beatles and Dylan came about as Aronowitz was covering the British band for the Saturday Evening Post. He also claimed Dylan wrote Mr. Tambourine Man in his kitchen.

In his last years, Aronowitz self-published two books, Bob Dylan and the Beatles and Bobby Darin Was a Friend of Mine. He was working on another, Mick and Miles, about Mick Jagger and Miles Davis, when he died.
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.08.05 15:55:59   
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О том, как Ароновиц познакомил Дилана и БитлзО том, как Ароновиц познакомил Дилана и Битлз

(Copyright © 1995 The Blacklisted Journalist)

In which I introduce the Beatles to both Bob Dylan and the evil weed, something that makes me believe THE '60S WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN THE SAME WITHOUT ME.]

The Blacklisted Journalist shares a joint with Beatle George Harrison at George's castle, Friar Park, in England's Henley-on-Thames during their potsmoking days.
(Photo courtesy of Pattie Harrison.)
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: sunset   Дата: 04.08.05 13:31:13   
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песни Дилана, которые перепели другие исполнители (по количеству версий). Это впечатляет
1. Blowin' In The Wind

2. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right

3. I Shall Be Released

4. Mr. Tambourine Man

5. Like A Rolling Stone

6. Knockin' On Heaven's Door

7. All Along The Watchtower

8. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue

9. I'll Be Your Baby Tonight

10. Quinn The Eskimo (The Mighty Quinn)

Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.08.05 13:40:33   
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2sunset:  А этого чувака посчитал?2sunset:

А этого чувака посчитал?
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: sunset   Дата: 04.08.05 13:49:35   
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2Primal Scream:

клевые очки у чувака
Ироничная ухмылка  
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: sunset   Дата: 04.08.05 14:00:40   
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Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Julia*   Дата: 04.08.05 14:26:19   
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Дилан неравнодушен к физическим упражнениям...Дилан неравнодушен к физическим упражнениям...
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Julia*   Дата: 04.08.05 14:28:42   
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I woke in the mornin', wand'rin'... I woke in the mornin', wand'rin'...
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: sunset   Дата: 04.08.05 14:43:53   
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groovy in the sunny afternoongroovy in the sunny afternoon
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: sunset   Дата: 04.08.05 14:57:02   
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just thinkingjust thinking
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Julia*   Дата: 04.08.05 17:56:04   
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Боб со своими детьми.Боб со своими детьми.
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 05.08.05 13:53:43   
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Dylan single 'changed the world'

Bob Dylan's song Like a Rolling Stone has topped a poll of rock and film stars to find the music, movies, TV shows and books that changed the world.

The 1965 single beat Elvis Presley's Heartbreak Hotel into second place in the survey for Uncut magazine.

Sir Paul McCartney, Noel Gallagher, Robert Downey Jr, Rolling Stone Keith Richards and Lou Reed were among those who gave their opinions.

Rocker Patti Smith said of the winning song: "It got me through adolescence."

Ex-Beatle Sir Paul picked Heartbreak Hotel as his number one choice.

He said: "It's the way [Presley] sings it as if he is singing from the depths of hell.

"His phrasing, use of echo, it's all so beautiful. Musically, it's perfect."

Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange was the highest-placed movie at number five, followed by The Godfather and The Godfather II films.

The Prisoner was the top-ranking TV series at number 10 while Jack Kerouac's novel On the Road was the highest book, in 19th place.

Actors Edward Norton and Juliette Lewis and ex-Beach Boy Brian Wilson also took part in the poll, marking the magazine's 100th issue.

Uncut editor Allan Jones said: "This list has been a massive undertaking and considering which films have had a greater cultural impact than Bowie, for example, has fuelled many discussions.

"What we have been left with is Dylan as the most seminal artistic statement of the last five decades - but I'm sure others will disagree."

1. Bob Dylan Like a Rolling Stone
2. Elvis Presley Heartbreak Hotel
3. The Beatles She Loves You
4. The Rolling Stones (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction
5. A Clockwork Orange
6. The Godfather and The Godfather II
7. David Bowie The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust
8. Taxi Driver
9. Sex Pistols Never Mind The Bollocks Here's the Sex Pistols
10. The Prisoner
Source: Uncut magazine
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Julia*   Дата: 05.08.05 20:05:55   
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2Primal Scream

Спасибо за ссылку.
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 05.08.05 20:32:46   
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Право не за что
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 06.08.05 12:27:40   
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Bob Dylan's Chronicles, Volume One memoir is among the finalists in two categories of the inaugural Quill Awards, a literary competition voted on by the general public. Online voting starts Aug. 15 The honors will be presented Oct. 11 in New York, and NBC will air the ceremony Oct. 22.

Meanwhile, songs by Dylan and John Fogerty are featured on The Great American Baseball Box, a four-CD compilation that's set to drop Oct. 18.,97b77df858b8fb4aa...
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