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Джими Хендрикс (Jimi Hendrix)

Тема: Jimi Hendrix

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Re: Джими Хендрикс ( Jimi Hendrix )
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 01.06.06 22:04:13   
Сообщить модераторам | Ссылка - продолжением истории с прошлой стр. - продолжением истории с прошлой стр.
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 02.06.06 20:52:02   
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ALMOST 36 years since his death shortly after playing the great Afton Down Festival of 1970, guitar hero Jimi Hendrix has returned to the scene of his last major live appearance.

A life-size statue of Hendrix has been erected in specially designed grounds at Dimbola Lodge, Freshwater, former home of an altogether more genteel cultural pioneer, Victorian photographer Julia Margaret Cameron.
Dimbola trustee John Giddings, who is also promoter of the Nokia IW Festival, came up with the idea of honouring Hendrix.
And although those who run Dimbola swiftly embraced the idea, other Freshwater residents say the statue is inappropriate.
Freshwater Residents' Association has written to Dimbola raising concerns and members were recently involved in a heated exchange with Dimbola's president, Ron Smith, at the charity's annual meeting.
Dimbola chairman Dr Brian Hinton denied juxtaposing Hendrix — who died after a drink and drugs overdose — and Cameron was incongruous.
He said both artists had similarities. Both were from ethnic backgrounds and both pushed the boundaries of their chosen instruments — Hendrix through his guitar and Cameron with her camera.
He said it was also entirely appropriate that the 1970 IW Festival — the largest event of its type yet staged in this country — should be marked in Freshwater.
He said: "I am really angry at the reaction of one or two people, loudmouths who contribute nothing to the Island.
"Where was their concern for the site when it was about to be demolished to make way for flats?
"I have heard plans for a full opening ceremony were shelved because John Giddings, being the nice man he is, didn't want to offend anyone. I think that is a terrible shame."
The bronze model of Hendrix in 1970 Afton pose was created by Putney-based sculptor John Swindells. It is set in a garden designed and created by Lee Daniel of Ryde-based LD Transformations.
02 June 2006

На фото: John Swindle с созданной им скульптурой Джими Хендрикса в Dimbola Lodge
Фото: Georgia Russell
Re: Джими Хендрикс ( Jimi Hendrix )
Автор: sunset   Дата: 05.06.06 09:32:32   
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Jimi Hendrix - All Along The Watchtower Jimi Hendrix - All Along The Watchtower
Video 34.5 MB MPEG file
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Джими Хендрикс ( Jimi Hendrix )
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 05.06.06 13:58:21   
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Harlem 1969Harlem 1969
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Джими Хендрикс ( Jimi Hendrix )
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 05.06.06 18:50:43   
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100 100




29. Джими Хендрикс

Джими прожил короткую, но безумно насыщенную жизнь. Этот человек буквально заново изобрел электрогитару - он не держал ее в руках, Хендрикс и его гитара были единым целым. Он не зажимал аккорды, не бил по струнам, он мягко, тихонько, приксался к грифу, словно определяя точку отсчета, а дальше гитара делала все сама. Ходят легенды, что Джими клал под свою фирменную бандану «формат бумаг с люсей». Как бы там ни было, он повлиял на игру гитаристов всех последующих поколений.

(Classic Rock №5(46) май 2006)
Я тащусь!  
Re: Джими Хендрикс ( Jimi Hendrix )
Автор: vasil ibn rashit   Дата: 05.06.06 19:04:07   
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мне кажется голоса стыбрили.
29!!! мы не согласны ;)
даведь Саня?!
Re: Джими Хендрикс ( Jimi Hendrix )
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 05.06.06 19:08:22   
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2vasil ibn rashit:

>даведь Саня?!

особенно учитывая, что выше него идёт Сид Барретт, первый гитарист, автор песен и вокалист Pink Floyd...

Автор и гитарист он, конечно новаторский, и поёт неплохо.... но как шоумен ни в какое сравнение не идёт с Джими! Да и по вокалу и мелодизму Джими, на мой взгляд, более оригинальный!

НеТ, для Хендрикса слишком тесен этот список фронтменов, Василь!;)
Re: Джими Хендрикс ( Jimi Hendrix )
Автор: vasil ibn rashit   Дата: 05.06.06 19:14:07   
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точно друг 8)
он за пределами спектора.


Re: Джими Хендрикс ( Jimi Hendrix )
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 05.06.06 19:35:08   
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2vasil ibn rashit:


Точно сказано!

По-моему, фронтменом, т.е. истинным шоуменом можно назвать того артиста, который сам из себя представляет ШОУ на сцене!

Немного отойдя от темы, могу высказать впечатления по поводу вчерашнего похода на джаз. фест. "Усадьба Джаз" (в Архангельском), в котором выступала масса музыкантов, многие из которые были далеки от джаза как такового (Сергей Старостин со своим проектом Жили-Были, например), зато там были настоящие хедлайнеры - Хоронько-Оркестр! Такое командное чувство между музыканатми я давно не видел и не слышал! Музыканты переходили почти моментально от одной мелодии к другой, меняли темп, разгоняясь и замедляясь, просто фонтнировали безумным качем и драйвом, поистине ДЖАЗОВЫМ... Барабанщик - НАСТОЯЩАЯ МАШИНА РИТМА! Гитарист с таким сочным звуком и мелодизмом, отлично вплетавший самые разнообразные рок-риффы (и не толкьо роковые) в общую канву...
Но сам лидер Оркестра, Дмитрий Хоронько, вообще отдельный разговор! Смотря на такого фронтмена, изображавшего иной раз Майкла Джексона, при этом оставаясь совершенно индивидуальным и получающим удовольствие от того, что он делает, понимаешь КАКИМ должен быть Шоумен! Потрясающий вокалист и невероятный хозяин сцены!
А как он спародировал трад. джазовые концовки песен!:O))) С таким извратом и юмором!
Ребята просто понимают что такое Джаз и каким он должен быть в России!
Василь, если увидишь афишу, советую сходить! Не пожалеешь!

..Возвращаясь к Джими, он и был ШОУ! Ему не требовалось лятающих свиней или мега-оборудования, какого-то потрясающего света... из него свет сам иссякался огромным спектром лучей и оттенков!
Re: Джими Хендрикс ( Jimi Hendrix )
Автор: vasil ibn rashit   Дата: 06.06.06 11:09:58   
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спасибо Саш. схожу если попадется.

>..Возвращаясь к Джими, он и был ШОУ! Ему не требовалось лятающих свиней..

это блин тут я так согласен, поскольку имею мусульманские корни (дедушка по отцу был знаменитый мулла).
никаких свиней!!! 8)
Re: Джими Хендрикс ( Jimi Hendrix )
Автор: Betsy   Дата: 06.06.06 11:28:37   
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Не мучай, выложи наконец полный список этих фронтменов! Мне ужасно интересно, кто же на первом месте ;) Я надеюсь, не Галлахер :)))
Re: Джими Хендрикс ( Jimi Hendrix )
Автор: Betsy   Дата: 06.06.06 11:39:51   
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Frontman (also "front man") is a slang term for the lead singer of a music group. Usually, the front man is the most famous member of the group, however, this is not necessarily true in all bands. The term comes from the singer's usual position during a concert, which is in front of the stage and in front of the other band members.

A musician is usually called a front man when he sings the majority of the songs of the group. For example, George Harrison is not considered a front man, since John Lennon and Paul McCartney usually sang tunes during their tenure in The Beatles. On the other hand, Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden sings all the songs of the band, therefore, he is dubbed a front man.

When the lead musician happens to be female, the term "frontress" is occasionally used for more accuracy.

От себя скажу: Хендрикс вообще не восприниматся, как часть группы, поэтому фронтменом его нельзя назвать. Хендрикс - сам по себе :) Это мое мнение... А типичный фронтмен группы - это Моррисон, Джаггер или Меркури. Примеров много.
Re: Джими Хендрикс ( Jimi Hendrix )
Автор: karp   Дата: 06.06.06 11:50:06   
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Не про хендрикса - но я, уж как смогу, кратко :-)

>полный список этих фронтменов
он уже 10-ку выложил :

"ты сюда ходи" (с)
Re: Джими Хендрикс ( Jimi Hendrix )
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 06.06.06 13:43:59   
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>От себя скажу: Хендрикс вообще не восприниматся,
>как часть группы, поэтому фронтменом его нельзя
>назвать. Хендрикс - сам по себе :) Это мое мнение...
>А типичный фронтмен группы - это Моррисон, Джаггер
>или Меркури. Примеров много.

Таковые имеются! ;)

Но посчёт Хендриксу не согласен :-)
Re: Джими Хендрикс ( Jimi Hendrix )
Автор: vasil ibn rashit   Дата: 20.06.06 14:51:19   
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прикольный мп3 бутлег прикупил.

"студио энд лайф раритетс"

обнаружил разобраную по частям (выключ. треки) "парпл хэйз"

всегда интересовали что за колокольчики в конце.
вот узнал

Автор: Rosco   Дата: 21.06.06 12:50:40   
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JOHN MAYER insists that he isn't taken seriously in the music world because he is too good looking, much like legendary rocker JIMI HENDRIX. The YOU'RE BODY IS A WONDERLAND singer believes his predominantly female fan base automatically turns potential male fans off. He explains, I would love it if my fans were women and men, 50/50. I'd even settle for 60/40. Think of Jimi Hendrix. He was huge with women. It's part of the reason he never really got accepted into the black community. It's the same with me! It's the reason I haven't been accepted fully into the musical super-credibility community - the second they see throngs of young women screaming your name, it says, 'You're out, you're out, you're out!'JOHN MAYER insists that he isn't taken seriously in the music world because he is too good looking, much like legendary rocker JIMI HENDRIX. The YOU'RE BODY IS A WONDERLAND singer believes his predominantly female fan base automatically turns potential male fans off. He explains, "I would love it if my fans were women and men, 50/50. I'd even settle for 60/40. "Think of Jimi Hendrix. He was huge with women. It's part of the reason he never really got accepted into the black community. It's the same with me! "It's the reason I haven't been accepted fully into the musical super-credibility community - the second they see throngs of young women screaming your name, it says, 'You're out, you're out, you're out!'"
20/06/2006 03:23

Ироничная ухмылка  
Re: Джими Хендрикс ( Jimi Hendrix )
Автор: SergeK   Дата: 21.06.06 14:06:49   
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Когда же этот "трактор" отвалит... Он везде...
TOTP Highs and Lows
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 22.06.06 00:55:50   
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Касаемо одной из новостей дня


TOTP Highs and Lows
By This is London
21 June 2006
The programme that was once the highlight of the week for music fans will be consigned to TV history next month.

Today's teenagers, raised on 24-hour video channels such as MTV and more likely to download music from the internet than browse the shelves of their local record shop, will barely notice its passing.

But older generations will mourn the demise of a programme which was essential viewing for pop fans throughout the Sixties, Seventies and Eighties.

TOTP was first broadcast on January 1, 1964, and hosted by Jimmy Savile.

Dusty Springfield and the Rolling Stones were the first performers.

The show was originally broadcast from a converted church in Manchester and moved to London in 1967.

It was initially commissioned for six shows - by September 1992 TOTP was celebrating its 2,000th episode.

The presenters were Radio 1's stars of the day - Jimmy Savile, Tony Blackburn and Alan Freeman in the Sixties, joined in the Seventies by the likes of Noel Edmonds, Dave Lee Travis, Tommy Vance, Peter Powell, Mike Read and John Peel.

The show initially went out on Wednesdays but by 1973 had found a permanent home on Thursday nights.

While kids watched their pop heroes, dads had another reason to tune in - Pan's People.

The all-female dance troupe made their debut in 1968 and their sexy routines proved an instant hit. They were later replaced by Legs & Co.

In September 1979 TOTP registered its highest audience - over 19 million - as Dr Hook's When You're In Love With A Beautiful Woman topped the chart.

The Eighties were another golden period for the show.

Millions of teenage girls tuned in every week to see the likes of Wham! and Duran Duran strut their stuff.

But as the decade drew to a close, things began to change.

The rise of dance music damaged the show - many of the records did not translate well to a stage performance.

In 1991 producers tried to revitalise the programme by banning mimed acts, insisting all performers sang live.

The beginning of the end for many viewers came in 1996 when the show moved from Thursdays to Fridays.

Ratings fell and the first relaunch, masterminded by former children's presenter Andi Peters, was ordered.

The show was modelled on ITV1's Saturday morning offering CD:UK, which offered a mix of live music and celebrity chat.

It failed to take off, as did the move to a Sunday teatime slot on BBC2.
The show will finally come to an end on July 30.

But every music fan of a certain age will have their favourite TOTP memories.

TOTP Highs and Lows

Jimi Hendrix appeared on the show to sing Purple Haze in 1967. He sat in bemusement as an Alan Price record was played instead.

In October 1973 David Cassidy was invited on to the show to sing his number one hit Daydreamer. But he was forced to perform on the tarmac at Heathrow airport because hysterical fans would mob him if he ventured into central London.

In 1982 Dexy's Midnight Runners performed their song Jackie Wilson Said. The backdrop, however, featured a huge image of Scottish darts player Jockey Wilson. For years it was believed to be a BBC gaffe, but the band later claimed it was their idea of a joke.

In 1984 Status Quo's Rick Parfitt, considerably worse for wear, fell off the stage during Marguerita Time. He stumbled back on then collapsed into the drum kit.

Related stories
• Top of the Pops axed
А вы знаете, что...  
Jimi Hendrix In A Tux During One Of The Greatest Soul Shows Ever, May 5, 1966
Автор: Rosco   Дата: 23.06.06 11:18:15   
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Sometimes you just happen to be present when the heavens align just right and you get to witness a one of a kind event that no amount of money could recreate. One of those events happened on the evening of May 5, 1966 at the Prelude Club in New York City.Sometimes you just happen to be present when the heavens align just right and you get to witness a one of a kind event that no amount of money could recreate. One of those events happened on the evening of May 5, 1966 at the Prelude Club in New York City.

One of the greatest collections of future Rock and Roll hall of famers were gathered under one roof to celebrate the arrival of a newcomer to the Atlantic Records family and it was a show for the ages.

The event was an Album release party for Percy Sledge, whose single "When a Man Loves a Woman," was burning up the charts. Also present that fateful night were Esther Phillips, Don Covay and the one and only Wilson "Wicked" Pickett.

Representing the brain trust at Atlantic Records were Jerry Wexler and Nesuhi Ertegun as well as other staffers at the label. William "PoPsie" Randolph was the main photographer for Atlantic and most of the historical events of their label were captured in his images. This was no exception.

The backing band that night was led by "King Curtis" Ousley who, with his group, The Kingpins, backed up many of the soul singers on Atlantic Records at that time. Sitting in with the Kingpins also that night was a wild haired guy who happened to play the guitar upside down.

As I reviewed the negatives for this session, I noticed that he looked vaguely familiar and I took a closer look at the negatives. I was shocked to see Jimi Hendrix smiling and wailing away alongside one of the greatest soul bands as a sideman in a tuxedo, no less.

To say that you could knock me over with a feather would be an understatement. This happened to be one of his last gigs before he flew across the ocean in September of 1966 and became Jimi Hendrix, the legend.

All told there are over a hundred shots of this show and I'm currently trying to put together an article or book on this event so that the rest of the world can see exactly what a supernova looks like when it happens, but that's another story for a another time.
Re: Джими Хендрикс ( Jimi Hendrix )
Автор: afigegoznaet   Дата: 23.06.06 11:28:01   
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Вот бы послушать как Джими соул лабает
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