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Paul and Heather Mills news

Тема: Пол Маккартни - Heather Mills (Хэзер Миллз)

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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 25.09.04 09:52:46   
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September 24, 2004

McCartney backing the Green album

Former Beatle Sir Paul McCartney and internationally acclaimed Scots artist Peter Howson have given their backing to a new album in support of a Capital-based environmental charity.

Friends of the Earth Scotland commissioned the recording to celebrate the organization's 25th anniversary. Dubbed "Silver Green," it features a message of support from Sir Paul, while its cover was designed by Howson.

His art has been widely exhibited, and he won particular acclaim for his work depicting the Balkans War. More recent subjects include Madonna and Henrik Larsson.

Friends of the Earth Scotland chief executive Duncan McLaren said, "We are delighted to have the support of so many talented people and we hope that Silver Green will help us reach out to new audiences with our environmental message."

"It has been a privilege to support a project which celebrates a quarter of a century of fighting for one of the greatest and most precious environments on Earth.

"Friends of the Earth Scotland have a lot to be proud of. I hope this album helps celebrate their work and continues to remind people the battle is never won."

The album is due to be launched next month.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.10.04 09:46:01   
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September 30, 2004 --

Schwarzenegger signs bill to ban force feeding of birds

California will end the force feeding of ducks, geese and other birds to produce the gourmet liver product foie gras by 2012 under legislation signed Wednesday by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The bill will also ban the sale of foie gras in California starting that same year if it's obtained by force feeding birds.

Schwarzenegger, who received pleas from several celebrities, including former Beatle Paul McCartney, to sign the bill, said it gives producers more than seven years to "evolve and perfect a humane way for a duck to consume grain to increase the size of its liver through natural processes."

"If agricultural producers are successful in this endeavor, the ban on foie gras sales and production in California will not occur," he said in a statement.

Animal rights advocates called the governor's action "a major victory for the ducks and geese."

The state's lone farm engaged in the practice, Sonoma Foie Gras, also hailed it as a victory.

The company's president, Guillermo Gonzales, said his farm would use the time before the ban is implemented "to demonstrate that foie gras production is safe and proper."

Advocates for the bill said the restrictions are needed to stop an agricultural process in which birds are fed huge amounts of food three times a day through a tube inserted into their throats. The practice enlarges the birds' livers up to 10 times their normal size before they are slaughtered.

Foie gras -- French for "fat liver" -- is served in about 300 restaurants in California, according to the California Restaurant Association, which opposed the bill along with several major farm groups.

The bill's author, Senate President Pro Tem John Burton, D-San Francisco, said several countries have already banned the force feeding practice and the European Union is phasing it out.

Among other celebrities who supported the bill were actors Martin Sheen, Kim Basinger, Alicia Silverstone and Mary Tyler Moore.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.10.04 09:00:25   
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October 2, 2004

Falkner Eyes Solo Album, Plays With McCartney

Versatile pop-rocker Jason Falkner, five years removed from the release of his last full-length solo album, "Can You Still Feel?" (Elektra), is nearing completion of its follow-up while balancing multiple side projects and musical endeavors.

Among his recent musical adventures was a recording session earlier this year in Los Angeles with rock legend Paul McCartney. "That was amazing," Falkner tells "It was just me and Paul and this drummer, James Gadson, who was the original drummer for Bill Withers."

Falkner was called into the sessions by producer Nigel Godrich (who produced "Can You Still Feel?") and he played guitar on a number of songs with McCartney. "He's doing different sessions with different producers," Falkner says of the former Beatle, "but nobody knows ... if those sessions are gonna be his record."

McCartney wasn't familiar with his collaborator's musical history when they met, so Falkner gave him a copy of "Bedtime With the Beatles," the instrumental children's lullaby album Falkner released through Sony/Wonder in 2001. He admits it "blew his mind" after McCartney gave him a glowing review of the disc the next time they met.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.10.04 09:01:04   
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October 2, 2004 -- Rocky Mountain News

The NHL lockout could change McCartney's 2005 US tour schedule to the summer and fall.

A possible NHL lockout threatens to cancel the National Hockey League's entire 2004-05 season.

The full NHL season could be scrapped sometime in December, which would open up some opportunities further down the road. Early word had it that U2 and Paul McCartney were holding off on scheduling their spring tours to see if the arenas across the country would open up with a hockey lockout. The thinking was they could have their pick of dates and routing when the full season got scrapped.

The situation has changed a bit in recent days. McCartney's tour reportedly has been pushed back to later in the year - possibly summer or fall.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.10.04 09:01:31   
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October 2, 2004

Paul and Heather McCartney will be on NBC's "Today Show" sometime this week talking about the October 15 landmine benefit. (7am - 10am ET M-F)
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.10.04 09:02:26   
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October 2, 2004 -- Press Release

Each One Believing -- London Photo exhibit November 5th through 27th

Proud Galleries are delighted to announce a unique photographic show that faithfully captures Paul McCartney's life on the road.

Entitled 'Each One Believing,' the show will be comprised of over 46 pictures taken throughout the recent two-year tour by photographer Bill Bernstein. Never before has a photographer been allowed such close access to Paul. This show is part of an ongoing collaboration between McCartney and Bernstein ­ who with Caroline Grimshaw recently set the images into context in Each One Believing: Onstage, Off Stage and Backstage published by Chronicle Books.

Featuring these never before seen images this exclusive show follows McCartney and his band as they reconquered America and return to the USSR - including the triumphant homecoming performance in Liverpool. Each One Believing will provide an intimate insight into the world of McCartney on tour.

Prints signed by both Paul McCartney and Bill Bernstein, along with collages signed by Caroline Grimshaw, will be for sale in the gallery with all profits from the sales of the prints going towards the Adopt-A-Minefield charity.

"These images area record of a very special tour. It's a record that hopes to communicate the excitement and feeling of being such a great team. I hope it also shows something of how it feels to be lucky enough to be part of such a huge success," comments Sir Paul McCartney.

Proud Camden Galleries, 10 Greenland Street, London NW1 0ND (5th November ­ 27th November)

On Route
LA - October 23rd
Moscow ­ May 24th
Liverpool - June 1st
Paris ­ March 24th
Sheffield ­ April 6th
Rome ­ May 11th

Bill Bernstein, has worked with Paul McCartney for 15 years, he was the official photographer on Paul's most recent world tour and had unprecedented on stage, off stage, and back stage access providing dynamic images both of Paul's public appearances and the quiet one-on-one moments. Based in New York he was originally a photographer for the Village Voice.

"The opportunity to photograph Paul McCartney's entire World Tour and to be given such astounding access has been a high point of my career. Rarely is a photographer given such trust and free rein. These photographs are the result of McCartney's generosity and his unique ability to encourage fertile ground for creativity," comments Bill Bernstein, photographer.

'"We are thrilled to launch Bill Bernstein's show on Paul McCartney's recent tour. To see such up close and personal images of one of the greatest icons of our time is going to be an amazing show" commented Alex Proud of Proud Galleries. 'The images are from Paul McCartney's most celebrated tour since the Beatles meaning this show will appeal to a wide range of fans. His life on the road has spanned four decades and five continents, so people of all ages will enjoy the show.'

"As Proud Galleries' photographic partner, Sony Ericsson is delighted to be supporting this exhibition of one biggest musical heroes of our generation", said Peter Marsden, Managing Director, Sony Ericsson UK.

"The show promises to deliver a real insight into the touring life of a true great, catching impulsive moments and behind the scenes footage. A trend that is becoming more prevalent as more people purchase camera phones, enabling them to capture the moment, wherever they are."
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.10.04 09:03:01   
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October 2, 2004

Unconfirmed: Pete Best has put together a video 'documentary' about himself and his days with the Beatles. Paul McCartney supposedly has contributed an interview for the documentary.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 05.10.04 07:00:52   
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October 4, 2004 -- NY Post

New Macca Sighting

Paul McCartney was spotted dining at Il Gattopardo restaurant in Midtown Manhattan.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 05.10.04 07:01:47   
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October 4, 2004 -- Belfast Telegraph

Sir Paul and Dolly set for Belfast shows in 2005

For two of the world's biggest pop stars may shine on the Ulster concert front in 2005.

Industry sources have told Sunday Life that both country music icon, Dolly Parton AND Beatles' legend, Paul McCartney, are being lined up for box office-busting concerts in Belfast, next year.

Sunday Life has also learned that Paul McCartney may be on his way to play his FIRST EVER solo gig in Ulster.

The 62-year-old former Beatles' star is believed to be considering an invitation to perform in Ulster for the first time, since his Beatles' heyday. Fans were disappointed when a rumoured top of the bill Stormont '03
spot failed to happen - as the only available date coincided with his Glastonbury Festival appearance.

But speculation is mounting that he is now considering touring again - with more European shows, including Belfast, a distinct possibility.

A source told Sunday Life: "Aiken's were 70pc sure that they were going to get McCartney for Stormont. But it just didn't happen.

"But, there is an invitation for him to play at two or three nights at the Odyssey Arena instead, if he does go back out on the road next year."

Aiken Promotions, which brought Parton to Belfast in 2002 and McCartney to Dublin in 2003, were unavailable for comment.

No-one from Paul McCartney's UK press office was available for comment.
Голливудская улыбка  
Ха-ха! Я ее обожаю!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.10.04 07:35:12   
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October 7, 2004 -- MSN.Com

Has Renee Walked Away?

Is Renee Zellweger back on the market? Based on comments the actress recently made to the London Sun, her on-again, off-again relationship with White Stripes rocker/pugilist Jack White seems to be off -- again.

"There's nobody else in my life right now," Zellweger tells the paper. "I'm just not interested at the moment. You know, I'm always on a set or on a plane but we'll see."

The Oscar winner does cop to a crush, but don't expect a hook-up. "I really like Paul McCartney," she says of the very married ex-Beatle, tongue firmly in cheek. "I haven't told him yet but I think some friends of mine have."
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.10.04 07:34:48   
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October 12, 2004 -- The Times

Madonna and other little beauties in my mini bookcase

The editor of Tatler, Geordie Greig, on how he got big names to write tiny books for a good cause

It is about 20 years since I was cub reporter on the streets of Deptford, working for the South East London and Kentish Mercury, where on my first day I was warned that there were usually more murders committed than we could report. For two years I witnessed some of the worst urban poverty in western Europe. My work centred around inquests into suicides from tower blocks, police briefings on pointless robberies, hanging out with gangsters such as Charlie Richardson and seeing families cope with poverty and homelessness.

So when I got a call at the Mayfair offices of Tatler magazine, where I am now editor, asking if I would help to raise funds for the 999 Club, a Deptford charity which provides advice, help and accommodation for the homeless and helpless, it struck a chord.

My perverse plan was to think small to think big: the charity's trustees and I got 25 leatherbound miniature books made, all just over one inch tall, and sent them to some of the world's greatest artists, statesmen and writers, hoping to end up with small books with a big price.

J K Rowling was the first to embrace the idea by sending hers back filled with exquisite drawings of the items that Harry Potter needs for his wizardry. In her own hand she made sketches of broomsticks and witches' hats. Last year one postcard by Rowling describing the plot of a Harry Potter book fetched £26,000 at auction, so I am hoping that we can do really well for the 999 Club when hers and the other 24 books go up for auction at Sotheby's on November 1.

David Hockney drew nine landscapes of his native Yorkshire sitting at a table in his Kensington studio, mesmerised by the miniature scale. It is the only Hockney notebook ever to leave his studio.

I went to Paris to hear Madonna sing and to pick up her little book in which she had written the lyrics of American Life and drawn her version of the stars and stripes.

In New York, John Eastman, Paul McCartney's former brother-in-law, passed on my request to the former Beatle. I stupidly made the error of forgetting that McCartney was such a strict vegetarian that he would not look at, let alone write in, a book bound in animal skin. We quickly made up a "veggie" version in which he wrote the lyrics of Hey Jude and drew a smiling vegetarian cow.

Some of the books are like holding in the palm of your hand a piece of history. For instance, Mrs T S Eliot, widow of the greatest poet of the 20th century, wrote out the opening lines of the greatest modern poem, The Wasteland.

As I write, David Beckham is sending in his book with a description and drawings of his greatest sporting moment. It has been a wonderful project. I just hope that these small books will produce a big result for Deptford.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.10.04 07:17:02   
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October 14, 2004 -- Folha de Sao Paulo

Brian Wilson was interviewed recently by a Brazilian newspaper (Folha de Sao Paulo) and said that he would record with Paul in Los Angeles this January and that he's already written two songs for the endeavor.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.10.04 07:58:07   
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October 15, 2004 -- The SunOctober 15, 2004 -- The Sun

I WANNA hold your handbag!

Romantic Sir Paul McCartney goes shopping in Beverly Hills - carrying a bag emblazoned with wife Heather's photo. Guess the former Beatle, 62, simply can't handle being apart from his 36-year-old missus.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.10.04 08:00:19   
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October 15, 2004 -- Adopt-A-Minefield


BBC journalist and landmine survivor, Stuart Hughes, will be an Honoree at Adopt-A-Minefield's annual Gala Dinner in Los Angeles on Friday 15 October.

Heather and Paul McCartney, founding patrons of Adopt-A-Minefield (UK), will award Stuart and 3 other anti-landmine campaigners from around the world with a special trophy, which has been designed by Paul McCartney.

Stuart Hughes fell victim to a landmine explosion in Iraq on the 2nd April 2003 when he was working in Iraq. He stepped on a landmine in Kifri, northern Iraq. "I smelled explosives and burnt meat, and I knew my life would never be the same again," said Stuart. Following his accident Stuart has become a staunch activist for the landmine cause. He is a patron of MAG (Mines Advisory Group) one of the largest de-mining charities in the world, and an implementing partner of Adopt-A-Minefield.

Adopt-A-Minefield raises awareness and funds to clear landmines and help landmine survivors. 100% of donations are passed on to mine action partners, such as MAG, working in the field. Adopt-A-Minefield is a funding umbrella for mine action allowing funds to be channelled easily from donors to experts in the field and is now the largest non-governmental funder of mine action in the world.

Now in its fourth year, Adopt-A-Minefield's LA Gala has become one of the city's hottest annual tickets. Last year's dinner raised more than $1,000,000 to clear landmines and help landmine survivors. This year the event, held at the Century Plaza Hotel, hopes to raise even more.

Stuart Hughes is thrilled to be receiving this award. He said, "I know all too well just how horrific the impact of landmines can be. When I was covering the war in Iraq a year ago I stepped out of my vehicle and triggered an unmarked anti-personnel landmine. It blew my right heel wide open.

"Thinking we were coming under attack, my cameraman, Kaveh Golestan, tried to run for safety. In doing so he set off another two landmines. He was killed instantly.

"This landmine stole my leg and changed my life forever. But, I'm one of the lucky ones. Thousands of other people suffer each year in landmine accidents and most do not have access to the fantastic health care services that helped me recover.

"That's where organizations like Adopt-A-Minefield come in. Adopt-A-Minefield raises awareness and funds to clear landmines and help landmine survivors. 100% of funds raised are then passed to organizations like MAG, the landmine clearance charity of which I'm a patron, to use in actually clearing landmines.

"I'm proud to support the excellent work undertaken by Adopt-A-Minefield, MAG and other organizations which are helping to rid the world of the scourge of landmines.

"We in the West do not live surrounded by the daily threat of landmines but we do have the chance to help those that live in fear of catastrophe each day of their lives.

"As a landmine survivor myself I feel I have a duty to draw attention to this issue and help save lives and I will continue to do so."

Adopt-A-Minefield is very pleased to be able to make this award to Stuart, not least because of his personal commitment to the cause but also because of his patronage of one of our major field partners.

Keith Kelly, director of Adopt-A-Minefield, said, "Landmines destroy lives every day of every year. When Stuart was blown up by a landmine in Iraq he could have become another statistic - another landmine victim. Instead he became a survivor and a champion of the anti-landmine cause. His personal enthusiasm and commitment to campaigning to rid the world of this deadly weapon is a testament to the resilience of the human soul and a shining example for us all."

Lou McGrath, executive director of MAG, said, "In Stuart we have found one of the bravest and most impressive advocates of MAG's work and the landmine cause. This recognition is terrific and is very well-earned. Stuart's tireless work has put MAG and landmine issues on the agenda time and again. Just weeks after losing his leg, Stuart became a MAG a patron. We were immediately struck by his steely grit to get over his injury and his terrific ability to instantly see the wider landmine issues.
"We're also grateful that, in honouring Stuart, Adopt-A-Minefield honors the part played by MAG in ridding the world of landmines."


Other Honorees:

Lynn Bradach, a native Oregonian, and landmines campaigner.

Wendy Walker Whitworth, CNN executive vice president and the senior executive producer of Larry King Live.

Josephine Merrill Eastman, Graduate of Columbia University is a committed humanitarian who has tirelessly devoted her energy to addressing the plight of refugees and internally displaced persons all over the world.



2 ways for everyone to get involved in ridding the world of landmines this Autumn:

Night of 1000 Dinners is on and around November 4th and the 1000 Dinners campaign runs throughout the year.

People around the world will invite friends to dinner and cook a meal using recipes donated by some of UK cooking's hottest stars. Full details, tips for hosting dinner parties, and fantastic competition details (including a brand new Rayburn cooker) are available at

No More Landmines Day - November 4th.

Adopt-A-Minefield and the National Union of Teachers are working with schools across the UK to raise awareness and funds to clear landmines and help landmine survivors using lesson plans, beautifully illustrated on-line children's stories and a short film made in Vietnam especially for the event. More details can be found at
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.10.04 08:01:08   
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October 15, 2004 -- Early report from Los Angeles

Paul arrived around 2:25pm driving a blue corvette with a tan top at the Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles for the Adopt-a-Minefield soundcheck. Paul waved to the fans on his way in. Brian Ray arrived escorted by Missy the body guard.

The soundcheck started at 2:45pm. Songs heard at the soundcheck:

"Drive My Car (rough version)," impromptu jam, "Drive My Car" (traditional version) "Silver Bells," unidentified country and western song, "Blackbird," "Here Today," new song, "Love Can Break....?" (Neil Young with Paul?) "Michelle," "Yesterday," "Get Back," "Let It Be," "Lady Madonna," "Hey Jude" (Paul did "Now the men" and "Now the women...")
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.10.04 07:23:14   
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October 16, 2004 -- Reuters

McCartney, Young sing together at L.A. fundraiser

Admitting to being intimidated in the presence of a former Beatle, Neil Young joined forces with Paul McCartney Thursday to perform at a $500-per-seat fundraiser to raise awareness of landmines.

Surrounded by a half-dozen guitars and a banjo, Young played an acoustic set featuring such nuggets as "Pocahontas," "Heart of Gold," "Harvest Moon" and "Four Strong Winds" with occasional help from wife Pegi on backing vocals.

McCartney, with a full band, followed with a diverse set of Beatles classics such as "Drive My Car," "Blackbird," "Michelle" and "Get Back," as well as more obscure material like the pre-Beatles tune "In Spite of All the Danger" and the John Lennon tribute "Here Today."

Young joined him twice on stage at the Century Plaza Hotel, first for a duet on the former's "Only Love Can Break Your Heart" and later to play along as McCartney closed the evening after midnight with "Hey Jude."

"We have a bit of fun but, as you can see, we do a lot of good along the way," McCartney told the crowd. "That's one of the magic things ... When you've worked hard and you've had a lot of luck, you get to a position, where Neil and I are at, you can do a little bit more. It's a magic thing."

The event benefited Adopt-A-Minefield, for which McCartney and his wife Heather Mills are goodwill ambassadors and patrons. The group helps clear minefields in such countries as Vietnam, Croatia and Iraq, and assists survivors of landmine accidents. An auction hosted by Jay Leno raised about $125,000, including $6,000 for one of Young's saliva-laced harmonicas. "You can clone your own Neil Young," Leno said.

A grim Mills, an amputee herself, told the crowd that governments risked turning young victims of bombs and unexploded ordinances into bitter and vengeful people, and that "electing the right president" would help the situation.

Among the diners of the vegetarian fare were Stephen Stills, Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones, Steve Buscemi, Pamela Anderson and Bill Maher.

McCartney and Young will reunite Oct. 23 and 24 during Young's 18th annual Bridge School benefit concert at the Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, California.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.10.04 07:25:06   
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October 16, 2004 -- A MACCA REPORT EXCLUSIVE!!!!! October 16, 2004 -- A MACCA REPORT EXCLUSIVE!!!!!

Details from the Los Angeles--Adopt-a-Minefield benefit (Held October 15 at the Westin Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles)

Paul arrived around 2:25pm driving a blue corvette with a tan top at the Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles for the Adopt-a-Minefield soundcheck. Paul waved to the fans on his way in. Brian Ray arrived escorted by Missy the body guard.

The soundcheck started at 2:45pm. Songs heard at the soundcheck:

"Drive My Car (rough version)," impromptu jam, "Drive My Car" (traditional version) "Silver Bells," unidentified country and western song, "Blackbird," "Here Today," "Follow Me," "Only Love Can Break Your Heart," (Neil Young with Paul) "Michelle," "Yesterday," "Get Back," "Let It Be," "Lady Madonna," "Hey Jude" (Paul did "Now the men" and "Now the women...")


VIP Reception:
A fan (congrats to Bev Taylor) asked Paul for a hug when he walked in. He said, "SURE!" and he gave her one! The reception was held before the dinner and people who donated thousands of dollars were invited.

Dinner started at 7:45pm

The president of the U.N talked
8:20 Jay Leno talked (he made jokes about how people are getting fatter and the T.V.'s are getting thinner and other overweight type jokes
8:30 Landmine film was shown emphasizing how 70 million lives are affected and how 18 million square meters has been cleared so far.
8:48-8:55 Heather talked--said she hopes we elect the right president and how $25-$30 will make a child walk again
She wore a red strapless Valentino gown size 4-6 that cost her $2,500
9:15 Chairperson of AAM spoke
9:45 Jay Leno spoke again
9:48 Heather and Paul introduced recipients of the awards
Paul introduced sister-in-law Jodie Eastman (married to Linda's brother John Eastman)
Heather introduced Wendy Whitworth of CNN (Paul played her birthday party for a million dollars a few years ago)
10:02 Paul introduced Lynn Bradach who lost her son
10:10 Heather introduced Stuart Hughes who lost a leg stepping on a landmine (he took his leg off!)
10:15 Jay introduced Neil Young
Neil sang 7 songs (the 3rd one was "Heart of Gold")

Neil's harmonica went for $6,000
A guitar pick went for $2,000
Paul's dinner plate with some ravioli still on it. Paul autographed it and it went for $5,000
A $20 bill signed by Paul went for $9,000 (Paul signed it like this---"You S.O.B. Paul McCartney")
Apparently they initially wanted him to sign a 5 dollar bill, then it ended up being a 20 dollar bill.
11:04 A painting of Paul by a 13-year-old went for $11,000
11:08 Paul's print without an autograph went for $10,000
11:10 Heather had a donated pin from a jeweler that went for $13,000
11:13 Heather's dress went for $10,000 (someone shouted "Does she come with it?")
Heather wanted to auction Jay Leno's underwear--it went for $2,000!!! (someone asked, "clean or dirty"? which embarrassed Jay)
11:20 A Colorado vacation for 6 days and 5 nights in Beaver Creek went for $4,500
11:21-11:26 GUITAR AUCTION (Paul's acoustic- A Signature 1964 Epiphone Texan), serial No. 001 : started at $50,000--no one bid--someone said $30,000--it was bought by a guitar center.

PAUL'S SET LIST(11:27pm)

01. Drive My Car
02. Till There Was You (afterwards Paul takes off his jacket)
03. In Spite Of All Danger
04. Blackbird (gives kisses towards the audience a couple of times)
05. Here Today (in the song when he sings "I Love You", he repeats this 4 times)
06. Follow Me (Paul says this is the first time he performed the song in the US!)
07. Only Love Can Break Your Heart (Neil Young with Paul)
08. Michelle
09. Yesterday (Paul says this is the original guitar from Ed Sullivan show. He said that Ed said, "Aren't you nervous?" Paul said, "No." Ed said, "Are you sure? You are playing in front of millions of people!" Paul DID get nervous after that comment!!!)
10. Get Back (Paul on Hofner)
11. Let It Be
12. Lady Madonna
Pauls says,"one more song" then does one chorus of "Baby Face" then stops and says "no, that's not it", and goes into...
13. Hey Jude (with Neil Young who did not any verses)

At the end, Heather thanked everyone. Paul was standing behind her with his arms around her. He was "swaying" while holding her and rested his head next to hers. At the end Paul picked her up and carried her off.

Spotted in the audience were Marla Maples, Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones, Bill Moyer, Loni Anderson, Pamela Anderson, Stephen Stills and Jack Nicholson.


It was held in three large ballrooms with 1,300-1,500 people.

rolls and butter on the table
4 big ravioli's
julienne veggies with alfredo sauce
Choice of choc. mousse or blueberry tart with whipped cream
wine on tables
Ghirardelli chocolate squares

Table centerpieces were 12 yellow or white daisies in white, wooden planters.

Special thanks to Toni Johnson, Masahiro Sendai and Ceil Noworyta for the report!

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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.10.04 07:26:08   
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October 17, 2004 -- UK News

Stars turn out for mines charity

Paul McCartney and his wife Heather Mills McCartney have held a star-studded gala in Los Angeles to raise awareness and money for the global landmine crisis.

Before the event, Heather explained the achievements of the campaign in the year since the last benefit gala.

"A few more million and a few more million square metres of land cleared and about another 67,000 people fitted up with limbs and benefited round the world. So quite a bit," she said.

Pamela Anderson was one of the celebrities attending the event.

Pamela is usually out campaigning for the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), but she said the issue of landmines was also important to her.

"Well I think it's terrible. It's needless harm to people and animals and I think this is really important, it's a really important cause," she said.

Speaking at the event, Paul said it was the individual stories of survival and rehabilitation that mean the most to him.

"We helped a young man who'd been blinded and had lost his limbs and he's now walking again he's going to school. We managed to give him a computer so he's putting his life back together.

"So ... that's important too, as well as the huge picture, but you know, onward and upward. We're going to see the last landmine lifted one of these days; with your help."

The Adopt-A-Minefield campaign works with individuals, community groups and businesses.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 18.10.04 12:59:42   
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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 18.10.04 13:00:48   
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