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Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 09.07.05 23:45:34   
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The landmark submarine will take 2-3 hours to moveThe landmark submarine will take 2-3 hours to move
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Marta   Дата: 10.07.05 11:20:19   
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И я то же самое планирую. В Лондоне 20-26 июля, в Ливерпуле 26-27, 28 - домой. Ты в первый раз? Посидим?
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.07.05 10:20:33   
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Yellow Submarine has surfaced in a new home Jul 11 2005Yellow Submarine has surfaced in a new home Jul 11 2005
By Jessica Shaughnessy, Daily Post Staff

LIVERPOOL'S famous Yellow Submarine will be the first landmark tourists see when they touch down in Merseyside.

After much speculation about its future, the 25 tonne model inspired by the Beatles hit has been given a new home outside Liverpool John Lennon Airport.

Built by Cammel Laird Apprentices for the 1986 Garden Festival, the submarine was put in place over the weekend.

Airport managers have come to an agreement with Liverpool City Council to house the submarine until at least Capital of Culture year in 2008.

Leader of Liverpool City Council, Cllr Mike Storey said: "What better welcome can we give to visitors to this city then to have the yellow submarine right outside the airport?

"It fits in well with the Beatles theme which is developing at the airport."

When the Garden Festival site closed, the Yellow Submarine was put in storage but later reappeared in Chavasse Park.

When work started on the £920m Paradise Street development, the 51ft model had to be moved again.

There was talk that it might be relocated to Penny Lane Fields.

But given the Beatles rebranding at the airport, managers decided the entrance to the Speke terminal was the best place for it and paid for maintenance and transportation of the model.

In 2008, the council and the airport will decide whether it should remain there or taken to another part of the city for Capital of Culture Year.

Cllr Storey added: "It may well stay there if the idea proves to be a success. The Beatles are an integral part of Liverpool's culture and Yellow Submarine will be quite an attraction."

Airport managing director Neil Pakey has invited drummer Ringo Starr to unveil the model at an

official launch party on July 26, though it has not yet been confirmed whether the former Beatle will attend.

Mr Pakey said: "Ringo especialy is synonymous with the song Yellow Submarine, it was one of the songs he sang, and when he jokingly said on TV that he would like one of our baggage carousels named after him, we thought this would be a more fitting tribute."

On his tours, Ringo still performs the song, which was recorded at Abbey Road studios in 1966.

Paul McCartney wrote Yellow Submarine, inspired by the songs of his childhood.

A Yellow Submarine interior mock-up is at the Beatles Story museum on the Albert Dock.
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.07.05 10:23:26   
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Beatles tourism trail could bring a £12m fab fortune Jul 11 2005Beatles tourism trail could bring a £12m fab fortune Jul 11 2005
By Jessica Shaughnessy, Daily Post Staff

THE Beatles brand will be the centre of a massive world-wide marketing campaign which is expected to bring £12m into Liverpool every year.

Tourism managers in the city say the appeal of the Fab Four has not been used to its full potential in luring visitors to Merseyside.

They launched their campaign on Saturday with a concert in central Pisa, starring Liverpool's most recognised tribute band, the Mersey Beatles.

Director of Mersey Partnership (TMP) Martin King said: "The event was an overwhelming success. It was the first of hopefully many similar events, which we will take to other major cities around the world as part of a rolling programme to promote Liverpool as a destination.

"Some people in Liverpool may think The Beatles are over-used as a tourist attraction, but in fact they are not used enough if you look at how Memphis has benefited from the Elvis legacy.

"The Beatles are as relevant as they ever were and if we get the message out there in the right way, there is huge potential to increase the number of visitors in the run up to Capital of Culture."

Organised by TMP, the Liverpool Culture Company and Ryanair, the concert was the first of a string of events, which the organisations want to take to other major cities like Milan, Rome and Berlin.

There are also plans to capitalise on a newly opened tourist market in China since Britain was approved as an official holiday destination by the Chinese government.

Marketing director of the Culture Company Kris Donaldson said: "This is a very exciting time for tourism in Liverpool and all the agencies in the city are working together to make the most it.

"By combining public and private sector resources and funding, we can market Liverpool in a way that has not been done before.

"And it is important to remember that it is not just about The Beatles. Liverpool has a fantastic music scene and plenty of other attractions."

The potentially lucrative marketing drive is being led by the MBIG (Music and Beatles Industry Group), which includes TMP, the Culture Company, Cavern City Tours and National Museums Liverpool.

The group also plans to highlight golfing and art gallery attractions.

The concert in Italy coincided with the recent launch of Ryanair's link between Pisa and Liverpool John Lennon Airport.

More than 600,000 tourists passed through the airport last year.

Beatles tribute memories

BEDRIDDEN motorbike crash victim Nicola Piegaia listened to the Mersey Beatles through the open window of his flat which overlooked the stage.

The 41-year-old was recovering from horrific injuries to his face and legs which required 13 hours of reconstructive surgery.

To the fervent Liverpool Football Club fan, it felt he was back in the place he calls his second home.

Mr Piegaia said: "My mother was from Liverpool. She was an artist and settled in Pisa in the sixties. But we have always had strong links with Liverpool, regularly visiting family there.

"My grandmother used to sing Beatles songs to us when we went to see her. Liverpool is in our blood.

"It really cheered me up to hear it."

Mr Piegaia visited Liverpool on one of the first Pisa-Liverpool flights when the link was launched on April 28 this year.

He runs the Hotel Royal Victoria with his two elder brothers Maurizio and Andrea.

Maurizio said: "When we used to visit Liverpool in the '70s, it was like going back in time because there was nothing there.

"Now it is the other way round. The changes that have taken place are amazing."

The Piegaias' mother,, called Sheila Foster, and their father Nico, a doctor, have both died, but they still have relatives in Liverpool, Ormskirk and St Helens.

Pisa welcomes the Mersey Beatles and says 'we love you, yeah, yeah, yeah'

THE sound of Liverpool could be heard across the centre of Pisa as 4,000 fans gave a rapturous welcome to the Mersey Beatles.

The audience packed out the square, singing and dancing as the band - Steve Howard as Paul, Jay Murray as John, Brian Ambrose as Ringo and Robbie Hughes as George - played classics such as Hey Jude and Help.

Before the evening was out, many Italians had promised to visit Liverpool, if only to see the Mersey Beatles play their fortnightly show at the Cavern Club.

Former Birkenhead man Frank Sheridan, a horse trainer who has lived in Pisa for 20 years, said: "If anybody can attract more people to Liverpool, those guys can. They were brilliant."

Former Liverpool student Simona Obinu, who works at Pisa Airport, said: "I had to come when I heard it was on and it brought back so many happy memories."

The Mayor of Pisa, Paolo Fontanelli, said: "It has been a wonderful night.

"The Beatles are loved here in Pisa as they are around the world."

Photo: The Mersey Beatles before their flight from Liverpool to Pisa
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: GlassOnion   Дата: 16.07.05 01:29:47   
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Я буду в Лондоне 22-30 июля, в Ливерпуле 30/07-1/08. Я так понимаю сможем встретится только в Лондоне. В Лондоне было много раз, в Ливерпуль еду впервые.
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Marta   Дата: 16.07.05 14:11:15   
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Приходи на Abbey Road, я буду туда заходить каждый день - посидеть на скамеечке, поглядеть на битломанов из других стран. Но я уверена, никто не любит их так, как мы.
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.07.05 12:16:05   
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Lennon items on show at old home

New items relating to the childhood of former Beatle John Lennon are going on display at his former Liverpool home.

His wife, Yoko Ono Lennon, has approved an exhibition of replicas to mark the 65th anniversary year of Lennon's birth and the 25 years since his death.

They include four paintings he did as a child at his Menlove Avenue home, known as Mendips.

Other items to go on show include replicas of his baby teeth and a copy of his first passport.

Simon Osborne, National Trust Liverpool properties manager, said: "The items are all from personal family archives and can now be viewed in their original setting.

"This is particularly poignant in terms of John's paintings, which he would have displayed in the house for family and visitors to see."

Mr Osborne said Lennon's fame and influence remained significant and drew thousands to Liverpool each year.

"The stories of his childhood come alive at Mendips, which captures the spirit of the young Lennon in his early years," he said.
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.07.05 12:16:42   
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The replicas include one of Lennon's paintings entitled Mr BobThe replicas include one of Lennon's paintings entitled "Mr Bob"
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.07.05 12:17:18   
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Lennon's Sunday School attendance card will go on show Lennon's Sunday School attendance card will go on show
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.07.05 15:09:46   
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Молочный зубик ДжонниМолочный зубик Джонни
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.07.05 15:11:51   
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Удостоверение личностиУдостоверение личности
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Marta   Дата: 19.07.05 15:11:53   
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Ууууууууууу.... Воробушек масенький... А пустышка его не сохранилась? А куда зайти там, чтобы посмотреть? Я как раз завтра стартую!
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.07.05 15:13:00   
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Unseen remnants of Lennon's Liverpool life go on show in old home Jul 19 2005

UNSEEN childhood paintings and drawings by John Lennon have gone on display at his Liverpool home.

The pictures are among items of memorabilia loaned to the National Trust by his widow Yoko Ono to commemorate what would have been his 65th year.

Other items on display include school reports, a National Identity card, and a milk tooth.

A passport issued in 1960 chronicles Lennon's globe-trotting around the world with the Fab Four right up until the band's split ten years later.

School reports outline 15-year-old Lennon's dislike of subjects such as maths, with one teacher complaining that "He (Lennon) never really makes a sensible effort".

The memorabilia is on show at Mendips, the home that Lennon lived in with his beloved Auntie Mimi which now houses a collection of Lennon's artefacts.

The house, in Woolton, was bought by Yoko Ono in 2002 and donated to the National Trust which oversees the upkeep of the property.

Shelagh Johnston, from Yoko Ono's advisory board said: "These pieces give a real insight into the mind of a young man who would go on to change the world with his music and politics."

National Trust Property Manager, Simon Osborne said: "This is particularly poignant in terms of John's paintings which would have been displayed in the house for family and visitors originally."
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 26.07.05 19:58:49   
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Submarine docks at Lennon airport

Liverpool's famous yellow submarine is to be unveiled at its new home at John Lennon Airport.

The 25-tonne landmark was moved from Chavasse Park last year to allow work to start on the Paradise Project, which will redevelop 42 acres of the city.

On Tuesday, the vessel was due to be officially "launched" on the public walkway outside the terminal building.

The airport asked the council if it could house the vessel to fit in with its Beatles' theme.

The Yellow Submarine was built by apprentices from Cammell Lairds shipyard for the International Garden Festival in 1984.

Beatles' theme

When the Festival Gardens fell into disrepair the city council stepped in to rescue the submarine.

The 51ft-long submarine was moved to the airport just over a fortnight ago after it was cleaned and repaired.

It is on loan for five years to the airport and will be in place for the city year as European Capital of Culture in 2008.

Leader of Liverpool City Council, Cllr Mike Storey said: "What better welcome can we give to visitors to this city then to have the yellow submarine right outside the airport?

"It fits in well with the Beatles theme which is developing at the airport."

Paul McCartney wrote the Beatles' hit Yellow Submarine, inspired by the songs of his childhood. It was sung by Ringo Starr.
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: PrudenS   Дата: 27.07.05 13:36:38   
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Завтра Marta с сыном прилетают ОТТУДА! )))
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 27.07.05 19:32:14   
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City's Fab assignment Jul 27 2005City's Fab assignment Jul 27 2005

LIVERPOOL is to appoint a Beatles officer to exploit the worldwide potential of the Fab Four for the city.

Lib Dem council leader Mike Storey revealed the plan while unveiling the Yellow Submarine public artwork at Liverpool John Lennon airport yesterday.

More than 80 applications from all over the world have already been processed.

Cllr Storey said: " The Beatles are important to this city and I don't think we realise the relevance they have to this city and region.

"We should be more positive in the development of the Beatles because people flock to Liverpool from all over the world.

"Other cities would give anything for this opportunity."

He said the idea ofa Beatles officer to coordinate events and opportunities was first mooted duringa civic visit to New York seven years ago.

"It didn't happen then, but now we are going to make it happen."

A group of organisations linked to Beatles tourism including Liverpool John Lennon airport, and the National Trust, which owns John Lennon's childhood home Mendips, will be co-ordinated by the new officer.

The role will bea council appointment and will work within the Liverpool Culture Company.

Culture Company head of tourism Keith Blundell said he had sifted through the applications from Merseyside, the UK and overseas.

"We've had a lot of help from national tourism bodies who see this as hugely important for Britain, not just Liverpool."

He said an appointment could be announced in time for next month's Mathew Street Festival over August Bank Holiday.

The position of livein curator for Mendips also attracted applications from around the world.

photo: Neil Pakey and Mike Storey with the Yellow Submarine
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Marta   Дата: 02.08.05 13:18:29   
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Вот этот дядечка как раз проводит там экскурсии! Мало того, он ЖИВЕТ в этом доме! И дал мне подержать замурованный зубик! А еще я присела на кровать и детально осмотрела кухню (чисто женское).
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Sgt. Paper   Дата: 03.08.05 15:15:30   
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Если кому надо на CD-R схемы Ливерпуля и Лондона с битловскими достопримечательностями-пишите мне на мыло!Если кому надо на CD-R схемы Ливерпуля и Лондона с битловскими достопримечательностями-пишите мне на мыло!
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.08.05 17:25:55   
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Hotels full as city hails £15m festival Aug 8 2005

THE "no vacancies" signs will be out all over Liverpool for this year's Mathew Street Festival with every hotel room in the city now sold out, the Daily Post can reveal.

All hotels have declared a full house three weeks before the August Bank Holiday festival, the quickest sell-out in its history.

More than 300,000 people are expected to flock to Liverpool for the event, sparking an economic bonanza for the city worth up to £15m.

The sell-out is all the more impressive given the fact the city now has more hotel rooms than ever before, with 3,000 available for those travelling to the August 27-29 event. Most establishments have no room left for the week running up to the festival, which is branded as International Beatles Week.

Chief operations officer at the Liverpool Culture Company Jason Harborow said: "This is fantastic. We have worked hard to improve the Mathew Street Festival this year and have already signed top acts such as The Buzzcocks, The Stranglers and Amsterdam."

With 300,000 people spending an average of £50 a day each in the city, Liverpool's economy will receive a boost of between £10m-£15m.

Those staying in the hotels will spend an average £100 for the day and their room at night, boosting the city economy by a further £1m.

Bill Heckle, Beatle Week organiser of Cavern City Tours, said: "The rooms have gone much more quickly this year. Part of that is because the Beatle Week gets bigger and better every year and part of it is because the Moat House Hotel has closed."

Martin King, spokesman for tourism and investment body The Mersey Partnership, said: "Hundreds of thousands of people will be descending on Merseyside for International Beatle Week and the Mathew Street Festival. Liverpool's city centre hotels are already full for the August Bank Holiday weekend.

"If you bear in mind that there is also the Creamfields event at the old airport site that weekend, and the Southport Flower Show is just a few days beforehand, you can see we really are home to some of the biggest and best festivals in the UK, if not Europe."

Hotels around the city confirmed the wave of bookings for the Mathew Street festival weekend.

A spokeswoman for the Radisson SAS Hotel, on Old Hall Street, said: "We are completely full for the Bank Holiday weekend, which is great. We are also very busy for International Beatle Week."

Trio of top punk bands lead the first heavyweight line-up

PUNK bands the Buzzcocks, the Stranglers and Amsterdam are part of this year's heavyweight line-up at the Mathew Street Festival.

The Liverpool Culture Company has signed big name bands for the first time in the event's 13-year history.

The 2005 Festival will also be the biggest yet, with an extra two outdoor stages. The Pier Head, which will host live music on all three days, gains the new bands stage.

Bank Holiday Monday will see the addition of a sixth stage in Birkenhead as Wirral joins the festival for the first time.

The aim is to reflect the fact that Mathew Street did not just create the Merseybeat sound via The Cavern in the 60s but was hugely influential in the 70s, 80s and 90s.

The street's other superclub, Eric's, nurtured Liverpool bands such as Echo and The Bunnymen, Wah! Heat, Big in Japan, OMD, The Teardrop Explodes and hosted seminal gigs from The Clash to Kraftwerk.

The city's other famous club name, Cream, was perhaps dance music's first superclub and was influential in shaping the dance music scene across the UK in the run-up to the Millennium, as well as establishing the Creamfields Festival.

More household names are to be announced by the Liverpool Culture Company. The Culture Company will be introducing a host of new cover bands who have never played the festival.

Beatles fans will swell the throng

BEATLES fans from 30 countries will descend on Liverpool for International Beatle Week. Cover bands from 17 different nations will entertain the crowds, which this year will be bigger than ever before.
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.08.05 11:19:52   
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Beatles lovefest

If by chance you will be around UK this month of August, don’t fail to catch the International Beatles Week from August 23 to 30, 2005. It is the 20th year of this biggest celebration of the music of the Beatles anywhere in the world, and, fittingly, it is hosted in the city where it all began – Liverpool.

Imagine seven days and nights where fans from all over the world flock to remember the Fab Four. And read this: over 200 hundred bands from 20 countries will participate in this event organized by Cavern City Tours.

Kicking off the event in style at the Cavern Pub on Wednesday, August 24, is the Mersey Beatles, the resident band at The Cavern.

On August 25, the highlight of the day will be Rutlemania at the Comedy Club, a night hosted by ex- Rutles Neil Innes and John Halsley aka Ron Nasty and Barry Wom in the spoof Beatles comedy classic The Rutles.

Friday, August 26, most fans will flock to the Royal Court Theatre to see the Re- Enactment Concert Series. This idea evolved after one of the directors of RCT saw the "Australian Fab 4" in Adelaide, who recreated the Beatles famous 1964 concert with archive film footage of the Press Conferences. It proved a great backdrop for the band to then recreate that exact concert. The "Australian Fab 4" will conquer Liverpool to share this special show. An LA band, The Fab Four, will recreate the 1965 Hollywood Bowl Concert. The Parrots, a Japanese band, will do likewise with the 1966 Tokyo Budokan Show.

On August 27, the annual Beatles auction (organized by The Beatles Shop) takes place from 9:30 am onwards at Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts. In the afternoon, the focus of attention will be in Strawberry Fields where a summer fair will be staged, in aid of the Children’s Home which John Lennon made so famous with his song. For the evening show at the Royal Court, catch the world’s greatest ever Beatles Tribute Band – The Fab Faux from New York City.

Sunday, August 28 is traditionally Convention Day --- which will last up to 3 am the next day. Over 50 bands on four stages, exhibitions, a play, quizzes, competitions, flea market, video shows and guest speakers. Visit the flea market for those rare records or elusive memorabilia.

Monday, August 29 is The Big One. The Matthew Street Festival will feature 200 bands in the city center. Every bar, pub, restaurant and club will echo the sound of Merseybeat. Over 80 indoor stages are supplemented by six huge outdoor stages in the city center. At the Adelphi Hotel, it’s the Ringo’s Bus Pass Party to celebrate his 65th birthday (a little late) with a huge party featuring the best party bands.

Tuesday, August 30 is for Lennon Remembered. It’s been 25 years since we lost John Lennon and this fitting tribute to him with a concert of his best-loved music at the Cavern Club is a not-to-be-missed event.
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