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Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: domino   Дата: 13.02.05 00:45:40   
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Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Liver   Дата: 14.02.05 13:24:42   
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Пока не позвонил, Сорри.
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.03.05 15:48:06   
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Гостям города предлагается приобрести только что введенную в обращение смарт-карту, которая позволяет получить бесплатный вход или скидки для осмотра достопримечательностей.
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Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.03.05 15:49:20   
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Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.05.05 09:19:25   
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The city of Liverpool, birthplace of the Beatles, has a new website - - dedicated to ensuring that fans make the most of their visit. Liverpool's artists and bands have had more number one singles than any other city in the UK and the ‘fab four’ played a part in this legacy, helping to define the culture of the city with their impact on fashion and lifestyle as well as music.

The website, live from April 26, contains details of all the Beatles’ related attractions, shops and entertainment, as well as suggested itineraries, including:
- The Beatles Story - an exhibition detailing the story of the ‘fab four’ from Liverpool to worldwide phenomenon.
- Magical Mystery Tour – two-hour tour of the Beatles' homes, schools and places that inspired songs such as Strawberry Fields and Penny Lane.
- Cavern Club - the reconstruction of the famous basement club where the Beatles first tasted success, still alive with new music today.

The new website is the first initiative from The Beatles Industry Group to help build tourism in the city in the build-up to 2008, when Liverpool becomes European Capital of Culture. Liverpool is in North-West England, 210 miles from London.
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.05.05 09:36:20   
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The city of Liverpool, birthplace of the Beatles, has a new website - - dedicated to ensuring that fans make the most of their visit. Liverpool's artists and bands have had more number one singles than any other city in the UK and the ‘fab four’ played a part in this legacy, helping to define the culture of the city with their impact on fashion and lifestyle as well as music.

The website, live from April 26, contains details of all the Beatles’ related attractions, shops and entertainment, as well as suggested itineraries, including:
- The Beatles Story - an exhibition detailing the story of the ‘fab four’ from Liverpool to worldwide phenomenon.
- Magical Mystery Tour – two-hour tour of the Beatles' homes, schools and places that inspired songs such as Strawberry Fields and Penny Lane.
- Cavern Club - the reconstruction of the famous basement club where the Beatles first tasted success, still alive with new music today.

The new website is the first initiative from The Beatles Industry Group to help build tourism in the city in the build-up to 2008, when Liverpool becomes European Capital of Culture. Liverpool is in North-West England, 210 miles from London.
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.05.05 09:38:17   
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Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Maryleen Foxy   Дата: 08.05.05 08:14:55   
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Хотелось в этом году поехать, но...увы...никак не получается
Вымученная улыбка  
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Jupiterian   Дата: 08.05.05 13:17:24   
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Ээээх! Продать хату и махнуть по местам битловской славы...
Но путешествие в автобусе, наверное, не для слабонервных :-\
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Maryleen Foxy   Дата: 08.05.05 20:25:00   
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Может быть, но я бы не отказалась на автобусе :)
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.05.05 07:30:49   
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May 10, 2005 -- Daily Post

Beatles themed hotel set to be mecca for Fab Four fans

Plans to build a Beatles themed hotel at the heart of Liverpool city centre are finally on track 13 years after the scheme was first mooted, the Daily Post can reveal.

Bowdena yesterday revealed it has signed a £10m ($19 million) deal with Cavern City Tours to refurbish the derelict Grade II-listed Central Buildings next to the Cavern Club, on the corner of Mathew Street.

It means the 120-bed Hard Days Night Hotel will take its first guests in December, 2006, as tentatively proposed in January when the scheme was awarded £2.3m European Objective 1 funding.

The Bowdena deal represents a dream come true for Bill Heckle and his Cavern City tours teammates, who first conceived the plan more than a decade ago.

Although Bowdena began preliminary work to start clearing the derelict former office building in April, 2004, the company has now formally agreed to sign over the £10m for the full project.

Last night Bowdena's legal adviser Phil Turner said: "Until now the project was largely speculative, but now what was a dream for so long will become reality.

"The signing of this deal means the development is going ahead and the hotel will open its doors for business in December next year."

Turner, partner at Manchester legal services firm Turner Parkinson Creative Unit, revealed the final paperwork was signed with Bowdena two weeks ago.

He added: "The Beatles have inspired so much investment in the city of Liverpool. The Hard Days Night themed hotel is set to become a key tourist attraction and Bowdena are delighted to be involved."

The hotel is set to become a shrine to the Beatles. There are even plans to link its basement to the Cavern club via a tunnel.

Each floor will be dedicated to a Beatles album and each room decorated by murals.

Even the rooftop will have a penthouse suite designed to echo the famous rooftop concert when the Beatles played their last ever gig.

The hotel will be managed by Bill Heckle and his team at Cavern City Tours (CCT), although they will not own the building.

In January, Mr Heckle, together with fellow CCT men Dave Jones, Ray Johnston and George Guinness, were the subject of a BBC2 documentary about their struggle to open the hotel.

The foursome bought the building, confident the project would go ahead, in 1992. But a series of disasters between 1997 and 2001 resulted in Irish backer John Tweedle pulling out.

Millions of pounds had already been poured into the building, which had by then started to become derelict.

The partners' desperate attempts to bring in extra cash took them as far as Spain, before the team finally linked up with Bowdena in 2005.

At the time, Heckle said he was heartened that the hotel would go ahead, but was only disappointed that he would not be one of the owners.

He said: "The hotel completely consolidates and unites the Beatles industry. After all the setbacks, I'm glad to be doing positive work and promoting it, instead of fighting it."
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.05.05 09:31:03   
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...derelict Grade II-listed Central Buildings next to the Cavern Club, on the corner of Mathew Street"...derelict Grade II-listed Central Buildings next to the Cavern Club, on the corner of Mathew Street"
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: BassPaul   Дата: 11.05.05 22:14:00   
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Хочу самый дешевый пакет!Как это сделать...ответь тугодумеру плиз:)))
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.05.05 07:27:31   
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Beatles 'Living History' To Be Opened Up To The Whole World

“Once again The Beatles Story is leading the way in making Liverpool a truly visitor friendly experience ready for 2008, when Liverpool becomes European Capital of Culture” said Jerry Goldman, Director of The Beatles Story."

Liverpool’s award winning Beatles Story experience leads the way in welcoming overseas visitors, by being the first with foreign language Audiotour
The world famous Beatles Story in Liverpool today announced that its historic and unique “Living History” tour, narrated by John Lennon’s sister Julia and including interviews and commentaries by Brian Epstein and George Martin is being translated into many languages – making the tour “open to the world”!

This May, the “Living History” will be available in Japanese, French and Spanish and further translations will be produced next year.

Commenting of the importance of this project in attracting overseas visitors to Liverpool, Louise Collier, Operations Manager at the Beatles Story said “ Just one brief mention of this to one tour operator and within a week we had 400 new bookings for Japanese visitors!”

“Once again The Beatles Story is leading the way in making Liverpool a truly visitor friendly experience ready for 2008, when Liverpool becomes European Capital of Culture” said Jerry Goldman, Director of The Beatles Story. “In 2008 our wonderful city opens its arms to the world.

If we want to be a European Capital and a world best centre of culture we have to offer a warm and respectful international welcome, which means multi-language signage, literature and commentary.

At the Beatles Story we are proud of the welcome we now offer visitors from all over the world. I am confident that the rest of Liverpool will follow our lead.”

Jason Harborow, Chief Operating Officer at the Liverpool Culture Company said, "We are delighted that The Beatles Story has recognised the importance and value of offering a multi-lingual service to our overseas visitors.

Such developments enhance the quality of the city's welcome and the overall experience of visiting Liverpool.

Developments such as this are to be applauded as they also improve the city's reputation as a premier international visitor destination.''

Miss Julie Raybold, Operations Manager UK of Miki Travel a leading Tour Operator for Japanese visitors said,

“This wonderful initiative by the Beatles Story is certain to bring many more Japanese visitors to Liverpool’ the Beatles Story has always been a very popular attraction but this fantastic gesture to the Japanese market will open up the floodgates”.

Antenna Audio, the company that has supplied many of the worlds leading attractions including Gracelands and the Museum of Rock and Soul in Memphis, USA, implemented the “Living History” audiotour.
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.05.05 20:57:43   
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Welcome to the official web site of the Penny Lane Development Trust. Welcome to the official web site of the Penny Lane Development Trust.
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.05.05 17:26:02   
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City's smoke-free buildings win clean-air accolades May 18 2005

TWO prestigious Liverpool buildings were rewarded for their part in the fight for a smoke-free Liverpool yesterday.

The Beatles Museum at the Albert Dock and the city's signature Royal Liver Building were awarded National Clean Air Awards by SmokeFree Liverpool.

The Beatles Story manager Louise Collier said: "All four Beatles were smokers although George and Paul did quit on health grounds during their solo careers, while The Cavern was renowned for its poor ventilation and overcrowding.

"But times have changed and we are only too delighted to support Liverpool's smoke-free campaign."

Royal Liver Assurance occupies a third of the offices within the iconic building that forms a focal point for the city's skyline.

Company health and safety workers Paula Tidmarsh and Sue Gill spent nine months negotiating their smoke-free policy at the Liver Building. Ms Tidmarsh said: "We found a lack of enthusiasm at first but once the benefits of a smoke-free environment became clear to see, everyone quickly came on board."

Other recipients of the awards were Liverpool's The Courtyard Restaurant on Dale Street, and JR's Bar and Grill on Great Charlotte Street.

All were awarded for their commitment to providing smoke free environments.
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: sergey ROLLING STONES   Дата: 18.05.05 18:27:24   
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То Liver
Вы знаете тут у народа денег на пиратские компакт диски не хватает по два доллара а вы говорите о предложении в 700 евро))))))
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: JohnWLennon   Дата: 18.05.05 20:16:00   
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...собираюсь на пару дней всей семьёй, только в конце лета или по осени...не хочется толкаться в толпах. Путь простой, да и виз нам не надо, на обратном пути какой Роллингов концертишко завалящий посетить - Париж там, Барселона или не дай Б. Прага...
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: GlassOnion   Дата: 05.07.05 01:33:00   
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Собираюсь в конце июля в Лондон, а оттуда на пару дней планирую поехать в Ливерпуль. Если кто-нибудь из форума будет там же в то же время - буду рада встретиться.
Re: Кто собирается в 2005 в Ливерпуль?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 09.07.05 23:44:32   
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Yellow Submarine moves to airport

Liverpool's famous yellow submarine is moving to a new home outside John Lennon Airport this weekend.

The 25-tonne landmark was moved from Chevasse Park last year to allow work to start on the Paradise Project, which will redevelop 42 acres of the city.

The airport asked the council if it could house the vessel to fit in with its Beatle's theme.

Managing Director Neil Pakey joked the airport's slogan may change from "above us only sky" to "below us only sea."

"As part of Liverpool becoming the European Capital of Culture in 2008, we are determined to support and be part of the public arts agenda", he said.

"Other airports have the Concorde, we have the Yellow Submarine, it makes us smile and we hope it will bring pleasure to our travellers too."

The submarine will stand on the main public walkway outside the front of the terminal building from Sunday.

It is expected to take two to three hours to move the 51ft (16m) vessel from the council depot where it has been held since September 2004.

It has since been repainted and repaired.

The submarine was built in 1984 by apprentices from the Cammell Laird shipyard, to go on display at the International Garden Festival.

Councillor Mike Storey, leader of Liverpool City Council added: "The Yellow Submarine fits in well with the Beatles theme which is developing at John Lennon Airport."

The £850m Paradise Project includes three new department stores, two hotels, a recording studio, restaurants, homes, offices, a gallery and a new bus station.
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