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Julian Lennon / Джулиан Леннон

Тема: Julian Lennon (Джулиан Леннон)

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Re: Джулиан Леннон.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.06.05 20:52:08   
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Lennon 'dad' in sex quiz

THE future father-in-law of Beatle son Julian Lennon has been arrested over alleged sex assaults on an eight-year-old girl.

Multi-millionaire Robert Bayliss — whose daughter Lucy, 31, is the girlfriend of John Lennon’s son Julian, 42 — is being quizzed by cops in Majorca.

The girl claims that Bayliss, 59, “touched and kissed” her when she visited his Belt Up leatherwear shop in Magaluf.

The father of three also faces a quiz over similar offences involving the girl’s six-year-old sister.

Bayliss, who denies the allegations, has been held in custody for six days.

He and his wife Lynn — who are originally from Essex — are regarded as pillars of the Brit expat community in Majorca.,,2-2005290360,00.html
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Re: Джулиан Леннон.
Автор: BeatSister   Дата: 29.06.05 09:40:03   
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IMHO, Какая-то слишком бульварная новость, чтобы принимать ее всерьез...

Вот комментарий с Фанспика, который полностью совпадает и с моим мнением:

<< Nothing has been proven, anyone can say anything, especially when they know someone is a "multi-millonaire".
BTW, the shop he owns is a leather-goods store....perhaps he was helping the child try something on and the parents are using this to get money out of him? He has three daughters, so I'm sure he would feel comfortable around little kids as far as just helping them out would be concerned.....
But don't they have Lucy's age wrong? I think she is 15 years younger that Julian.... >>
Re: Джулиан Леннон.
Автор: BeatSister   Дата: 29.06.05 09:40:56   
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Хотя, что касается капли меда... Ежели Джулс и правда надумает в ближайшее время документально оформить свои отношения с Люси, совет им да любовь, как говорится:)

Love from Tanya.
Re: Джулиан Леннон.
Автор: Jaroslavko   Дата: 30.06.05 11:07:37   
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вот такая фоткавот такая фотка
Re: Джулиан Леннон.
Автор: Jaroslavko   Дата: 12.09.05 14:19:55   
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к новой книге Синтии

Julian Lennon writes the poignant testimony of a neglected son

Growing up as John Lennon’s son has been a rocky path. All my life I’ve had people coming up to me saying, “I loved your dad.”
I always have very mixed feelings when I hear this. I know that Dad was an idol to millions who grew up loving his music and his ideals. But to me he wasn’t a musician or a peace icon, he was the father I loved and who let me down in so many ways.

After the age of five, when my parents separated, I saw him only a handful of times, and when I did he was often remote and intimidating. I grew up longing for more contact with him but felt rejected and unimportant in his life.

Dad was a great talent, a remarkable man who stood for peace and love in the world. But at the same time he found it very hard to show any peace and love to his first family — my mother and me.

In many accounts of Dad’s life, Mum and I are either dismissed or at best treated as insignificant bit players in his life, which sadly is something that continues to this day. Yet Mum was his first real love and she was with him for half his adult life, from art college to the genesis of the Beatles to their overwhelming worldwide success.

For far too long now Mum has put up with being relegated to a puff of smoke in Dad’s life. Now it’s time to set the record straight. There’s so much that has never been said, so many tales that have never been told. If there is to be a balanced picture of Dad’s life, then Mum’s side of the story is long overdue.

I’m immensely proud of her. She was the one who kept it all together, taught me what matters in life and stayed strong when our world was crumbling. While Dad was fast becoming one of the wealthiest men in his field, Mum and I had very little and she was going out to work to support us. I love her honesty and her courage, and I know it’s taken a great deal of both for her to write her story. That’s why I recommend it to anyone who wants to know the truth about Dad’s life.,,2092-1773994,00.html
Re: Джулиан Леннон.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.09.05 09:32:53   
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John Lennon's oldest son, musician Julian Lennon, has contributed the foreword to his mother Cynthia's upcoming book on her marriage to the former Beatle. The book, which is titled John, will be released on September 26th and is a revealing warts-and-all look at her 10-year relationship with Lennon. Julian, whose relationship with his father and his second wife Yoko Ono has always been strained, is brutally honest in his recollections of his father writing that, quote, "(My) Dad was a great talent, a remarkable man who stood for peace and love in the world. But at the same time he found it very hard to show any peace and love to his first family -- my mother and me." John and Cynthia Lennon met at art college in 1958, and were married in 1962. Julian, their only child, was born the year after. They divorced in 1968.

Julian, who last saw his father in the spring of 1980, less than a year before his death on December 8th, 1980, added: "After the age of 5, when my parents separated, I saw him only a handful of times, and when I did he was often remote and intimidating. I grew up longing for more contact with him but felt rejected and unimportant in his life."

He closed by writing, "While Dad was fast becoming one of the wealthiest men in his field, Mum and I had very little and she was going out to work to support us. I love her honesty and her courage, and I know it's taken a great deal of both for her to write her story."

Julian Lennon spoke to us about his strained relationship with his father:"We saw each other on and off... I saw him, probably, maybe 10 times before he was killed, you know? And I think it would have been nice to find some resolve between us eventually, but unfortunately that was never going to be, you know? So, there will always be that unresolved point in my life, whether I like it or not. Yes, there is forgiveness, but there is still bitterness, and still anger there as well. But, it's not something I think about on a day-to-day basis."

Julian Lennon helped inspire two of John Lennon and Paul McCartney's most popular Beatles songs -- Lennon's "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds," which was the title of one of his drawings done in kindergarten; and McCartney's "Hey Jude," which was originally called "Hey Jules" and written to cheer up Julian after his parents' separation.

John Lennon had one other son, Sean, from his marriage to Ono.

In the late '90s Julian Lennon received a multi-million dollar financial settlement from Ono and the Lennon estate.

Julian has released five albums and scored four Top 40 hits -- including the Top Tens "Valotte" and "Too Late For Goodbyes."
Re: Джулиан Леннон.
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 20.09.05 13:58:07   
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Statement from Julian Lennon on the 25th anniversary of John Lennon's death

As the anniversary of Dad's death approaches, I have, inevitably, started receiving many requests for interviews. I am not going to give any interviews on the subject; I genuinely feel that I have talked about Dad enough. But I do appreciate the enormous interest people have in my father and his legacy and so, in lieu of interviews, I am going to say just this:

"Dad was a great talent whose music and ideals are an inspiration to millions. Yet I have always had very mixed feelings about Dad. He was the father I loved who let me down in so many ways. Who knows how our relationship might have developed if he had not been murdered . it's painful to think that his early death robbed me of the chance for us to know each other better. What can never be taken away are his words and music, that's his legacy for me. It's in my blood for a start. Like Dad I became a musician too, and as with many other artistes in this world his words and music continue to influence me today and probably forever more."

Also, I can direct you to two projects to which I have made a contribution. First, Mum's book. As you probably know by now, Mum has written a biography about Dad and her time with him and I have provided the Foreword. I am immensely proud of her achievement - it's an honest and truthful account of the ten years they shared together - half his adult life! I recommend this book to anyone who wants to know the truth, the real truth about Dad and his life with Mum. The book is called 'John' and is published on 26 September 2005.

And the second is a TV profile of Dad which will transmit on BBC Television in October. I very, very rarely take part in shows like this but I was impressed with the integrity of the company who are making it for the BBC and their commitment to making it a balanced and thoughtful programme.

I expect there will be lots of other programmes and profiles commemorating and celebrating Dad on and around 8 December . for Mum and me that day will be one of private remembrance.

Re: Джулиан Леннон.
Автор: Grigory   Дата: 24.09.05 23:55:46   
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Обнаружив, что первый альбом кто-то качает, я решил залить и второй. Готов остальные три тоже добавить в медиа архив + возможно добавление так же и некоторых других материалов (есть несколько видеороликов и др). Пользуясь возможностью, хочу ещё раз поблагодарить BeatSister за предоставленные материалы по Джулиану :).
Re: Джулиан Леннон.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.09.05 23:32:08   
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JOHN LENNON's eldest son JULIAN has reignited his public feud with his father's widow YOKO ONO by accusing her of trying to control the former BEATLE's legacy.

Lennon was attending a book launch to publicise his mother CYNTHIA's memoirs of marriage to the IMAGINE hitmaker when he launched his attack.

And he saved his fiercest criticism for her contribution to the critically-panned Broadway musical LENNON.

He says, "I haven't seen it but I read some reviews and thought, what a mess.

"The way she describes his life to the world is in connection with her."

Musician Julian also claims the artist has denied him some of his father's most treasured possessions, as well as the domain name for which he battled her in court.

Re: Джулиан Леннон.
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 12.10.05 19:37:30   
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В своей книге Синтия пишет, что Джулиан по словам Джона был "лучшей ошибкой, которую он когда-либо сделал".


JOHN LENNON's first wife CYNTHIA wrote her new book about her life with the BEATLE, to prove to the world she wasn't just a simple wife who yearned to start a family with the rock legend.

In JOHN, Cynthia reveals she had no plans to become a mum when she started dating Lennon - and the couple's son JULIAN was a beautiful mistake. Lennon says, "I was training to be a teacher, I had five years in art college and the last thing I wanted was a baby. "Julian was... the best mistake I ever made, but that wasn't on the cards for me."

Cynthia, who was married to John for six years in the 1960s, fears she's been painted as a simple wife because she agreed to keep her marriage to the Beatles star secret while he was making it big.

He says, "In those days, idols and pop singers were not headline news but they did have a fan base and they weren't supposed to have girlfriends or wives or anything. "That was the norm and that was quite fair - you accepted it."
Re: Джулиан Леннон.
Автор: Mind_Game   Дата: 16.01.06 15:28:54   
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Вот слушаю и смотрю "Say you're wrong" - просто супер!!! Слоа моих нет...
Re: Джулиан Леннон.
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 28.03.06 16:28:24   
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In his latest newsletter, Julian Lennon gives a progress report on his forthcoming album:

I've written about 30 new songs for the album and need to begin sorting out which ones will make it onto the final release. I think in April I may spend some time in the studio recording tracks to see how they are going to sound with a full band playing on them. Hopefully that will help ascertain what sort of direction this album will take.
Re: Джулиан Леннон.
Автор: Andrey S   Дата: 28.03.06 16:35:27   
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>Обнаружив, что первый альбом кто-то качает, я
>решил залить и второй. Готов остальные три тоже
>добавить в медиа архив + возможно добавление так
>же и некоторых других материалов (есть несколько
>видеороликов и др). Пользуясь возможностью, хочу
>ещё раз поблагодарить BeatSister за предоставленные
>материалы по Джулиану :).

Может добавите? А то уже полгода прошло, а в архиве тишина...
Re: Джулиан Леннон.
Автор: Тривими   Дата: 28.03.06 18:07:14   
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>In his latest newsletter, Julian Lennon gives
>a progress report on his forthcoming album:
>I've written about 30 new songs for the album
>and need to begin sorting out which ones will
>make it onto the final release. I think in April
>I may spend some time in the studio recording
>tracks to see how they are going to sound with
>a full band playing on them. Hopefully that will
>help ascertain what sort of direction this album
>will take.

Отличная новость! Для всех кто любит ДЕТЕЙ! Помню, как еще школьником купил вышедшую на Мелодии пластинку Джулиана Леннона "Валотт", держал ее в руках и думал, а ведь наверное, когда-нибудь, через годы, доведется мне подержать в руках да и послушать творение его младшего брата Шона. (Шону тогда еще и пятнадцати не стукнуло) Прошло всего каких-то лет 17, и вот на днях через систему заказов Пурпурного легиона заполучил я наконец-то Into the Sun (98г) Шона. Событие!
Не знаю каков был/не был комерческий успех Photograph Smile Джулиана, но в Питере пару раз встречал пиратский вариант этого диска. Достать остальные альбомы проблема.
Интересный факт: альбом Шона Into the Sun и Photograph Smile вышли в 98 году в один и тот же день!
Re: Джулиан Леннон.
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 04.04.06 22:06:09   
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Синглы и др... Д.Синглы и др...
Re: Джулиан Леннон.
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 04.04.06 22:06:29   
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Julian Lennon / Джулиан Леннон№ 2
Re: Джулиан Леннон.
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 04.04.06 22:06:57   
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№ 3 № 3
Re: Джулиан Леннон.
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 04.04.06 22:12:57   
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№ 4 № 4
Re: Джулиан Леннон.
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 04.04.06 22:13:28   
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№ 5 № 5
Re: Джулиан Леннон.
Автор: Дед_Alex   Дата: 04.04.06 22:13:51   
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№ 6 № 6
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