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Скончался Ронни Джеймс Дио

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Re: Скончался Ронни Джеймс Дио
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 17.05.10 17:24:25   
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Письмо барабанщика группы Metallica Ларса Ульриха:Письмо барабанщика группы Metallica Ларса Ульриха:
"Dear Ronnie,
I just got off stage in Zagreb. I was met with the news that you've passed on. I'm kind of in shock, but I wanted you to know that you were one of the main reasons I made it onto that stage to begin with.
When I first saw you in Elf, opening for Deep Purple in 1975, I was completely blown away by the power in your voice, your presence on stage, your confidence, and the ease with which you seemed to connect to 6,000 Danish people and one starry-eyed 11-year-old, most of whom were not familiar with Elf's music. The following year, I was so psyched when I heard the results of you joining forces with my favorite guitar player. You guys sounded so right for each other and I instantly became Rainbow's #1 fan in Denmark.
In the fall of 1976, when you played your first show in Copenhagen, I was literally in the front row and the couple of times we made eye contact you made me feel like the most important person in the world. The news that you guys were staying in town on your day off somehow embedded itself in my brain and I made the pilgrimage to the Plaza Hotel to see if I could somehow grab a picture, an autograph, a moment, anything. A few hours later you came out and were so kind and caring... pictures, autographs and a couple minutes of casual banter. I was on top of the world, inspired and ready for anything. Rainbow came to Copenhagen a couple more times over the next few years and each time you guys blew my mind, and for a good three years were my absolute favorite band on this planet.
Over the years I've been fortunate enough to run into you a half dozen times or so and each time you were as kind, caring and gracious as you were in 1976 outside the hotel.
When we finally got a chance to play together in Austria in 2007, even though I may not have let on, I was literally transformed back to that little snot-nosed kid who you met and inspired 31 years earlier and it was such a fucking honor and a dream come true to share a stage with you and the rest of the legends in Heaven & Hell.
A couple of weeks ago when I heard that you were not going to be able to make it to the Sonisphere shows that we would be sharing this June, I wanted to call you and let you know that I was thinking of you and wish you well, but I kind of pussied out, thinking the last thing you needed in your recovery was feeling obligated to take a phone call from a Danish drummer/fan boy. I wish I'd made that call.
We will miss you immensely on the dates, and we will be thinking of you with great admiration and affection during that run. It seemed so right to have you out on tour with the so-called 'Big Four' since you obviously were one of the main reasons that the four bands even exist.
Your ears will definitely be burning during those two weeks because all of us will be talking, reminiscing and sharing stories about how knowing you has made our lives that much better.
Ronnie, your voice impacted and empowered me, your music inspired and influenced me, and your kindness touched and moved me. Thank you.
Much love."

Басист Megadeth Дэвид Эллефсон: "Just arrived home from our best-ever tour of South America, and our first-ever for Central America. I had a great time documenting the trip via video blogs, all of which can be seen in the MegaFanClub [official Megadeth fan club]. What an amazing journey!
Of course our bright beam from the tour's glow was dimmed today when we learned of the passing of Ronnie James Dio. He was truly one of the 'good guys' in this business and a consummate pro, someone we can all take a queue and learn from. We are all fans of his and he did many great things for Megadeth and its members, starting starting as far back as his 'Dream Evil' North American tour in which we were the support band during the 'So Far, So Good...So What' tour. . . I'm very thankful to have gotten to know and tour with him in both Megadeth and with Tim 'Ripper' Owens [former Judas Priest and current Yngwie Malmsteen vocalist]. Wendy Dio [Ronnie's wife/manager] looked after Ripper's European tour where we played several shows with Heaven & Hell and we got to have many good moments with Ronnie during that tour. He is missed by us all. Our prayers go out to him and his family at this time. Other than that, time to rest before the European trek starting end of May in Lisbon, Portugual. See you then!"

Лидер Machine Head Робб Флинн: "Dio was a true gentleman. Machine Head had the opportunity to open for Heaven & Hell in May of 2007, and having never met or toured with Ronnie James Dio, it was a HUGE honor for all of us. On the first night of the tour in Phoenix, Arizona we celebrated, uh, quite heavily, and though the Dio dressing was heavily fortified with an army of security, I somehow managed to bullshit my way in and say hello. He had no idea who I was, but acted like we were old friends. After that, he always made a point to poke his head in our dressing room and say 'hi,' or give Dave [McClain, Machine Head drummer] shit about 'his San Antonio Spurs choking,' or sometimes just to give us a $100-dollar bottle of wine they were going leave in their dressing room. All class. He was a powerhouse singer. Incredible tone, and grit. His voice onstage was FUCKING LOUD!! Shockingly loud!! We were lucky enough to watch from side stage almost nightly, and all of us were blown away by how loud his voice was. His memory was staggering. He remembered my wife's name almost a year later, after only a brief one-minute introduction, and it charmed her to no end. He remembered my name a year after touring with him, in a crowd of people, without missing a beat, and asked how my kids were and kissed me on both cheeks when we said goodbye. I turned to my friend and was like, 'Dude, Dio just remembered my name and kissed me on the cheek, fuckin' High 5!!' When my parents moved to Fremont, California as I began the seventh grade, it was a pretty lonely time for me. I became friends with a girl named Lori Kibby who played me the first heavy metal record I would ever hear. It was Black Sabbath's 'Heaven and Hell'. It terrified me, enthralled me, captured me entirely. The imagery, the name, the title, it made me want to listen over and over and over again, in particular the songs 'Heaven and Hell', 'Children Of The Sea' and 'Die Young'. My first garage band, (the awesomely-named Inquisitor) covered 'Stand Up And Shout'. Would I have found metal without him? Maybe. But man, I feel so very fortunate to have had Ronnie James Dio as my first guide into the awesome world of metal. Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything you've done for music, Ronnie. Horns."

Лидер Smashing Pumpkins Билли Корган: "R.I.P. Ronnie James Dio. I only got to meet him once and I can honestly say he was the nicest person I have ever met in music. Ronnie was a true gentleman, and obviously one of the best rock singers there will ever be. What a sad loss today."
Re: Скончался Ронни Джеймс Дио
Автор: Donald_Duck   Дата: 17.05.10 17:29:11   
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"Конечно есть вещи в нашей жизни которые иногда нас разочаровывают, но я стараюсь все невзгоды оставлять позади, ведь завтра будет новый день..." (из интервью)
Re: Скончался Ронни Джеймс Дио
Автор: Klaus V   Дата: 17.05.10 17:41:35   
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Я тоже очень надеялся, что он вернётся на сцену. Rest In Peace.Я тоже очень надеялся, что он вернётся на сцену. Rest In Peace.
Re: Скончался Ронни Джеймс Дио
Автор: Klaus V   Дата: 17.05.10 17:43:48   
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Скончался Ронни Джеймс Дио
Re: Скончался Ронни Джеймс Дио
Автор: Klaus V   Дата: 17.05.10 17:44:36   
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Скончался Ронни Джеймс Дио
Re: Скончался Ронни Джеймс Дио
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 17.05.10 17:51:29   
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Вокалист Deep Purple и Whitesnake Дэвид Ковердэйл: [I was] so very sad to hear of Ronnie's passing... My thoughts, prayers and condolence to his family and friends.Вокалист Deep Purple и Whitesnake Дэвид Ковердэйл: "[I was] so very sad to hear of Ronnie's passing... My thoughts, prayers and condolence to his family and friends."

KISS: "We mourn the tragic passing of the great Ronnie James Dio. In addition to his powerhouse vocal ability, Ronnie was a true gentleman who always emanated great warmth and friendship to us and everyone around him. We will miss him."

JUDAS PRIEST: "We are filled with great sadness at the terrible news about our friend Ronnie James Dio. Our condolences and love go to Wendy [Dio, Ronnie's wife/manager] and Ronnie's family. Ronnie was a wonderful man and will be sorely missed."

Гитарист Guns N’Roses Слэш: "Ronnie died at 7:45 a.m. this morning, but his music will live for eternity."

Великий гитарист Deep Purple, Rainbow и Blackmore’s Nights Ричи Блэкмор: "Ronnie had a unique and wonderful voice. He will be sadly missed in the rock and roll world."

Гитарист Dio и DC4 Роуэн Робертсон: "I am privileged to have been a part of Ronnie James Dio's life and music. His closest ones are in my thoughts."

Барабанщик Dream Theater Майк Портной: "Rest in peace, Ronnie James Dio... one of the greatest of all time. Looks like Dime [late PANTERA guitarist 'Dimebag' Darrell Abbott], Randy [Rhoads; late OZZY OSBOURNE guitarist], Cliff [Burton; late METALLICA bassist] and Bonzo [late LED ZEPPELIN drummer John Bonham] just scored the ultimate singer. This is one of the saddest days in metal ever."

Басист Lizzy Borden Мартен Андерссон: "Ronnie, I know you have been really sick for a while now so I know this is one of the horrible outcomes when you deal with a horrible decease like cancer (trust me, I know, seeing first-hand my mom getting chemo pushed into her body). Still, hearing about this hit me right in the heart. I seriously didn't know I would feel this strongly about your passing. The influence and strength you gave me through your music over the years is more apparent then I realized and far beyond (me trying to put it into) words for right now. I know in time I will have nothing but great memories of your amazing music and the person you were but right now this is a very difficult to deal with for me (and the million of metal family members you have around the world). You were the man, the legend!! We will all miss you but you will not be forgotten; your music will live on forever. Have a safe journey!"

Шведская группа Wolf: "We are very sad this day. We have lost THE greatest, most powerful and biggest voice in hard rock and metal. For Wolf, Ronnie James Dio, was/is a great inspiration and we will always keep his voice alive listening to his music. We all met him on several occations and he was always very nice and took the time to chat about music and the world. You will be sadly missed. May your music live on and on forever."

Вокалист канадской группы Into Eternity Стью Блок: "I'm still taking in the fact that we have lost yet ANOTHER timeless metal musician. R.I.P., Ronnie James Dio. A life that was lived to the fullest and also influenced thousands and thousands of musicians. My heart goes out to his family and friends. Cancer is a battle for many people these days; the world is losing many talented, loving and wonderful people. Do what you can to prevent and/or help find a cure. Stay healthy, my friends!"

Вокалист Дэнни Воэн (Tyketto): "It's difficult when bad news comes to you from the online news headlines. It's impersonal and it often makes it more difficult to grasp the reality of what has happened. So I'm still shaking my head in denial that Ronnie James Dio is gone. Aside from listening to, and covering, his music for many years, I met Ronnie a couple of times over the years and I'll tell you what everyone else that has ever met him will tell you: He was one of the nicest people you would ever want to meet. Friendly, engaging, intelligent, gracious, I felt like we had been good friends after five minutes of conversation. The first time we met we talked about album artwork and the meanings behind some of his. I had only really been in the big world of touring rock bands for a couple of years at that point and was anxious to learn anything I could from someone like him. Let's face it, nobody had a voice like that. It seemed impossible that a sound so huge and powerful could come out of such a slender frame. So I asked him for any advice about keeping his voice fit. Vocal exercises? Eating and exercise regimens? Prayer?? Lol! He gave me a very gentle smile and looked almost embarrassed when he answered me and said, 'I gotta be honest with you, I don't know. I just walk out on stage and the voice is there.' And that has turned out to be a statement that I never forgot and have used again and again as I've walked out on stage. I saw Dio live not too long ago and he was still belting it out, all the songs I know and love so well, in the original keys. I was as stunned then as I was when I saw the 'Holy Diver' and 'Last In Line' tours. I don't know why, but it really hurts that he's gone. My thoughts go out to Wendy Dio, whom I have not had the pleasure of meeting. I know she will take some comfort in the fact that Ronnie was one of the best-loved people in music."

Группа White Wizzard (Лос-Анджелес): "Ronnie James Dio will always be. Ronnie can never die. From the depths of the soul came a voice the earth will only know once, but the universe will know forever. His words were of magic and the fantastic while always laced with a sense of hope and positivity. In a world of so many difficult realities, Ronnie helped us all escape into his world... one filled with magic and a surreal sense of never losing the child within. He is forever an example of the free spirit of life and imagination. His soul is now forever stardust... the magic in his heart lives on because he believed in the energy and light he channeled, and there is something infinite in the knowing that his music will live forever. This life is an adventure... and Ronnie James Dio lived it to the fullest with a passion for his craft and with a drive to deliver the best performances and experiences to his fans worldwide. Even in his last performances with HEAVEN & HELL, he was always on fire with that big aura of light that surrounded him. The earth lost a very important soul today... but his energy is all around us now and universal. Death can never take that away."

Бывший певец Металлической Церкви (Metal Church) Ронни Манро: "The reason I stepped out from behind the kit was Ronnie James Dio's voice. There will never be another one like it; from soothingly melodic to downright gritty, he was and still is the inspiration for myself and millions of other singers around the world. He may be gone but his legacy remains, and what a stellar one it is... R.I.P, Ronnie, and thank you!"
Re: Скончался Ронни Джеймс Дио
Автор: rust66   Дата: 17.05.10 18:11:10   
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Я думаю, что самый великий вклад Дио в музыку - это Black Sabbath: команда, творчеству которой он подходил идеально, хотя и провел в ней лишь три коротких эпизода своего долгого музыкального пути. Спасибо за музыку, Ronnie, спасибо, что доехал до Уфы, земля тебе пухом. Забыть тебя невозможно!
Re: Скончался Ронни Джеймс Дио
Автор: Кунеич063   Дата: 17.05.10 18:26:52   
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Очень,очень жаль ...
Re: Скончался Ронни Джеймс Дио
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 17.05.10 18:32:37   
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Гитарист Black Sabbath Тони Айомми:Гитарист Black Sabbath Тони Айомми:
"Yesterday 16th May my dear, dear friend Ronnie James Dio passed away at 7.45am L.A. time.
"I've been in total shock; I just can't believe he's gone. Ronnie was one of the nicest people you could ever meet. We had some fantastic times together. Ronnie loved what he did, making music and performing on stage. He loved his fans so much. He was a kind man and would put himself out to help others. I can honestly say it's truly been an honor to play at his side for all these years. His music will live on forever.
Our thoughts are with Wendy Dio [Ronnie's wife/manager] who stood by Ronnie until the end. He loved her very much. The man with the magic voice is a star amongst stars, a true professional.
I'll miss you so much, my dear friend."

Басист Deep Purple и Black Sabbath Гленн Хьюз:
"It is a very sad day today... I have lost a very dear friend. Ronnie was a true leader of heavy metal... an icon and a visionary... There will never be another like him. Ronnie gave me wisdom, and showed me great compassion when he was in Elf, all those years ago, when we were on tour together in my time in Deep Purple. He was a beautiful soul, kind, considerate and a wonderful teacher. Some day I'll be bringing your microphone up there with me, and we'll sing a song, and share a Vindaloo together... I'll miss, you mate."

Iron Maiden: "It is with huge sadness we hear that Ronnie has lost his battle against stomach cancer, and our heartfelt condolences go out to his wife Wendy and family at this terrible time. From his earlier years in Elf, Black Sabbath and Dio, right through to his most recent days fronting Heaven & Hell, Ronnie, time and again, proved his genius as a frontman, always giving his all to his fans and his music. Ronnie was not only an incredibly gifted singer but also a wonderfully warm, intelligent and generous person and this shone through both on and off stage leaving a positive mark on everyone he came into contact with. A longstanding friend of Maiden, we played many shows together over the years and we will all miss him greatly. The world has lost an irreplaceable talent and, first and foremost, one of the finest human beings you could ever wish to meet."

Барабанщик Megadeth Шон Дровер: "I am at an absolute loss right now upon hearing that Ronnie has passed away. I had the pleasure of touring both Canada and America in 2007 when Megadeth toured with Heaven & Hell (Black Sabbath in my eyes) and I swear to you he is one of the nicest human beings I have ever met, period. Many a night on that tour, Glen [Drover, then-Megadeth guitarist] and myself would have amazing conversations with Ronnie about his career, etc. fully knowing he had probably told these stories 10,000 times to people and yet he answered every question I had with a big smile. I can recall so many times making eye contact with Glen sharing the exact same thought: 'Dude, I can't believe we are hanging with RONNIE JAMES DIO!!!!!'
If you are lucky enough in your lifetime to actually meet one of your idols (let alone tour with them) and they turn out to be even nicer than you could have envisioned, that is something you would truly treasure. Lucky for me, I will cherish those memories forever."

Певец Skid Row Себастьян Бах: "Crying right now in remembrance of my hero and friend, Ronnie James Dio. Dio died this morning and he was a major, major part of my life. I got to do shows with him and work with him and I loved Dio my whole life. Thanks so much. The world has lost one of the best. Your last album was your best. Of course."

Гитарист Ральф Сантолла (Obituary, Deicide, Death, Iced Earth): "There's not a person in metal today that doesn't owe something to Ronnie James Dio. I had the honor to meet him once, and to see him perform many times, including on [1980's] 'Black and Blue' tour [featuring Black Sabbath and Blue Öyster Cult]. He seemed to treat everyone he encountered as an equal, but few are his equals. I'll be featuring his music with Rainbow, Dio and Sabbath on this week's 'The Santollicas' [the new Bogota, Colombia-based radio show hosted by guitarist Santolla and his wife, Svetlana]. Rest in peace, and God bless you."

Гитарист Anthrax Скотт Иэн: "Rest in peace, Ronnie James Dio. Horns at half mast. Such a huge loss... So many memories of Ronnie. Toured together many times. He always had a kind word and a smile and he LOVED the Yankees. In 2004 on the Dio/ Anthrax tour I would get the Yankee score every inning for Ronnie while he was on stage. He was so into it. Saw Black Sabbath on the 'Black & Blue' tour [featuring Black Sabbath and Blue Öyster Cult] at Madison Square Garden [in New York City] in 1980. First row center. Ronnie was king of the world. Top 3 shows of all time."

Вокалист Боб Митчелл (The Bob Mitchell Band, Mind Assassin, Attacker, Vyndycator): "Metal legend Ronnie James Dio dead at 67. I can't believe that I am actually experiencing this. I am truly devastated. But in his death, I find strength to carry on. I have my family, my work at the hospital and the support of my closest friends. This is a very sad day, to say the very least. I am truly hurt by the loss of our friend and hero, Ronnie James Dio. If there are any of you who recently had a falling out with someone you care for deeply, please remember to hold them close to your heart, because as it is still proven, life is way too short. Many of my heroes are fading, but their works and legacies are the only things to hang on to and cherish. I feel really bad for the younger fans of music today as they will never have what our generation had. There is no one to look up to with these future bands. These kids will not have a Dio, a Judas Priest, a Dean Martin or a Beatles. Think of what is out there now. To any of the veteran bands, please continue to carry the torches and lets show the young ones what rock and metal is really about. Let us use our wisdom to guide them and make them appreciate what once was and can possibly be. I keep Ronnie James Dio in prayer and always will to his family, friends, former bandmates and his fans. Let us unite and bid a respectful farewell to our fallen father of hard rock and heavy metal."

Певец Тим «Потрошитель» Оуэнс (Yngwie Malmsteen, Beyond Fear, ex- Judas Priest, Iced Earth): "A sad day, just a very sad day!!! We have lost a great human being and the best singer of rock in the world. Ronnie was my hero and my friend, I will miss him and his kind words. He taught me so much on stage and off stage. I also would like so say that my heart is heavy for Wendy Dio [Ronnie's wife/manager], and we should all keep her in our thoughts and prayers. I do not think of Wendy without Ronnie and I don't think of Ronnie without Wendy. We all love you, Wendy... and we all will miss you, Ronnie, and we love you for everything you have given us!"
RIP Ronnie James Dio
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 17.05.10 18:38:33   
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Брайан Мэй на своём сайте написал о Дио:Брайан Мэй на своём сайте написал о Дио:

It's a shock to hear that Ronnie has gone. Even though we had all known he was battling with cancer for some time, he was such a wiry fighter, and of such an amazingly optimistic nature, I think I assumed he would go on forever.

Well, he fought to the very end ... was gearing up to go back out on tour ... I know this will be a very hard blow for my friend Tony Iommi. When I last saw Ronnie in Los Angeles, he was as full of life and positivity as anybody I've ever known ... and sang up a storm with Heaven and Hell in the Universal Amphitheatre. In my opinion, Ronnie was one of the creators of the genre of Heavy Metal. I'm not an expert on his work - there are many people much more knowledgeable than me ... but our paths crossed many times over the years, and I had clear glimpses of his unique spirit and personality. He was in many ways the antithesis of the current mould of TV-bred singers. He had no apparent desire for fame, in the sense that so many X-factor contestants seem to. He was not a TV face, a 'celebrity'. He just loved doing what he did. So, to his millions of fans, there was an unquestionable feeling of reality to his persona, his song-writing, and his performances. His lyric-writing was very distinctive, and set a style in Heavy Metal which has influenced many bands over the years. To me, it was as if his mind operated in layers - on the surface, a hard-working honest singer, with a great humanity and strong sense of humour - and underneath, in the world of his songs, his subconscious seemed to be populated by hobgoblins of all kinds, and palpable evil forever on the march. His lyrics, dark and mysterious, in tune with the Metal ethos, always represented the sword of goodness in triumph over evil. I don't know if he invented the Devil-Horn Salute, but he was certainly the man who, more than ever, made it a universal symbol, a world wide salute of Metal. He was universally loved in the community of Rock Music, and will be sorely missed.

Check him out live here, singing the song which epitomised the branch of Black Sabbath which was Dio - Heaven and Hell.

RIP Ronnie.

Re: Скончался Ронни Джеймс Дио
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 17.05.10 19:37:49   
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Вокалист оригинального состава Judas Priest Эл Эткинс, выступающий в группе Holy Rage: Ye, the incredible has happened. The world today lost one of the greatest vocalists on the planet. Al and the band would like to pass on their condolences to Wendy [Dio, Ronnie's wife/manager] and the rest of the Dio clan. Ronnie's music will live on forever. Rest in peace, Ronnie. God bless.Вокалист оригинального состава Judas Priest Эл Эткинс, выступающий в группе Holy Rage: "Ye, the incredible has happened. The world today lost one of the greatest vocalists on the planet. Al and the band would like to pass on their condolences to Wendy [Dio, Ronnie's wife/manager] and the rest of the Dio clan. Ronnie's music will live on forever. Rest in peace, Ronnie. God bless."

Twisted Sister: "The members of Twisted Sister, along with millions of metal fans around the world, mourn the death of our friend Ronnie James Dio. Ronnie not only was a giant in the worldwide metal scene, but he was also one of the nicest people you would ever want to meet. Beginning in 1983 when we first toured with Ronnie in Canada, and continuing over the last seven years when we played dozens of festivals around the world, Ronnie was one of the most supportive and gracious members of the music community. Our thoughts and prayers are with Wendy and Ronnie's family."

Шведская группа Lion's Share: "Our hearts are broken; our mentor and friend Ronnie James Dio has left us. This is a very sad day in our lives. When Lion's Share did the Monsters Of The Millennium tour (Lion's Share, Dio, Motörhead and Manowar) [in 1999], Ronnie was very supportive and helped us a lot. We will dedicate our upcoming shows to Ronnie by playing one or two of his songs. Our thoughts go to his family in this difficult time. Ronnie, you are our favorite singer of all time. We love you!"

Басист Warrior Soul и Hate Gallery Джанне Джарвис: "Today the world has lost the greatest vocalist in the history of hard rock. He was also the nicest and warmest human being I have met in the music business. I had the good fortune to meet Ronnie on many different occasions throughout the years. He was always interested in what others had to say. He always listened. He never forgot a face and he would always have some wise words to impart. You always left his presence a little more enriched. He was always encouraging and he has been a tremendous inspiration in my life. I'm just one of the millions whose hearts and lives he touched. To call him a metal vocalist is short-sighted. He was much, much more than that. He will never be replaced and we will never see or hear the likes of him again. Hail to the King."

Лидер шведской группы Opeth Микаэль Окерфельт: "I saw the news last night and I hated them. Ronnie James Dio is gone…. I love him almost like a family member, and I feel empty and lonely knowing he's not around anymore. He sits on my wall as he has since my family moved in here. Can't bring myself to hear him sing right now, even though I think it might be comforting if I did. I was fortunate enough to meet him and share a few drinks with him once, and it's a memory I will treasure to the end of my days. He blew my mind, quite honestly. Thank you, Ronnie James Dio, for everything! Our collective condolences goes out to his families and friends and the musicians that were fortunate enough to work with him. I was thinking about this for quite some time, and I think we can say for sure that even if he was taken from us too soon (100 years from now would've been to soon), I'm sure he felt happy with his life and what he had achieved. But it hurts, though, it really fucking hurts…. I can't stop thinking about it. There is a massive hole in my heart. Love you, Ronnie. Rest in peace. Your fan, Mikael Åkerfeldt"

Группа The Quireboys: "The Quireboys were saddened to hear of the passing of Ronnie James Dio today... We were fortunate to have played on various festival bills with Ronnie and his band... a really nice guy and one of the greatest rock voices. He will be sadly missed, but his voice shall live on. Long live rock and roll."

Певец Lacuna Coil Андреа Ферро: "I briefly met Ronnie during a soundcheck in Milan, Italy and he [was] really kind, not to mention how amazing and magic his voice was. Rest in peace!"

Певец бостонской группы Ravage Эл Рэведж: "The metal world will never be the same. Ronnie James Dio has died. I remember first hearing [Dio's] 'Don't Talk To Strangers' on a metal compilation tape in the early '90s. I was just getting into metal and I thought it was an OK song, and that Dio was a band worth looking into, but when my brother brought home the cassette tape of 'Holy Diver' a few weeks later, I became a Dio addict. After that, I quickly bought the whole Dio back catalogue and I don't think there was any album I looked forward to more than a new Dio release — or a new recording featuring Dio — as his work was so consistently great. The Dio eras of Sabbath and Rainbow were instrumental in helping me get into and appreciate those bands. My first real metal concert was seeing Dio on the 'Angry Machines' tour at the Strand Theatre in Providence, Rhode Island in 1997 — a great show...and I had the privilege of seeing him a few more times over the years. I will be forever bummed that I won't get to hear 'Magica Part II' or a second Heaven & Hell album. That's two great metal singers lost in a very short period — as Tony Taylor from Twisted Tower Dire also died recently. This, in a word, sucks. Ravage in peace, Ronnie. Your metal will live on forever like a Rainbow in the Dark."

Шведско-немецкая группа Arch Enemy: "Today is an immensely sad day for the heavy metal / hard rock community as we mourn the loss of one of the most amazing talents in the genre. Ever. A master of his craft and a true gentleman. Funny, smart and witty. He will be much missed by the Arch Enemy camp. Dio's voice will echo in eternity!"

Лидер группы из Лос-Анджелеса Redemption Николас ванн Дайк (в ноябре 2008 г. у него диагностирована миеломная болезнь, "a particularly bad form of blood cancer which is generally considered incurable and which has a five-year survival rate of 34%."): "I lost a musical hero today, and the news has hit me harder than I thought it would. Ronnie James Dio was one of the first concerts I saw, and 'Holy Diver' one of the first records I bought once I started liking this thing called 'heavy metal.' Over the years, I have seen him perform more than anyone else (with the exception of my friends in Dream Theater, given our tour together!) and the past several times I've seen him with Black Sabbath have been truly phenomenal. I was hoping that Ronnie would be able to perform a guest vocal on a future Redemption CD, and the vocal line I had in mind for him was an expression of triumph over cancer. Obviously, this takes on a horrible irony now. And given my own diagnosis, obviously I'm particularly attuned to what Ronnie endured. My thoughts and prayers go out to Ronnie's family and friends. The world of heavy metal has lost its voice. Rest in peace, Ronnie."
Re: Скончался Ронни Джеймс Дио
Автор: Valeriy_K   Дата: 17.05.10 19:45:50   
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"смерть самых лучших намечает и дергает по одному, - еще один ушел во тьму, не поздоровилось ему, не буйствует и не скучает..." (В.Высоцкий)
Re: Скончался Ронни Джеймс Дио
Автор: alex53   Дата: 17.05.10 20:28:56   
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Да,очень жаль.Царствие ему небесное.
Re: Скончался Ронни Джеймс Дио
Автор: olegik   Дата: 17.05.10 20:47:08   
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Какой ужас. Очень жаль. Ушел великий человек.
Обсуждение новости: "Скончался Ронни Джеймс Дио"
Автор: Bobjor   Дата: 17.05.10 21:04:31   
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Ужасная потеря... Просто ужасная. Едва ли не лучший вокалист в роке. Говорил, что ему лучше, вроде бы...
Re: Скончался Ронни Джеймс Дио
Автор: MikiFR   Дата: 17.05.10 21:21:49   
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Он так надеялся поправиться и опять поехать на гастроли...Очень жаль!Он так надеялся поправиться и опять поехать на гастроли...Очень жаль!
Re: Скончался Ронни Джеймс Дио
Автор: Beatlesfan   Дата: 17.05.10 21:34:45   
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Очень жаль.Скорблю со всеми. Рони Джеймс Дио (настоящее имя Рональд Джеймс Падавона) останется величайшим представителем мировой Рок музыки. Всегда заслушивался и заслушиваюсь его великолепным голосом и прекрасными композициями! Пусть земля ему будет пухом.
Re: Скончался Ронни Джеймс Дио
Автор: sergero   Дата: 17.05.10 21:34:47   
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Re: Скончался Ронни Джеймс Дио
Автор: Invisible Man   Дата: 17.05.10 21:42:31   
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  Ушел из жизни неординарный, талантливый, открытый человек с бешенным жизненным зарядом. Ушел из жизни неординарный, талантливый, открытый человек с бешенным жизненным зарядом.
Мне выпала честь дважды пообщаться с ним и побывать на 3-х концертах с его участием.
Дио с огромным уважением относился к своим поклонникам, каждому уделял внимание - никогда не игнорировал, иногда даже в ущерб себе. Его настрой, то как он скакал по сцене в своем возрасте - энергетика и, особенно, состояние голоса просто восхищают.

К сожалению не по наслышке знаком с его болезнью и знаю, что это на 99 процентов приговор, сжегающий человека за короткий срок.
В жизни не всегда хватает логики, чтобы объяснить подобное.
С другой стороны Дио прожил яркую, насыщенную жизнь и ушел от нас на пике и в окружении любящих людей.

В разговоре всегда при попытке обращения на Вы всегда поправлял: Ronnie, for you always Ronnie.

Для меня он всегда таким и останется - always Ronnie: веселый, открытый и гениальный.

R.I.P. Ronnie

but Long live rock'n'roll!
Re: Скончался Ронни Джеймс Дио
Автор: Gri   Дата: 17.05.10 21:43:16   
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