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Последние новости:
06.06 В новое видео Джона Леннона вошли редкие кадры 1968 года
06.06 СМИ: найдены все актеры на роли участников Битлз в фильмах Сэма Мендеса
05.06 Sky News сравнили успехи Тейлор Свифт и Битлз
05.06 В Аделаиде отмечают 60-летие визита Битлз
05.06 Маккартни выразил соболезнования в связи со смертью Тони Брэмвелла
03.06 Mercury Studios анонсировала документальный фильм «One to One: John & Yoko»
03.06 Джейн Эшер рассказала, как на ее жизнь повлияли отношения с Маккартни
... статьи:
08.06 Status Quo рок-группа из Лондона
01.06 История группы Tierra Santa
30.04 История группы Grand Funk Railroad
... периодика:
18.03 Битловский проект "Яллы"
12.03 Интервью с Алексеем Курбановским, переводчиком книг Джона Леннона
12.03 Юлий Буркин, автор книги "Осколки неба, или Подлинная история Битлз" - интервью № 2


Дети битлов

Тема: Битлз - окружение

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Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 01.09.05 14:24:33   
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Дани Харрисон и Мэри Маккартни на свадьбе ДЖулса Холланда.Дани Харрисон и Мэри Маккартни на свадьбе ДЖулса Холланда.
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 01.09.05 14:25:34   
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Дети битлов2
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 01.09.05 14:26:29   
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Дани и МэриДани и Мэри
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 01.09.05 14:29:26   
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Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 01.09.05 14:31:41   
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и  еще воти еще вот
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 01.09.05 17:15:04   
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Интересно кто эта юная леди, что играет с Джулианом?Интересно кто эта юная леди, что играет с Джулианом?
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.09.05 17:34:57   
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Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 01.09.05 17:49:12   
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Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.09.05 19:26:31   
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Дани волосы покрасил вроде перьями...
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 01.09.05 20:50:25   
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Когда-то я делал такой CD:

1. That's My Life (My Love And My Home) - Freddie Lennon (Single vinyl, 1965), 2:57
2. The Next Time You Feel Important - Freddie Lennon (Single vinyl, 1965), 2:45
3. That's My Life (My Love, My Home) - Freddie Lennon (version CD, 1965), 2:56
4. Present Geoffrey Giuliano - John's Uncle Charlie Lennon (song), 2:12
5. Ya Ya - Starring Julian Lennon on Drums and Dad on Piano and Vocals ('Walls And Bridges', 1974), 1:01
6. Too Late For Goodbyes - Julian Lennon ('Valotte', 1984), 3:30
7. Those Were The Days - Cynthia Lennon (Single CD, 1995), 3:56
8. Walking In The Rain - Cynthia Lennon & Chris Norman (Single CD, 1995), 4:11
9. Imagine - Yoko Ono ('Starpeace', Budapest, 1986, Remastered, 1997), 4:11
10. With A Little Help From my Friends (Sean Lennon - home tape, LLT) with Elliot Mintz, 1:06
11. Julia - Sean Lennon (DVD 'Come Together', October 2001), 2:40
12. The Casket - Mike McGear ('McGear', 1973), 4:17
13. Be Bop / Hey Diddle Paul, Linda & Children ('Wingspan', 1971), 3:33
14. B-Side To Seaside - Linda McCartney (Maxi Single, Remix Alvin Clark, 1986), 4:35
15. I Will Always Remember You - Ruth McCartney (CD 'I Will Always Remember You', 1991), 4:13
16. S M A - Heather & Paul McCartney ('Oobu Joobu', Part 10, 1995), 1:09
17. Hiroshima Sky Is Always Blue - from 'Qhayou Nippon', NHK Radio (broadcast on 6-8-1995), recorded on 12-1-1995 (Yoko, Paul on backing vocals, stand-up bass, production & mixing; Linda on Hammond B-3 organ, James on guitar, Heather, Mary, Stella on percussion), 5:00
18. Back In The Sunshine Again - James McCartney (guitar, 'Driving Rain', 2001), 4:22
19. Singing The Blues Ringo, Barbara & Friends from The Show (The Michael Parkinson Show, December 12, 1981), 4:09
20. Baba O'Riley - The Who & Zak Starkey - drums ('The Concert For NYC, 2001), 5:17
21. Handle With Care - Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers with Jeff Lynne & Dhani Harrison acoustic guitar ('Concert for George', Sunday, February 24, 2002), 3:15
22. Looking For My Life - George Harrison & Dhani (el. & ac. guitar, b. vocals, 'Brainwashed', 2002), 3:47

Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Kamch   Дата: 05.09.05 11:09:01   
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Мне не нравится то, что я вижу младшего Харрисона постоянно с рюмкой в руке.
Похоже на прожигателя жизни и папочкиных денег.
Кто-то тут сказал, что он талантлив.
И в чем же его талант выражается?
И вообще понимают ли эти сынки КТО их родители?!
Не похоже...
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 05.09.05 11:25:57   
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>Мне не нравится то, что я вижу младшего Харрисона
>постоянно с рюмкой в руке.
Интересно где это ПОСТОЯННО вы еговидите с рюмкой в руке? Таких фотографий не так много, кроме того чаще всего в объектив он попадает на официальных мероприятиях, на там бокал шампанского невозбраняется. Не надо придумывать того, чего нет.
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 05.09.05 15:01:45   
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In a new book by Mallika Chopra called '100 Promises to my baby' Olivia has
contributed her promise to Dhani.

"My promise to Dhani is to love God above all else."

Press Release Source: UNICEF

Celebrity Moms Join UNICEF, Yahoo! and Mallika Chopra to Make Promises to
Honor Children and Mothers This Mothers Day
Thursday April 28, 1:22 pm ET
UNICEF and Yahoo! Shopping Partner to Create Forum for Mother's Day Promises

NEW YORK, April 28 /PRNewswire/ -- Inspired by Mallika Chopra's new book,
100 Promises to My Baby, UNICEF and Yahoo! Shopping launched a Mother's Day
promotion for the public to participate in a global Mother's Day wish to help
mothers and children around the world by donating to UNICEF's Mother's Day
Campaign. What began as a personal message to Chopra's own children has turned
into a storm of support for UNICEF this Mother's Day.
Celebrity moms including Denise Richards, Ivana Trump, Debra Messing, Tipper
Gore, Claudia Schiffer, Celine Dion, Annette Lauer, Paula Zahn, Julia
Ormond, Mary Hart, Olivia Harrison, Olivia Newton John and Leah Remini have
composed a Mother's Day promise to their own children that symbolizes a promise

to keep all children protected and loved. These promises are now live within
the Mother's Day Gift Center on Yahoo! Shopping
_ ( and link to
the U.S. Fund for UNICEF's
own site to help children in need. All funds raised by those who donate to
UNICEF after visiting this special page will help provide for life-saving
programs to support UNICEF's efforts to build a better world for women and

Participating in the Mother's Day program will help raise funds for
immunization programs to help protect mothers and their children from deadly,
preventable, disease, and ensure their children have a healthy start in life.
Celebrity moms have joined the campaign to inspire many who want to celebrate
motherhood as a worldly cause. In addition, 10% of Chopra's net proceeds from
the sale of her book will benefit UNICEF's programs for children orphaned by

"I am so grateful that the messages from my book have resonated with other
mothers and look forward to a growing community of mothers making sacred
covenants with their children," said Mallika Chopra, author of 100 Promises to
Baby. "Working with UNICEF is such an important aspect of this effort as they
provide important resources to children and mothers around the world. I
thank Yahoo! for spreading the word about UNICEF's incredible work, and
all mothers to support their efforts."

Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 05.09.05 18:50:48   
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Jonathan Nicholas
Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Well, he seemed just 17, you know what I mean, and the way he looked was way beyond compare. Jon Koonce recognized him immediately.

"Just like his dad," says Koonce. "In the 'Hard Day's Night' period."

Koonce, with his roots rocker sidekick Steve Bradley, was playing a wedding Saturday night in Gales Creek. Almost exactly 40 years after The Beatles played Portland, the guest list included Dhani Harrison, son of George.

Says Koonce, "The caterer hipped me to it as soon as I got there."

The band started off doing all instrumental stuff. Dick Dale. The Shadows. Says Koonce, "After five or six songs, the first set, he came up to chat."

Harrison, "Man, you guys are really great."

Koonce: "You wanna sit in?"

Harrison: "You guys are too good."

Says Koonce. "He was really a nice guy. He was keeping it really low-key."

He was also keeping an eye on Bradley's guitar.

Koonce explains that Bradley was playing his custom Strat, a Dick Dale model with a few rare bells and whistles. Harrison, who may have learned a thing or two about guitar envy from his pal Eric Clapton, knew a hot ax when he saw one.

Bradley, ever the gentleman, even let him fondle the beaut. GENTLE & MANLY

Portland hipsters, late-night-lounging with their PBR on the moonlit deck, have been saying ever since it opened that The Jupiter Hotel is "very GQ."

Now we have confirmation.

The September issue of GQ magazine features The Jupiter in a spread on "The 4 Best New (Old) Hotels in America." EMPTY VESSELS

Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Kamch   Дата: 07.09.05 09:04:33   
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Sweet Little,
Конечно, ты прав(а).
Просто Дханни поразил меня. А когда мне кто-то нравится я выражаю это посредством враждебности, такой у меня дурацкий характер :))
Помните, как Пол говорил, уже много лет спустя после распада Битлз, что неважно, что они говорят с Джоном по телефону много чуши друг другу, ведут себя стервозно, главное что они слышат голос друг друга, а остальное не имеет никакого значения. Это были по настоящему родственные души, и мы можем до сих пор ощущать это, не правда ли?
Дханни прекрасен. Прекрасное произведение Джорджа Харрисона.
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 09.09.05 13:24:00   
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Ну конечно я правА!
А характер лучше свой исправить.:) Когда впервые появляешься в каком-то месте не стои начинать с наездов - тонкий юмор не все поймут.
Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 05.10.05 09:12:30   
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SIR PAUL McCARTNEY's eldest daughter MARY is planning a new photography exhibition inspired by the survivors of Hurricane Katrina.

The 35-year-old photographer, who recently ended her six-year marriage to British television producer ALISTAIR McDONALD, will visit New Orleans to research survivor stories, and is planning to donate proceeds from the show to the relief effort.

She says, "I'm at the stage now where I really should be thinking about my next exhibition.

"One of my friends suggested going to New Orleans and documenting how the region's jazz singers and musicians are getting over the tragedy.

"I like that idea and I'd love to help the survivors in any way that I can."

Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 05.10.05 17:41:32   
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2Sweet Little Queen XIII:

>Интересно кто эта юная леди, что играет с Джулианом?

По поводу этой фотографии (Джон с Джулианом) на одном из форумов получила такой ответ:The same girl but in a different picture is also in Cynthia's book
John, it's in the second batch of pictures with John and Yoko and her
back is slightly turned, Julian was in front of her. Well I think I
figured out who she is- in John by Cynthia Lennon, Cynthia mentioned
that Julian would show off his new clothes to his little Canadian
girlfriend named Lorriane. That could be very well be her.

Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 08.11.05 17:04:54   
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Re: Дети битлов
Автор: Mind_Game   Дата: 08.11.05 17:30:32   
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Есть вопрос - правильно произносить Дхани или все-таки Дани?
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