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Marianne Faithfull - профессор поэтики Академии Алена Гинзберга

Тема: Rolling Stones

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Re: Marianne Faithfull - профессор поэтики Академии Алена Гинзерга
Автор: cat man   Дата: 14.06.06 18:07:40   
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Это всё.
Re: Marianne Faithfull - профессор поэтики Академии Алена Гинзерга
Автор: Simon   Дата: 14.06.06 22:11:01   
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Re: Marianne Faithfull - профессор поэтики Академии Алена Гинзерга
Автор: cat man   Дата: 14.06.06 22:25:36   
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В общем да, если брать во внимание целевую аудиторию издания, в котором материал был опубликован.
Re: Marianne Faithfull - профессор поэтики Академии Алена Гинзерга
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.09.06 12:03:44   
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Faithfull: A Collection of Her Best Recordings Faithfull: A Collection of Her Best Recordings
Audio CD (September 12, 2006)

1. Broken English
2. The Ballad Of Lucy Jordan
3. Working Class Hero
4. Guilt
5. Why D'Ya Do It
6. Ghost Dance
7. Trouble In Mind (The Return)
8. Times Square (Live)
9. Strange Weather
10. She
11. As Tears Go By

Re: Marianne Faithfull - профессор поэтики Академии Алена Гинзерга
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.09.06 15:13:24   
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Марианн пришлось отменить новое мировое турне, намеченное на октябрь, т.к. у нее обнаружен рак груди. К счастью, на ранней стадии. Марианн уверена, что врачи сделают все возможное, и она будет чувствовать себя лучше, чем прежде.Марианн пришлось отменить новое мировое турне, намеченное на октябрь, т.к. у нее обнаружен рак груди. К счастью, на ранней стадии. Марианн уверена, что врачи сделают все возможное, и она будет чувствовать себя лучше, чем прежде.
Re: Marianne Faithfull - профессор поэтики Академии Алена Гинзберга
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.09.06 21:24:32   
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British singer actress Marianne Faithfull arrives for the screening of a film at the 59th International film festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 26, 2006. Faithfull has postponed a world tour after being diagnosed with breast cancer, her London publicist said Thursday, Sept. 14, 2006.British singer actress Marianne Faithfull arrives for the screening of a film at the 59th International film festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 26, 2006. Faithfull has postponed a world tour after being diagnosed with breast cancer, her London publicist said Thursday, Sept. 14, 2006.
Re: Marianne Faithfull - профессор поэтики Академии Алена Гинзберга
Автор: John Lennon Knows Your Name   Дата: 14.09.06 23:27:37   
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Спасибо Праймал за инфу. Профессор обретает солидность, но не теряет боевитость. Дай ему Господь, много сил.
Re: Marianne Faithfull - профессор поэтики Академии Алена Гинзберга
Автор: Alex GB   Дата: 25.09.06 00:41:42   
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Из книги Тони Санчеса про то как он был драгдилером RSИз книги Тони Санчеса про то как он был драгдилером RS
Re: Marianne Faithfull - профессор поэтики Академии Алена Гинзберга
Автор: John Lennon Knows Your Name   Дата: 22.10.06 00:44:27   
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Кстате, сегодня гуляя по Миланскому конвеншену винила нашел довольно редкий декковский винил Марианны, где она поет в своей несколько меланхолической манере первого образца.Кстате, сегодня гуляя по Миланскому конвеншену винила нашел довольно редкий декковский винил Марианны, где она поет в своей несколько меланхолической манере первого образца.
Называется альбом: Love in a Mist почему-то одним словом Loveinamist.Обратите внимание на то, что в мое время называлось "прикидом" - пластмассое платье самого модного образца шестьдесят пятого года.
Re: Marianne Faithfull - профессор поэтики Академии Алена Гинзберга
Автор: cat man   Дата: 22.10.06 00:51:39   
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А на галстуке Элвис
Re: Marianne Faithfull - профессор поэтики Академии Алена Гинзберга
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.11.06 09:14:35   
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Певица Марианна Фэйтфул излечилась от рака грудиПевица Марианна Фэйтфул излечилась от рака груди

Британская певица и актриса Марианна Фэйтфул (Marianne Faithfull) полностью вылечилась от рака груди и планирует весной возобновить мировое турне, сообщило агентство Reuters в понедельник.

59-летняя Фэйтфул назвала перенесенную ей болезнь "очень необычным и во многом позитивным опытом". "Я не понимала, сколько у меня настоящих друзей", - призналась певица.

Врачи поставили ей диагноз в сентябре 2006 года. Фэйтфул пришлось отменить мировое турне, которое должно было начаться в октябре в Париже и завершиться в декабре в Лондоне. Представитель певицы заявил, что болезнь удалось диагностировать на ранней стадии, и теперь Фэйтфул осталось лишь полностью восстановиться после болезни.

В 60-е годы Марианна встречалась с лидером Rolling Stones Миком Джаггером, в 70-е практически исчезла со сцены из-за героиновой зависимости, однако позже ей удалось вернуть былую популярность.

Недавно Фэйтфул сыграла в фильме "Мария Антуанетта" режиссера Софии Копполы, а также наравне с Джейн Биркин и группой Franz Ferdinand приняла участие в записи альбома, посвященного легендарному французскому музыканту Сержу Генсбуру.

Напомним, что в мае диагностировали рак груди другой известной певице Кайли Миноуг. Певице пришлось прерывать концертный тур, в рамках которого она должна была выступить в крупных городах Австралии, в Сингапуре и Гонконге. Срочная операция по удалению опухоли оказалась успешной, и 11 ноября должен состояться первый концерт Миноуг после болезни.
Re: Marianne Faithfull - профессор поэтики Академии Алена Гинзберга
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 05.03.07 11:23:24   
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Профессор испытывает чувство благодарности за то, что ее недавние неприятности с раком груди снова свели ее с сэром Миком, который выразил ей свою поддержку по телефону сразу после операции.
МФ: "Я все думаю, как это было мило с его стороны. Он не звонил мне 35 лет, и вдруг звонок от него, и он спрашивает, как я себя чувствую. Я не ожидала, что он со мной свяжется и было чрезвычайно тронута, что он сделал усилие и позвонил. Он хороший человек. Он любит меня, а я люблю его. Не важно, что наши отношения закончились в 1970 году. Если любишь кого-то, то это навсегда, это никогда не проходит. Потом я узнала, что Мик обзванивал агентов и всех моих друзей, чтобы узнать мой номер в клинике. Это стоило ему большого труда. Какой классный парень."
Ироничная ухмылка  
Re: Marianne Faithfull - профессор поэтики Академии Алена Гинзберга
Автор: Alex GB   Дата: 05.03.07 16:57:27   
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2Primal Scream:

Целое интервью:

Marianne Faithfull: 'I've been given another life...'
By PAUL HEDERSON in Jamaica - More by this author »
Last updated at 21:55pm on 3rd March 2007

Top: Marianne in her hey day. Below: The singer in Jamaica last week.

Marianne Faithfull awoke with a jolt. She was in a hospital bed in a Parisian clinic recovering from emergency surgery to remove a cancerous lump in her right breast.

It was one in the morning, the lights were dim, there were few staff around and the phone beside her bed was ringing.

After taking a few moments to take in all these facts, Marianne picked up the receiver and put it to her ear. The voice on the other end was unmistakable.

Scroll to the bottom of the page to watch Marianne performing in her 1960s prime...

"Ello Marian darling. How are you?' he said in a Thames estuary drawl.

"He didn't say who he was - he didn't need to," Marianne recalls.

"No one else in the world calls me Marian - as in Maid Marian. It could only be Mick Jagger and I knew it was him right away.

"He asked me how I was and I told him I was fine and getting through it.

"We spoke for a while, like musicians do. I knew he was on a world tour and asked him where he was. He said somewhere like Miami.

"I asked how his voice was holding up. He didn't say much but I could feel his famous shoulders shrugging at the other end."

It is clear from her retelling of the story that Marianne was deeply moved to receive the call. "All the time I was thinking, this is so kind. He hadn't called me for 35 years and here he was on the phone, making sure I was OK.

"I didn't expect him to contact me and I was extremely touched that he'd made the effort to call. He's a good man.

"He loves me and I love him. The fact that our relationship ended in 1970 doesn't matter. If you love someone, you love each other for ever - it never stops.

"I found out later that Mick had phoned around agents and all my friends to get my number in the clinic. He went to a lot of trouble. That's a classy guy."

As she sits beneath the shade of a giant palm on a hotel terrace overlooking the rugged southern coast of Jamaica, it is clear that Marianne, now 60, has retained her extraordinary blue-eyed beauty despite the tell-tale wrinkles and lines bequeathed by a life lived to the limits.

Her voice is deep and husky with beautifully modulated middle-class vowels and a raucous throaty laugh - a legacy of a 40-year cigarette habit she has been unable to kick, despite her cancer diagnosis.

Even dressed-down in blue jeans and an old black T-shirt above a feminine lacy top, she has an aura of proud, if somewhat faded, grandeur.

It befits a woman who was one of the quintessential rock starlets of Sixties London before her life went so disastrously off the rails.

And of all the gossip and half-truths written about Mick Jagger over the decades, there can be no doubt that the simple act of seeking out his old girlfriend after so many years to offer a few words of encouragement as she lay in hospital is one of the most touching incidents - a gesture from one of rock's great survivors to a former lover who has led an altogether more complicated and painful life.

She was publicly disgraced after being discovered naked in a rug during an infamous police raid on a Rolling Stones party in 1967, was a pop star at 17, a married mother at 18 and a heroin addict during much of the Seventies.

As such, she endured the unutterable squalor of two years living rough on the streets of Soho before dragging her life back on track and releasing a series of bitter-sweet, commercially successful albums.
Re: Marianne Faithfull - профессор поэтики Академии Алена Гинзберга
Автор: Alex GB   Дата: 05.03.07 17:00:12   
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Now dividing her time between homes in Dublin and an apartment just off the Champs-Elysees in Paris - she left England in the early Eighties because she felt unable to escape her notorious past - this convent-educated daughter of an English professor and an Austrian baroness makes no bones about the fact that being diagnosed with cancer is the most frightening thing that has ever happened to her.

She has not spoken about it before but the tropical warmth, the sound of the blue Caribbean sea crashing on the rocks and the occasional sip of a cold Cuba Libre - white rum and cola - might make the experience seem somehow less terrifying.

The operation to remove the tumour six months ago has been pronounced a success, she says.

"Because they caught the cancer very early, I didn't need chemotherapy or radiotherapy. But the operation was one of those things that had to be done immediately - there was no time to wait.

"The first I knew about it was when I felt very unwell last summer. I just felt I had the blues and I couldn't explain it, so I went to see a doctor in Paris and he told me I had to have some checks.

"I was terrified when the results came back. I was told I had breast cancer, and hearing those words for someone of my age is truly frightening. When I grew up, cancer meant only one thing - death.

"A million thoughts went through my mind - I want to keep living my life, I want to see my grandchildren grow up, I want to be there for my friends, I want to be able to love and to work."

She knows that she was lucky. Lucky to seek medical advice so early. And lucky that she happened to live within a few miles of the Institut Gustave-Roussy, the world-renowned private cancer clinic where Kylie Minogue was also treated for breast cancer.

The doctors there who diagnosed Marianne's tumour decided it had been caught early enough to be dealt with by surgery alone.

The urgency of the operation meant that she had to cancel a major tour of Europe and North America last autumn.

The series of acoustic concerts, titled Songs Of Innocence And Experience, has now been rearranged, beginning next week in Budapest.

Pausing to light yet another Marlboro from a battered pack on the table in front of her, she inhales deeply and begins to ponder the sheer self-destructive folly of a cancer survivor continuing to smoke.

"I know we all die sometime, but I would like not to be stupid about it,' says Marianne. "I hardly drink and don't do drugs but I do smoke.

"I've tried everything to give up - hypnotism, acupuncture, patches - and I've read Allen Carr's book on how to stop smoking. But I've been smoking since I was 19, and so far nothing has worked. But I'm determined to kick it.
Re: Marianne Faithfull - профессор поэтики Академии Алена Гинзберга
Автор: Alex GB   Дата: 05.03.07 17:00:46   
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"I'm going to take a new pill when I get back to Paris to get off cigarettes. I've just turned 60, I am a singer and I am still smoking. How stupid is that? But I've been very fortunate - I have been given another life to live.

"First I was going to die and then I wasn't. Then I find out how much I am loved. The whole thing has been a lot for me to process."

Marianne also ponders the irony of the reason for her visit to what she describes as 'my favourite place on the planet' - the splendidly languid Jake's Hotel at Treasure Beach on Jamaica's south coast.

She is here to mourn the death, at 70, of the hotel's owner Perry Henzell, who also directed and co-wrote the legendary 1972 Jamaican film The Harder They Come, featuring reggae star Jimmy Cliff.

"I had to be here to mourn Perry, who died in November," she says.

"I came to help his widow Sally and her son Jason get over their bereavement and to come to terms myself with the fact that my very good friend is not here any more.

"Before he died I had a wonderful phone call from Sally and Perry goading me to come here to help my recovery. I told Perry I was fine, but now he's not here and I am very lucky to be alive.

"Perry died like I would like to die - he died in his sleep lying in bed next to Sally.

"He chose his time beautifully. His cancer was about to become unbearably painful and he told me he didn't want to go to the Jamaican premiere of his latest film, No Place Like Home, the following day."

Has her brush with cancer forced her to reassess her own life? "Sure," she says. "The first thing I want to say is that everybody must check, check, check. For men it's to check for prostate cancer and for women breast cancer."

And she admits: "I also now know I would like another ten years to work because I have never saved money. I have been appallingly bad with money and I would like to earn enough to look after myself in my old age."

Marianne reveals that she still gets stage-fright, but says: "I'm really looking forward to performing again. I'm playing at the Pigalle Club in London in two weeks' time and then at the Shepherd's Bush Empire as part of a European and North American tour. I'll release my next single in November. Life's looking great again.

"I'm even going to Budapest, which is nice because I'm half English and half Austro-Hungarian. I've inherited the title Baroness Sacher-Masoch - it comes from one of my great uncles who gave his name to masochism." This is the 19th Century aristocrat Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, infamous for his erotic novel Venus In Furs.

"I might even put it on my passport," she laughs before stopping to take a sip of Cuba Libre. "But there's no one quite like Marianne Faithfull. No one does what I do."

Indeed, even though she remains most famous for being Mick Jagger's girlfriend for five years at the height of the Swinging Sixties, for her chart-topping cover version of the Stones'.

As Tears Go By and for her part in that infamous drugs bust, it is her more recent work as a singer and actress that has brought her most satisfaction and most commercial and critical success.

But it is also clear that the pain of some of the most hurtful episodes of the Sixties is still close to the surface.

Four decades after the police raid at Keith Richards' country estate at Redlands, Surrey, in February 1967, she still seethes over the indignity of being associated with the untrue Mars bar story.

"When a woman loses her reputation at 19 she loses everything," she says angrily. "What people thought of me and the Stones was downright unfair. And I so object to the Mars bar story - it's offensive.

"Even Keith Richards has gone on record as saying it's ridiculous. He said I was too classy for that."

But has she any regrets about her tumultuous life? "Look, it wasn't my intention to hook up with Mick," she says.

"When we were together it all went by so fast. I didn't understand it. I loved this guy and hoped it would be for ever. It didn't work out, but I would not have missed it for anything. I wanted to work and do my own thing and Mick was supportive of that - well, he was of my acting. He laughed at my music, which did get better."

"But it's your job if you are with him to be Mick's consort. That's how life works out. Stuff happens and you have to deal with it.

"Of course I've got regrets," she admits, without revealing what they are. "But now I've been given a second chance. I've been to the brink and come back again.

"And, because of that, I've realised that what is most important to me now is my family and friends and my work."

She confesses that she could not return to live in Britain again. "Too much has happened there," she says. "I prefer my homes in Dublin and Paris. But I do go back to London to see my son Nicholas [from her short-lived 1965 marriage to artist John Dunbar] and my grandchildren.

"I've also realised more than ever how important friends are. When I was recovering from my operation, I really appreciated all those calls and emails and letters from Mick, Keith, Yoko Ono, John Galliano, Roger Waters of Pink Floyd and Chris Blackwell [the founder of Island Records].

"They all came through for me, either to wish me well or to help me.

"And I've come to the conclusion that I can't retire - I'd croak if I did. Look at B.B. King, still on the road at the age of 81. Bob Dylan recently became the oldest man to top the American charts at 65.

"Having cancer has been one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. But life goes on - and it's up to me to make the most of it."
Re: Marianne Faithfull - профессор поэтики Академии Алена Гинзберга
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.04.07 16:22:43   
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The life, loves, and hell of Marianne Faithfull

There is a rather tedious comeuppance to be had when you've deliberately lived every day as if it were your last. Marianne Faithfull realised somewhere around her 60th birthday that she might have made a slight miscalculation.
"The problem with living life as if there is no tomorrow is that you get to this age and realise that it simply isn't true," she admits ruefully. She means she "forgot" to sort out the pension plan.
"Saving simply wasn't part of the equation. Money didn't matter to me - so much so that I don't own anything. I haven't got a house or a mortgage or a car. I'm still renting - at 60!"
She laughs that famous throaty laugh, the legacy of this most rock 'n' roll of lives.
Marianne Faithfull's name was synonymous with sex and the Sixties
"It was never an issue before, but it is now. At this rate, I could live to 80, and then where will I be? I've decided to be sensible for the first time ever; to work really really hard for ten years, and save enough to buy a flat.
"My son Nicholas says I need to put away at least 10 per cent of what I earn. He's very sensible, Nicholas. I haven't a clue where he gets it from. Certainly not me."
It's not just her son who has forced a radical rethink, though. Just before she turned 60, Marianne found a lump on her breast. Pre- cancerous cells were discovered, and she underwent an emergency operation to remove them.
It's difficult to say what has stunned her more - the sudden realisation that her days might indeed be numbered; or the tantalising idea, once recovery beckoned, that she could yet live to be a very old lady. Whatever, it all seems to have given her one enormous jolt.
"I've been in a pretty dark place," she admits. "First the cancer, then turning 60 - which I was absolutely traumatised about. I was convinced I would wake up in the morning and discover I was just a heap of smoking ash.
"When the day came - nothing. It was fine. I went out for dinner and I got some lovely presents, and it was no big deal.
"Now I'm just getting my head round the fact that I might be around for some time. I'm so lucky, I know, but it kind of does mean having to rethink how I do things. I have to start accepting that there is actually a tomorrow to think about."
And so she is a fully-paid-up member of the reformed hellraiser group, joining the Ronnie Woods and Mick Jaggers of this world with their cranberry juice and vitamin cocktails.
That prolonged heroin phase is just a distant memory - in her 30s she spent a long spell being a full-time heroin addict and living on the streets of Soho.
"I went to my doctor recently to get some antibiotics and a Vitamin B12 shot and when he took out the needle, I couldn't look. I hate needles now. I said to him: 'Isn't it weird that I used to think this was fun, or desirable.' He said: 'No comment.'"
Now, Marianne is the happiest she has ever been
Restored to health, she is currently on tour, furiously earning the money that will keep her afloat in her old age - and making sure she gets early nights and the right sort of peppermint tea. She insists she isn't much given to reflection. She has an enormous ego, which means that she does love talking about herself. But only to a point. When she is pushed too far back into her own life, asked to re-examine aspects of it, she cracks.
"Oh please. I don't do that. I don't ask myself what might have been. I'm not a sociologist, for God's sake. I'm Marianne Faithfull."
To most of us, being Marianne Faithfull means being an iconic figure, synonymous with the Sixties. To the woman herself, though, it means nothing of the sort.
"That was just a part of my life, a stop on the way - an important stop, yes, but no more than that. I hadn't even started my best work in the Sixties."
Still, history is always going to remember her as the archetypal Sixties rock chick, Mick Jagger's girlfriend at a time when that role really meant something.
The Rolling Stones' lyric "wild horses couldn't drag me away" was inspired by her: she uttered the words on waking in a Sydney hospital after a six-day coma brought about by a massive drugs binge.
There have been many hospital beds between then and now, mostly in rehab units - and mostly she didn't really care whether she left them alive or dead.
By last year, though, when she discovered the lump in her breast, it was 20 years since she pledged to get clean and life had most definitely become precious.
"I belong to the generation that thinks cancer means death, so I was petrified," she admits.
She was whisked into the world-famous Institut Gustave-Roussy, the private cancer clinic where Kylie Minogue was treated for the same disease. While Kylie needed intensive chemotherapy, Marianne was "lucky" to find that a lumpectomy was all that was required. Still, the terror was unequivocal. "It really was the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I thought: 'I don't want to die. I haven't finished yet.'"
News of her illness quickly spread. Messages of support from her fans poured in, and from friends of old. Yoko Ono called to say she was thinking of her. So did Rolling Stone Keith Richards, fashion designer John Galliano and Roger Waters of Pink Floyd.
Even Mick Jagger picked up the phone. She smiles as she recalls the conversation. She was feeling particularly sorry for herself as she had just come round from surgery.
"I answered the phone. It was 2am and this voice came on, 'Hello Marian, how are you?' I'd know that voice anywhere, and he's the only one who ever called me Marian. We had a chat. It was lovely. He told me that he'd phoned my agent to get the number. I thought that was very sweet of him." Although they've met occasionally, this was the first time in 35 years the pair had spoken on the phone.
"We've both mellowed. I loved Mick very much, but it was better for both of us that we split up."
Re: Marianne Faithfull - профессор поэтики Академии Алена Гинзберга
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.04.07 16:25:15   
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I ask her about her big regrets in life, and she does have some whoppers, though Mick isn't one of them.
"I wish I'd been nicer to my parents, and I wish I'd been a better mother," she volunteers. She also wishes that she hadn't allowed her life to be defined so much by her drug-taking.
"Heroin was a waste of time. It took me off course for about ten years. I can't remember why I thought it would change my life. But when I took it I felt no pain, which was what I wanted at the time.
"The trouble with something like that is, you feel no joy either. It's important to have spirituality in your life. It's subtle but it's crucial. And when you are on drugs, it simply isn't there."
Now, overall, she is content with her lot. I ask her what the happiest period of her life was and she bypasses the Sixties altogether.
"I think I'm in the happiest time of my life right now. Now, and when I was 15. In between there were happy times, of course, but there were a lot more ups and downs." It was at the end of her teens, of course, that life changed irrevocably.
She talks about having been "swerved off course". "I really wanted to go to drama school or university. I think some people need those few years to grow up a bit before they are launched on the world, and I might have been one of them.
"You are such a child at 17, everyone is."
It was at that age she was "discovered". Some say it was her voice, others insist it was her figure. Whatever, her life started moving at breakneck speed. "I was whisked off and before I knew what was going on I had a record in the charts and I was on tour with the Hollies.
"At 18 I had a baby, then at 19 I ran off with Mick. When I was 24, it all fell apart. I realised I couldn't deal with it."
She refers to the pivotal moment as "that dreadful drugs bust". It was 1967, at Keith Richards' country house in Sussex, and Faithfull, according to one police officer, let her fur coat slip off to reveal she was naked. From there, there would be no turning back.
"It was scary. I didn't expect all that attention, to be living in a goldfish bowl. I wasn't looking to be famous. I wasn't the slightest bit interested in celebrity - and I'm still not. In fact, I'd say I am anti-celebrity.
"It's all got so stupid now, with people going to the opening of an envelope."
It was a long time though, before she really tried to get out of that world, and she fell pretty low before she did. In 1968 she miscarried Jagger's daughter eight months into the pregnancy. Devastated, her drug use spiralled out of control. Jagger threatened to leave her unless she got help: she refused.
By the time he married Bianca on a beach in St Tropez in 1971, she was in prison on drugs charges and 15 years of hell - and heroin addiction - would follow.
Marianne has no memory of much of the Seventies and Eighties, She moved from squat to squat, eventually living on the streets. She famously sat on a wall in London day after day for two years, anorexic, stoned out of her mind, unable to see a reason to go on.
Her son was taken from her, and that was the final straw.
"When Nicholas was taken away I thought: 'F*** this, may as well become a junkie. No reason not to, now.'"
In all the talk of Mick and heroin, it's easy to forget that Marianne was a mother. She was briefly married to Nicholas's father, artist John Dunbar, but left him when she met Mick Jagger. "I remember going out and having to rush home every four hours to breast-feed Nicholas when he was first born, something drove me to do it.
"I knew deep down I would never have another child. I wanted to have a career, a life, to play my part in the music industry. I knew I would never be able to simply be a wife and mother."
Her desire for some sort of family life eventually spurred her to beat her addiction. "I was nearly 40 when I noticed that nearly all my friends had got over drugs and settled down. I hadn't. That's when I went into treatment. I realised it was going to kill me."
Re: Marianne Faithfull - профессор поэтики Академии Алена Гинзберга
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.04.07 16:25:32   
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Today, Nicholas edits a financial magazine in London. She is inordinately proud of him. She is especially proud that he has carved out a quiet, mainstream life.
"He's never done drugs, never been interested in that sort of life. Maybe it was because he was turned off it by watching me and his father go through it."
Now they are closer than they have ever been. "I saw him last night. He came to talk to me about some trouble with his ex-wife. I actually do feel like I am his mother now."
What an odd thing to say. Did she not feel like his mother before? "It took me an awfully long time before I felt like a mother, until Nicholas was in his early 20s. Luckily, I was able to rebuild that relationship.
"All I will say is we got through it together, and we are fine now. I am his mum. I love him, and more importantly he loves me."
Thanks to Nicholas, she is now a grandmother, too. She roars about what an un-granny type of granny she is. "I can't iron or sew a button. I certainly don't knit," she jokes. "I spoil them, but they have brought me great joy. When Oscar was born I felt hopeful for the future."
As she was becoming a grandmother, Marianne Faithfull was also taking a new lover. She uses the word deliberately, refusing to reduce him to "partner" or "boyfriend".
"He is exactly that," she says. "I don't like the word 'partner'. He is more than a friend. What else should I call him?"
For years it has been reported that this man is her manager, Francois Ravard. She refuses to confirm this, with customary bluntness.
"I'm not telling you. He is very private. He doesn't want his name in the papers. He is French. He has been my lover for 13 years. He is the man I love."
She might not want to name him, but she is happy to sigh about him. Thirteen years is a long relationship in anyone's book; in Marianne's it is a lifetime. "It's the longest I've ever managed. I've obviously found my soul mate."
She gushes about the wonderful sapphire ring he bought her for her 60th, whispering he is ten years younger than she. She thinks they will be together for life.
But hasn't she said that about other men? About Mick even?
"When I look back on the people I've loved they were nearly all great people, but there wasn't the sense that we would be together forever. You know how it is with these men. You're walking along the same path, you come together for a while, then you diverge. Mick and I weren't meant to be together for ever."
"With my new lover, it's for life."
I ask her if sex is still important in a relationship at her age. She nearly falls off her chair. "You can't ask me that," she squawks. "It is too private."
But isn't she Marianne Faithfull - as synonymous with sex as she is with the Sixties? Wasn't the whole thing about sex? We've all heard the one about the Mars Bar.
She shudders. The Mars Bar incident has come to haunt her. Little wonder. At the time of that infamous drugs raid, it was breathlessly rumoured that Jagger and Marianne were discovered carrying out a rather indecent act with a chocolate bar. She has always insisted it was not true. In fact, she is mortified by it.
"When a woman loses her reputation at 19 she loses everything," she has said.
"I am not that sort of person," she tells me, sounding distinctly grandmotherly. "I am very prudish. That is the real me. Maybe I was different when I was doing drugs and drink, but I wasn't that different.
"We believed in love. It wasn't just sex and I get annoyed when people think it was. It was love, a romantic ideal, always. At least it was for me."
Re: Marianne Faithfull - профессор поэтики Академии Алена Гинзберга
Автор: wirbel   Дата: 09.05.07 22:26:57   
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В Латвии в рамках своего турне "Songs Of Innocence And Experience" ("Песни невинности и опыта") выступила английская певица и актриса Марианна Фэйтфул, которая вошла в музыкальную историю как муза Мика Джаггера. Дыхание великой эпохи на концерте рок-дивы почувствовал ЕГОР Ъ-ЕРОХОМОВИЧ.
Концерт Марианны Фэйтфул наряду с запланированным на начало июля выступлением группы Antony And The Johnsons – самые интригующие события в гастрольной афише Риги на этот год. Энтони заедет в начале июля и в Москву, и в остальном гастрольная афиша латвийской столицы практически дословно повторяет московскую: Placebo, Оззи Осборн, Aerosmith плюс Хулио Иглесиас, Pet Shop Boys и Muse, которые до России, возможно, доедут тоже. Рижский концерт госпожи Фэйтфул был ее единственной остановкой на постсоветском пространстве, и по статусу ее приезд вполне сравним с визитом Джейн Биркин двухлетней давности.

Они не похожи друг на друга, у них разная история, но почему-то хочется поставить их в один ряд: обе вдохновляли выдающихся артистов (госпожа Биркин – Сержа Генсбура, госпожа Фэйтфул – The Rolling Stones), обе приобрели статус гранд-дам европейской музыкальной культуры и теперь записывают отличные альбомы с молодыми музыкантами. По части звучания и по составу привлеченных музыкантов последние пластинки госпожи Фэйтфул часто оказывались интереснее и актуальнее, чем новые записи The Rolling Stones. Песни для диска 2002 года "Kissin Time" ей помогали сочинять Бек, Blur, Билли Корган и Джарвис Кокер, а для диска "Before The Poison" (2004) – Пи Джей Харви и Ник Кейв.

Имя Марианны Фэйтфул окружено мифами и легендами: она и сейчас, в свои 60 лет, не просто певица и актриса. Она – вечный символ Лондона 60-х, всех его излишеств и творческого безумия. Она видела музыкантов, поэтов и художников, которые делали историю, и делала ее вместе с ними – на улице, в квартирах, концертных залах и постелях. Как именно – сама певица подробно и очень живо описала в автобиографии "Faithfull", второй том которой должен выйти в этом году. Из-за этого исторического груза творчество госпожи Фэйтфул зачастую оказывалось недооцененным, а ведь ее всегда тянуло на эксперименты: она пела панк и регги, Уэйтса и Вайля, записала целый альбом с автором музыки к "Твин Пиксу" Анджело Бадаламенти, играла в мюзикле "Черный всадник", поставленном Робертом Уилсоном. В XXI веке артистка продолжила сниматься в кино: "Интим" Патриса Шеро, "Мария-Антуанетта" Софии Копполы, "Париж, я люблю тебя" (эпизод Гаса Ван Сента). Фильм Сэма Гарбарски "Ирина Палм", в котором она сыграла главную роль, стал одним из главных событий последнего Берлинского кинофестиваля. Для современной поп-культуры Марианна Фэйтфул – один из главных талисманов.

"У меня сейчас нет альбома, который я должна промоутировать, поэтому могу петь все, что захочу. Этим я, собственно, и занимаюсь,– сказала Марианна публике в начале рижского концерта.– Но вы не беспокойтесь, старые хиты тоже прозвучат". Основу программы турне "Songs Of Innocence And Experience" составляли редко исполняемые композиции – певица прошлась и по собственному каталогу, и по американской корневой музыке (исполнила в частности "Spike Driver Blues", а затем "Ruler Of My Heart" из репертуара соул-певицы Ирмы Томас). Старые блюзы ее голосу с годами подходят все больше. Кажется, Марианна уже приблизилась к территории Джо Кокера: голос хрипит, хрустит и поскрипывает, но воздействует безупречно, попадая прямо в сердце.

Певица пожаловалась: "У меня болит горло, но я думаю, мы справимся. Погода, знаете, такая – то холодно, то жарко, и я не убереглась". Она пританцовывает, покачивает руками, сверкает кольцами, отбрасывает челку со лба, пытается нащупать жемчужную сережку в правом ухе, но сережки нет, и черт с ней. Она решительно ставит ногу в леопардовой туфле на монитор, зажимает между зубами подаренную розу – и в каждом ее движении чувствуется настоящая рок-стать, какую едва ли встретишь у молодых. Если в предыдущие турне Марианна отправлялась с традиционным рок-составом, то на сей раз она урезала аккомпанемент до трех музыкантов: барабанщик, клавишник и гитарист.

Упор сделан на акустическое звучание, которое под стать отобранному ей материалу – дрожащая струна здесь значит очень много. Некоторые песни госпожа Фэйтфул сопровождала комментариями, которые, собственно, и делали концерт явлением уникальным. "Сейчас я вам спою песню 'Something Better' – я не пела ее с 1968 года, когда на цирковой арене записывался концерт The Rolling Stones 'Rock And Roll Circus'. Мы все тогда были обдолбаны. И если я говорю обдолбаны, то это значит, что мы были очень, очень, очень обдолбаны. Но это было тогда, а что значит исполнять ее теперь? Я просто хочу почувствовать, каково петь ее, когда ты на чистяке". С особым трепетом и со словами особой благодарности Пи-Джей Харви и Нику Кейву она исполнила две песни из альбома "Before The Poison" – "No Child of Mine" и "Crazy Love".

Марианна была очень довольна приемом: на нее везде приходят знающие люди, которые и в Риге живо реагировали на хиты вроде исповедальной "Times Square" или электропоповой "The Ballad Of Lucy Jordan". Одну из главных своих песен – "Broken English" – певица превратила в мистический затяжной гитарный рейв-рок-гимн. В финале прозвучала песня "As Tears Go By", которую Марианна Фэйтфул представила со светлой, обезоруживающей улыбкой, сводившей с ума всех рок-идолов 60-х: "Давайте еще раз вернемся в прошлое. Сейчас я вам исполню песню, которую для меня написали Мик Джаггер и Кейт Ричардс. Мне тогда было 17". В тот момент, когда она это сказала и когда начала звучать эта песня – ее первый хит, вышедший в 1964 году, контакт публики с историей рок-музыки стал полным и окончательным.
Re: Marianne Faithfull - профессор поэтики Академии Алена Гинзберга
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.08.07 22:16:03   
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Memories, Dreams and Reflections (Hardcover) Memories, Dreams and Reflections (Hardcover)
by Marianne Faithfull (Author)

Hardcover: 320 pages
Publisher: Fourth Estate (1 Oct 2007)

This book is a more personal history than has ever before been written by or about Marianne Faithfull. Anecdotal, conversational, intimate and revealing, this is her no-holds-barred account of her life, her friends, her triumphs and mistakes. 'On stage I may seem Athena in her breastplate but visitors arriving backstage find this wuzzly little person. There's a paradox between that person and the Marianne Faithfull marionette that I manipulate, groom, dress up, and make do terrible and beautiful things. That Marianne Faithfull has a life of her own!Behind the facade and the drugs (they go together), I'm a snake pit of fears and insecurities. Depression, addiction, crippling stage fright, masses of guilt -- which only spur me onto more destructive and self-destructive behaviour.' This book tells of mad days on tour with Mick Jagger; day trips to George Harrison and Patti's multi-colored hippie cottage; evenings at Paul McCartney and Jane Asher's; a curious Christmas with Kate Moss; wild days with Yves Saint-Laurent in Morocco, getting high as kites and lounging around medieval castles on embroidered pillows; partying with 'Spanish Tony' and John and Yoko; friendship with -- amongst many others -- Sophia and Francis Ford Coppola, Johnny Cash, Kris Kristofferson, Willy Nelson, Pete Townshend, Bob Dylan and Eric Clapton; and her highly unconventional childhood in her father's literary commune, Braziers Park, whose inhabitants appeared to intersperse intellectual pursuits with an awful lot of casual sex. Since her last book Marianne has, in her own words, 'made quite a few records, went on many tours, tried to play it straight, and!Well, the rest is the subject of this book.'
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