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Роджер Уотерс / Roger Waters

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Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 08.09.05 19:58:13   
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A Pink Floyd comeback?

Not at any price

By Anthony Barnes, Arts and media Correspondent
Published: 04 September 2005
It has been the question on the fans' lips since the show-stopping reunion at Live8 - would Pink Floyd tour again?

And the answer is a definitive no. Not even for $250m.

Roger Waters, the one-time leader of Pink Floyd, who quit the line-up two decades ago, has revealed they were offered the cash as pure profit for one last tour. At £136m, it would have been the equivalent of £1 for every album they have sold in the last 38 years.

Yet the band, famous for its song "Money" with a line that advised "grab that cash with both hands and make a stash", turned the offer down.

It came shortly after the quartet agreed to their one-off performance in Hyde Park, a show that few fans ever believed was possible as Waters appeared with the band for the first time since 1981. His departure was followed by a bitter legal battle.

Waters, speaking for the first time since Live8, said he "really loved" playing with the band again.

And in an interview for the October edition of Word magazine, out on Thursday, he held out some possibility of the band re-forming again.

"I hope we do it again. If some other opportunity arose, I could even imagine us doing Dark Side of the Moon again - you know, if there was a special occasion. It would be good to hear it again."

It has been the question on the fans' lips since the show-stopping reunion at Live8 - would Pink Floyd tour again?

And the answer is a definitive no. Not even for $250m.

Roger Waters, the one-time leader of Pink Floyd, who quit the line-up two decades ago, has revealed they were offered the cash as pure profit for one last tour. At £136m, it would have been the equivalent of £1 for every album they have sold in the last 38 years.

Yet the band, famous for its song "Money" with a line that advised "grab that cash with both hands and make a stash", turned the offer down.

It came shortly after the quartet agreed to their one-off performance in Hyde Park, a show that few fans ever believed was possible as Waters appeared with the band for the first time since 1981. His departure was followed by a bitter legal battle.
Waters, speaking for the first time since Live8, said he "really loved" playing with the band again.

And in an interview for the October edition of Word magazine, out on Thursday, he held out some possibility of the band re-forming again.

"I hope we do it again. If some other opportunity arose, I could even imagine us doing Dark Side of the Moon again - you know, if there was a special occasion. It would be good to hear it again."
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 08.09.05 22:43:15   
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Роджер дал интервью на BBC Radio 2!!!


Roger was interviewed on Radio 2 this evening, the first half of the
interview was about Ca Ira, the second about Live8. They also played Wish
You Were Here, a couple of snippets of Ca Ira, and ABITW2.

Interestingly, when asked about reforming Pink Floyd for another gig, he
didn't write it off, and mentioned that he went out for dinner with Nick
Mason in London last night, and who walked in out of the blue but Dave
Gilmour! So they had a drink together. Apparently it was just an amazing
coincidence as it was the first time Dave had been in London since Live8.

If you want to listen to the show, you need to go to,

then click Listen Again, the BBC Radio player will appear. Go down to
Johnnie Walker, and select THU. It's actually Stuart Maconie asking the
questions, he's sitting in for Walker at the moment. I'm not sure when this

evening's show will be up there, yesterday's is there so it should be
within the next 24 hours.

Another show worth listening to is the documentary on Jimi Hendrix.


(из Echoes Digest)

Можно послушать и сейчас он-лайн!;) В посте написано как!
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 09.09.05 05:24:36   
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Pink Floyd Снова Воссоединяются Для Участия Церемонии в UK Music Hall Of Fame!!!



David Gilmour, Roger Waters, Nick Mason, and Richard Wright are to re-unite for the second time in 24 years, to attend the 2005 UK Music Hall Of Fame ceremony. We can reveal that Channel 4 TV and Initial will tomorrow announce that Pink Floyd are amongst the inductees to the Hall Of Fame.

The four of them will attend the ceremony, to be held in November. It will be only the second time in almost a quarter of a century that the whole group has appeared on stage together.

Earlier this year Pink Floyd delighted millions of fans worldwide by reforming for a remarkable one-off performance at Live 8. The band set aside their differences to help raise awareness of world poverty and to lobby the leaders at the G8 summit.

The Live 8 show was the first time they had all appeared together since the final performance of The Wall at Earls Court on June 17th, 1981.

Pink Floyd have been selected for induction by the UK Music Hall of Fame Steering Group - a panel comprising over 60 respected artists, music journalists, broadcasters and music industry executives.

Malcolm Gerrie, Chief Executive of Initial and Chair, UK Music Hall of Fame Steering Group, said: "Pink Floyd’s induction into the UK Music Hall of Fame is in recognition of their extraordinary achievement in music spanning five decades. Their attendance at the Induction Ceremony this November will represent a landmark occasion."

It was announced in July that legendary singer-songwriter Bob Dylan will also be amongst this year’s inductees, whilst John Peel will receive 2005’s Honorary Membership of the UK Music Hall of Fame in acknowledgement of his exceptional contribution to British music.

Last year’s Induction Ceremony saw The Beatles, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Bob Marley, Elvis Presley, Queen, Cliff Richard & The Shadows, The Rolling Stones, U2 and Robbie Williams become the inaugural members of the UK Music Hall of Fame. The highly respected founder of Island Records, Chris Blackwell, was awarded Honorary Membership for services to the music industry.

UK Music Hall of Fame returns to Channel 4 television this November with a packed two-week season of music programming. This will launch with a three-and-a-half-hour prime-time show - The Biggest Selling Artists Of The Millennium, a comprehensive countdown based on album sales since 2000. Other highlights will include John Peel’s Record Box - an exclusive insight into the private record collection of the renowned DJ and broadcaster, marking the first anniversary of his death; and The World’s Greatest Gigs, a one-hour countdown of the twenty seminal gigs of all time.

The season will climax with the live UK Music Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, broadcasting as a 120-minute special on Channel 4.

Our thanks to Initial for allowing us to break this news early to you. We will keep you posted on exact broadcasting times, etc., closer to the event.


Date news posted: 8 September 2005
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 09.09.05 05:30:22   
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As we've previously reported, Nicholas Schaffner's biography of Pink Floyd ("A Saucerful Of Secrets - The Pink Floyd Odyssey"), long respected as one of the better, and more accurate, books about the band, is getting a new edition published. Due out this month (September), it has received an update as well.

With the tragically premature death of Schaffner back in August 1991, the story ends before certain key events and releases - Amused To Death, The Division Bell, and the Live 8 reunion, to name just three. Due to pubilc demand for the text to be updated, the publishers (Helter Skelter) commissioned another writer - Michael Heatley - to produce what is called the Afterword of the book.

The book as it was covered all aspects of their history, from the early days to the bust-up which saw Roger Waters leave the band in the mid-80s. It presents both sides of the arguments, striving to stay neutral. It has been a good reference book for many. Indeed, Nick Mason told us that he consulted it during the research for his own book, "Inside Out".

Heatley brings the reader up to date with events subsequent to the Berlin and Knebworth concerts of 1990, where Schaffner concluded matters. In a 48 page coda, Heatley covers all the remaining events, up to and including Live 8, and the impending release of Roger Waters' opera, Ca Ira.

It is a well-written update, and whilst Heatley was not able to interview the band members himself, an intelligent use of key quotes from various interviews propels the story along well. The discography at the back of the book has also been updated.

Advance orders, at a discount, for this long-awaited book are being taken through these special links: Amazon UK, Amazon Canada, France and Germany.


Date news posted: 7 September 2005
Я тащусь!  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 09.09.05 05:42:23   
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А вот номер Word'а с новым интервью Роджера и С РОДЖЕРОМ НА ЛИЦЕВОЙ ОБЛОЖКЕ за Октябрь Месяц!!!

Надеюсь в Москве Будет Шанс Его Заполучить!

Вот можно подписаться - (кому надо:))

Действительно - Всё Только Начинается!;)
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 09.09.05 05:58:23   
Сообщить модераторам | Ссылка - вот ссылка, чтоб услышать повтор беседы Роджа с Джонни Уокером!..

Надо выбрать THU (Чт.) - беседа с Роджем начинается в 4:20

'Stuart Maconie
On the show tonight Stuart talks to Pink Floyd's Roger Waters about his new operatic album 'Ca Ira'.'

Шоу начинается с WYWH, до этого в эфире звучит Money и много др. музЫки.
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 09.09.05 15:58:55   
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Сейчас выложу! По этому шоу обзор на русском. Все 2 часа прослушал несколько раз!
Как грамотно Роджер дал интервью репортеру Stuart Maconie,
который попортил Роджеру много крови, работая на стороне Гилмора в эпохальной войне ПИНК ФЛОЙД в середине 80-х.
Не находите ли Вы, что каждое последующее интервью Роджера затмевает предыдущее ??-
"свечкой в небо, в безоблачное..."
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 09.09.05 17:31:19   
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Интервью ценно прежде всего подтверждением инфы про In the Flesh песню.
Про Француа Миттерана также раньше не встречал упоминания.
Еще одно интервью там рядом выложил.
New! 08.09.05 : "I said, come on Dave it'll be easy, it's only a couple of songs. It'll be fun."
Лучше не скажешь!
Интересно упоминание ДВУХ альбомов, над которыми Роджер сейчас работает!
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 09.09.05 20:12:35   
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А Гилмор продолжил арию Honest Bird пением We dont Need No Education,
спел-таки в опере Роджера)) - когда ведущий ремиксировал Honest Bird с Another Brick-2?
но прозвучало крепко!
Две оперы - рок и классика - а столько общего!
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 09.09.05 21:23:47   
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2Bob Close:
>А Гилмор продолжил арию Honest Bird пением We
>dont Need No Education,
>спел-таки в опере Роджера)) - когда ведущий ремиксировал
>Honest Bird с Another Brick-2?
>но прозвучало крепко!
>Две оперы - рок и классика - а столько общего!

не, ну пели то они её оба;)..
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 09.09.05 22:01:56   
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По Ирану спутниковому новый фильм про Флойд крутят!
Уже 20 минут! Началось...
А я арабский то не знаю ((
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 10.09.05 17:34:38   
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Roger on radio 4 this morning.......

Question: So your asking would i go back and make a record with those 3 =

Answer: Well i guess so, yeh, i mean, all things been equal theres no =
reason why i shouldnt want to do that though ive sorta got used to not =
having to fight my way through a great meazmer of opposition, however, =
having said that, maybe if i came up with an idea and approached them, =
i dont know, maybe theyde say yeh ok, thats sounds fine to me.

(из Echoes Digest)
Добрый профессор  
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 11.09.05 01:58:30   
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Про уже упоминавшееся интервью Роджера на BBC Radio2
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 11.09.05 02:10:54   
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Last night, Roger Waters was subject to an interesting interview with BBC Radio 2's Stuart Maconie.

Lasting around 17 minutes, the interview was chiefly concerned with Roger's forthcoming opera, Ca Ira (including mention of US performances), but also explored the reunion with Pink Floyd for the Live 8 concert, back in July.

The discussion of Ca Ira had Roger talking about it at length, from the genesis of the project (including comments about French leader of the time, Francois Mitterand, and his reaction to an English bass player doing a piece about the Revolution!) through to fruition - its release later this month.

He explains the background to the story, how it came to be written, and how he adapted it from Etienne Roda-Gil's original libretto.

Maconie draws parallels to past works such as Atom Heart Mother; Roger concurs that he has always been interested in long, elaborate works.

The second half looks at the Live 8 reunion. Roger reveals that he wanted to start with In The Flesh ("I've got an attachment to all the marching hammer stuff!"), and said that he felt it rather hypocritical to think that political leaders should let bygones be bygones to achieve something, if he couldn't speak to David Gilmour! He discussed how the initial negotiations were made, between him, Bob Geldof, David and Nick Mason.

When asked if he'd do it again, he quickly said: "I don't see why not!" as long as the cause - either charitable or political - was good enough.

Finally, looking to the future, he talked about the November performance of Ca Ira in Rome. He said that he'd be conducting The Overture, but the rest of it would be someone else (we guess Rick Wentworth but this isn't confirmed, yet). He also said that there are talks underway to hold around half a dozen performances in the US, in the spring of 2006.

To listen to the interview, go to and click on the "Listen Again" link. The BBC Radio Player will appear, and you will need to select Johnny Walker's Drivetime show for Thursday (Stuart is standing in for Johnny this week). The stream should then start, and you need to fast forward through to around the one hour, thirty minute point for the interview. All BBC shows are made available to listen to again, for a period of seven days following the broadcast.


Date news posted: 9 September 2005

Roger Waters
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 11.09.05 02:15:24   
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Back in March, we gave you an update on the deal that was struck to bring Pink Floyd's seminal album The Wall, created by Roger Waters, to the theatre stage in New York City's Broadway. We have some more on this show for you today.

Canadian newspaper Le Soleil are reporting that Roger is hoping to team up with Cirque du Soleil, the highly-regarded, artistic circus troupe that put on world-class shows that inspire and intrigue, as well as entertain, to bring the show to Broadway.

The article in Le Soleil quotes Roger as saying that he has discussed it with the head of Cirque, Guy Laliberte, with the hopes of the collaboration: "I love these people - I think that they are stuffed full of talent!"

The article continues by mentioning that it would be beneficial for Cirque, not least because they want to try and get a permanent base in New York. It would be the company's second musical project - next summer, a production based on the music of The Beatles is due to open in Las Vegas.

The project has been in the making for some time now - Roger has long wanted to bring it to the stage, and lighten the tone of at least some of the story. It has provided him with a distraction on long, boring flights over the years; Roger has been taking a notebook onto planes to work on the musical and refine it into an entertaining and accessable work for the general public, who might not even have heard the album. Said Waters of the planned Broadway show, "Now I can write in some laughs, notable by their absence in the movie."

As more detail becomes available (including dates and venues) we will of course bring them to you. Our thanks to Bernard Barbeau for his help in bringing you this story.


Date news posted: 9 September 2005
Re: Roger Waters & another Interview...on BBC 4
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 11.09.05 20:53:17   
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Сегодня в утреннем эфире радиостанции BBC Radio 4 прозвучало очередное небольшое интервью Роджера Уотерса. Роджер повторяет историю создания оперы, уже рассказанную им за пару дней до этого в другом интервью. Но здесь Роджер акцентирует внимание на том, что когда писал оперу думал не только о Французской революции, но и о сегодняшней ситуации в США. Ураган «Катрина» и его катастрофические последствия Уотерс рассматривает, как тревожный звонок для людей, которые поймут, что что-то не так. Он полагает, что философия неоконсерваторов совершенно не подходит американскому народу, и уверен, что люди поймут, что они проголосовали за «миазмы», за миф, за ложь. Сегодня в утреннем эфире радиостанции BBC Radio 4 прозвучало очередное небольшое интервью Роджера Уотерса. Роджер повторяет историю создания оперы, уже рассказанную им за пару дней до этого в другом интервью. Но здесь Роджер акцентирует внимание на том, что когда писал оперу думал не только о Французской революции, но и о сегодняшней ситуации в США. Ураган «Катрина» и его катастрофические последствия Уотерс рассматривает, как тревожный звонок для людей, которые поймут, что что-то не так. Он полагает, что философия неоконсерваторов совершенно не подходит американскому народу, и уверен, что люди поймут, что они проголосовали за «миазмы», за миф, за ложь.

И опять Роджеру пришлось отвечать на вопросы о Live 8. В очередной раз он сказал, что это было восхитительно, как до альбома “Dark Side Of The Moon”, когда члены группы были как братья. И Роджер сказал, что новый альбом, может быть, и получится, если у него будет хорошая идея, и остальные ее поддержат. Концертный тур пока вряд ли возможен, поскольку Дэвид Гилмор сейчас занят сольным альбомом, но Роджер несколько раз повторил уже знакомую фразу «никогда не говори никогда».

Скачать программу, в которую вошло интервью Роджера, можно на сайте BBC Radio 4 в течение нескольких дней ( rtsp:// , формат RealAudio, объем 7 Мб).

По материалам: BBC Radio 4
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 12.09.05 06:10:16   
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Транскрипция интервью Роджера Уотерса здесь -
This interview was broadcast 07:39 (GMT) Saturday 10th September on BBC Radio 4's 'Today' Program.
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 12.09.05 06:50:08   
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Серия заметок про гон.
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 12.09.05 06:51:39   
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Посвящается всем верующим в честное и справедливое правительство.
Re: Roger Waters & ...
Автор: Bob Close   Дата: 12.09.05 18:29:35   
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Тридцать баксов за двойной супераудио с бонусным дивидюком плюс 60 страничный буклет - таков прайс амазона.
CA Ira (W/DVD) (Hybr) (Dig) (SPKG)

Roger Waters has long been known for his musical ambition. The bassist and leader of Pink Floyd made that band famous in the 1970s and 1980s with concept-heavy albums as well as a certain self-aggrandizing image--attributes he maintained in his solo career. No wonder, then, to see that he's written what he calls as an opera. But don't be fooled: Waters's work has little to do with contemporary operas by the likes of John Adams or John Corigliano--even if the latter's 1991 The Ghosts of Versailles is set in Marie-Antoinette's Versailles, just as Waters's ?a Ira takes place during the French queen's last years, as the French Revolution unfurls. Based on a clunky libretto by Etienne and Nadine Roda-Gil, the show could have been a successful musical theater-opera hybrid in the vein of Sweeney Todd but it falls closer to Andrew Lloyd Webber's historical pageants, without their recognizable melodies. Thankfully the cast holds the material aloft, especially Welsh baritone Bryn Terfel (no stranger to the world of musical theater, as shown on albums such as his tribute to Rodgers & Hammerstein) and Chinese soprano Ying Huang. Note that this version comes as a double SACD set that includes a making-of DVD and a 60-page booklet. --Elisabeth Vincentelli
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