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Музыка соул

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Re: Музыка соул
Автор: Izhevsky   Дата: 04.10.06 19:38:37   
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2Игорь Цалер:

>В начале сентября я обженился, и первый танец
>молодоженов был как раз под Марвина Гэя - под
>"I Wanna Be Where You Are". ... А вообще на свадьбе
>заучали и The Beatles, и Seal, и Чака Хан, и Стиви Уандер.

Риспегд, браза! Всем бы такие прогрессивные бракосочетания)))
Я тащусь!  
Re: Музыка соул
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 05.10.06 02:28:38   
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Мбдааа... расписывацца под Сексуальное Здоровье -- эт наверно круто.
Тем не менее мои поздравы, Игорь
Re: Музыка соул
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 05.10.06 02:31:13   
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2 Bog:2 Bog:
Сегодня повертел в руках Joe Bataan "MR. NEW YORK AND THE EAST SIDE KIDS". Прослухать времени не было На дижипаке проштамповано, что этого года и, типа, лимитированое издание.
Что про него можете сказать-посоветовать?
Re: Музыка соул
Автор: Bog   Дата: 05.10.06 02:39:00   
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2john lee hooker:

>Что про него можете сказать-посоветовать?

Это не сборник часом? Или два альбома в одном? MR. NEW YORK первый альбом хорошая пластинка но скорее латино рок соул чем чистый соул, THE EAST SIDE KIDS у меня этого нет … видимо еще один ранний диск который я упустил.
Re: Музыка соул
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 05.10.06 02:48:44   
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2 Bog:

Наверное стоит взять...
Збазиб за камментс.

Кста, глянул, за сколько "Колл май нейм" его в мериканских "хизмастервойсах" продають.
Чуть с соулом не расстался : 35 местных рублеф хотят за энту позицию из раздела
Re: Музыка соул
Автор: Bog   Дата: 05.10.06 03:01:15   
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2john lee hooker:

>Кста, глянул, за сколько "Колл май нейм" его
>в мериканских "хизмастервойсах" продають.

У там есть такие цены ….. отдельные позиции выходили мизерными тиражами и теперь на амазоне по 150 тугриков выложены, а на месте отдельная тема особенно с винилом. Это не Европа где на развале можно за 2 евро выудить очень интересный диск, хотя и там дураков с каждым годом все меньше.
Но если денег не жалко, то можно найти то, чего больше нигде нет, капитализм понимаете.
Re: Музыка соул
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 05.10.06 18:28:39   
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Ну это фсё понятно, но я жэ про сеть магазинную HMV... Куда жэ такие цены-та... Не аукцион жэ... А виниловые развалы, канешна, там и за рупь можно много чего откопать, а за два и раритет нарыть :-)
Re: Музыка соул
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 05.10.06 18:35:42   
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Возвращаясь к Марвину.Возвращаясь к Марвину.
Интересный фрагмент из книги Г.Познера "Мотаун: музыка, деньги, секс и власть".

David Ritz visited him in Europe, and Gaye launched into a long monologue about how much he liked cocaine, which he used to snort, rub on his gums, and sometimes even eat. "I like the feeling," he said. "No one will ever tell me it's not a pood feeling. A clean, fresh high, 'specially early in the morning, will set you free." It was in Europe that he started freebasing, ratcheting up his addiction and paranoia to a new intensity.
His long relationship with Motown had been irreparably damaged when the company, anxious to get some money back from the six hundred thousand per record they had guaranteed him, released In Our Lifetime in 1981 without his permission. In an interview in Blues and Soul magazine, Gaye infuriated the label when he told the reporter, "As far as I am concerned it is definitely my last album for Motown—even if Berry does not release me from my existing recording obligations and I am, in fact, under obligation to record for the rest of my natural life for Berry. If he refuses to release me, then you'll never hear any more music from Marvin Gaye. . . . I'll never record again." Gaye was now so open about his drug use that he snorted copious amounts of cocaine in front of the interviewer.
When he returned to the United States in 1982, after a nearly three-year exile, he was signed to CBS Records, which had bought out his Motown
contract. Late that year, Gaye delivered a smash song for CBS—the moving and deeply erotic "Sexual Healing," his first number-one hit since I97I's "What's Going On?" The sons brought him his first ever Grammys in the R&B category for Best Male Vocal and Best Instrumental Performance. In April 1983, he reluctantly agreed to an American concert tour—his first in four years. But he was as erratic as ever, consuming huge amounts of coke, arriving spaced out and late for concerts, and chattering obsessively about the next song he wanted to record, "Sanctified Pussy." (It was later released by CBS as "Sanctified Lady.") At times, he fretted about being assassinated. During some live performances, he surprised audiences by doing a striptease. His confrontational dealings with CBS began to resemble those of his turbulent Motown years.
When Smokey saw him for the first time since 1979, he recognized that Gaye was still stoned. Robinson, battling his own drug problems, tried getting through to him but failed.
On April Fool's Day 1984, the day before Gaye's forty-fifth birthday, his father, a prominent Washington, D.C., Pentecostal preacher, shot him to death. As David Ritz reported, Gaye had been living, high on drugs, in his parents' house for the last six months. "With Marvin high on coke and his father, a few steps down the hallway, drunk on vodka, the atmosphere was poisoned by chemicals, memories, and mutual antagonism." At times, Gaye seemed close to madness, hurling around pistols and telephones and threatening his parents. He locked himself in his bedroom, sending out for coke and watching porn videos. He ranted that a murderer was stalking him. He beat up a Japanese girl and an Englishwoman after having sex with them. "My son, my poor son," said his mother after his death, "turned into a monster."
On the day he was murdered, Gaye and his father had gotten into a screaming match over a misplaced letter from an insurance company. When his father refused to leave his bedroom, Gaye started punching and shoving him. Gaye's mother stopped the scuffle. The senior Gay had warned that if Marvin struck him, he would kill him. In a few minutes, he reappeared and fired a bullet from a .38-caliber revolver into his son's chest. As Gaye slumped to the floor, his father walked over and fired another shot into his chest, point-blank.
After the murder, the transvestite lifestyle of Gaye's flamboyant father
soon became public and kicked off a tabloid frenzy over the sordid details of Gaye s life and his family. Stories of how the senior Gay had terrorized his children, beating Marvin repeatedly, also filtered out. Marvin, who had sold an estimated thirty million albums during his career, had four homes, ten cars, and two boats, in addition to a gigantic jewelry collection. Yet he died with only $30,000 cash. He owed more than $4.2 million to the IRS, $300,000 in alimony to Anna and Jams, and hundreds of thousands more to creditors worldwide. Seventeen months after Gaye's murder, his personal property was auctioned at the Los Angeles County Courthouse. Motown successfully bid $46,000 for the film rights to his life.
The senior Gay, meanwhile, pleaded not guilty, claiming he hadn't known the gun was loaded. Before the trial began, a walnut-sized tumor was discovered in his brain and was surgically removed. Still, a court held him competent to stand trial. Persuaded by traces of PCP in Gaye's body (a drug that can induce violent behavior) and the large bruises on Gay Sr., the judge let him plead guilty to involuntary manslaughter, and in November 1984 he walked out with only a five-year probationary sentence. Gay Sr. was free to return home to his own bouts with depression and his fifth of vodka a day. But at least his son's violent struggle with life was over.
"Now I was moving in the same direction [as Marvin Gaye]," recalled Smokey. "Why couldn't I stop myself?" Smokey s drug addiction had worsened. Finally, in 1986, he was taken by a friend to local faith healer Jean Perez, who ran a ministry in a run-down section of Los Angeles. From that night—when she embraced and prayed with him—Smokey, who was not a religious man, abruptly abandoned drugs. "The Lord washed me clean" was how he later described it.
By the late 1980s, Smokey was on a yoga and vitamin regimen. He came no closer to drugs than golf, which he jokingly called "the heroin of sports." He even had a minirevival. Managed by Motown executive Mike Roshkind, he started a worldwide tour, had three hits off a new album, One Heartbeat, in 1987, and even won his first Grammy. That same year, a sobbing and emotionally spent Smokey was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum.
Re: Музыка соул
Автор: Bog   Дата: 05.10.06 21:25:31   
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2john lee hooker:

>Ну это фсё понятно, но я жэ про сеть магазинную
>HMV... Куда жэ такие цены-та... Не аукцион жэ...
>А виниловые развалы, канешна, там и за рупь можно
>много чего откопать, а за два и раритет нарыть :-)

В нью-йоркских Верджинах попадаются достаточно редкие диски с ценами от 5-50 тугриков как повезет, за обычный сд. А в tower records вообще разброс цен еще интереснее, но и редкие пластинки попадаются.. А про мелкие магазинчики не говорю отдельная тема, да и винил порой по таким ценам выставлен, что глаза квадратными становятся.
Re: Музыка соул
Автор: Bog   Дата: 05.10.06 22:50:56   
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2john lee hooker
Давно хотел у вас поинтересоваться, как вы относитесь к Little Axe у он же не безызвестный Skip McDonald. По идее подобная музыка должна быть вам интересна?
Re: Музыка соул
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 06.10.06 02:01:32   
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>2john lee hooker
>Давно хотел у вас поинтересоваться, как вы относитесь
>к Little Axe у он же не безызвестный Skip McDonald.
>По идее подобная музыка должна быть вам интересна?

Звучит забавно, кста, см. в блюзовой темке:

Re: Blues
Автор: john lee hooker Дата: 24.08.05 21:53:57

Re: Музыка соул
Автор: Bog   Дата: 06.10.06 21:20:01   
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2john lee hooker:

>Звучит забавно, кста, см. в блюзовой темке

Little Axe это конечно скорее модерн блюз, но Skip McDonald фигура соул фанковая его гирарку можно найти на многих записях от Блю нотс и Брауна до Донны Саммер.

Ну а Bohannon я подозреваю ни как не ваш герой.
А слышали ли вы такую группу - Cold Blood?
Снесло крышу  
Re: Музыка соул
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 08.10.06 03:40:51   
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Увы, сразу не припомню... Янг блад, колд шат, ши уас хот, ши соу колд, колд блад... Фсё смешалось ф голове старого маразматика...
Re: Музыка соул
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 08.10.06 03:50:59   
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Послушал Diana Ross - I Love You (2006).
Дайана в навправлении традиционной Уорвик. Не знаю... Классич. мэйнстримовый материал, но подача оставила меня равнодушным. Невыразительная запись-аранжировка... Нет, канешна, как фоновая музыка, неплоха... Но фоновых музЫк у меня достаточно... Для души я лучше её "затерянный на 35 лет" альбом "BLUE" поставлю. Тожэ ведь как-бы новый альбом :-)
Re: Музыка соул
Автор: Bog   Дата: 08.10.06 04:11:00   
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2john lee hooker:

>Увы, сразу не припомню... Янг блад, колд шат,
>ши уас хот, ши соу колд, колд блад... Фсё смешалось
>ф голове старого маразматика...

Калифорнийская, из Сан Франциско, команда, белые играли смесь из калифорнийского рока, соула, латин рока и фанка. Очень даже неплохо.

На коллектоблс в последние годы вышли все альбомы…
Re: Музыка соул
Автор: Bog   Дата: 08.10.06 04:18:27   
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2john lee hooker:

>Дайана в навправлении традиционной Уорвик. Не
>знаю... Классич. мэйнстримовый материал, но подача
>оставила меня равнодушным. Невыразительная запись-аранжировка...

Так это у нее всегда так было…. На мой взгляд, кроме альбомов с Марвином и чик да возможно пары первых сольных пластинок все остальное достаточно ровный традиционный материал.
Re: Музыка соул
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.10.06 22:36:58   
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Through the YearsThrough the Years
DVD Release Date: October 10, 2006

As husband and wife, Ike & Tina Turner headed up one of the most potent live acts on the R&B circuit during the sixties and early seventies. Guitarist and bandleader Ike Turner kept his ensemble tight and well drilled while throwing in his own distinctively twangy plucking. Lead vocalist Tina Turner was a ferocious whirlwind of power and energy, a raw sexual dynamo who was impossible to contain once she hit the stage, leading some critics to call her the first female singer to embody the true spirit of rock `n' roll. In their prime, the Ike & Tina Turner Revue specialized in a hard-driving, funked-up hybrid of soul and rock that, in its best moments, rose to a visceral frenzy that few R&B acts of any era could hope to match. Effusively praised by white rock luminaries like the Rolling Stones and Janis Joplin, Tina Turner was unquestionably the star of the show, with a hugely powerful, raspy voice that ranks among the all-time soul greats.
Re: Музыка соул
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.10.06 22:51:04   
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Dionne Warwick My Friends & Me Dionne Warwick "My Friends & Me"
Duets with such artists as Gladys Knight, Olivia Newton-John, Gloria Estefan, Whitney Houston, George Benson, Cyndi Lauper, Mya, Pink
Concord, Nov. 7, 2006
Re: Музыка соул
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.10.06 23:16:11   
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2Кот Котофеич:

>2Primal Scream:
>>Duets with such artists as...Olivia
>Позавчера Оливия была у Ларри Кинга на СNN. Рассказывала
>о здоровье, пропавшем бойфренде и пр.
>Выглядит очаровательно!

Re: Музыка соул
Автор: Izhevsky   Дата: 19.10.06 19:06:19   
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Ребят, кто-нибудь слышал о такой группе Looking Glass, у них ещё была такая песня "Brandy (You're Fine Girl)"???
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