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Последние новости:
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05.06 Sky News сравнили успехи Тейлор Свифт и Битлз
05.06 В Аделаиде отмечают 60-летие визита Битлз
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Today In The Beatles History

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Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 21.06.14 09:54:32   
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20 июня 1966 20 июня 1966
Релиз в США альбома Yesterday And Today (Capitol ST 2553).
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 21.06.14 09:56:12   
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20 июня 1970 Let It Be номер 1 в чарте альбомов США вторую неделю(US Billboard)20 июня 1970
Let It Be номер 1 в чарте альбомов США вторую неделю(US Billboard)
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 21.06.14 10:01:57   
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20 июня
20 июня
Пол Маккартни выступил с концертом на Дворцовой площади Санкт-Петербурга,Россия

Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 21.06.14 10:11:53   
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Today In The Beatles History(2)
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 21.06.14 10:12:20   
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Today In The Beatles History(3)
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 21.06.14 10:12:48   
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Today In The Beatles History(4)
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 21.06.14 10:13:12   
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(5) (5)
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 21.06.14 10:14:33   
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21 июня21 июня
Этот день в истории Битлз

1968: Запись,микширование: Revolution 1, Revolution 9

1968: Пол Маккартни вылетел из Нью Йорка в Лос Анжелес

1967: Mикширование: All You Need Is Love

1966: Запись,микширование: She Said She Said

1966: Микширование,редактирование: Love You To, I Want To Tell You, Here, There And Everywhere, For No One, Doctor Robert, Taxman

1965: День отдыха в Париже

1964: Поездка: Битлз перелетают из Сиднея в Новую Зеландию(фото)

1963: Концерт Битлз: Odeon Cinema, Guildford

1962: Концерт Битлз: Tower Ballroom, New Brighton, Уоллэси

1961: Концерт Битлз: Top Ten Club, Гамбург
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: zistebá   Дата: 21.06.14 10:21:41   
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2игорь комсомоленко:

>21 июня
>Этот день в истории Битлз
>1968: Запись,микширование: Revolution 9
>1966: Запись,микширование: She Said She Said
>1966: Микширование,редактирование: Love You To, I Want To Tell You, Here, There And Everywhere, For No One
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 21.06.14 12:24:21   
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1963: Концерт Битлз: 1963: Концерт Битлз:
Odeon Cinema, Guildford

This was The Beatles’ only live appearance in Guildford, Surrey.

The Odeon Cinema opened in May 1935, and was located on the corner of Epsom Road and Jenner Road. It had seats for 1,145 people in the stalls and 478 in the circle.

The building closed in 1996 when a multiplex opened in the town. It was demolished in 2002 and replaced by shops and apartments.

Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 21.06.14 12:26:48   
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(2)1963: Концерт Битлз:  Odeon Cinema, Guildford (2)1963: Концерт Битлз:
Odeon Cinema, Guildford
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 21.06.14 12:36:52   
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(3)21 июня 1963:  Концерт Битлз:  Odeon Cinema(фото), Guildford (3)21 июня 1963:
Концерт Битлз:
Odeon Cinema(фото), Guildford
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 21.06.14 13:04:19   
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21 июня 1963:
Концерт Битлз:
Odeon Cinema(фото), Guildford
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 21.06.14 15:48:12   
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1964: 1964:
Поездка: Битлз продолжают свой мировой тур-1964 и перелетают из австралийского Сиднея в Веллингтон,Новая Зеландия

Although they returned to Australia for final concerts in Brisbane on 29 and 30 June 1964, on this day The Beatles flew from Sydney Airport to Auckland, New Zealand.

As The Beatles prepared to leave Suite 801 of Sydney’s Chevron Hotel, they heard a tap on the windows. It was Peter Roberts, a 20-year-old Liverpudlian living in Australia, who had scaled eight storeys in darkness via the hotel drainpipes.

We were all shoving our dirty rags into a case when I heard a knock on the window. I thought it must have been one of the others mucking around so I didn’t take any notice, but the knocking kept on so I went over to the balcony – and there was this lad who looked just like a typical Liverpool lad. I knew before he opened his mouth where he was from, because nobody else would be climbing up eight floors. This lad – Peter – walked in and said, ‘Hullo dere,’ and I said, ‘Hullo dere,’ and he told me how he’d climbed up the drainpipe, from balcony to balcony. I gave him a drink because he deserved one and then I took him around to see the others, who were quite amazed. They thought I was joking when I told them.

John Lennon, 1964

At Sydney Airport The Beatles were greeted by an estimated 10,000 fans – their biggest number yet. After flying 1,500 miles to Auckland they were greeted by another 7,000 people, and were given traditional nose-rubbing kisses from Maori women in native dress.

When we were flying in to New Zealand, it looked like England – like Devon, with cows and sheep. But in those days we were looking for some action, and there was absolutely nothing happening.

We were in the hotel room, sitting around eating fish and chips with peas, and watching television. And suddenly, at about nine o’clock at night, the channels all closed down. So we threw our dinners at the TV.

George Harrison, 1964

The Beatles were driven to Auckland’s Hotel St George where a further 3,000 fans were waiting for them. They had to be smuggled in through a nearby bottle shop to avoid the crush of people.

photo:Ringo and a Māori woman greet each other with a hongi at Rongotai Airport, Wellington, 21 June 1964. George is wearing a hei-tiki. Full-sized picture at the source link.
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 21.06.14 17:44:45   
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Members of the Te Pataka Concert Party twirling poi with the Beatles at Wellington’s Rongotai Airport, Members of the Te Pataka Concert Party twirling poi with the Beatles at Wellington’s Rongotai Airport,
21 June 1964. Photo by Morrie Hill.
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 21.06.14 18:45:20   
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The Beatles being driven away from the Rongotai airfield on the back of a ute, 21 June 1964.  The Beatles being driven away from the Rongotai airfield on the back of a ute, 21 June 1964.
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 21.06.14 19:24:24   
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Fans awaiting the Beatles arrival at Rongotai Airport, Wellington, 21 June 1964Fans awaiting the Beatles arrival at Rongotai Airport, Wellington, 21 June 1964
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 21.06.14 19:33:10   
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The Beatles arriving at Rongotai Airport (now Wellington International Airport) on 21 June 1964. The Beatles arriving at Rongotai Airport (now Wellington International Airport) on 21 June 1964.
They are holding a giant toy kiwi.
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 21.06.14 19:37:22   
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Crowd scenes at Wellington’s Rongotai Airport, 1964Crowd scenes at Wellington’s Rongotai Airport, 1964
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 21.06.14 19:44:16   
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Cartoon in a New Zealand newspaper (probably the Dominion or the Evening Post, I’m guessing) on the Beatles’ arrival in Wellington on 21 June 1964.Cartoon in a New Zealand newspaper (probably the Dominion or the Evening Post, I’m guessing) on the Beatles’ arrival in Wellington on 21 June 1964.
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