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Умер Гэри Мур

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Re: Умер Гэри Мур
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 12.02.11 19:12:40   
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На википедии собраны несколько комментариев известных рок-музыкантов о смерти Гэри.

Original Thin Lizzy guitarist Eric Bell, who Moore replaced in 1973, told the BBC he was still "in shock" at Moore's death in the Costa del Sol. "I still can't believe it," he said. "He was so robust, he wasn't a rock casualty, he was a healthy guy."

Brian Robertson, who Moore replaced in Thin Lizzy in 1978, said: Brian spoke about the recording process of the THIN LIZZY Nightlife album and his refusal to re-record Gary's solos: "When I first joined Thin Lizzy and we recorded the Nightlife album, there was this track that we had to do, a song called 'Still In Love With You'. As it was time to record the guitar solos I refused to replace Gary's original solos. They were the best solos I'd ever heard at that point and I wouldn't let anyone talk me into changing that!"

Glenn Hughes, who sang on Moore's 1985 album Run for Cover commented on his website: “I’m devastated to hear of Gary’s passing. A truly great British rock and blues hero. I shared many wonderful musical and personal experiences with him. He was a ferocious player, and had no fear of his instrument. I’m glad that Gary and I got to mend our relationship. Rest In Peace.”

Neil Carter, Moore's keyboardist during 1983-1989 and a songwriting partner on hits such as "Empty Rooms", had only recently began working with Moore again as the guitarist returned to a Celtic-rock direction for recent festival dates and a planned new album and tour. Carter said: I cannot quite believe that Gary Moore has passed away. He was a huge part of my working life and a close friend. His brilliance as a musician will last forever in his recorded work and in the hearts of his fans. It has been a privelidge to have known and worked alongside him. My deepest sympathies go to his children and family."

Bob Daisley, bassist for Moore during 1984-1989, issued the following statement: "It is with great sadness that I acknowledge Gary Moore in this way. His passing has come as a sad and terrible shock and I have difficulty believing that he's gone. I have many fond memories of our years together, both in the workplace of music and as friends. I have love and respect for Gary as a musician and as a person; he was one of the greatest. Farewell and rest in peace, Gary, my friend."

Kiss drummer Eric Singer, who played drums on Moore's "Wild Frintier" tour in 1987 said: "I had the Pleasure to play drums with Gary on his 1987 Wild Frontier tour. I joined Gary's band via Bob Daisley. We had recorded together with Black Sabbath on the Eternal Idol album. Bob arranged the audition in London in January of 1987. We soon began rehearsals for what would become one of Gary's most successful tours ever. I remember we would practice everyday at John Henry Studios in London. Bob and Neil Carter lived in Brighton and would have to leave in time to make their train home. Gary and I would sometimes stay on and jam. Just drums & guitar. We would play Thin Lizzy tunes or just jam endlessly as Gary never ran out of ideas when it came to soloing! He would also play those legendary guitars back then. The "Peter Green" 1958 Les Paul and his "Pink Salmon" 1962 Fender Stratocaster. He of course did not take those on tour anymore as they had become much to rare & valuable. I have to say the one thing that always stood out to me about Gary was his absolute passion and intensity as a guitarist. This man played every song and note like it was the last time he would ever play it. And therefore demanded and expected the same from his band. I have to admit he could be a bit tough on drummers. But he only asked for and expected what he himself gave to music. And that was complete commitment every time you played with him. He inspired me to want to play up to his level every night. I will always thank him for the opportunity he gave me to play with him. He really was a Brilliant musician. And I always felt like he helped take me to another level as a drummer & musician. It was an experience and an education I will never forget and take with me everywhere I go. God Bless You Gary Moore"

Neil Murray, who played bass with Moore in Colosseum II as well as Moore's solo band said: "My memories of Gary will be of someone who was dedicated to playing the guitar as well as he possibly could and with total focus, energy and intense commitment. I don't think I ever heard him play a wrong note and he was able to effortlessly become Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton, Peter Green, Carlos Santana or Jimi Hendrix if he felt like it. He was a very funny, down-to-earth guy and for over 10 years we seemed to share identical, wide-ranging taste in music, more so than anyone else I've played with. I wish I'd had the opportunity to play blues with him but that came later in his career. I do remember that in the mid-70s he was very casual about how he looked after the priceless Peter Green Les Paul – then again, he could make just about any guitar sing and cry. His passing is a giant loss for music."

Deep Purple Keyboard player Don Airey who worked with Moore on several recordings and tours said: "Having worked with Gary Moore on and off for 35 years, Sunday’s news came as the most terrible shock. He was an amazing musician, self-effacing, highly intelligent, and possessed of a rapier wit that made him great company, but that you dearly hoped he wouldn’t focus on you, (which of course he invariably did!) There are great memories of the Colosseum II days, playing full-on gigs in steamy clubs, and endless journeys in a VW van through Europe with Gary telling jokes and singing Irish ditties to while away the miles. Later on of course when the hits started coming, there were astounding virtuoso performances in big arenas. During the 1990 “Still got the Blues” tour if you looked out into the audience whilst Gary was soloing, you’d see blokes so moved by what they were hearing they’d propose to their girlfriends (and be accepted!). At the 86 Donington Festival during the long solo in “Empty Rooms” the previously restive crowd went so quiet, you could hear a pin drop - everyone back and behind stage stopped whatever they were doing and just stood to listen open-mouthed. His artistry touched thousands of people over the years, not least those of us lucky enough to have shared a stage or a recording studio with him. Sleep tight old mate, you’ll be sorely missed."
Re: Умер Гэри Мур
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 12.02.11 19:13:28   
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Speaking to Classic Rock magazine website, Ozzy Osbourne said: “I knew Gary Moore for what seemed like forever. We’d run into each other many times over the years and we were always able to pick up right where we left off. I had the honour of recording with Gary on his After The War album on the track Led Clones which was great fun. To say that his death is a tragic loss doesn’t seem to give it the justice it deserves. We’ve lost a phenomenal musician and a great friend. Rest In Peace, Gary.”

Queen drummer Roger Taylor also told Classic Rock: “It was my wife who told me the news. It’s terrible. 58 is just too early. In Phil [Lynott]’s case it was tragic, and in Gary’s case there should have been a lot more years. I have great memories of Gary on tour in Thin Lizzy with Queen: always smiling, very cheerful and… too young to die. He’d recently joined Lizzy and he fitted in great: a blindingly fast player, and his thing was these staccato runs, with a bit of jazz in there. Totally different to Brian [May], who’s a very fluid player, but musicians usually ‘get’ other rated musicians, and Brian very much enjoyed his playing. Over the years, I’d see Gary out in the clubs: a great guy on the scene. He liked to drink, as I remember, but everybody did in those days. It’s very sad. But I think his music will live on. Virtuosity is something we really don’t have now: there are lots of great bands, but the emphasis just isn’t on that anymore. In those days, it was all about how great you were; there were so many virtuosos and he was definitely one of them. He was a star player.”

Bob Geldof said Moore was "without question, one of the great Irish bluesmen. His playing was exceptional and beautiful. We won't see his like again,"

Uriah Heep guitarist Mick Box said "I was shocked and devastated to read that my good friend Gary Moore had died at the age of 58, in a hotel in Spain. I remember first meeting Gary backstage when we were playing a London show, and he was over from Ireland, and on the brink of leaving Skid Row, which at the time was pretty top secret. We shared a few drinks, and discussed our love of Jeff Beck’s playing, and had a great evening. Since then we have met many times, but mostly on the road where we have shared the same stage at many a festival. Gary has left a legacy of guitar playing that will continue to inspire guitarists all over the world for many years to come. He had a wonderful touch and his tone was always spot on. It really is unbelievable that he is no longer with us and his virtuoso playing will be sadly missed, as will the man himself who touched so many people as a player and as a person. Rest in peace my friend.

Bassist Andy Pyle, who played with Moore in 1980 and later in 1990-1994 said: "This is tragic news. Our thoughts are with Gary's family."

Rush guitarist Alex Lifeson (Moore opned for Rush in the US on the Canadian band's "Grace Under Pressure" tour) said: "I was very saddened to hear the news of Gary 's death. We toured together in the 80s and I remember him as a soft spoken, gentle man with a quick smile. His influence as a guitarist is undeniable and his purity of playing and passion will live on in all of us who love the instrument he so cherished."

Gary Ferguson, drummer on Moore's "Run For Cover" tour in 1985-86 said: "I am so sad my old colleague is gone. I really wanted to play music with him again. He was inspirational to me as a player as he played with so much passion. My heart goes out to his family. It is so surreal to have lost him he was a strong person. Rest in peace my brother you will be missed."

Vocalist Charlie Huhn, who sang on Moore's 1980 recording "Dirty Fingers" said: "I did several recording projects with Gary Moore and the guy was amazing. He could play anything, flawlessly. We would be in the studio recording and he would start goofing around with a country version of the song we were recording and, as if that wasn't funny enough, he would do a Japanese version. Unbelievable. The many nights we would spend at the hotel bar after recording at Morgan Studio NW London for the Dirty Fingers album would be filled with joking, poking and self-depricating humor which made one feel like we were accepted in the presence of this genius. The title for the album wasn't decided and having two Americans in the band, Tommy Aldridge on drums and myself, Gary, being Irish, jokingly suggested, “Let's call it Paddy and the Septics. No wait, The Four Skins!” What a hoot. He didn't drink much because his father did and he wanted to work on his career but what a jokester. A few years later we did a release and a tour of England including the Marquee Club in London and the Reading Festival. The first day of rehearsal, I was so jet lagged that after an hour of practice I laid down on a bench at rehearsal unknowingly fell fast asleep with all the noise going on. Then a tap on the foot woke me up and the guys were playing “The Star Spangled Banner” perfectly. A little embarrassing but hey, I'm in the midst of international superstars, Ian Pace on drums and Neil Murray on bass. Gary was always so positive, happy and generous and I will always remember all the great times we shared in the 80's. Rest In Peace, my friend. That was a great song, as well, from the Dirty Fingers album. I will sorely miss you, Gary!
Re: Умер Гэри Мур
Автор: bk   Дата: 13.02.11 19:01:52   
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Re: Умер Гэри Мур
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 16.02.11 02:18:45   
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Комментарий от Брайана Мэя
Surely not ...
This seems completely unreal. I'm shocked to hear tonight that Gary Moore has died.
What a wonderful player he was. It does not seem possible this is in the past. Well, his recordings will testify forever. But ... live ... he was a demon.
I know, because we toured with Thin Lizzy all around the States, many years ago. Gary was awesome every night ... and the nicest guy you could imagine.
I have many memories - of visiting him in the studio, meeting him backstage, being staggered by his virtuosity in his solo gigs.
Well, lost for words. Bless ya Gary, wherever you're bound. To Rock Heaven, I hope. 58? You were just a boy. Unbelievable. This is too sad.
RIP Gary Moore.
Re: Умер Гэри Мур
Автор: ledzep   Дата: 16.02.11 12:21:59   
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цитирую статью, чем ссылку кидать - больше прочтут...:цитирую статью, чем ссылку кидать - больше прочтут...:

........Михаил Марголис
Под утро 6 февраля в номере фешенебельного отеля "Кемпински" испанского курортного городка Эстепона на 59-м году жизни скончался всемирно популярный североирландский блюзовый трудяга Гэри Мур.

На побережье Коста-дель-Соль музыкант рассчитывал полноценно отдохнуть после серии интенсивных гастролей, в том числе продолжительного осеннего тура по России. Отдых получился кратким и трагическим.

Сейчас, как водится, внезапная смерть рок-звезды обрастает версиями. Первоначальный диагноз - сердечный приступ - уже выглядит формальным объяснением. Местные и британские СМИ озвучивают все более противоречивые детали скоропостижного ухода Мура. Предполагают передозировку кокаина или героина, хотя друзья Гэри утверждают, что по крайней мере несколько последних месяцев после прохождения реабилитационного курса он наркотики не употреблял.

Говорят о большом количестве пустых бутылок из-под алкоголя, якобы обнаруженных в его гостиничном номере, и о проблемах с сердцем. Обсуждается и самая эффектная версия - о бурной интимной ночи, проведенной блюзменом в Эстепоне, куда он приехал с подругой. В то же время находятся свидетели, видевшие, как Мур сразу после приезда в гостиницу надолго засел в тамошнем баре с кем-то из своих поклонников и был бодр и оптимистичен.

Короче, все предположения вполне рок-н-ролльны, но так ли теперь важны? Блюзового упорного пахаря, а Гэри, пожалуй, относится именно к этому разряду исполнителей, больше с нами нет. Для широкой российской публики, да и континентальной европейской - островная Британия, разумеется, не в счет, - Мур с 1990-х являлся едва ли не главным "блюз-инструктором". Наряду, быть может, со своим ровесником Крисом Ри. Изобретя двадцать лет назад сладостно-томную "инъекцию" в виде заглавной песни своего самого успешного альбома "Still Got The Blues", он получил сольный доступ к любым зрителям. Даже тем, кто никогда не слушал учителей и старших товарищей Гэри, - Альберта Кинга, Джеффа Бека, Питера Грина.

Справедливости ради надо заметить, что другую краеугольную тему из своего репертуара - "Parisienne Walkways" - Мур создал десятилетием ранее. И тем не менее именно после "Still Got The Blues" (какую дополнительную дозу меланхолии и грусти обретет эта вещь отныне...) экс-участник команд "Skid Row", "Thin Lizzy", "Colosseum II", многолетний боец хард-н-хэви левша Мур, державший, однако, гитару традиционным способом, достиг значительного коммерческого успеха.

Имея в обойме два упомянутых хита, Гэри смог "продавать" массовой аудитории и весь свой остальной репертуар, наполненный каверами знаменитых блюзов и собственными, не столь "глянцевыми", композициями разных периодов. В нулевые Мур редко менял сбитый плей-лист своей программы. Скажем, летом 2007-го я слушал его во Дворце спорта "Лужники", и концерт начинался с интерпретации "Oh Pretty Woman" Альберта Кинга, который когда-то, по признанию самого Мура, целый день ругал его за то, что он неправильно поет одну из строчек. Осенью 2008-го сольник Мура я слушал уже в парижской "Олимпии", и все - от вышеназванного номера до заключительного "биса" - выглядело почти так же, как в Москве. В том числе и восторг переполненного зала.

Гэри твердо шел по найденной стабильной дорожке. При том, что его личные эстетические и профессиональные амбиции все же простирались в другую сторону. Достаточно послушать и посмотреть, как в дуэте с великим Би Би Кингом на клубной сцене он ведет девятиминутный гитарный диалог в "The Thrill is Gone", чтобы понять, какого блюзового кайфа алкала душа Мура. Теперь она отправилась на небеса.
Re: Умер Гэри Мур
Автор: Грузчик   Дата: 16.02.11 12:58:30   
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> он получил
>сольный доступ к любым зрителям. Даже тем, кто
>никогда не слушал учителей и старших товарищей
>Гэри, - Альберта Кинга, Джеффа Бека, Питера Грина.

Чего-то не то: Наверное не "даже тем", а "прежде всего тем".
Прости Гэри...
Re: Умер Гэри Мур
Автор: vicci   Дата: 23.02.11 22:48:42   
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2Сергей Холодилов:

>2Beach Boy:
>>Я был на его последнем московском концерте.
>>Жену уговорил сходить со мной.
>Мы с женой тоже были. Ощущения примерно те же.

Была на последнем и единственном концерте в Кремле в ноябре прошлого года, Понравилось жутко, хотя и кремлевская аудитория на "вьехала" абсолютно в его рок.. Все хотели блюзовых соплей "ой простите", а тут самый настоящий смачный рок.. да какой! Команда у него работала офигенно, оч понравилось, что их немного было на сцене, но результааааат..
Не скажу, что он хорошо выглядел, мне показалось, что наоборот, для своего возраста.. наблюдала со 2 ряда партера.. но концерт улетный. Просто с трудом поверила, что его нет больше.. Как жалко!!!
Более всего жалко, что нет им замены!!!:(((((
Re: Умер Гэри Мур
Автор: Beach Boy   Дата: 24.02.11 17:18:56   
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Умер Гэри Мур....
Re: Умер Гэри Мур
Автор: Beach Boy   Дата: 24.02.11 17:22:31   
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Умер Гэри Мур...
Обсуждение новости: "Умер Гари Мур"
Автор: ДАФНА   Дата: 02.03.11 22:59:52   
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светлая ему память
Re: Умер Гэри Мур
Автор: СаЯн   Дата: 18.03.11 22:21:31   
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  40 дней как его нет с нами...
40 дней как его нет с нами...
Re: Умер Гэри Мур
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 19.03.11 18:30:44   
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Очень нравится качество записи его последних альбомов.
Полагаю учебником.
Брал замечательных людей на продьюсинг.
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