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Paul and Heather Mills news

Тема: Пол Маккартни - Heather Mills (Хэзер Миллз)

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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.09.06 20:15:27   
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Пол Маккартни ваш мужчина года? Да? Нет? Голосуйте
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 07.09.06 20:44:49   
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2Primal Scream:

>Пол Маккартни ваш мужчина года? Да? Нет? Голосуйте

А Вы проголосовали?
по состоянию на 08.09.06 йес сказали 95%

Reader comments
Sir Paul McCartney will always be THE MAN of the YEAR in my life. This year you DEFINATELY deserve the title. Considering what you HAVE been through and WILL be going through with you know who. Rest easy. Lady Linda and your Mom are on each side of you through the coming days. With much Love

I agree, Paul is always the man of the year. Congratulations. I hope only good things happen from now on. I hope this is a turning point from a year that has been rough. Enjoy the fact that you are loved and no one can ever destroy that. Simply because you are the best. I am thrilled to hear this news. As always I am a proud fan.

Congratulations Paul, no one is more deserving than you. I have enjoyed your professional accomplishments this year and look forward to more in the future. Only good things for you.

Congrads to Sir Paul, a honor well deserved for all the joy he has brought to us with his music all our lives. I loved Chaos and Creation, looking forward to Ecce Cor Meum the end of this month, much Happiness from now on.
- DIANE, WI., U.S.A.

Paul is a good guy. I am glad he won the award. He has been through so much ill treatment this year that I think he deserves some good treatment.

Nobody deserves it more. Most of have already knew he has been dignified throughout these divorce proceedings. Most of realize that Mills is throwing pr pity party for attention. Anyway, the award was well deserved, the tour was his best yet, Choas and Creation a masterpiece, and more is yet to come. Lucky for us. Congratulations Paul, you will always be the Man of the Year for me.

Paul made the world a better place to live in and he deserves a peaceful life. The frenchman agrees to say Paul is the man of the year. By the way he loves to go to France very often because here we leave him alone.

always paul.forever paul .I’m very glad for him ,the great musician for me .I love him.the best of england !!!!!!

Congratulations, Paul. To borrow a line used by Sam Cooke and Elvis Presley, it’s been a long time coming. You’re a great composer, musician, humanitarian and showman. No one could deserve it more. All the best.

Uhhhhh...he married a one legged ex-hooker with no prenup and is about to pay a big price for it. Man of the year? How about Dummy of the Decade, not counting Pete Doherty? Daft Wasters!

So he made a mistake!!! He was still grieving at the time and perhaps he wasn’t thinking clearly. I think Heather knew all this and definetly took advantage of a vulnerable man. Sure he was gullible and he probably is kicking himself a million times over it, but that still doesn’t hide the fact he is hurting now.

Renegabe, you’re full of it. He was conned by a BIG liar, and still grieving over his lost soul-mate. Give the guy a break!!! I’m sure GQ voted him that way as a direct slap in the face to that slut! God Bless You, Paul. We love you; you’re my man of the year every year. You deserve all the accolades you get. Just get as far away from that psycho as you possibly can.

just another bad year for GQ. madonna ’s eunichs are demanding a re- count, and have sent an invatation to Woman of the Year: Billie Piper. something about coming out to the estate to walk out in a lone field, to admire the phesants.

Paul is always Man of the Year in my book!! Who else better to deserve it then him? He rocks and this news just makes me really happy!! Congrats Paul and keep on Rockin’! You’ve had a rough year and you deserve it!!

Paul deserves Man Of The Year. When Linda died he showed such strength even though he was going through so much pain, and now with what is happening in his life he once again is trying very hard to go on. It is sad what happened because he just wanted someone to love him like the love he had with Linda. He will always be number one with me. I have seen him in concert since 1993 and will never forget all the concerts I have been too. He is a special man. Congrats, dear Paul. I love ya.

Iam glad that Paul won after what he went through this past May.I was and always be your fan. I was your fan ever since in the 60’s. So congratulations.

You Sir Paul, will always be my man of the year. I met you Aug. 21, 1964 in Las Vegas at the Sahara Hotel. I was 15 and madly in love with you. You were so kind and quite the gentleman. You deserve the best. Your sweet Linda will always be with you. Congratulations!

Sir Paul and his music make my every day life so beautiful I could never find enough words in this life to thank him with all my heart! Through his music and his life Sir Paul always manages to fill me with joy and wonder, making my world a very interesting place to live in. He has been a constant source of love in my life and for so long that I feel very honored and privileged to be living in the same century as him. I pray that he will live for a very long time to keep on regaling US more.

I am glad you won Paul. You are a good guy and deserve some happiness and peace in your life after what you have been through.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.09.06 13:11:16   
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>А Вы проголосовали?

Угу, проголосовали.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.09.06 21:34:20   
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September 8, 2006 -- The Mirror


With Sir Paul McCartney, Bono and Chris Martin all out together, it was like a Live8 reunion at London's Locanda Locatelli restaurant on Wednesday night.

Our spy says: "They were chatting away. Macca was quiet at first but he soon livened up."
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.09.06 21:35:39   
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September 8, 2006 -- Daily MailSeptember 8, 2006 -- Daily Mail

Don't give Heather a penny, first husband tells McCartney

Heather Mills does not deserve a penny out of her divorce from Sir Paul McCartney, her first husband has said.

Alfie Kamal told the Evening Standard he was not surprised the marriage had collapsed in acrimony. He had issued a "Buyer Beware" warning when the former Beatle began dating Mills and his prediction of disaster had finally come true.

" We have both been Heathered," he said. "If there is anything I have in common with Sir Paul it's probably that."

Kamal, whose marriage to Mills ended when she left him for a ski instructor, added: "I'm not really surprised the marriage is over. Our marriage lasted just under two years - we had been together for five years off and on. But she ran off lots of times.

"It was a bit like the Runaway Bride. I used to think she had a permanent pair of sneakers on under her shoes. She always ran away. If you had an argument with her she would run away. When you caught her out lying she would run away.

"I don't know the details of why their marriage has broken down but from what I can make out they cannot bear to be in the same room together. That's how it goes with her. You get to a point where you start to hate her and hate the way she is."

Kamal, a wealthy businessman, said Mills, a former model, should not receive any money from Sir Paul, whose estimated fortune is £825 million.

"I don't think anybody deserves to lose hundreds of millions of pounds," he said, "I don't agree with divorce laws. Somebody who has made a significant amount of money from his own talents should not have to pay out huge sums just because a couple were once married.

"It should all be based on contribution - what you take out, you should have put in. If she took out of the marriage what she put in she would walk out with minus a million bucks."

Kamal wed Mills, 10 years his junior, at All Saints Catholic Church in Harrow in 1989. But he says she walked out after falling for the ski instructor on holiday in Slovenia.

He added: "I got off quite cheap. That is because she had ulterior motives and wanted to run off with the ski instructor and just needed enough money to go and live with him."

During their marriage she had suffered two ectopic pregnancies, which had put their relationship under considerable strain.

Kamal met Mills when she was a teenager working in a café in London. He fell in love and after several break-ups they married and set up home in a five bedroom house with a pool in Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire. Mr Kamal takes credit for encouraging Mills to pursue a career in modelling. The businessman had two children from a previous marriage. She has said in the past that she was probably more in love with the children than with Kamal.

Kamal, 48, has another two children by his latest marriage and now lives happily in Vancouver, Canada.

When news of Sir Paul's divorce leaked, he was besieged with offers from newspapers to sell his story for up to £30,000 ($57,000). He spoke to the Standard today for nothing because he wanted to set the record straight but did not want to be seen to be profiting from his failed marriage.

Mills has said their relationship fell apart after her first ectopic pregnancy and they started to row "over the silliest things".

When she quit the marital home it is alleged that she slammed the door so hard the glass panel smashed. She drove off in a BMW convertible, then worth £20,000 ($36,800).

It is unclear why her marriage to Sir Paul, 64, has fallen apart but despite assurances the couple would keep it amicable for the sake of their daughter Beatrice, who turns three next month, the divorce has become increasingly acrimonious.
Добрый профессор  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Juls Maksi   Дата: 09.09.06 00:49:27   
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" We have both been Heathered," he said.

Это наверное можно перевести как "Мы оба были обХИТрены"...
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.09.06 09:43:52   
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I was open to friendship but you didn't seem to have any to spare/While you were riding to Vanity Fair

Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.09.06 14:04:05   
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Macca studio's track attackMacca studio's track attack

<-- Soho no-go ... Paul's London HQ

September 11, 2006

FURIOUS rocker Sir Paul McCartney is fighting plans for a rail line UNDER his London studio.

He fears two high-speed tracks could disrupt recording sessions.

And he is worried tunnelling work and vibrations from trains could make the building in London’s Soho unsafe.

The ex-Beatle has sent a letter to MPs demanding COMPENSATION if the railway goes ahead.

Sir Paul, 64, also wants assurances he will not be forced to sell his company MPL’s base at Soho Square. The Crossrail Bill is looking at plans for a new line from Berkshire to Essex, through central London.

In a letter opposing the Bill, lawyers say his “musical and recording activities are susceptible to interference.”

It is the latest legal headache for Sir Paul, who has offered wife Heather a £40million divorce settlement.

And it revives memories of the original Cavern Club in Liverpool, where The Beatles found fame. It was torn down to make way for a rail line.,,2-2006420088,00.html
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.09.06 14:04:52   
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Unhappy ... Sir PaulUnhappy ... Sir Paul
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 11.09.06 14:05:52   
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Приятно относиться к 4% населения!!!
Ироничная ухмылка  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.09.06 14:12:49   
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Вот и я в толк не возьму, с чего бы ему быть мужчиной года...
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 11.09.06 14:16:12   
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2Primal Scream:
МЫ ВМЕСТЕ! :))))
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Juls Maksi   Дата: 11.09.06 17:06:37   
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Блин, ребят, ну почему вы ставите статьи на английском? А если я его не знаю? Млин... это что мне переводчик в инете что ли искать?... Ну, неудобно же! У нас же русскоязычный сайт!
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Андрей Хрисанфов   Дата: 11.09.06 17:41:47   
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Что делать? Тренироваться...

Чего непонятно, разъяснят!
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: papan   Дата: 11.09.06 17:48:03   
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2Primal Scream:

>Вот и я в толк не возьму, с чего бы ему быть
>мужчиной года...

Я бы за Кешу проголосовал.Вот действительно мужик:-)
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.09.06 20:17:47   
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Не, Кеша мужиком ненадежным оказался. Либо надо учиться лазать по пальмам, либо сидеть под ними с коктейлем.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 11.09.06 20:21:16   
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>Я бы за Кешу проголосовал.Вот действительно мужик
Если бы он после этого доехал, я бы тоже проголосовал! :)
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Кукумалу   Дата: 11.09.06 20:25:37   
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>>Если бы он после этого доехал, я бы тоже проголосовал! :)
Э-эх (с сожалением)
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: papan   Дата: 11.09.06 21:07:17   
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2Primal Scream:

>Не, Кеша мужиком ненадежным оказался. Либо надо
>учиться лазать по пальмам, либо сидеть под ними
>с коктейлем.
Так в том то и мужество,чтобы без диплома на пальму полезть:-))
Вымученная улыбка  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.09.06 21:37:20   
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>Так в том то и мужество,чтобы без диплома на
>пальму полезть:-))

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