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О Rolling Stones замолвим слово

Тема: Rolling Stones

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Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: Betsy   Дата: 19.07.05 15:10:43   
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Ever watchful, ever wise, and the soft face of youth - Mick pauses for the cameraEver watchful, ever wise, and the soft face of youth - Mick pauses for the camera
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.07.05 21:58:51   
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Rolling Stones add second Hollywood Bowl date Tue Jul 19

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The Rolling Stones have added a second show at the Hollywood Bowl, the historic venue they last played in 1966.

They will play the bucolic outdoor amphitheater on Nov. 8, in addition to the previously announced Nov. 6 date, the band said on its Web site ( Tickets for the new show go on sale to fan club members on Tuesday, and to the public on July 25.

The dates are part of the Rolling Stones' On Stage tour, which kicks off on Aug. 21 at Boston's Fenway Park.;_ylt=AlD4B9jDuCmlxmvM75Lu...
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.07.05 07:28:35   
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Stones continue love affair with T.O.Stones continue love affair with T.O.

TORONTO (CP) - It's become a familiar summertime event in the city - spot Mick, Keith, Charlie or Ron grabbing a bite in chic Yorkville, riding a bicycle or signing autographs.

Yup, the Rolling Stones are back in town, spending several weeks in Toronto prepping for a world tour - Rolling Stones: OnStage, which begins Aug. 21 in Boston. The quartet arrived last week with minimal fanfare but plenty of smiles. "It's very exciting. When the Rolling Stones come to town my phone rings off the hook," says Ken Witt of the band's label Virgin Music Canada.

It's likely the band's famous frontman will even spend his birthday in the city, as he's done on previous occasions. Mick Jagger turns 62 on July 26.

This is the fifth time the grizzled bad boys of rock practise their moves in advance of a world tour. They did the same in 2002 for the Licks tour, 1997 for Bridges to Babylon, 1994 for Voodoo Lounge and 1989 for Steel Wheels.

In the past, the band has rehearsed at Toronto's Masonic Temple, Maple Leaf Gardens and the Crescent School.

This time, they're at Greenwood College, a midtown private school, and an empty hangar at Pearson International Airport is being used to construct a set.

Trying to figure out why the Stones keep coming to Toronto has become a ritual for the local music press and fans. Frontman Mick Jagger has simply called it a "time-honoured tradition."

"It's such a great place and everyone treats us really well," he has said.

True, Canada's paparazzi-lite culture means the band can roam the city relatively undisturbed. They've been known to dine in Yorkville. Guitarist and part-time artist Ron Wood has even exhibited his artwork at local galleries.

But the truth may lie somewhere closer to the business world.

Their longtime concert promoter Michael Cohl - the man who organizes schedules, flights for gear, ticket sales, etc. - calls Toronto home.

And when the Stones began setting up here, the low Canadian dollar provided cheap practice turf and plenty of tax benefits.

Whatever the exact reason, the Stones' relationship to Toronto dates back to their first gig in Canada's most populous city in 1965.

The band performed twice that year at Maple Leaf Gardens where rabid fans were so eager for a glimpse of their idols they even climbed on top of limos outside the venue. In London, Ont., there was practically a riot when police pulled the plug on a show.

But the most talked about visit to Toronto happened in March 1977 when the band played a surprise gig at the El Mocambo club - and Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau's wife Margaret showed up to party with the rockers.

That same weekend guitarist Keith Richards was arrested at the Harbor Castle Hotel on heroin possession charges. He was found guilty but in lieu of a jail sentence, the judge ordered Richards to play two benefit concerts for the blind at the civic auditorium in Oshawa, east of Toronto. He obeyed, and the Rolling Stones played in April 1979.

As a result, Richards has publicly credited the city with saving his life because he gave up the drug after the incident. He often wears a silver bracelet linked with two tiny handcuffs to remind him of the event.

"I have a very strange relationship with this town," he said of Toronto.

Aside from rehearsing, the band have a habit of thanking the city for its hospitality with concerts. The most public one was in 2003 in front of about 450,000 people at a benefit show to help SARS-battered Toronto.

There's also a history of last-minute intimate shows in tiny clubs. The band usually announce such events the morning of the show and charge a mere $10 admission to cover costs.

But in typical rock star fashion, the details of such a show are being kept secret.

"If there's (even) going to be one," says Virgin Music's Witt.

"They really do their own thing."
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: zand   Дата: 20.07.05 11:51:29   
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Интересно,они протянут еще 8 лет до следующего альбома? Такими темпами этот может оказаться последним.
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 20.07.05 12:21:31   
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2Primal Scream:2Primal Scream:

>Что такое Neo-Con?

Дорогой Праймал, мне как-то неудобно объяснять профи... тем более я лезу "не ф свой агарод" :)
Мне кааца, шо "Нео-Кон" -- это обыгрывается "неоконсерватор" и славное имя Кондолизы Республиканской :)
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 20.07.05 12:23:20   
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Записки очевидца презентации новых песен с альбома:Записки очевидца презентации новых песен с альбома:
This took place this evening at Olympic Studios in London. Eleven tracks were played out of a possible 16 to be included on the finished CD. There is still no confirmed title, but the first single out at the end of August is "Streets Of Love", a ballad, but with a great "Ah Ah Ah Ah" hook. "Oh No! Not You Again" sounds even better on the album. Other stand out tracks were "Rain Fall Down" with some great funky guitar and some subtle electric piano (Mick?), "Laugh? I Nearly Died" which starts off a bit like "Always Suffering" but then finishes with a great gospel/handclapping singalong. "Back Of My Hand" is classic Muddy Wayers style Blues with some great harp from Mick. Keith's ballad "This Place Is Empty" is the only track with piano, I assume Chuck. Overall it's an out and out rock album with loads of guitars, very few (if any) additional musicians, about three ballads and some amazing lead vocals from Mick who is singing with incredible feeling. Can't wait until September 5!
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Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.07.05 12:30:14   
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2john lee hooker:

>Мне кааца, шо "Нео-Кон" -- это обыгрывается "неоконсерватор"
>и славное имя Кондолизы Республиканской :)

Ты думаешь? Интересная версия. Неужели так будет называться новый альбом? С намеком на какую-то Кондоллиизу (ну и имечко, прости господи). Мне этого по крайней мере не хотелось бы.
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.07.05 12:32:46   
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"Con" еще переводится как мошенничество, надувательство. Может быть что-то с этим связано?
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 20.07.05 13:21:35   
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2Primal Scream:2Primal Scream:

Знаешь, Праймал, я не думаю, шо будет такое конъюктурненькое названьице: не по-роллингофски фсё это. Максимум, будет ехидная песенка в середине альбома. И фсё. Слоны сменяюца ослами, кондолизы другими con-мошенниками и тэ дэ. А альбомы будут раскупать и через надцать лет. Помнишь же, что:
Who wants yesterdays papers
Nobody in the world
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.07.05 13:24:25   
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Спасибки, дражайший Джон Ли! Отлегло.
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: Горыныч   Дата: 20.07.05 13:57:37   
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to: Primal Scream & john lee hooker - не, мужики, сомнительно это все - Кондолиза какая-то и т. д... Не писали же они песен про Маргарет Тэтчер или Рейгана.

to: zand - "Интересно,они протянут еще 8 лет до следующего альбома?" - наивный, они еще на наших похоронах простудятся.
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: Sam_T   Дата: 21.07.05 03:25:40   
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Была ещё такая версия, что новый альбом называется Manhattan Beach. Якобы даже обложка уже готова и якобы всё это было официально анонсировано ещё 4 июля.Была ещё такая версия, что новый альбом называется "Manhattan Beach". Якобы даже обложка уже готова и якобы всё это было официально анонсировано ещё 4 июля.
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.07.05 10:12:15   
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Manhattan Beach - это скорее всего будет название тура. А подлинность этой обложки вызывает сомнения.Manhattan Beach - это скорее всего будет название тура. А подлинность этой "обложки" вызывает сомнения.

(Original publication: July 2, 2005)

When the Rolling Stones begin an international concert tour this summer, an area company will play a critical role in making it happen.

McLaren Engineering of West Nyack will provide mechanical and structural design services for the stage used in the rock group's upcoming "Manhattan Beach" stadium tour.

McLaren has years of experience in the entertainment industry. The company also has helped design state-of-the-art stages for Cirque de Soleil, Pink Floyd, Super Bowl halftime shows and Broadway shows.

"The opportunity to work on another Rolling Stones stage is very exciting," said Bill Gorlin, manager of McLaren's entertainment division. "Designing a stage for a touring show, whether it's a Broadway musical or a rock concert, is challenging because you have to pay close attention to how long it takes to erect and disassemble the equipment."

The Rolling Stones tour starts Aug. 21 in Boston and will span the United States and Canada during the fall and winter with 33 scheduled dates. Other legs of the tour will include Mexico, South America and Asia. The tour will end in Europe during the summer of 2006.

McLaren Engineering said it helped design touring stages for three previous Rolling Stones tours: "Voodoo Lounge" in 1994, "Bridges to Babylon" in 1997 and 1998 and "40 Licks" in 2002 and 2003. In addition to stages for touring shows, McLaren has served as a consultant for owners renovating many of New York City's historic theaters.

McLaren also has branched out to casinos by using its knowledge in rigging overhead structures and lights to help design decorations at the Mohegan Sun casino in Uncasville, Conn., and the new Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas.

Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.07.05 10:15:59   
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Вот слова одного компетентного фана:

The 1st single will actually be STREETS OF LOVE. No doubt many will enjoy this lovely ballad very much in the style of "Brand New Set of Rules", from Mick's last solo album.
But I also had the chance to listen to 7 more songs:
ROUGH JUSTICE: A true rocker, a true guitar song ruled by Keith.
OH NO! NOT YOU AGAIN: first premiered for the band's recent press conference, the studio version doesn't add much but a clearer sound. Mick's vocals still rough and yelling most of it, and a cool guitar solo.
IT WON'T TAKE LONG: Another rocker.
TAKE ME DOWN SLOW: More rockers for the album, another guitar song.
BACK OF MY HAND: The Stones play the blues, as dirty as ever. Muddy Waters-styled, kind of "The Storm" (flip-side of the "Love Is Strong" single) Really great stuff. Mick on harp blows his heart out.
THIS PLACE IS EMPTY: Keith's ballad, but in a little quicker tempo this time.
RAIN FALLS DOWN: Another cool tune.
In a few words, maybe this is the damn rock'n'roll album most of us have been waiting for. Truly a "back to the roots" effort, mostly a guitar album.
Unlike 'Bridges to Babylon', which was way too overproduced and all that machinery, what we'll have here is a rough record, something we haven't had maybe since the days of 'Some Girls'
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: Горыныч   Дата: 21.07.05 13:40:19   
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to: Primal Scream - "А подлинность этой "обложки" вызывает сомнения" - ты про "Manhattan Beach"? - скорей всего да. На картинке что-то в духе самого конца 60-середины 70-х. Таких теперь не делают.

ROUGH JUSTICE: A true rocker, a true guitar song ruled by Keith. - не слышал, но наверняка дядя Кеша опять порадует хорошим рифом. Вот почему-то есть такое ощущение.
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 21.07.05 14:26:12   
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Эта обложка была сделана в шутку одним из участников западного форума :)

Новые песенки

Streets Of Love - (возможно новый сингл)
Oh No Not You Again
Back Of My Hand
She Saw Me Coming
Under The Radar
Look What The Cat Dragged In
This House Is Empty Without You
Walking Alone In The Rain
You Drive Too Fast
Rough Justice
It Won't Take Long
Take Me Down Slow
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: papan   Дата: 21.07.05 14:28:25   
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Селезёнкой чуйствую:знатный альбом будет.
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: Горыныч   Дата: 21.07.05 15:18:43   
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to: papan - ну так они со времен Steel Wheels действуют по принципу "редко, но метко".
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: zand   Дата: 21.07.05 17:34:27   
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Да вообще осень будет горячая: новые альбомы выпускают Stones,Макка,Deep Purple,Blackmore's Night(наверное)-только успевай деньги тратить!
Re: О Rolling Stones замолвим слово.
Автор: sunset   Дата: 21.07.05 18:00:26   
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Rough Justice - роллинги как всегда актуальны
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