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Игра "The Beatles: Rock Band"

Тема: Битлз - игра "The Beatles: Rock Band" (2009)

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Re: Игра "The Beatles: Rock Band"
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.09.09 10:59:35   
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>Очень глючная штука. Особенно A Hard days night
>на Шоу Эда Салливана))) А вообще, было бы прикольно,
>если бы можно было всё это заполучить в виде мультиков-клипов.
Re: Игра "The Beatles: Rock Band"
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 22.09.09 12:14:16   
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Отличия новых миксов:

I'm Looking Through You - Paul vocal is single tracked
Hey Bulldog - extended ending
Good Morning Good Morning - no fade into the "Reprise", you can hear additional Lennon chatter prior to and at the conclusion?
Eight Days A Week - begins clean, no fade
Helter Skelter - no fade
Yellow Submarine - additional chord prior to the start of the song...ending is probably manufactured though
Come Together - Lennon's vocal double tracked right to the end
Don't Let Me Down - Levels on John's double tracked vocals reversed - very noticable towards the end
Dear Prudence - Clean intro/outro
Day Tripper - Better balanced mix - ie drums louder than tambourine!
I Me Mine - No strings
While My Guitar Gently Weeps - Possibly some extra guitar playing from Slowhand??
And Your Bird Can Sing - no ADT on lead vocal
Helter Skelter - Bass/drums centered
While My Guitar - bass/drums centered, piano right
Here Comes the Sun - George's vocal centered
Back in the USSR - drums centered
Birthday - sounds like they've got a guitar panned right
Re: Игра "The Beatles: Rock Band"
Автор: Gene Lennin   Дата: 22.09.09 13:35:48   
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Видео из игры в хорошем качестве:
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Игра "The Beatles: Rock Band"
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 25.09.09 11:05:51   
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'I can't believe it's not Beatles: Rock Band' -- a BBC spoof
Re: Игра "The Beatles: Rock Band"
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 29.09.09 18:25:18   
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Хит-парад продаж игр в Великобритании
Rock Band: The Beatles продолжает проигрывать Guitar Hero 5, сообщает

1. Need for Speed: Shift (PC, PS3, X360, PSP)
2. Guitar Hero 5 (PS2, PS3, X360, Wii)
3. Colin McRae: Dirt 2 (PS3, X360, Wii, DS, PSP)
4. Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3, X360)
5. Wii Sports Resort (Wii)
6. Wet (PS3, X360)
7. The Beatles: Rock Band (PS3, X360, Wii)
8. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PC, PS3, X360)
9. Wii Fit (Wii)
10. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 (PS2, PS3, X360, Wii, DS, PSP)
Re: Игра "The Beatles: Rock Band"
Автор: Бри   Дата: 02.10.09 21:48:55   
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Please, кто знает, где можно в Питере купить?
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Игра "The Beatles: Rock Band"
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 03.10.09 16:36:19   
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Downloadable Yoko breaks up avatar BeatlesDownloadable Yoko breaks up avatar Beatles

Rock Band video game crashes after virtual Ono invades White Album songs. Also, cartoon Eric Clapton steals George's wife.

After months of hype from writers trying to cleverly incorporate song titles into their reviews ("You'll play eight days a week!"), the Beatles Rock Band game bit the dust today when a virtual Yoko Ono infiltrated the animation and broke up the group.

Game developers said the Ono avatar dodged Rock Band's firewall by coming in through a bathroom window, protected by a silver spoon.

It was one of several snafus plaguing the video game. In addition to a cartoon Eric Clapton stealing George Harrison's wife during the "White Album" sessions, virtual FBI agents began tailing the game's John Lennon character after he boasted that Beatles Rock Band was "bigger than virtual Jesus." And the original Paul McCartney avatar was reportedly killed in a car crash and replaced with a lookalike who can only write silly love songs.

Manufacturer Harmonix refused to offer refunds, saying, "We wanted to give people the full, realistic Beatles experience."
Re: Игра "The Beatles: Rock Band"
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 05.10.09 11:19:32   
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Коды для игры "Rock Band" позволяющие разблокировать фотки и видео:
Re: Игра "The Beatles: Rock Band"
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 05.10.09 19:49:18   
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Queen стали героями Rock BandQueen стали героями Rock Band

22 октября компания Hamonix представит новый выпуск компьютерной игры Rock Band. На сей раз героями популярной игры выступили Queen – основой саундтрека The Queen Rock Band стали десять классических хитов легендарной группы, в том числе "Another One Bites the Dust", "Crazy Little Thing Called Love", "I Want to Break Free" и "Under Pressure".

В новом выпуске игры издатели разработали для геймеров ряд новых возможностей. Так, теперь играть в Rock Band можно будет онлайн, общаясь с другими участниками и устраивая с ними совместные джемы и дуэли.

Релиз тематического выпуска The Queen Rock Band состоится в один день с выпуском игры Rock Band 2.

Напомним, что The Queen Rock Band станет второй в серии "звездных" музыкальных симуляторов Hamonix. Выпущенная в сентябре этого года игра, посвященная легендарной четверке The Beatles, пользуется стабильным спросом у геймеров.
Re: Игра "The Beatles: Rock Band"
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 08.10.09 14:02:49   
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After The Beatles, U2 Now Wants Its Own Game

Don't think that the success of "The Beatles: Rock Band" escaped the attention of rock legends U2. The Irish-born mega-band's tours ooze with computers and big-spectacle props like the cylindrical video screen on their 2009 360° tour. Syncing up a few songs with a guitar controller may seem antiquated by comparison to a few of the stages they've assembled, but U2 definitely want an in to music gaming.

"We definitely would like to be in there, but we felt some of the compromises weren’t what we wanted,” U2 bassist Adam Clayton told USA Today. "That could change."

Video games have become a hot new way for musicians to sell their wares in an age where conventional sales and retail chains have dwindled. So while U2 obviously have high standards for the level of animation and rendering that would need to go into such a project, they are certainly business-savvy enough to understand that they could make a few dollars under the right circumstances.

"We’ll figure something out," Clayton said. "What The Beatles have done, where the animation is much more representative of them, is what we’re interested in, rather than the one-size-fits-all animation. We didn’t want to be caricatured."
Re: Игра "The Beatles: Rock Band"
Автор: Crochard   Дата: 08.10.09 15:16:10   
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PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAse - no more those "games"!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Игра "The Beatles: Rock Band"
Автор: delfin669   Дата: 13.10.09 18:17:13   
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Гитара приехала, остался только диск на таможне. Надеюсь скоро опробовать ;)
Re: Игра "The Beatles: Rock Band"
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 15.10.09 14:07:20   
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Музыкальный симулятор Rock Band выпустят на iPhone и iPod touch, сообщает MobileCrunch. Официальный анонс новой игры состоялся 8 октября. Новый проект студии Harmonix Music Systems можно будет скачать через интернет-магазин App Store в середине октября текущего года. Точную дату выхода игры объявят позже.

В игре будет однопользовательский режим, в котором геймеры смогут исполнять песни известных рок-групп при помощи одного из четырех доступных музыкальных инструментов. Чтобы попадать в ноты, нужно будет прикасаться пальцами к определенным точкам на экране iPhone или iPod touch.

Помимо этого в новую часть Rock Band добавят многопользовательский режим. Геймеры (до четырех человек) получат возможность объединить свои мобильные устройства при помощи Bluetooth. Помимо этого в Rock Band будет поддержка сервиса Facebook Connect, что позволит приглашать в игру других пользователей.

Разработчики подготовили для нового симулятора 20 музыкальных композиций. Из них 15 будут доступны изначально. Остальные песни можно будет открыть во время прохождения игры. Кроме того, разработчики планируют продавать дополнительные композиции через App Store.

В рамках серии Rock Band вышло две полноценных части, а также несколько ответвлений для различных платформ. Последний проект, посвященный творчеству группы The Beatles, поступил в продажу 9 сентября текущего года. По неофициальным данным, во всем мире продано уже больше миллиона копий этой игры.
Re: Игра "The Beatles: Rock Band"
Автор: SLTN   Дата: 15.10.09 14:12:42   
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>Музыкальный симулятор Rock Band выпустят на iPhone
>и iPod touch...

ВАУ!!!! Хочу в Битлз на iPhone!!!)))))

Re: Игра "The Beatles: Rock Band"
Автор: Ptichka Webbird   Дата: 15.10.09 15:27:23   
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>>Музыкальный симулятор Rock Band выпустят на
>>и iPod touch...
>ВАУ!!!! Хочу в Битлз на iPhone!!!)))))

Не спешите говорить ВАУ!... Rock Band изначально не был связан с Beatles. The Beatles:Rock Band - это, так сказать, специальная его версия... Так что в айфоновском/айподовском Rock Band не ждите наших с вами любимчиков... Вот треклист

* "Attack" - 30 Seconds To Mars
* "Girls Not Grey" - AFI
* "Move Along" - All American Rejects
* "Sabotage" - Beastie Boys
* "All The Small Things" - Blink-182
* "Hanging on the Telephone" - Blondie
* "Learn To Fly" - Foo Fighters
* "Everlong" - Foo Fighters
* "Bad to The Bone" - George Thorogood & the Destroyers
* "Hymn 43" - Jethro Tull
* "Bad Reputation" - Joan Jett
* "Simple Man" - Lynyrd Skynyrd
* "Ace of Spades '08" - Motorhead
* "Debaser" - Pixies
* "Ladybug" - Presidents of The United States of America
* "Give It All" - Rise Against
* "Lazy Eye" - Silversun Pick Ups
* "Cherub Rock" - Smashing Pumpkins
* "Take The Money and Run" - Steve Miller Band
* "We Got The Beat" - The Go Go's

Re: Игра "The Beatles: Rock Band"
Автор: SLTN   Дата: 15.10.09 15:38:39   
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Спасибо за инфо! Жаль конечно, что Битлз не будет... но может хоть когда-нибудь......((((
Re: Игра "The Beatles: Rock Band"
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 19.10.09 00:27:52   
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Дополнительные трэки с "Abbey Road"

Anyone who has the game knows that several of the tracks -- "Come Together," "Something," "Here Comes the Sun," "I Want You (She's So Heavy)," "Octopus' Garden" and "The End" (hidden at first) -- are already on the game disc. That leaves "Because," "Oh, Darling," "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" and the medley beginning with "You Never Give Me Your Money" and ending with "Carry That Weight." (Yes, we know we're leaving something out.)

"Because" starts off with an image of John Lennon with strobes behind him, then shows Lennon, Paul McCartney and George Harrison around a microphone as the three unite for the vocals. The song sounds fantastic. It sounded to us like the vocal level had been pushed up a little bit. At any rate, the stereo separation sounds incredible. It ends with studio chatter with McCartney saying, "That's it," and Lennon replying, OK."

"Oh, Darling" begins with some fooling around between piano and guitar and a "1, 2" count-in. It shows Paul McCartney at the microphone, in black-and-white in the beginning, which later turns to color, then back to black-and-white on the last chorus. It ends with McCartney saying, "Plastic soul," which was on "Anthology 2" after "I'm Down," but it's here as well.

"Maxwell's Silver Hammer" shows the Beatles at Abbey Road Studios and is full of psychedelic colors. It ends with miscellaneous chatter after. A Harmonix spokesman told us, by the way, all the new chatter included with the game did come from the same songs they were included with, though possibly not the same takes as in the game.

The medley looked wonderful. Most of the dreamscape is set at Abbey Road studios. It's this track where buying the full album will be especially worth it for Xbox 360 and PS3 owners. The medley will play through seamlessly without interruptions for owners of these platforms using the full album playlist option. On the Nintendo Wii, however, users will see a short "loading" prompt between each track, even using an album playlist. The Wii won't do it any other way.

Oh yes -- after a short pause, "Her Majesty" follows. It starts with the view of a tape deck, then it's just Paul McCartney singing around a microphone. And surprise! -- the ending includes the oft-bootlegged full strum, not the cutoff version from the original album.
Re: Игра "The Beatles: Rock Band"
Автор: zero66   Дата: 19.10.09 01:22:55   
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2 Ptichka Webbird
...against the mashine - вроде так?
А вообще-то ждем, но кто все эти люди?
Поганые игры на айфоне все, кроме "деревянного лабиринта" и Дума.
Re: Игра "The Beatles: Rock Band"
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 20.10.09 12:26:47   
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The "The Beatles: Rock Band" game (also available from and in Canada) was the top-selling music video game in the United States in September, it was announced Monday by Harmonix, MTV Games and Apple Corps Ltd. The game was also the second largest revenue grossing across all genres of games in the U.S, the announcement said.

The Los Angeles Times, which had some actual sales numbers, was a little more reserved, quoting the NPD Group as saying the game sold 595,000 units in the United States. They said that was more than the first month sales of either Rock Band or Rock Band 2, but far below Guitar Hero III, which they sold 1.4 million units in its first six days on sale in October 2007.

In addition, over 100,000 downloads of “All You Need Is Love,” available only through XBox 360, were sold in September. Proceeds from the download benefitted Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).

MTV Games and Harmonix also announced they have completed production of "The Beatles: Rock Band" Limited Edition, which includes Beatles branded drum controller patterned after that used by Ringo Starr and a Hofner bass controller patterned after the one played by Paul McCartney. They say no more will be manufactured.
Re: Игра "The Beatles: Rock Band"
Автор: Ptichka Webbird   Дата: 20.10.09 14:40:29   
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>2 Ptichka Webbird
> ...against the mashine - вроде так?
>А вообще-то ждем, но кто все эти люди?
>Поганые игры на айфоне все, кроме "деревянного
>лабиринта" и Дума.
по поводу "against". В списке как раз указано правильно ибо имеют место быть такие две разные команды, как Rise Against ( и Rage Against the Machine (
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