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The Mamas & the Papas

Тема: The Mamas & the Papas

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Re: А как на щёт The Mamas&The Papas?
Автор: BRIAN WILSON   Дата: 21.09.07 08:14:37   
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А мне всё-таки лень.У всех бывают промахи,никто не идеален.

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "А как на щёт The Mamas&The Papas?".
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: А как на щёт The Mamas&The Papas?
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 21.09.07 08:14:37   
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Точно! И это у нас принято отмечать "плюсами"!

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "А как на щёт The Mamas&The Papas?".
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: А как на щёт The Mamas&The Papas?
Автор: Ram On The Run   Дата: 21.09.07 08:14:37   
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~> SergeK:

Про "щёт" точно не было :)))))))))))))

"Так! Теперь на щёт щёта! Граф щитает щета на своём щету! Мы ещё сведём с вами щёты!".(с) :))))))))))))

Помнится? :)

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "А как на щёт The Mamas&The Papas?".
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: А как на щёт The Mamas&The Papas?
Автор: Kurt Donald Cobain   Дата: 21.09.07 08:14:37   
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Даешь каждому ПОСТеру по БАНнеру :)

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "А как на щёт The Mamas&The Papas?".
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: А как на щёт The Mamas&The Papas?
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 21.09.07 08:14:37   
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2Kurt Donald Cobain:
Тут дела такие, если так пишет врач, то уж лучше...

..."сегодня проводилась забастовка врачей, спасено несколько сотен человеческих жизней"

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "А как на щёт The Mamas&The Papas?".
Я тащусь!  
Re: А как на щёт The Mamas&The Papas?
Автор: Ram On The Run   Дата: 21.09.07 08:14:37   
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Не... пойду покурю. Приду, глядишь и ещё одна темка появится... :)))

Это сообщение было перемещено из темы "А как на щёт The Mamas&The Papas?".
Re: The Mamas & the Papas
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.01.08 12:04:08   
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Mamas & The Papas: Straight Shooter (1988)Mamas & The Papas: Straight Shooter (1988)
Starring: Dick Clark, Joe Cocker Director: Mark Hall.
DVD Release Date: January 29, 2008

This is the definitive video biography of one of the 60s' most influential bands, The Mamas and The Papas, and its founder, John Phillips. Straight Shooter documents the group's beginning in the Greenwich Village folk scene through their inception in the Virgin Islands and travels to California, the inspiration for one of their biggest hits and the event of the 'Summer of Love,' the Monterey Pop Festival. In exclusive interviews, founding members John Phillips, Michelle Phillips and Denny Doherty tell the story of the Mamas and the Papas, supplemented by home movies and personal photographs and interviews with others who witnessed it all. Features performance footage of their greatest hits including: California Dreamin', Monday, Monday, Go Where You Wanna Go and Creeque Alley
Includes Bonus Material: The Chronicles of The Mamas and The Papas; featuring never-before-seen footage and extended archival interviews with John Phillips, Michelle Phillips, Denny Doherty, Scott McKenzie, John Stewart (Kingston Trio), Mick Fleetwood (Fleetwood Mac), Spanky McFarlane, Mackenzie Phillips, Susan Adams and others who were there through the good and bad times, recount the stories of the band, their break-up, the death of Mama Cass Elliott, John's addiction and recovery and much more.
Re: The Mamas & the Papas
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 24.09.09 15:27:16   
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Я сделала аборт после того, когда отец изнасиловал меня - рассказала СМИ дочь Джона Филиппса (солиста Mamas and Papas).Я сделала аборт после того, когда отец изнасиловал меня - рассказала СМИ дочь Джона Филиппса (солиста Mamas and Papas).


I had abortion after my father raped me, says daughter of Mamas and Papas singer John Phillips
By David Gardner
Last updated at 9:58 AM on 24th September 2009

The daughter of the lead singer of The Mamas And The Papas had a long-term incestuous relationship with her father, she revealed yesterday.

Mackenzie Phillips said her father John first raped her when she was 19 - on the night before her wedding.
She also recalled how she became pregnant - but had an abortion after not being sure whether the baby belonged to her father or her husband, who had no idea about the secret affair.

But as her life began to spiral out of control on drugs, the sex became consensual for almost a decade.

Miss Phillips, now 49, also accused her father of introducing her to heroin when she was still a teenager, missing the vein when he tried to inject her and turning her arm numb.

The bombshell family secrets were unveiled in a tell-all memoir, High On Arrival, published yesterday in the United States.

But the troubled actress also spoke for the first time last night about her incest ordeal in an interview with talk show queen Oprah Winfrey.

She said in her book that her father turned up on the eve of her 1979 wedding to Jeff Sessler - a member of the Rolling Stones entourage - determined to stop the marriage.

'I had tons of pills, and dad had tons of everything, too. Eventually I passed out on dad's bed,' she wrote.

'My father was not a man with boundaries. He was full of love, and he was sick with drugs.

'I woke up that night from a blackout to find myself having sex with my own father. Had this happened before? I didn't know. All I can say is it was the first time I was aware of it.

'For a moment I was in my body, in that horrible truth, and then I slid back into a blackout.'
Mackenzie also told Oprah Winfrey her father taught her to roll joints at ten and she tried cocaine for the first time at eleven.

From being raped as a teenager by her father while she was in a drug-addled stupor, Ms Phillips said the relationship became consensual and lasted almost a decade.

'We're touring, and I begin waking up after drug-fuelled events with my pants around my ankles and my father sleeping beside me,’ she said.

‘Again, [I thought]: "Don't think. Don't look. Just keep going." And this happened over time. It didn't happen every day. It didn't happen every week, but it certainly happened.’

Accepting there will be a ‘backlash’ over her confession from people saying she should have known better, she said: ‘It's sort of the Stockholm Syndrome, where you begin to love your captor. And I felt great love for my father.’

She finally ended the relationship after she became pregnant – and didn’t know whether her husband, who knew nothing of her incestuous affair, or her own father was the parent.’

‘I had an abortion,’ she said. ‘And I never let my father touch me again.

‘It was one of those moments where you're either going to live or die, I don't mean death. I mean, wake up dead. Dead to feeling. Dead to reality,’ she added.

She said her father knew it could be his child, so he paid for the abortion.

‘My father was not a bad man. He was kind of a testament to what drugs and alcohol - in huge quantities - can do to a person's priorities. Their motives,’ she said. ‘I don't hate him. I understand that he was a very tortured man, and he sort of passed that torture down to me.’

Ms Phillips also told the daytime chat show host that Mick Jagger seduced her at eighteen, a conquest she called a ‘dubious distinction'.

Rather than drive them apart, the rape and, more specifically, the drugs pulled father and daughter even closer and they went into rehab together.

Miss Phillips, the musician's daughter from his first marriage to heiress Susan Adams, divorced Sessler two years later.

'I was a fragment of a person and my secret isolated me,' she wrote.

'One night, dad said, "We could just run away to a country where no-one would look down on us. There are countries where this is an accepted practice. Maybe Fiji".

'He was completely delusional. "No," I thought, "we're going to hell for this.''
Re: The Mamas & the Papas
Автор: Jay Parker   Дата: 24.09.09 16:20:29   
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кошмар какой
Re: The Mamas & the Papas
Автор: Андрей Хрисанфов   Дата: 24.09.09 18:03:35   
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Губа, блин, не дура, блин...

А по сабжу - тут на Горбушке недавно проходил компактик The Mugwumps, очень такой неплохой компактик. Уже совершенно ясно, кто есть who.
Re: The Mamas & the Papas
Автор: dannymass   Дата: 25.09.09 00:37:54   
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Вот они, дети детей цветов... Вообще это, конечно, жуть. Надеюсь, ей хотя бы полегчало после этого признания.
Re: The Mamas & the Papas
Автор: yellow submarine   Дата: 25.02.13 10:52:28   
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2Андрей Хрисанфов:
>А по сабжу - тут на Горбушке недавно проходил
>компактик The Mugwumps, очень такой неплохой компактик.
>Уже совершенно ясно, кто есть who.

Он у меня был еще году а 68-м. Их первый и последний. Очень понравился, хотя к этому времени я уже любил Mamas & Papas. Недавно нашел Mugwuamps в Интернете и скачал на память.
Re: The Mamas & the Papas
Автор: Андрей Хрисанфов   Дата: 25.02.13 11:16:37   
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вот именно ято - "на память"...
Машинка, на которой возлежит Мишелька, - открытый ягуляр ХК-Е, видимо, первой серии... Кто его только не юзал, от Джорджа до группы Dave Dee & Co ))) а другой Дейв, Кларк который, на таком (только белом) в кино снимался...
Re: The Mamas & the Papas
Автор: В и т а л и й   Дата: 26.06.16 22:52:22   
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The Mamas & the Papas
Re: The Mamas & the Papas
Автор: McLenHarSt   Дата: 27.06.16 08:39:10   
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Одна из моих самых любимых!
Даже жалко, что авторы не БИТЛЫ )))

Re: The Mamas & the Papas
Автор: McLenHarSt   Дата: 27.06.16 08:40:23   
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И самый, по моему мнению, сильный кавер на эту жемчужину в русскоязычном исПОЛнении )))

Добрый профессор  
Re: The Mamas & the Papas
Автор: alex1972   Дата: 11.08.20 21:45:18   
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Re: The Mamas & the Papas
Автор: Komissar   Дата: 11.08.20 22:56:18   
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Андрон Кончаловский в книге "Низкие истины" описывает, как однажды в США, в ресторане за соседним столиком увидел девушку неописуемой красоты, которая, сидела одна и, как показалось смотрела на него. Это была Мишель Филипс. Но он ошибся - смотрела она не на Андрона, а дальше -на вход,где должен был вот-вот появиться ее друг Джек Николсон...
Re: The Mamas & the Papas
Автор: PFC   Дата: 30.10.20 18:19:28   
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Globe 9 November 2020.Globe 9 November 2020.
Добрый профессор  
Re: The Mamas & the Papas
Автор: alex1972   Дата: 04.03.21 21:08:26   
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