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Paul and Heather Mills news

Тема: Пол Маккартни - Heather Mills (Хэзер Миллз)

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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 05.09.06 09:28:29   
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Heather and Paul become neighbours Monday September 4

It looks like Heather Mills and Paul McCartney's rumoured truce may have extended as far as a neighbourly holiday in New York's exclusive East Hampton beach town.

Paul has been staying at his 11-acre Amagansett vacation home with the estranged couple's two-year-old daughter Beatrice for the past fortnight, and Heather has now moved in down the road, shelling out an extravagant $80,000 a week for an East Hampton Village rental property about three miles away.

The ex-model was spotted last week in East Hampton carrying her daughter and is reported to have had her first face-to-face meeting in more than two months with her soon-to-be ex-husband at his holiday home, according to the New York Post.

But the holiday hasn't been entirely fun for baby Beatrice, who was allegedly spotted throwing a tantrum at popular Hampton's eatery Babette's on Thursday, according to the Mail on Sunday.

A source close to the family told the newspaper, "She is normally a well-behaved girl, but it looks as if the trauma of the divorce is getting to her."

The rift between the high-profile pair appeared to have escalated in past weeks with Sir Paul allegedly freezing their joint bank account and changing the locks at their formerly shared London town house, leaving Heather stuck outside.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Expert   Дата: 05.09.06 10:51:02   
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The Terrible Two

PLEASE LET IT BEA...FOR ME, says the Star's headline.

This is the latest update on the divorce of Paul McCartney and Heather Mills McCartney, aka Lady Mucca. And the news is that their daughter Bea is upset.

Indeed, the two-year-old has thrown a series of tearful tantrum. In one scene, Bea had a temper fit with her mum and a minder as they dined in a health food restaurant in East Hampton, Long Island.

Onlookers say that Beatrice was carried kicking and screaming into the street. Heather and her bodyguard were forced to abandon their meals.

It was a scene of genuine horror. And it comes just days after Bea had a similar fit while plying on the beach. Holidaymakers claim the toddler was crying and yelling.

This is just awful. It was meant to be so different. Heather and Bea are renting a ?42,000-a-week property two miles away from Paul's home in the area. This was a shared holiday, a time of peace and coming together.

It's a difficult time for everyone, says Heather's spokesman. Indeed. But with the right handling things can yet improve.

And one day Bea might just get over her angst and upset. And that day might be around the time of her third birthday, when the terrible twos end.

And the other terrible twos are divorced...
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Expert   Дата: 05.09.06 10:55:09   
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Учитывая, что припадков у детей Маккартни от первого брака замечено не было, причина в общем-то понятна...
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Al.Parker   Дата: 05.09.06 14:17:13   
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Не нужно было ему больше жениться. Что он себе женщины не нашёл бы? Жаль ребёнка...
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 05.09.06 15:14:22   
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Paul and Heather Mills news*
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Expert   Дата: 05.09.06 17:05:31   
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Кстати, т.Бейкер уже имеет подобный опыт "презентаций" Хизер:

Few, it seems, have a good word to say for her. Geoff Baker, Paul McCartney's long-standing press officer, was dismissed last year, reportedly at Heather's instigation after falling out with her. At the time, Baker would say nothing on the subject, but his next move spoke volumes. He took a job as an editor of a golfing magazine and chose for the cover of his first issue a nude Heather McCartney lookalike with a golf ball resting on her cleavage.

Фото данное выкладывать, конечно, запрещено. Да и этот пост вряд ли сохранят...
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Expert   Дата: 05.09.06 17:32:28   
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SIR Paul McCartney has turned to yoga to help him cope with the stress of his marriage split.

The former Beatle has been attending private classes in The Hamptons in New York with actor Alec Baldwin and producer Lorne Michaels.

Macca, 64, has been going three times a week to 90-minute private sessions of Hatha yoga - which are designed to provide "a balanced and wholesome approach to achieving perfect physical and mental health, happiness and tranquillity"."

A close friend said: "Paul is a very fit and active guy who likes to stay in shape and has been doing a bit of yoga to help his emotional and physical well-being.

"The last few months have been incredibly difficult and he is aware of the need to look after himself. He finds yoga the perfect way to help him unwind and relax.""

Macca, 64, also needs to keep fit to help him keep up with two-year-old daughter Beatrice.

Meanwhile, the Daily Mirror can reveal Macca agonised for three weeks before setting up "peace talks" with wife Heather Mills, 38.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Beatlekid   Дата: 05.09.06 22:15:47   
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ну Пол даёт! в 64 и йога!
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Zhanna   Дата: 05.09.06 23:25:49   
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А Беатрис, все-таки, очень похожа на Пола! Хорошенькая. По-моему, она даже чем-то напоминает Стеллу в детстве.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Beatlekid   Дата: 06.09.06 00:03:15   
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Zhanna, полностью согласен.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: DiDi   Дата: 06.09.06 00:59:49   
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Что-то я не поняла, что т. Бейкер хотел сказать данным предложением, наверное, какой то тонкий английский юмор. Как в той песне «я все хватаю на лету, но я не понял, что конкретно ты имела в виду». Расшифруйте для непонятливых-

Старинный знакомый и бывший пресс-агент Маккартни Джефф Бейкер пригласил бывшую порно-модель Хезер сняться обнаженной для обложки нового сингла группы Purplemelon, менеджером которой Бейкер является. Песня называется “Queen Diva”.
В своем нахальном письме с предложением работы Джефф написал, что Хезер привнесла бы в съемки «немного класса».

Ну и что???
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Expert   Дата: 06.09.06 01:12:34   
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Трудно говорить за т.Бейкера, но возможно речь идет о том, что ты претендуешь либо на 100 млн. и более паундов либо позируешь. define yourself - как говорят в английском гольфе, когда игрок пытается сесть на два стула сразу.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 06.09.06 09:39:11   
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September 5, 2006 -- Daily MailSeptember 5, 2006 -- Daily Mail

Paul named 'man of the year' as Heather meets with lawyer

Sir Paul McCartney was named GQ Man of the Year tonight at a glittering awards ceremony.

The former Beatle was unable to attend the event. However GQ Editor paid tribute to the popstar saying: "This year he has been embraced by the Great British public like no time before. And with good reason. Paul McCartney is not only one of our greatest living legends, he's also probably the most dignified."

Meanwhile, striding out side by side, Heather Mills was pictured for the first time with her lawyer - the man who famously represented Princess Diana.

Eyes hidden beneath her trademark sunglasses, and clad in five-inch high wedges, the 38-year-old activist emerged from an intense 3-hour legal consultation.

Looking just a little worn down by his demanding client, Anthony Julius - Mishcon de Reya's acclaimed senior consultant - escorted Miss Mills out of the London office and into a waiting cab.

Of course, for £500 an hour ($950), a little personal service never goes amiss.

Miss Mills' meeting is the latest development in her acrimonious divorce battle with Sir Paul McCartney.

When the 64-year-old former Beatle took on Fiona Shackleton, who represented Prince Charles during his 1996 divorce from the Princess of Wales, Miss Mills retaliated by employing the services of 50-year-old Julius - the man responsible for Diana's £17.5 million settlement.

Since the couple announced their separation in May, their relationship has steadily plummeted.

Today they are barely on speaking terms, with their sole communication revolving around their two-year-old daughter, Beatrice.

ЗЫ. Заметьте, про обувь ее я молчу. ;-)
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: cat man   Дата: 06.09.06 10:45:53   
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---> Primal Scream:

>ЗЫ. Заметьте, про обувь ее я молчу. ;-)
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.09.06 10:07:54   
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September 6, 2006 -- Contact Music


Sir Paul McCartney was awarded the Man Of The Year gong at the GQ Awards in London last night, while rocker Rod Stewart picked up the Outstanding Achievement trophy.

But rock star Stewart still found time in all of the excitement to speak out in sympathy for the former Beatle in the light of his current divorce battle with Heather Mills.

Stewart says, "My lowest point was when Rachel (Hunter) left. That was a bolt of lightning.

"F**k me, it was terrible. Look at Paul now, I feel so sorry for him.

"I wasn't prepared for it at all. I grew up a lot after that."
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.09.06 10:08:28   
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September 6, 2006 -- New York Post


Hollywood pals for her quality time in the Hamptons this past weekend - she had the use of a stunning oceanfront home in Amagansett and didn't pay a dime for it, Page Six has learned.

Earlier this week, it was reported that Mills was shelling out close to $80,000 for a weeklong Hamptons rental so she could be near Beatrice, her 2-year-old daughter with Paul McCartney.

But in fact, McCartney's soon-to-be-ex-wife had been in Los Angeles doing business last month when her close pal, producer-director Dennis Erdman, whose credits include "Gilmore Girls" and "Grosse Pointe," offered her use of the Amagansett home he shares with his boyfriend, Darren Star, creator of "Sex and the City," for the long Labor Day holiday.

"We are working on many animal campaigns together, and I thought it would be a good opportunity to further discuss some of our plans," Erdman, an avid animal rights campaigner, told Page Six.

"The additional plus is that Paul was going to be with Beatrice in Amagansett, and therefore Beatrice could see Heather, as well. Heather discussed this with Paul and he was totally supportive about Heather coming to stay with me and share time with Beatrice.

"In fact, a couple of times, he dropped her off . . . and one time with a child's bike in the back [of the car], so Beatrice and Heather could go bike riding."

Erdman said Mills got Beatrice for the first half of the day and McCartney got her for the second - "and she always spent the night with Paul, since that was his week to have her."

Meanwhile, Beatrice was said to be doing fine and "she is not traumatized" by the bitter public McCartney-Mills divorce battle, which has included accusations of lock-changing and phone-tapping.

"Paul and Heather shield her from it. She does cry now and again . . . just like every 2-year-old child," according to Erdman. In thanks for the lovely weekend, Mills stocked her host's fridge with a load of vegan goodies.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.09.06 10:08:54   
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September 6, 2006

Paul will be featured in the December issue of GQ magazine with photos taken by his daughter Mary.
(Thanks to Macca Report Dottie Spathis)

Sir Paul McCartney insisted on being captured by his photographer daughter Mary for a photo shoot in the British edition of GQ magazine's 20th anniversary issue.

The 36-year-old snapper was thrilled to be asked by her megastar dad, although she admits she was terrified of getting it wrong. She says, "They normally provide a photographer but he asked for me specially.

"It's always difficult working with someone you know well because you're worried you're going to do a c**ppy picture.

"But dad doesn't have a bad side - both are good, so it's easy.

"The magazines always airbrush a few wrinkles out."
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.09.06 16:57:24   
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7 September 2006
By Fiona Cummins, Showbiz Reporter

SMILING Sir Paul McCartney gives the peace sign after arriving back in Britain following a two-week US break.

Macca, who headed to the famous Abbey Road studios yesterday, arrived at his North London home late on Monday night.

US TV producer Dennis Erdman said the "supportive" former Beatle had agreed to let estranged wife Heather Mills, 38, stay close to him in The Hamptons for the sake of little Beatrice.

Dennis, who lent Heather his home there, said two-year-old Bea spent the mornings with her mum and the afternoons with her 64-year-old dad. Heather, pictured left, hosted a mother-and-toddler party yesterday at Sir Paul's estate in Peasmarsh, East Sussex.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Silence in the studio   Дата: 07.09.06 18:08:19   
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Насчет обуви - по-моему, у нее просто несколько десятков пар одинаковых сандаликов. Всякое в жизни бывает.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.09.06 20:08:51   
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September 7, 2006 -- The SunSeptember 7, 2006 -- The Sun

Peace wielding Macca is backa

It's been a while since we've seen Macca smiling and doing his famous peace salute.

But I'm pleased to see he's back home in Britain and looking happy again.

He's had a horrible few months since he walked out on Lady Mucca and found out the truth about her murky porn pics past.

Paul has spent the last few weeks in America with the couple's daughter Beatrice.

Mucca flew back into Britain this week too ­ and went straight to see her divorce lawyer.
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