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Bob Dylan

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Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Maryleen Foxy   Дата: 24.05.04 22:52:10   
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извиняюсь за недописанное.

Bob Dylan - великий человек!
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.04 23:29:46   
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Scottish doctorate for Bob DylanScottish doctorate for Bob Dylan
Wednesday, June 16, 2004 Posted: 7:39 AM EDT (1139 GMT)

Dylan has accepted only one previous honorary degree, St. Andrews said.

Scotland's oldest university announced Wednesday that it was awarding an honorary doctorate to the laureate of folk-rock, Bob Dylan.

The University of St. Andrews said Dylan would be made an honorary doctor of music at its summer graduation ceremony on June 23.

"Bob Dylan is an iconic figure for the 20th century, particularly for those of us whose formative years were in the 1960s and '70s," said the university's vice chancellor, Brian Lang.

"His songs, and in particular his lyrics, are still part of our consciousness."

St. Andrews, northeast of Edinburgh, was founded in 1413 and is Britain's third-oldest university.

Its current students include Prince William, second in line to the throne.

The university said Dylan, 63, had accepted only one previous honorary degree, from Princeton University in 1970.

The honor is the latest academic plaudit for Dylan's song-writing oeuvre.

Last month Christopher Ricks, a Dylan fan and author of the critical analysis "Dylan's Visions of Sin," was elected Oxford University's Professor of Poetry.
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Тёма Стоунз   Дата: 17.06.04 00:04:53   
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Rainy Day Women Nos 12 & 35Rainy Day Women Nos 12 & 35
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.06.04 21:03:22   
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BOB DYLAN is set to embark on a mammoth US tour, kicking off on August 6 in NEW YORK.

The folk legend will be touring with country heavyweight Willie Nelson over the 22 dates.

As previously reported, Dylan made a rare outdoor appearance in the UK on Sunday (June 20) as the headliner of the annual Fleadh festival.

The event at London Finsbury Park took a year out in 2003 because no headliner could be found, but this year’s crowds dodged heavy rain to see the star played a selection of his hits, including ‘Highway 61 Revisited’, ‘Maggie's Farm’ and ‘Like A Rolling Stone‘.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Lemon Lennon   Дата: 25.06.04 13:47:02   
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Дилан стал доктором музыкальных наук

Американский легендарный певец Боб Дилан награжден почетным дипломом университета Святого Андрея - самого старого университета Шотландии.
В среду на ежегодной церемонии вручения дипломов Бобу Дилану было присвоено звание доктора музыки.

Глава университета Брайан Ланг назвал музыканта "иконой XX века".

"Его песни, и особенно его лирика, до сих пор являются частью нашего самосознания", - сказал Ланг.

Во время церемонии вручения диплома университетский хор исполнил песню Дилана Blowin' in the Wind, ставшей уже давно классикой.

Боб Дилан - мировая величина в музыке - уже давно признан одним из самых влиятельных музыкантов прошлого века.

Поколение 60-х выросло на его фольклорных мотивах, блюзах и роке, часто наполненных политической лирикой.

Творчество Боба Дилана оказало ощутимое влияние на музыкантов того времени, но и сегодня к нему прислушиваются не меньше.

Боб Дилан лишь однажды принял предложение о почетном дипломе - от Принстонского университета в 1970 году.

Певец сейчас совершает очередное турне по Европе. После почетной церемонии в университете он даст два концерта в Глазго.

Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.07.04 09:28:16   
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Bob Dylan has joined the late Jerry Garcia as a wine entrepreneur. While the J. Garcia-label stems from California's Sonoma Valley, Dylan's signature appears on the back label of Planet Waves, a red produced by Italy's Fattoria Le Terrazze winery and named after a 1974 Dylan album.

The 2002 vintage is a blend of 75% Montepulciano and 25% Merlot grapes grown on the winery's vineyards in Italy's Marche region. It follows Visions of J, a Fattoria Le Terrazze wine that its owner, Antonia Terni, named after the Dylan song "Visions of Johanna," prior to any association with the artist.

"I've been a Bob Dylan fan since the first time I heard him, and I didn't even understand English then," Terni told Wine Spectator magazine. "I never imagined we'd make a wine together."

Of the 415 cases produced, 125 will be exported to the United States, with suggested price of $65 per bottle.
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Remasterman   Дата: 13.07.04 12:55:07   
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Боб Дилан, как и Джерри Гарсия <из Grateful Dead> состоялся как предприниматель-винодел. В то время, как лейбл Джерри Гарсия находился в калифорнийской долине Сохома, Дилановский автограф появился на обратной стороне бутылки Planet Waves (Наплыв Планет или Колебания Планет - кто придумает более подходящий вариант?) - красного вина, произведенного итальянской винодельней Fattoria Le Terrazze и названного в честь альбома Дилана 1974 года.

Образец вина урожая 2002 года состоит из смеси 75% Монтепульсьяно и 25% Мерло, выращенных в итальянском регионе Марше. Это не первое вино с подобным названием, прошлое было названо "Visions of J" (Видения J.) - вино, название которому дала владелица Fattoria Le Terrazze Антония Терни, назвав его по называнию дилановской "Visions Of Johanna", более всего связанной с этим исполнителем.

"Я стала поклонницей Боба Дилана с того момента, когда в первый раз я его услышала, хотя тогда я даже не знала английского," - сказала Терни в интервью журналу Wine Spectator. "Я даже не представляла себе, что мы вместе создадим вино."

Из 415 произведенных ящиков, 125 будут экспортированы в Соединенные Штаты при предполагаемой цене $65 за бутылку.

What's a laugh!!! Представляете себе вино "10 прекрасных дам", созданное БГ и винзаводом Коктебель?!
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Remasterman   Дата: 13.07.04 13:11:27   
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Несколько фото с церемонии в Шотландии, о которой говорилось выше.  Несколько фото с церемонии в Шотландии, о которой говорилось выше.

Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Remasterman   Дата: 13.07.04 13:23:05   
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И еще.И еще.
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Remasterman   Дата: 13.07.04 14:58:35   
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А вот после церемонии. Standing On The Doorway.А вот после церемонии. Standing On The Doorway.
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 25.08.04 07:34:32   
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BOB DYLAN will offer a rare glimpse into his personal life with Chronicles: Volume One, the first of a three-part autobiographical series. The book will be released on October 12th and will be followed by an updated edition of Lyrics: 1962-2001, a collection of the words to every Dylan song.
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Евгений Глухов   Дата: 27.08.04 00:54:12   
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Боб Дилан последние полгода оккупировал мой музыкальный центр!!! Я думаю, что это объяснит, как я его люблю. Очень сложно мне разобраться, О ЧЕМ песня All Along the Watchtower. Я чувствую, что она мне нравится и я ее понимаю где-то внутри, но хочется объективного, смыслового понимания. Кто-нибудь знает?
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.09.04 13:15:16   
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Sean Penn Narrates Bob DylanSean Penn Narrates Bob Dylan

Actor Sean Penn has been chosen to read the audiobook version of Bob Dylan's 'Chronicles: Volume One.

The audiobook is the first in a series of Dylan's self-penned personal histories.

Volume One of Chronicles concentrates on Dylan's significant period's of Dylan's life and career.

'Chronicles: Volume 1' will be released by Simon and Schuster. It runs for 6 hours on 5 CDs. It will be released on October 12.

It is the first audiobook Sean Penn has ever narrated.
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 27.09.04 09:58:56   
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Dylan Says 1960s Fame Triggered Crisis Dylan Says 1960s Fame Triggered Crisis
Sun Sep 26 Associated Press

LONDON - Bob Dylan, who is working on the second volume of his autobiography, says he went through a personal crisis in the late 1960s when his huge fame made it difficult to escape ravenous fans.

In an interview with The Sunday Telegraph, Dylan recalled moving to rural New York state in search of solitude, only to be followed en masse by his fans.

"It all turned into a nightmare," he said.

Dylan said his fear that a crazed fan could attack him or his family led him to keep several guns in his house and stifled his creative process.

"In the early years everything had been like a magic carpet ride for me, and then all at once it was over," Dylan told the paper. "Here was this thing I'd wanted to do all my life, but suddenly I didn't feel I could do it anymore."

Asked whether he came close to a nervous breakdown, Dylan replied: "I guess I did."

Dylan spoke to the paper from his home in Minnesota, where he's working on the second volume of his autobiography. The first volume, "Chronicles: Volume One," goes on sale in Britain Oct. 12.
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.09.04 10:17:10   
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Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Remasterman   Дата: 05.10.04 01:55:58   
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to Евгений Глухов:
Где-то в недрах форумов лежит и несколько переводов, и обсуждение All Along The Watchtower. Sorry, нет времени найти... Очень надеюсь, что в своих мемуарах Дилан расскажет о чем-то большем. Уже заказал и жду.
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 05.10.04 07:20:30   
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Dylan Lyricist Levy Dies

Broadway, rock & roll writer was sixty-nine

Jacques Levy, musical theater director and lyricist for songs recorded by Bob Dylan and the Byrds, died of cancer last Thursday at Beth Israel Medical Center in New York. He was 69 years old.

A New York native, Levy got his start practicing clinical psychology in Topeka, Kansas, but switched to a career in musical theater in the Sixties. His biggest success was as the director of 1969's Oh! Calcutta! and its revival in 1976. Levy later went on to direct a Broadway musical version of the comic strip Doonesbury in 1983 and pen the lyrics for last year's Broadway adaptation of Fame.

To rock & roll fans, Levy is best known as Bob Dylan's collaborator on the 1975 album Desire. He co-wrote seven of the nine songs on the album, including the famous "Hurricane" -- about the jailed boxer Reuben "Hurricane" Carter -- as well as "Mozambique" and "Isis."

Levy also co-wrote "Chestnut Mare" and "Just a Season" with Byrds guitarist and vocalist Roger McGuinn. The songs appeared on the band's 1970 album Untitled. Levy's songs were also recorded by artists ranging from Carly Simon to country star Crystal Gayle.

Levy is survived by his wife and two children.
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.10.04 10:40:24   
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Dylan's Nobel Nomination Sparks Debate
(AP, 10/06/2004)

How many roads must a man walk down, before you call him a ... Nobel Prize-winning songwriter? It's a question being asked increasingly in literary circles, as the annual debate over who should win the Nobel Prize in literature — to be announced Thursday — tosses out a familiar, but surprising, candidate: Bob Dylan.

While many music critics agree that Dylan is among the most profound songwriters in modern music, his repeated nomination for the Nobel Prize has raised a vexing question among literary authorities: Should song lyrics qualify for literature's most prestigious award?

Christopher Ricks, co-director of the Editorial Institute at Boston University — and an avid Dylan fan who has written scholarly papers on the songwriter's work — said the question is "tricky."

"I don't think there's anybody that uses words better than he does," said Ricks, the author of highly regarded works of literary criticism such as "The Force of Poetry" and "Allusion to the Poets," as well as books on T.S. Eliot, Lord Alfred Tennyson and John Keats.

"But I think his is an art of a mixed medium," Ricks said. "I think the question would not be whether he deserves (the Nobel Prize) as an honor to his art. The question would be whether his art can be described as literature."

It definitely can, said Gordon Ball, an author and literature professor at the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, Va. — who has nominated Dylan every year since 1996.

"Poetry and music are linked," Ball said. "And Dylan has helped strengthen that relationship, like the troubadours of old."

The Nobel Prize in literature is given out annually by the 18 lifetime members of the 218-year-old Swedish Academy. Candidates can be nominated by members of other literary academies and institutions, literature professors and Nobel laureates.

Each year, the Swedish Academy receives about 350 nominations for about 200 different candidates, which is narrowed down to about five finalists. The winner is announced in October. The finalists, except for the winner, are not revealed for 50 years.

Speculation in the literary world is that the 2004 winner will be a woman, something that has not happened since 1996, when Polish poet Wislawa Szymborska was honored.

Some names emerge time and again, including Lebanese poet Ali Ahmad Said, also known as Adonis, and several women, including Danish poet Inger Christensen, novelists Margaret Atwood of Canada, Algerian Assia Djebar, American Joyce Carol Oates and Britain's Doris Lessing.

Ball said he first nominated Dylan after the writer Allen Ginsberg urged him to do so. Ginsberg, a Beat poet whose literary circle included Jack Kerouac and Neal Cassady, nominated Dylan in 1996.

"Dylan is a major American bard and minstrel of the 20th century" who deserves the award for his "mighty and universal powers," Ginsberg wrote in his nomination letter, which Ball read to The Associated Press.

The literary value of Dylan's texts are also supported by The Norton Introduction to Literature, a textbook used in American high schools and universities, which includes the lyrics to Dylan's "Mr. Tambourine Man."

University of Virginia professor Alison Booth, who co-edited the anthology, said she doesn't "have any trouble at all considering (Dylan) for a literary interpretation."

"Literature has historically been defined very broadly," Booth said. "I don't think we're testing some radical limits of literature by putting that in."

Several collections of Dylan's lyrics have also been published as books.

Still, most Nobel watchers say it's unlikely the Swedish Academy — traditionally drawn to novelists and poets who are often out of the mainstream — will expand the scope of the prize to include songwriters.

"If so, it would be in a fit of marvelous free-mindedness," said Svante Weyler, head of one of Sweden's largest publishing houses, Norstedts. "It would be very surprising."

But not entirely unprecedented.

In 1997, the prize went to Italian playwright Dario Fo, whose works also need to be performed to be fully appreciated, some say.

And when Winston Churchill received it in 1953, for his historical and biographical writings, the academy also cited his "brilliant oratory" skills.

While the academy never discusses individual candidates, Carola Hermelin at the academy's Nobel Library said songwriters are not excluded from the prize.

"Song lyrics can be good poetry," she said. "It depends on their literary quality."

But Weyler said he was skeptical about including songwriters.

"Then you're categorizing everything that includes words as literature," he said. "Literature should not have to be read by the author for it to be good."

Nobel Prize:

Swedish Academy:
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Alex   Дата: 07.10.04 10:42:38   
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Bob Dylan
Re: Bob Dylan
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.10.04 15:37:12   
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Дилан снова не получил Нобелевскую. Только что стало известно, что лауреатом стала австрийская писательница Эльфрида Елинек.
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