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The Hollies

Тема: The Hollies

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Re: The Hollies' Greatest
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 31.07.04 15:22:37   
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Если считать психоделией альбом "Evolution" - то я не соглашусь. Диск просто замечательный!
Re: The Hollies' Greatest
Автор: Alex Rox   Дата: 31.07.04 16:36:57   
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Juri Rosenfeld
молдец сказал верние слова:Д
я их с детство люблю а вокал у них необыкновенный
Re: The Hollies' Greatest
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 01.08.04 16:39:51   
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Может быть для вас этот диск замечательный. Спорить не буду. Но назовите мне хотя бы одну песню из этого альбома, которая может конкурировать с битловской психеделией.
Re: The Hollies' Greatest
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.08.04 06:51:51   
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2Alex Red: Evolutuon зря причисляют к психоделии, скорее уж Butterfly (и то из-за пары вещей). Да, Hollies решили пойти в ногу со временем, облачились в психоделические одежды, добавили fuzz в свой саунд, в песне Lullaby to Tim голос Грэма Нэша звучит как из под воды. Пожалуй это все - в остальном Evolution проявил все лучшие стороны Holllies - запоминающиеся мелодии и прекрасные вокальные гармонии.2Alex Red: Evolutuon зря причисляют к психоделии, скорее уж Butterfly (и то из-за пары вещей). Да, Hollies решили пойти в ногу со временем, облачились в психоделические одежды, добавили fuzz в свой саунд, в песне Lullaby to Tim голос Грэма Нэша звучит как из под воды. Пожалуй это все - в остальном Evolution проявил все лучшие стороны Holllies - запоминающиеся мелодии и прекрасные вокальные гармонии.

А из отличных вещей, которые могут конкурировать с битловскими назову:
- Then the Heartaches Begin
- Have You Ever Loved Somebody
- You Need Love
- Rain on the Window
- Heading for a Fall
- Leave Me
Re: The Hollies' Greatest
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 02.08.04 06:57:02   
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Кстати а знаете почему Hollies так и не записали психоделический альбом? Дело в том, что они так и не подсели на наркотики, в отличие от битлов.

Вот фрагмент Грэма Нэша интервью журналу Mojo:

DECEMBER 1968 During a visit to the United States, a friend of mine introduced me to Cass Elliot, who introduced me to David [Crosby]. We started to hang out, and I started to smoke a lot of dope. When you're the only member of the band who does, life becomes different. You start to think differently, feel differently, appreciate things differently, write differently — and that's what happened to me. They started to get disillusioned with me, and I was getting disillusioned with them for repeating ourselves and not writing particularly profound songs.

One day, Crosby says, "I want to introduce you to this friend of mine." So we go up to Peter Tork's house on Mulholland Drive in Hollywood, and there's this kid pounding the shit out of a piano in a barrelhouse kind of way. That was Stephen Stills. David and I truly believe that the first time we sang together was in Joni Mitchell's living room; Stephen maintains it was in Cass's kitchen. But once I heard that golden sound, I wanted it. I was a harmony freak. I knew there was nobody else on the planet that sounded like me, David and Stephen when we sang together. It was really quite amazing to us. So I decided to go back to England and finish with The Hollies, which meant a couple of more recording sessions, and a show that I helped put together for a Save The Children benefit concert at the London Palladium, our last show together, around late November 1968. I left officially on December 8, 1968 — two days later I was in Los Angeles rehearsing with David and Stephen.
Re: The Hollies' Greatest
Автор: Alex Rox   Дата: 02.08.04 10:20:04   
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Corvin  Corvin
все же они играли психоделию --- вот отрывок из журнала great goldmine и опубликованы в сайте hollies.

After the Beatles released Sergeant Pepper in June 1967, The Hollies decided to try their hand at psychedelic music with a new song, largely written by Nash, called "King Midas In Reverse."

The group's most elaborate recorded work to date, "Midas," which was recorded on August 3 and 4, 1967, was filled with all kinds of sound effects and surprising timbres, a string section that sounded positively unearthly in its density and texture, and a festive mood that made it one of the most cheerful pieces of psychedelia ever issued. It took some persuading to get Ron Richards to release "Midas" as a single, and once it was out, it never did more than brush the charts in England or America, reaching #18 at home and #51 in the States.

Although it was a disappointment for Nash, who liked the song well enough to perform it acoustically during his early years with Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, "Midas" was only a small part of the most beguiling period in The Hollies' history.
Re: The Hollies' Greatest
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 02.08.04 11:38:58   
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Соглашусь только по поводу Leave Me. Эта песня действительно конкурентноспособна. По поводу Have you ever love somebody, то, к сожалению, The Searchers ее исполняли значительно драйвовее. На мой взгляд дисторшн Тони Хикса эту вещь не украсила.
Ну а "Король Мидас" действительно образец нэшевской психеделии.
Re: The Hollies' Greatest
Автор: Alex Rox   Дата: 02.08.04 17:20:39   
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а вот ещё отрывок на туже тему....

June 1967, Epic Records released a 10-song version of Evolution, shorn of "When Your Light's Turned On," "Leave Me" and "Water On the Brain," but with "Carrie Anne" added. The album never charted, but "Carrie Anne" did reached #9, a fair achievement at the time and one of the group's better showings in the U.S., only "Bus Stop" and "Stop Stop Stop" having done better.

The year 1967 saw the band release not one, but two long-players, Evolution and Butterfly, that can only be regarded as classics of the psychedelic era. Either record can command a place alongside the Beatles' Revolver or Sergeant Pepper, or even that Pink Floyd standard, Piper At The Gates of Dawn. To date, however, only hard-core Hollies fans have ever picked up on either album, a genuine tragedy for those who are missing them.

Evolution is probably the equal of the best psychedelic album ever recorded by any band. Released in June 1967, just as the Beatles' Sergeant Pepper album was sweeping the media and the public, Evolution was a 12-song classic in its own right. It has its weird, spaced-out side, embodied in songs like "Water On the Brain," and material ("Ye Olde Toffee Shoppe") dressed up in the obligatory tinkling harpsichords and tremolo effects, as well as softly sung ditties ("Stop Right There") about druggy, romantic states of mind.

But it also has balls, something most psychedelic albums were missing in their quest to depict the next level of cosmic consciousness. In the course of writing drug songs, The Hollies never gave up their core purpose as a performing band. Anyone who loves Beatles' songs like "Fixing A Hole" for its loud guitar break may well melt over "Then The Heartaches Begin," "When Your Light's Turned On" or "Have You Ever Loved Somebody," the latter a Clarke-Hicks-Nash original that is, unfortunately, better known for the smoother, poppier version done by the Searchers as a single.

Allan Clarke was largely responsible for both the album opener, "Then the Heartaches Begin," as well as "Have You Ever Loved Somebody," the two best hard rock songs on the album. Of "Have You Ever Loved Somebody," he admits, "I rather liked the Searchers' version. I felt they should have had a hit with it."

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Re: The Hollies' Greatest
Автор: Alex Rox   Дата: 02.08.04 17:49:08   
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The Hollies:D
Re: The Hollies' Greatest
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 02.08.04 18:07:06   
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Alex Rox***
Ну, вот, видишь, даже Алан Кларк меня поддерживает в отношении песни "Любил ли ты когда-либо кого-то?".
Re: The Hollies' Greatest
Автор: Alex Rox   Дата: 02.08.04 22:09:29   
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Alex Red
ну да мне тоже всегда больше нравился вариант серчерз,как то лучше у них вышло.А вот версия
it's in her kiss у searchers хуже вышла чем у холлиз,тут я думаю спора не будет.
Re: The Hollies' Greatest
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 03.08.04 09:48:46   
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Конечно-же, нет. Правда она меня не цепляет в их исполнении. Все же это из другой оперы.
Re: The Hollies' Greatest
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 20.09.04 16:54:36   
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The HolliesThe Hollies
'Reunion (9/28) *'

Release date: 09/28/2004
Original release: 2004
Label: Fuel 2000 Records
Pieces in Set: 1

Stop In The Name Of Love
Carrie Anne
Air That I Breathe, The
Stop, Stop, Stop
Soldier's Story
Teach Your Children
Wasted On The Way
King Midas In Reverse
Look Through Any Window
Someone Else's Eyes
On A Cazrousel
Bus Stop
Just One Look
I Can't Let Go
He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother
Long Cool Woman In A Black Dress

The Hollies upcoming September 28 issue of Reunion will feature original members Graham Nash, Allan Clarke, Tony Hicks, and Bobby Elliott. These tracks were recorded again by the band in 1983 and mixed for this release in 24-bit SBM from the original master multi-tracks. The album will include hits like "Carrie-Anne", "Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress", "Stop in the Name of Love" (a remake that scored them a hit in 1983, the year of recording), "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother", "Bus Stop", "The Air That I Breathe", and "On a Carousel". Reunion will contain other songs as well as 2 Crosby, Stills, & Nash cuts, "Teach Your Children" and "Wasted On the Way." 17 songs in all, Reunion comes from the Fuel 2000 label, a subsidiary of the Varese Sarabande label. Judging from the scoop that we're getting, this should be a very cool album.
Re: The Hollies' Greatest
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 07.10.04 21:50:30   
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Послушал Reunion. Неплохо!
Прикольнее всего, что этот концерт оказывается уже был у меня на бутлеге:

Hollies "Hello Graham Nash - The 1983 Reunion Tour"
Cincinnati, Ohio 1983

Разумеется, на "Реюнионе" качество звука получше...
Re: The Hollies' Greatest
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 07.10.04 21:52:55   
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Обложка Hello Graham Nash - The 1983 Reunion Tour.Обложка "Hello Graham Nash - The 1983 Reunion Tour".
Re: The Hollies
Автор: Gene   Дата: 20.10.04 09:23:46   
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древненький реюньон, выходит....
А я насосал из Emula кучу ранних видео Hollies - кто-нибудь знает, что-нибудь достойное в этом роде выходило официально?
Re: The Hollies
Автор: ShaLaLaLaLee   Дата: 20.10.04 09:46:15   
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О! Cнова приветствую, Gene,

Надо же, я Червоных Гитар добыл именно этим путем. А что касается Hollies, очень рекомендую:


Это коробка The Long Road Home, о которой тут говорили Mr. Zero и Corvin. У меня уже 98.5% готово :-)

Хм... насчет официального издания Hollies на видео подсказать не могу, но The Hollies регулярно появлялись в немецком шоу Beat-Club. В 1993 Radio Bremen выпустило ретроспективу Beat-Club; 18 выпусков (с 1965 по 1969) есть в E-mule.
Re: The Hollies
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 20.10.04 10:21:37   
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Hollies есть немного на DVD Халабалу.
Re: The Hollies
Автор: Dmitryj   Дата: 20.10.04 10:56:59   
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Сначала я записал с "Радио-7 на семи холмах" Sandy, потом купил пару дисков. Sandy, по-моему, самая лучшая из исполненных The Hollies, по крайней мере в пределах того, что услышал.
Re: The Hollies
Автор: papan   Дата: 20.10.04 11:41:48   
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Цветные клипы (выступления) очень ранних Холлиз лет 10 назад зачастую можно было увидеть на Европейском МТВ.Была у них подборка по раннему биту.Сейчас конечно одни воспоминания.
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