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Pink Floyd

Тема: Pink Floyd family

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Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.04.05 23:39:48   
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Estestvenno! I vse floydomany kinutsya pokupat ocherednuyu versiyu!
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 20.04.05 00:14:13   
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2Primal Scream:
>Estestvenno! I vse floydomany kinutsya pokupat
>ocherednuyu versiyu!


Я и в таком авторстве её хватит...

Хотя коллекционирывать точно будут..:)
Я тащусь!  
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Малиновский Сергей   Дата: 23.04.05 12:20:31   
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Правило с недавней встречи Мэйсона с читателями:

Пожалуйста, воздержитесь от фразы "Well, I've always had a deep respect And I mean that most sincerely"


Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 23.04.05 16:31:51   
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Погасла лампочка!-((((((((((
Господа, что делать, если на Pulse погасла лампочка? Мигала, мигала, зараза, и погасла?
Батарейку ставить, или чего?
Won't you help, help me?
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: JohnLenin   Дата: 23.04.05 17:38:10   
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Физик, вверни тогда новую ("лампочку Ильича")!.. :)))
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: JohnLenin   Дата: 23.04.05 17:42:54   
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Или поставь вплотную (чтоб был контакт!) к альбому Van der Graaf Generator!..
Или попробуй присоединить к альбому AC/DC!..
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Gene   Дата: 24.04.05 02:48:15   
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>Погасла лампочка!-((((((((((

И у меня погасла. Батарейка сдохла, видимо. В общем, пора уже.
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 27.04.05 07:42:00   
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Wish We Were There
With veteran superstars Paul McCartney and the Rolling Stones planning to tour this year, Pink Floyd's Nick Mason says he'd like to see his band regroup and get back out on the road. "I'd love to go out and compete with them," asserts the drummer. "The technology exists now to do fantastic shows . . . as some of the other [bands] are beginning to pull away from the big show, I think we could knock their socks off."
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: nedelin   Дата: 27.04.05 10:07:45   
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Книга Мейсона, кстати, вызывает здесь в Штатах единодушные восторги критиков. Особенно они восхищаются несомненным литературным даром и "сухим" юмором Николая. Я, читая некоторые рецензии, даже удивлялся "несдержанности" их авторов.
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.05.05 07:50:26   
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Yesterday's New York Post featured an interview with Roger Waters, conducted by Jamie Schram, in which the former Pink Floyd frontman gave some more updates on the Broadway adaptation of the 1979 classic, The Wall.

You will recall that recently, Brain Damage's Elliot Tayman bumped into Roger outside one of Nick Mason's book signings. Elliot asked him about progress on the adaptation, and Roger told him that it was looking to be a year away.

The New York Post interview went into more depth than Elliot was able to, with Roger en route to a dinner appointment with Nick. The full interview can be read through this link and is an interesting update on the production.

Roger's responses cover the development of the musical (and includes a primer on the basic storyline for those unfamiliar with the original piece), some of the songs that might appear in the final version of the stageplay, and the direction he is taking the work.

"My motivation is primarily that both the record and film, proud of them as I am, well, they have depth. They endure. There are no laughs anywhere. There are not many jokes. Humor is very important part of my life. I think it's a part of the life of the central character in the film, Pink. There will be a lot more humor in the Broadway version. ...I think we're trying to illuminate another side of Pink's personality. He was kind of hard to empathize with in the movie. And if you can't empathize with him, he can't help you to understand life."

Roger expresses his excitement at the staging of the show, in a permanent venue, allowing him to "get the lighting and the special effects really perfect". But at the same time, he reveals his nervousness at the project - his desire to get it right, and bring new life to it, as he feels: "the message - what "The Wall" is saying to us - is still important to us 20 years later..."
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: еж ушастый   Дата: 11.05.05 14:13:13   
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Да, с юмором в фильме "Стена" дела обстояли неважно, поэтому очень приятно читать про намерение авторов внести больше его элементов в театральную версию.
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.05.05 18:36:08   
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Legendary rockers PINK FLOYD are to reunite for a performance at charity concert LIVE 8 in London this summer (05).

The band's classic line-up of ROGER WATERS, DAVE GILMOUR, RICK WRIGHT and NICK MASON, which recorded the 1973 classic album DARK SIDE OF THE MOON, will hit the stage at the 2 July (05) fundraiser for the first time since they last played together in the mid-1980s.

Organiser SIR BOB GELDOF, who has denied the Hyde Park event will specifically celebrate the 20th anniversary of LIVE AID, is currently in talks with Pink Floyd to secure their appearance.

An insider says, "There have been a whole series of calls. Sir Bob is hopeful we can make this happen."

SIR PAUL McCARTNEY and U2 will kick off the charity gig with a performance of BEATLES classic SERGEANT PEPPER'S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND, that contains the opening lyric, "It was 20 years ago today".

Ироничная ухмылка  
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: andi   Дата: 22.05.05 19:04:51   
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Этого не может быть, потому что этого быть не может!
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.05.05 19:11:10   
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Поживем - увидим. Когда-то Боб Гелдоф совсем не хотел сниматься в "Стене".
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 22.05.05 19:47:05   
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2Primal Scream:
>Legendary rockers PINK FLOYD are to reunite for
>a performance at charity concert LIVE 8 in London
>this summer (05).
>The band's classic line-up of ROGER WATERS, DAVE
>GILMOUR, RICK WRIGHT and NICK MASON, which recorded
>the 1973 classic album DARK SIDE OF THE MOON,
>will hit the stage at the 2 July (05) fundraiser
>for the first time since they last played together
>in the mid-1980s.
>Organiser SIR BOB GELDOF, who has denied the
>Hyde Park event will specifically celebrate the
>20th anniversary of LIVE AID, is currently in
>talks with Pink Floyd to secure their appearance.
>An insider says, "There have been a whole series
>of calls. Sir Bob is hopeful we can make this happen."
>SIR PAUL McCARTNEY and U2 will kick off the charity
>gig with a performance of BEATLES classic SERGEANT
>the opening lyric, "It was 20 years ago today".

Это лишь слухи.

Как сообщается в Roger Waters Online, предложение прислали всем членам группы.

Пока согласился только Ник Мэйсон, который хочет этого больше других и упрашивает их о воссоединени.

Надеюсь, что это не случится.
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.05.05 19:54:26   
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Давайте все же надеяться. Если это не произойдет, то меня вполне устроит появление Роллингов, Макки, Ю2 и Сестер.
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 22.05.05 20:00:56   
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2Primal Scream:
>Давайте все же надеяться. Если это не произойдет,
>то меня вполне устроит появление Роллингов, Макки,
>Ю2 и Сестер.

Да, Стоуны, Ю2 и пр. это будет здорово.

О ПФ я повторюсь, это будет ерунда. Так что, надеюсь этого не случится.

Главное, чтоб Родж в этом не участвовал.

Ка Ира куда более интереснее увидеть и услышать. Буджем её ждать.
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.05.05 21:52:11   
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А что если они захотят сделать это ради Гелдофа?
Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.05.05 00:52:48   
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PINK FLOYD rocker ROGER WATERS' model daughter INDIA is following in the footsteps of STELLA McCARTNEY, by becoming another rock offspring to turn to fashion designing.

The 26-year-old beauty has set up her own label, INDIA, with New York-based designer NIKHAL and is currently in the country of India searching for fabric for their first collection.

Waters says, "I'm slightly roughing it at the moment. All I have is an iPod and a mattress.

"The label is called India and the clothes are already available in New York. We plan to bring the collection to London soon."

Re: Pink Floyd
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.05.05 01:12:42   
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Roger Waters has announced details of the release of Ça Ira, his long-in-the-works opera based on the history of the French Revolution. The album, which will hit stores Sept. 27, will be issued as a multidisc package that will include two hybrid Super Audio CDs, a DVD documenting the making of the piece and a 60-page booklet. The ex-Pink Floyd mastermind, who co-produced the recording, began working on the project in 1989.
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