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Tom Petty

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Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 11.04.08 16:32:53   
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Mudcrutch Hopes To Live Beyond Reunion Tour


Mike Campbell and Benmont Tench of Tom Petty's Heartbreakers hope there's more Mudcrutch in their future.

The reunited Gainesville, Fla., band that Petty and company took to Los Angeles in 1974 releases its self-titled "debut" on April 29 and plays 11 California shows beginning Saturday in Malibu. Promoting the album will be interrupted by a Heartbreakers summer tour that begins May 30, but Campbell tells "there's hope" that Mudcrutch will resurface on the other side of that -- and beyond.

"It's not a nostalgia trip," says keyboardist Tench. "It's a living, breathing band. And it's certainly, I hope, not a one-off, because I really love it and I have missed the sound."

Guitarist Campbell adds that the 14-track album -- recorded with Petty on bass and original Mudcrutch members Tom Leadon (younger brother of Eagles co-founder Bernie Leadon) on guitar and Randall Marsh on drums -- "was such a pleasure to do, and the response to the record has been so positive so far. If there is an audience for it, we would certainly have a reason to do it again."

It sounds like there will be time. Campbell says that after the summer tour the Heartbreakers will "take a couple years off to write the next album. We'd like to make a really great album this time and take our time with the songs ... and work on it at our own speed." There's no new material yet, according to Campbell, but he says that it's "looming."

Campbell and Tench, meanwhile, will be heard on Neil Diamond's new album, "Home Before Dark," after working on 2005's gold-certified "12 Songs." "The songs are wonderful, just wonderful," Tench says, while Campbell adds that, like "12 Songs," it's another sans-drums effort that's "built around Neil and his guitar. We made him play guitar again, and he loved it. He wrote some good songs and, of course, Rick Rubin produced it, which is always fun."
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 14.04.08 12:04:44   
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Видео с концерта Mudcratch. Качество жуткое, но все таки первая ласточка.
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 14.04.08 16:05:23   
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Malibu Performing Arts Center Malibu Performing Arts Center
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 14.04.08 16:05:46   
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Tom Petty
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 14.04.08 16:06:16   
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Tom Petty
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 14.04.08 16:06:35   
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Tom Petty
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: PrudenS   Дата: 14.04.08 17:16:12   
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2Sweet Little Queen XIII:

вы все знаете... к нам, вернее - к вам не собирается приехать? :))
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 14.04.08 18:25:29   
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>2Sweet Little Queen XIII:
>вы все знаете... к нам, вернее - к вам не собирается
>приехать? :))

Пока нет, к нам не собирается. Даже в Европу не собирается.
Я тащусь!  
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: PrudenS   Дата: 14.04.08 18:56:53   
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2Sweet Little Queen XIII:

с другой стороны, в один год столько потрясений... организм жалко...))))

Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Neil Gardener   Дата: 16.04.08 12:17:34   
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Сетлист концерта в Санта-Круз:

Santa Cruz CA USA
April 14, 2008

Shady Grove
Orphan of the Storm
Six Days on the Road
I Don't Scare Easy
You Go Your Way and I'll Go Mine
Good Home
Lover of the Bayou
Band Intros
Queen of the Go-Go Girls
Oh Maria
Topanga Cowgirl
The Wrong Thing to Do
Bootleg Flyer
June Apple
House of Stone
Love Please Come Home
Crystal River
Rainy Day Women #12 & #35
Summertime Blues
Rockin at the High School Hop
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 16.04.08 12:31:20   
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Mudcrutch Rainy Day Women #12 & 35- Santa Cruz

Mudcrutch Santa Cruz Summertime Blues 4-14-08

Mudcrutch June Apple
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Neil Gardener   Дата: 16.04.08 21:27:40   
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Подправленные названия песен:

6 This Is A Good Street
20 High School Confidential
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Neil Gardener   Дата: 16.04.08 23:02:12   
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Наконец есть время написать о концерте Mudcrutch в Санта-Круз 14 апреля. Я даже не предполагала, что настолько интересно будет слушать их концерт, как-то даже не пыталась представить. Все (кроме пары кавер-версий) песни новые, еще не звучат в мозгах чуть ли не раньше, чем их слышишь.С другой стороны, мне обычно интересней слушать концерт по стопам нового альбома, тогда можно оценить по достоинству концертное звучание песен, какие-то находки, насладиться длинными инструментальными вставками, а тут все-таки большая часть абсолютно новая.

“Scare Easy” очень понравилась. Вместе с “Lover of the Bayou” это мои любимые вещи на концерте. В последней - потрясающее мощное гитарное соло в конце, но и на альбомной версии тоже похожая концовка, так что это не совсем неожиданность.

Том очень старался подражать голосом и манерой исполнения Дилану, очень даже получалось иногда, хотя “I Don’t Know What To Say To You” он в этом не превзошел. Своя собственная манера пения пробивалась.

“Crystal River” – нежная романтическая песня, в конце очень мило перекликаются гитарки, красивые клавишные Бена. Думаю, это как раз и есть долгожданная длинная инструментальная концовка.

“Summertime Blues” – забойная вещь, в духе Эдди Кокрана. Петти подключил фанатов к пению. В отличие от успокаивавших фанатов анкоров, за Кокраном идет “High School Confidential” Джерри Ли Льюиса – тоже классный рок-н-ролл, заводит еще больше. Не припомню, чтобы эти песни Петти исполнял раньше с Heartbreakers.

Из маленьких разочарований – не было практически инструментальных вставок в конце или середине песен, которыми так отличаются на концертах Heartbreakers – у них в трех-четырех песнях обязательно они есть. Сыграли инструменталку “June Apple” – Том сказал, что это очень старая песня, но это все-таки не тоже самое, как концовки (на пол песни) у “Refugee”, “Mary Jane’s Last Dance” или “It’s Good To Be King”. Еще жаль, что не исполнили что-то из старых песен Mudcrutch – “I Can’t Fight It”, к примеру. Или “Makin’ Some Noise” (Somebody Calls The Law). И еще почему-то хотелось гармошки, а ее не было.

Качество звука у бутлега отличное, если бы не знала, что запись из зала, решила бы, что с пульта.
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 17.04.08 16:20:50   
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No longer stuck in the mudNo longer stuck in the mud
Tom Petty and company live out a lifelong dream
By Chris Jay 04/17/2008

If a member of your high school band were to call you up 30 years later and tell you he is “getting the band back together,” you woud probably get a good laugh out of it — or even feel sorry for the poor guy.

When that friend happens to be Tom Petty, however, it’s a whole other response.

Yes, it’s true: Tom Petty, one of the world’s biggest rock stars, is coming to the Ventura Theater, but not with his usual back up band, the Heartbreakers. Instead, he is living out a lifelong dream and reuniting his original band, Mudcrutch.

Mudcrutch first came to California from their native Florida in the ’70s and recorded one single before disbanding, thus opening the door for Petty, the band’s bassist, to give it a go on his own (and we all know what a poor career choice that was). But, decades later, Mudcrutch is back with their first album and a weeklong tour of California that is coming to the Ventura Theatre for a show that is already sold-out. The Reporter scored an interview with original Mudcrutch members and longtime Heartbreakers Mike Campbell and Benmont Tench, who discussed the history of Mudcrutch and the real reason why you won’t be hearing any Petty classics at the concert.

So have you contacted Guinness yet to determine if this is the longest time period from a band’s formation to the time they released their debut record?

Mike Campbell: [Laughs] You might be right.

Benmont Tench: It probably is. We’ll have to look into that.

Did you ever think in your wildest dreams Mudcrutch would get back together?

BT: Every time I heard an old Mudcrutch song, from either the lineup that did the single or the lineup shortly thereafter, I just loved the sound. Somewhere in my head and heart, I hoped it would happen but never in my wildest dreams thought it would happen.

MC: It was completely Tom’s idea, and we were thrilled to go along with it.

What was the reaction when Tom Leadon and Randall Marsh, who’ve spent the past 30 years or so teaching guitar and playing drums in bar bands, while you guys became legends, got the call from Tom Petty that he wanted to get the band together?

MC: They were blown away. I think it was one of those, Why us? It was sweet to be able to work with them again and have the chance to share in making music together after all these years.

BT: Yeah. They were just over the moon. It was amazing, and more importantly, when they showed up they were really good. They walked right in and didn’t skip a beat. [It was] just a joy to play with them.

With all the success you’ve had, can you remember what that feeling was like when you moved out to L.A. to make it with the band only to have it fall apart so quick?

MC: It was disappointing. We just went into the studio and couldn’t capture the sound we really wanted.

BT: We were trying to get a live sound, like we were known for, but we were new to the studio and didn’t know how to make things sound like we wanted.

MC: We were frustrated. After that the guys went their separate ways. It was Benmont who was doing a demo session and he asked me, Ron [Blair, bassist], Stan [Lynch, drummer] and Tom to play on it. Tom was there and thought, “I gotta get all these guys in my band!”

So your humble demo session was a catalyst for rock’n’roll history.

BT: I’ve never thought of it like that, but looking back now, you’re right.

What’s the biggest the difference between playing the Ventura Theater as opposed to, let’s say, the Super Bowl?

MC: No difference at all. [Laughs.] For us the biggest difference will be having a different rhythm section. Tom’s back to his original role in Mudcrutch playing bass. The Mudcrutch rhythm section has a real special swing to it. It’s different from the more driving rock of the Heartbreakers but equally good.

BT: [It’s a] very unique style but still valid.

I know you’ve been asked this a million times since the tour’s been announced, but here’s a million and one: Any chance of hearing some Tom Petty songs at the show? Please?

MC: [Laughs.] Sorry. It’s true, there’ll be no Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers songs played — all Mudcrutch songs, but the band does do some cool covers.

BT: Even if we wanted to play some Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers, songs we don’t have the time to learn ‘em!

Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Neil Gardener   Дата: 19.04.08 13:14:24   
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Здесь статья из Rolling Stone - "Tom Petty Reunites Mudcrutch":

А кто-нибудь слышал "Lover Of The Bayou" в исполнении "Byrds"?
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 21.04.08 12:05:32   
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Running Down a Dream Deferred Running Down a Dream Deferred

BAND of five middle-aged men was warming up for rehearsal in a cluttered one-room studio, bashing out an unadorned version of “Shake, Rattle and Roll.” Two men, both named Tom, stepped to the microphones to harmonize on the song’s chorus. The clean-shaven one, playing rhythm guitar, spends most of his days working as a music teacher in suburban Nashville. The bearded, bass-playing Tom is one of the biggest rock stars in the world, who has sold more than 50 million records, has been nominated for 18 Grammy Awards and was most recently seen headlining the halftime show at the Super Bowl.

Thirty-two years after the band broke up, Tom Petty has reassembled Mudcrutch, the group he started in his native Gainesville, Fla., and moved to Los Angeles, seeking stardom. Mudcrutch didn’t hit it big back in the 1970s, but out of the band’s ashes Mr. Petty created the Heartbreakers, who have generated a staggering stream of hits for three decades.

The rhythm guitarist practicing today, Tom Leadon, quit Mudcrutch in 1972 while the band was still playing bars in Gainesville, taking a losing bet on making it in California. Now, however, he’s gearing up for his slot on a sold-out tour.

“I was driving home from getting groceries at Kroger’s, and my cellphone rang,” said Mr. Leadon, 55, who has taught at the same school for 17 years. “He said, ‘Hey, it’s your old pal Tom Petty.’ My first thought was that it was one of my friends pulling my leg. I wasn’t going to fall for that.” Once he was convinced that it really was his world-famous former band mate, Mr. Leadon pulled to the side of the road to chat, and Mr. Petty told him he wanted to get the group back together.

The reunion is an unexpected move for an artist of Mr. Petty’s stature. Though almost all multiplatinum sellers pass through a number of bands on their way to the top, no one else has returned to his roots in such a dedicated manner. It’s the third day of practice in this well-hidden studio — tucked in an alley, off an anonymous industrial street in the San Fernando Valley — for a two-week tour of West Coast clubs, which started on Monday in Santa Cruz and includes a six-night stand at the Troubadour in Los Angeles. On April 29 Mudcrutch’s self-titled debut album will be released on Reprise Records. (An arena tour by the Heartbreakers will follow, starting on May 30 and running until Aug. 29.)

Bruce Springsteen has occasionally brought one of the early members of the E Street Band onstage for a song, but as far as anyone knows he has never gotten back together with Steel Mill or any of his other earlier, long-forgotten bands. More than 45 years after being fired by the Beatles, Pete Best continues to tour the world as the most famous near-miss in rock ‘n’ roll history. For once, though, a couple of musicians will get a chance to see what might have been.

About two years ago, Mr. Petty, 57, said, “I just had this random thought: ’I really liked that band, I wonder what it would be like to get them together.’ “ He and the rest of Mudcrutch — Mr. Leadon, Mike Campbell, Randall Marsh and Benmont Tench — were gathered around a table in the middle of the studio, which usually serves as a warehouse for the Heartbreakers. “One day last year I got my nerve up and called Tom. He probably thought I’d gotten ahold of a bad bottle or something.”

Mr. Marsh, 58, a drum teacher who recently moved back to Florida from California, got the news while he was shooting an interview with the director Peter Bogdanovich for the 2007 Petty documentary, “Runnin’ Down a Dream.” “Bogdanovich said, ‘By the way, Tom said he might want to put Mudcrutch back together,’“ he said. “I didn’t make too much of it. Months went by, and then finally Tom called me.”

Last August Mr. Leadon and Mr. Marsh flew to California and stayed at Mr. Petty’s home in Malibu; the next day the three joined up with Mr. Campbell and Mr. Tench, the lead guitarist and keyboard player in the Heartbreakers, who are also Mudcrutch alumni. “When Tom called me and said he wanted to do this,” Mr. Campbell said, “my first reaction was, why?”

Mr. Marsh said: “I thought we’d come in here, do a few songs, it would be nice to see everybody. But I think Tom had some kind of insight that something would happen.”

Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 21.04.08 12:06:11   
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They all agree that the music clicked immediately. “Tom brought in this song he’d just written,” Mr. Campbell, 58, said. “We started playing it, and when we got to the chorus, Leadon stepped up to the mike and sang the harmony. I don’t know how he even knew the words yet.”

The reborn Mudcrutch recorded four songs that first day, and in less than two weeks an album was completed. Mr. Petty chose to avoid the pressure of a studio and work in this rehearsal space. The members played facing one another in a circle, and a sound — swampier than the Heartbreakers, with bluegrass flourishes and a stomp reminiscent of Neil Young’s Crazy Horse — rapidly surfaced.

Mr. Petty wrote new material every night. “I’d go home with all this adrenaline,” he said. “I’d be pacing around, so I’d pick up my guitar and hammer something together, knowing that whatever I wrote I could cut the next day. It was so much fun, I didn’t want to show up and have nothing to play.”

Most of the album’s 14 songs (including covers of the trucker classic “Six Days on the Road” and the Byrds’ “Lover of the Bayou”) were done in just two or three takes. The recording of the nine-minute Grateful Dead-style jam “Crystal River” documents the one and only time the band played that song. “It all happened so quickly,” Mr. Marsh said, “that there wasn’t much chance to get freaked out.”

This telepathy is presumably a result of the group’s long and intimate history. Mr. Petty and Mr. Leadon were neighbors in Gainesville and started playing in bands together as teenagers. Mr. Campbell and Mr. Marsh lived in an isolated farmhouse while they were attending the University of Florida; their land would later become the site of three wild Mudcrutch Farm Festivals, which grew so popular that the pair got evicted.

The group was together from 1970 to 1975, in various configurations; Mr. Tench did not formally join until 1972, after Mr. Leadon quit to move to California with his brother Bernie, a member of the original lineup of the Eagles. Mudcrutch forged an unusual style, bringing together a love of British-invasion pop, country music and 1950s rock ’n’ roll. And the band found an endless amount of opportunity in a university town.

“Gainesville was a wonderful place to be doing what we were doing,” Mr. Petty said. “There were a lot of venues to play because of the college. Frat parties — which weren’t our favorite — clubs, functions. We were enterprising little kids.”

Most significant, Mudcrutch became the house band at a bar called Dub’s, where it would grind out five 45-minute sets, six nights a week. The members learned Top 40 hits by taping them off of the jukebox, and would sneak in an original song by introducing it as, for example, a new Santana single. Mr. Campbell said the Dub’s patrons “were all so drunk they couldn’t tell.”

Mudcrutch became the biggest band in the region, and Mr. Petty decided it was time to pursue a wider audience. In 1974 he led an excursion to Los Angeles, where a few record companies took notice. The band signed with Shelter Records, best known as the home of the countrified hippie Leon Russell, and released a single, “Depot Street.” It flopped, and soon the frustrated band fell apart.

By this time labels were showing more interest in Mr. Petty as a solo artist, so he put together a backing band of fellow Florida refugees, including two former members of Mudcrutch, and signed a new deal as Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. Beginning with “Breakdown” in 1977, they established themselves as one of America’s most popular and consistent bands.

Mr. Leadon got a degree in electrical engineering but kept returning to music, finally settling into life as a teacher. Mr. Marsh kicked around with a number of bands in Los Angeles but eventually moved to Ojai, Calif., and started taking on private drum students.

Over the years both men stayed in sporadic contact with Mr. Petty. They would see the Heartbreakers whenever a tour would pass through town, visit backstage, maybe jam a little at the band’s hotel. “I’d go see them play,” Mr. Marsh said, “and there was always that element of ‘I could do that.’ “

As the five musicians rehearsed, in this room stuffed with the flotsam of years spent on the road, their enthusiasm for the project was clear. Slugging coffee and smoking cigarettes between songs, Mr. Petty (who has not played the bass as his main instrument since assembling the Heartbreakers) claimed that his singing was the best it had been in years. At an age when most stars are content to cruise, he seemed thrilled to have a new challenge.

“Really it makes no sense,” said Warren Zanes, a musician and educator who edited the oral history companion to “Runnin’ Down a Dream.” “It’s completely at odds with the self-mythologizing tendency you see in a lot of rock stars. But Tom Petty is a guy who likes to have fun playing music, and he continues to explore different ways to do that.”

Mr. Petty’s label wasn’t exactly expecting the Mudcrutch album but had no hesitation about backing this left-field country-rock project. “We feel like we should support Tom whatever he does,” said Diarmuid Quinn, chief operating officer of Warner Brothers Records. Mr. Quinn compared Mr. Petty to unconventional musicians (and label mates) like Neil Young and Jack White.

“With this kind of artist, you go with their instincts,“ Mr. Quinn said, “because they’re usually right.“

Before turning their attention to rehearsal, the members of Mudcrutch sat around laughing about their younger days. Mr. Petty’s familiar laconic delivery didn’t change much, but he drove the conversation and smiled easily with his old friends.

For a drummer Mr. Marsh stayed remarkably calm while talking about this unlikely turn of events. Mr. Leadon, though he did his best to keep cool, allowed more of his excitement to show through. He beamed while revealing that his family, his co-workers, even some of his students would be flying out for the Mudcrutch shows.

“This is something I didn’t expect to happen in my life,” Mr. Leadon said. “I get to see what might have happened if I’d stayed in the band. But maybe if I had, the Heartbreakers never would have gotten famous, so I don’t have any bitterness or regrets.

“This is an unbelievable dream that I’m living. But then when we start playing, it just feels like I’m home again.”

Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 22.04.08 16:57:42   
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Mudcrutch - "Lover of the Bayou" new official video
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 23.04.08 12:47:29   
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Здесь онлайн можно послушать альбом целиком!
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 23.04.08 14:00:07   
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2Sweet Little Queen XIII:

> Здесь онлайн можно послушать альбом целиком!
спасибо большое!!
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