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Виртуальный музей Битлз

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Re: Виртуальный музей Битлз
Автор: Expert   Дата: 10.04.06 14:23:34   
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Раздел музея, посвященный текстовым документамРаздел музея, посвященный текстовым документам

Телеграмма Эпстайна Биллу Харри, редактору Mersey Beat по поводу контракта, заключенного с Парлафоном. Речь в действительности шла не о дате записи, а о прослушивании на Эбби Роуд.
Re: Виртуальный музей Битлз
Автор: Expert   Дата: 10.04.06 14:26:08   
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Джон Леннон of Bag пишет Ее Величеству. Орден прилагается.Джон Леннон of Bag пишет Ее Величеству. Орден прилагается.
Re: Виртуальный музей Битлз
Автор: Expert   Дата: 10.04.06 14:30:00   
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Партитура песни Picasso's Last Words. (Thanks 2 Сaterpillar)Партитура песни Picasso's Last Words. (Thanks 2 Сaterpillar)
Re: Виртуальный музей Битлз
Автор: oblako9   Дата: 11.04.06 22:32:28   
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Этот детский альбом оценивается в 175 тыс. долларов, хотя в нем нет никаких бриллиантов. Все дело в том, что его автор - 12-летний Джон ЛеннонЭтот детский альбом оценивается в 175 тыс. долларов, хотя в нем нет никаких бриллиантов. Все дело в том, что его автор - 12-летний Джон Леннон
Re: Виртуальный музей Битлз
Автор: Expert   Дата: 12.04.06 17:43:37   
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Painting To Hammer A Nail, Йоко Оно, выставка “Незаконченные предметы и картины”, 1966 Painting To Hammer A Nail, Йоко Оно, выставка “Незаконченные предметы и картины”, 1966
Платный аттракцион, придуманный Йоко Оно. Джон нашелся: “Я заплачу 5 воображаемых шилингов за то, чтобы вбить 5 воображаемых гвоздей”.
Re: Виртуальный музей Битлз
Автор: oblako9   Дата: 26.04.06 17:42:55   
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  У Ленина была  синяя тетрадь , а у Леннона  красная. У Ленина была синяя тетрадь , а у Леннона красная.
Re: Виртуальный музей Битлз
Автор: oblako9   Дата: 18.05.06 12:01:08   
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Шляпу Джона Леннона и его письмо купят за гораздо меньшую сумму. Но для настоящих поклонников Битлз они ценнее всяких драгоценностей.Шляпу Джона Леннона и его письмо купят за гораздо меньшую сумму. Но для настоящих поклонников "Битлз" они ценнее всяких драгоценностей.

link -
Re: Виртуальный музей Битлз
Автор: oblako9   Дата: 25.05.06 19:29:38   
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Get back: letter from Lennon to critic of Beatles sells for £12,000 Get back: letter from Lennon to critic of Beatles sells for £12,000
By Ciar Byrne, Media Correspondent
Published: 25 May 2006

letter from John Lennon denying that the Beatles "ripped off" black music fetched £12,000 at auction yesterday.

Dashed off on a piece of American Airlines-headed notepaper in 1971, the letter was a response to a newspaper article accusing the Beatles of imitating and exploiting American black music in their early cover records.

Clearly upset by the suggestion, Lennon responded to the charges made by a journalist, Craig McGregor, in a piece for The New York Times.

McGregor, who at the time was living in East Sussex but has since moved to Australia, put the letter up for sale at Bonhams auction house in London, together with a photocopy of his article and a carbon copy of his reply to Lennon, which remained unanswered.

In his letter, Lennon described how the Beatles and their contemporaries were inspired by American black music and never tried to conceal their debt to it. He insisted: "It wasn't a rip-off. It was a love-in."

Lennon explained that the Beatles used to perform cover versions of songs such as "Money", "Twist and Shout" and "You Really Got A Hold On Me" in dancehalls early in their career because they did not consider their own material to be of sufficiently high quality.

"It was only natural that we tried to do it as near to the record as we could - I always wish we could have done them close to the originals," Lennon wrote.

"We didn't sing our own songs in the early days - they weren't good enough - the one thing we always did was to make it known that there were black originals. We loved the music and wanted to spread it in any way we could," he added. "People like - Eric Burdons Animals - Micks Stones and us drank, ate and slept the music, and also recorded it, many kids were turned on to the music by us [sic]."

Stephen Maycock, a consultant specialist at Bonhams, said: "John and the other Beatles have spoken at great length in interviews about themselves and the early days, but it's quite unusual to find a document written about the group's beginnings by one of the members.

Re: Виртуальный музей Битлз
Автор: oblako9   Дата: 25.05.06 19:30:51   
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"It's a nice summary of John's opinions. He was quite stung by the accusation that the Beatles were ripping off black musicians and making all the money while the black artists remained penniless and obscure.

"They were doing their bit to promote black music in Britain. A lot of these records were coming into the country via Liverpool, which was a very busy port."

Little Richard, Chuck Berry, Ray Charles and Mary Wells, who went on tour with the Beatles, were important influences on the group.

Two years ago, The South Bank Show made a programme about a jukebox, which belonged to John Lennon in the mid-1960s. The director, Chris Walker, said: "In Lennon's jukebox there were R&B, Motown and soul records, but not much rock'n'roll." The ITV arts programme played a tape recording in which Lennon confessed that the Beatles lifted the opening guitar lick to "I Feel Fine" from black artist Bobby Parker's "Watch Your Step".

A black felt hat decorated with six metal discs worn by Lennon on the last official Beatles photo shoot at Tittenhurst Park in August 1969 was also included in the auction of rock'n'roll memorabilia, but failed to sell.

R&B influences

ROLLING STONES: The Stones were influential in introducing British teenagers to R&B. Their 1964 album The Rolling Stones included covers of "Route 66" by Nat King Cole, Chuck Berry's "Carol" and Bo Diddley's "Mona". The name of the band was taken from a song by Muddy Waters.

THE ANIMALS: Eric Burdon and his band covered songs by their R&B idols such as Ray Charles's "I Believe to My Soul" and Nina Simone's "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood". They were part of the first R&B recording in the UK in a concert with Sonny Boy Williamson in 1963.

ERIC CLAPTON: Growing up in 1950s Surrey, Clapton began a love affair with the Mississippi blues singer Robert Johnson. He covered Johnson's song "Crossroads" with his band Cream, and nearly 40 years later in 2004 he released an album entitled Me and Mr Johnson.

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Re: Виртуальный музей Битлз
Автор: oblako9   Дата: 25.05.06 19:32:58   
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link -

John Lennon – "It wasn’t a rip off, it was a love-in"

Bonhams to sell John Lennon’s letter to journalist justifying The Beatles Early Cover Records inspired by American Black Music

In an article The Beatles Betrayal in the New York Times, written in 1971, a journalist accuses the Beatles, and other white artistes, of imitating and exploiting American black music in their early cover records. Upset at the charges levelled against him and his fellow musicians, Lennon was stung into sending a response. His reply – a concise summation of how much the Beatles and their contemporaries admired American black music and the debt they owed to it sold to a bidder in the room for £12,000 in a sale of Rock n Roll & Film Memorabilia at Bonhams in Knightsbridge on Wednesday 24 May 2006.

Lennon’s letter reads: 'Money', 'Twist'n'Shout', 'You really got a hold on me' etc, were all numbers we (the Beatles) used to sing in the dancehalls around Britain, mainly Liverpool. It was only natural that we tried to do it as near to the record as we could - i always wished we could have done them even closer to the original. We didn't sing our own songs in the early days - they weren't good enough - the one thing we always did was to make it known that there were black originals, we loved the music and wanted to spread it in any way we could. In the '50s there were few people listening to blues - R + B - rock and roll, in America as well as Britain. People like - Eric Burdons Animals - Micks Stones - and us drank, ate and slept the music, and also recorded it, many kids were turned on to black music by us. It wasn’t a rip off. it was a love in, signed John + Yennon P.S., what about the 'B' side of Money? P.P.S., even the black kids didn't dig blues etc it wasn't 'sharp' or something. [SIC]

Included in the lot is a photocopy of the article and a carbon copy of the journalist's reply to Lennon, which remained unanswered.
Re: Виртуальный музей Битлз
Автор: Expert   Дата: 29.05.06 23:50:41   
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Этикетка с бутылки Sussex Sunset разлива 1964 года выпитой героями Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown). Этикетка с бутылки "Sussex Sunset" разлива 1964 года выпитой героями "Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)".
Re: Виртуальный музей Битлз
Автор: Expert   Дата: 30.05.06 00:03:49   
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И еще бутылочка канадского каберне, выпитая перед исчезновением героя в ванную. И еще бутылочка канадского каберне, выпитая перед исчезновением героя в ванную.
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Виртуальный музей Битлз
Автор: Luka Harrison   Дата: 05.06.06 23:15:07   
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ну конечно баз гитара Полану конечно баз гитара Пола
Re: Виртуальный музей Битлз
Автор: Luka Harrison   Дата: 05.06.06 23:17:39   
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И ещё его тетрадь по математике И ещё его тетрадь по математике
Re: Виртуальный музей Битлз
Автор: Кукумалу   Дата: 05.06.06 23:38:14   
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2 Luka Harrison:
а покрупнее изображения тетрадки нету? была бы очень признательна.
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Виртуальный музей Битлз
Автор: Luka Harrison   Дата: 06.06.06 13:28:50   
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>2 Luka Harrison:
>а покрупнее изображения тетрадки нету? была бы
>очень признательна.

К сожалению не смог найти.
Зато нашёл школьную газету Леннона.
Re: Виртуальный музей Битлз
Автор: oblako9   Дата: 11.08.06 21:32:49   
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   Эту  замечательную открытку  прислал  из Ливерпуля мне мой  друг . Желаю  всем  битломанам  получить нечто  подобное.  Или самим  отправить из  Ливерпуля такую  открытку. Эту замечательную открытку прислал из Ливерпуля мне мой друг . Желаю всем битломанам получить нечто подобное. Или самим отправить из Ливерпуля такую открытку.
Re: Виртуальный музей Битлз
Автор: Expert   Дата: 25.08.06 22:30:32   
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The empty suitcase that contains memories of the BeatlesThe empty suitcase that contains memories of the Beatles

AFTER more than 40 years hidden away and forgotten in a loft, a little bit of Beatles history will be on display in Wirral this weekend for the first time.

On September 7, 1962 - a month before the world of music was to change forever - the Beatles played a youth club gig at Irby Village Hall for the grand sum of ?35.

After their hour-long stint the band packed up and left but guitarist George Harrison forgot a suitcase which was later found by Ernie Irlam whose son had been in one of the other bands appearing that night.

He contacted the Beatles' manager, Brian Epstein who said someone would collect it, but no one ever arrived and the suitcase was put in an attic and forgotten.

It has now been sold after just failing to reach its ?2,500 reserve price at Bonhams in London and will be put on display with other Beatles memorabilia at Fort Perch Rock this weekend to coincide with a Merseybeat weekend being held there as part of the Mathew Street Festival.

Doug Darroch, whose family own the famous New Brighton landmark and run it as a museum and tourist attraction, said the suitcase exhibit fitted in with other Beatles memorabilia.

Ray O'Brien, author of several books about the Beatles, had advised on the historical significance of the suitcase, and helped arrange its sale.

The case is made of compressed cardboard with plastic trim, and has George Harrison's initials on its sides. A small note on it says: "Mr George Harrison c/o Beatles Party".

Around 80 boys and girls had bought tickets at seven shillings (35p) and the band was only paid ?20 on the night.

Mr O'Brien said: "They didn't raise the ?35 on the night, and held a sale, a bit like today's car boot sales, on the bowling green opposite the village hall to get the extra money."

He added: "Apparently Brian Epstein came round in his Rolls Royce to pick up the rest of the cash."

Alan Schroeder, a member of the Merseybeat band The Black Knights, has organised the Bank Holiday event at Fort Perch Rock, during which the suitcase will be on display.

Bands will be playing at the Fort between 11am and 5pm on Sunday and Monday, August 26 and 27, as part of the Operation Big Beat event, which will also feature stalls and memorabilia tables.
IF YOU were at the Beatles' performance at Irby Village Hall in 1962, Beatles historian Ray O'Brien would like to hear from you. He can be contacted on 512 8398, or email
Re: Виртуальный музей Битлз
Автор: Expert   Дата: 25.08.06 22:33:49   
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Интересно, что же возил в этом чемоданчике Джордж Харрисон. Вероятно, какие-нибудь особо ценные проводочки к своей гитаре и усилителям.
Re: Виртуальный музей Битлз
Автор: oblako9   Дата: 06.09.06 19:15:46   
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  Так рисовал Джон Леннон ! Так рисовал Джон Леннон !
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