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Стюарт Сатклифф

Тема: Stuart Sutcliffe (Стюарт Сатклифф)

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Вот это да!!!  
Re: Стюарт Сатклифф
Автор: irishka.beat   Дата: 12.03.06 21:11:39   
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Только вот проблемка в том, что музыкант из него никудышный...
Re: Стюарт Сатклифф
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 13.03.06 11:26:07   
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The Art and Artifacts of Stuart Sutcliffe, the Fifth Beatle and Best Friend of John Lennon, Can Now be Viewed and Acquired at

The legend and spirit of Stuart Sutcliffe lives on through his work. is the only official Stuart Sutcliffe Art & Memorabilia website with original works available for purchase and authentication through Stuart’s sister, Pauline Sutcliffe, the Sole Executrix & Owner of Stuart Sutcliffe Estates. A “Certificate of Authenticity” will accompany all works.

East Hampton, NY (PRWEB) March 8, 2006 -- Tuesday, March 7, 2006 saw the launch of the website. Stuart Sutcliiffe was just 21 when he died from a brain hemorrhage in 1962. Stuart, a prodigious young talent would, it is widely believed, have become one of the leading painters of his generation had he lived. In 1959, John Moores, the patron of the John Moores Bi-Annual Exhibitions held at the Walker Art Gallery, purchased Stuart’s “Summer Painting”. Lennon persuaded Stuart to join his band, Johnny and the Moondogs and invest his windfall in the purchase of a bass guitar, they called it “The Brunett” (because of its color), Lennon had “The Blond”. Stuart Sutcliffe is known as The Fifth Beatle (actually he was the fourth), John Lennon’s best friend (Stuart and Lennon were roommates while at the Art College in Liverpool) and the James Dean of Hamburg. He chose to put his career as a painter (his first passion) before that of a Beatle. Pauline Sutcliffe, Stuart’s sister, has launched in response to the mirid requests and growing public demand for the Stuart Sutcliffe brand. It will be clear to anyone who peruses the site and looks closely at his paintings, writings, lyrics, poetry etc. just what a tragic loss his death was to the world and to the arts.

In an essay by Donald Kuspit, professor of art history and philosophy at the State University of New York, he wrote that “Stuart Sutcliffe emerged as an Abstract Expressionist painter just as Abstract Expressionism was in decline, but his works return to its origins, epitomizing all that is best in it.”

Today, several pieces of work by Stuart including a self-portrait are on permanent exhibition at the National Museums and Galleries of Liverpool in The Museum of Liverpool Life and The Walker Art Gallery. Stuart’s work has been showcased throughout the world in mostly non-commercial exhibitions in every major city throughout Japan, Europe, Canada and the USA. Now, many of the pieces from the collections will be available for sale through

Universal Studios recently re-released Iain Softley’s film, BackBeat on DVD. Softley directed this critically acclaimed film about Stuart, his life as a Beatle and his mutually passionate love with Astrid Kirchherr, the photographer who took the unforgettable early iconic black & white photographs of the Beatles.

The recently commissioned BBC documentary, STUART SUTCLIFFE, THE LOST BEATLE will soon be released on DVD by Digital Classics. This outstanding tribute directed by Steve Cole and the award winning Iambic Productions will be released with a “Bonus-Gallery of Stuart Sutcliffe’s work.

“Only a fraction of the art and artifact collections are represented on this site - which gives an insight into just how prolific Stuart was. The site showcases Stuart’s brilliance, perpetuates the Stuart Sutcliffe cult-like image and pays tribute to this “Lost Beatle” who has over time become an iconic figure” said Pauline Sutcliffe, Sole Executrix and Owner of Stuart Sutcliffe Estates.

“Stu was more than just our bass player – he was like our art director”, George Harrison.

Even though Yoko Ono never met him she said “I felt I knew him...John referred to Stuart daily”.
Re: Стюарт Сатклифф
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 13.03.06 11:28:24   
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8 марта был запущен сайт
Re: Стюарт Сатклифф
Автор: Areya   Дата: 13.03.06 15:28:04   
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to irishka.beat:
Может быть,во владении гитарой он и не "дотягивал" до "Битлз",но тем не менее для группы он сделал очень много. :))))
Re: Стюарт Сатклифф
Автор: gnus13   Дата: 13.03.06 16:02:17   
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2Primal Scream:

>8 марта был запущен сайт

Там фотки заявлены интересные, но я их кроме как в мелком варианте посмотреть так и не смог:( - глючит чявото???? Счёлкаешь-счёлкаешь и нифига не показывает в увеличином варианте:(((( Хочу фотки:((((!!!!
Re: Стюарт Сатклифф
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.07.06 07:41:40   
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The long shadow cast by the Lost Beatle
Jul 10 2006

WRITER Paul Collins looks back at the all-too-brief life of Stuart Sutcliffe and wonders what contributions he may have made if he had lived longer
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Стюарт Сатклифф
Автор: Kamch   Дата: 11.07.06 11:56:26   
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Очень впечатляет, что картины Стюарта выставлялись по всему миру
Re: Стюарт Сатклифф
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 23.11.06 18:03:11   
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Стюарт с Тони ШериданомСтюарт с Тони Шериданом
Re: Стюарт Сатклифф
Автор: Akella   Дата: 05.02.07 05:11:59   
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У меня есть другая версия смерти Стюарта.
По выходным ансабль играл на танцах в окраиных районах Ливерпуля,включая пользовавшийся дурной славой пригороды Гарстон и Бутл.После одного из выступлений Джон Леннон,с детства не отличавшийся сдержаностью,ввязался в возникшую перед сценой драку,и только длинные ноги спасли музыкантов от расправы.Однако не всех:Сатклифф замешкался,его поймали ижестоко избили.Впоследствии он часто жаловался на нестерпимые головные боли и менее чем через два года умер от кровоизлияния в мозг.
Как видим и по этой версии Джон причастен к смерти Стюарта,хоть сам не бил его по голове...
Re: Стюарт Сатклифф
Автор: Betsy   Дата: 23.06.07 13:52:43   
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С Днем Рождения!С Днем Рождения!
Re: Стюарт Сатклифф
Автор: Uncle Rooty   Дата: 23.06.07 14:55:54   
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Betsy: >С Днем Рождения!< +1Betsy: >С Днем Рождения!<
Re: Стюарт Сатклифф
Автор: Expert   Дата: 23.06.07 21:25:35   
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Before they were the Beatles, the Fab Four went through numerous name changes. A very little known fact is that the first time the band ever referred to themselves as The Beatles, the band spelled it "Beatals." A copy of a historic letter written by original fifth Beatle Stuart Sutcliffe in March 1960 is now available as part of a new limited edition fine art reproduction entitled "Meet the Beatals." "Meet the Beatals" is a watercolor painting (circa 1957 – 1960) featuring the early Beatles in their "Skiffle" days taken from Stuart Sutcliffe's personal sketchbook. The historic letter is superimposed over the bottom of the painting. In the letter from late March 1960, Sutcliffe who refers to himself as the manager of the band, writes, "This is a promising group of young musicians who play music for all tastes, preferably rock and roll." Sutcliffe begins to refer to the band as the Quarrymen, then crosses it out and writes "The Beatals" – the first time the band ever called themselves by that name! The artwork is hand signed by Pauline Sutcliffe, who is executor of the Stuart Sutcliffe estate and Stuart's sister. This is the first limited edition art piece ever released by the Sutcliffe estate and only 175 numbered and signed copies will be produced. The work is being officially released on June 23 on what would have been Stuart's 67 th birthday and is available at

Stuart Sutcliffe's influence on the Beatles was extraordinary. Stuart was coaxed into joining the band by his roommate, art school classmate and closest friend John Lennon. Stuart, an accomplished artist at a young age, sold one of his paintings and used the money to purchase a bass guitar. During Sutcliffe's time with the band, he gave them their name (Beatals), designed their collarless jackets and with his fianc?e Astrid Kirrchher, created the "Beatles Mop Top" haircut. He quit the band while in Hamburg, Germany to pursue his art career and stay with Astrid. Tragically, Stuart died in 1962 at the age of 21 from a brain hemorrhage. In 1994, the film "Backbeat" was produced dramatizing Stuart's short life. In 2006, BBC commissioned a new documentary about Stuart's life and art, entitled, "Stuart Sutcliffe, The Lost Beatle." It received the "Creative Excellence" award at the US International Film and Video Festival.

"Meet the Beatals" is proudly published by Celebrity Arts , ( publishers of Ringo Starr's artwork and distributors of Paul McCartney's artwork in conjunction with Right Brain Revenue, Inc. presenters of "The Rock Art Show ", ( the largest touring rock and roll art show in the world.

You can see and purchase "Meet the Beatals" at the Fest for Beatles Fans at the Mirage in Las Vegas from July 1 – July 3 and at "Revolution – featuring the Art of the Beatles" at Martha Clara Vineyards in Riverhead, New York from June 29 – July 8. Pauline Sutcliffe will be making an appearance at both of these shows. You can also order it online at

Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Стюарт Сатклифф
Автор: SIDney   Дата: 23.06.07 21:46:42   
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Биталсы? Прямо как на советских карточках и альбомах :))
Re: Стюарт Сатклифф
Автор: Витя Кипербаум   Дата: 20.07.07 08:17:26   
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1961, February 12 - Performance at the Casbah Coffee Club in West Derby, Liverpool. Possibly Chas Newby on bass1961, February 12 - Performance at the Casbah Coffee Club in West Derby, Liverpool. Possibly Chas Newby on bass

Разве это не Стю на бас-гитаре?
Re: Стюарт Сатклифф
Автор: Кирилл Егоров   Дата: 20.07.07 10:21:18   
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Конечно, Стю. Написано же: "Возможно, Chas Newby на басу". А возможно, и не он!
Re: Стюарт Сатклифф
Автор: Lenuska Lennon   Дата: 23.11.07 14:10:36   
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Re: Стюарт Сатклифф
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 23.11.07 14:27:13   
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2Кирилл Егоров:  Битл Chas Newby левша был. Как Пол и Ринго...    2Кирилл Егоров:

Битл Chas Newby левша был. Как Пол и Ринго...
Re: Стюарт Сатклифф
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 23.11.07 14:29:10   
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Re: Стюарт Сатклифф
Автор: Lenuska Lennon   Дата: 24.01.08 01:53:30   
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Стюарт Сатклифф)
Re: Стюарт Сатклифф
Автор: Julia_28   Дата: 14.10.08 17:38:43   
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Люди!!!!!! ПОМОГИТЕ! Мне срочно нужно описание картины если оно есть и хотя бы в каком году Стюарт сотрворил эту вещь (вложена).Люди!!!!!! ПОМОГИТЕ! Мне срочно нужно описание картины если оно есть и хотя бы в каком году Стюарт сотрворил эту вещь (вложена).
На сайте галерея картин с описаниями не пашет уже неделю точно. А мне срочно нужно!
Спасибо за внимание.
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