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Штатные (и не только) фотографы Битлз

Тема: Битлз - фото

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Re: Штатные (и не только) фотографы Битлз
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 23.11.04 19:09:38   
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MCCARTNEY  - Dezo Hoffmann PhotographsMCCARTNEY - Dezo Hoffmann Photographs
1.PAUL MCCARTNEY & SIMON DEE - on set at Twickenham studios filming 'Help!' February 1965 and
Re: Штатные (и не только) фотографы Битлз
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 23.11.04 19:10:10   
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Штатные (и не только) фотографы Битлз2.
Re: Штатные (и не только) фотографы Битлз
Автор: BassPaul   Дата: 23.11.04 20:27:58   
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Re: Штатные (и не только) фотографы Битлз
Автор: Bird   Дата: 23.11.04 20:30:24   
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Замечательно ))) Вот, что значит настоящее арт фото )) И как-то по другому ребята смотрятся!
Re: Штатные (и не только) фотографы Битлз
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 17.08.10 12:15:06   
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Такая тема хорошая...Такая тема хорошая...

А то о чём угодно пишут, только не о Beatles. Зеху, рэп... Тьфу!

Надо продолжить. И дополнить.

Ричард Аведон. Гениальный фотограф. Потрясающий по выразительности...
Чуть выше есть его психоделические битловские фото. И в теме Love Songs одна ещё.
Но это далеко не все его работы.

Astronaut Paul
Re: Штатные (и не только) фотографы Битлз
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 17.08.10 12:16:10   
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Richard Avedon.  Astronaut Paul - 2 Richard Avedon.

Astronaut Paul - 2
Re: Штатные (и не только) фотографы Битлз
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 17.08.10 12:18:11   
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Richard Avedon.  Roman Ringo Richard Avedon.

Roman Ringo
Re: Штатные (и не только) фотографы Битлз
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 17.08.10 12:20:00   
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Richard Avedon.  John... Richard Avedon.

Re: Штатные (и не только) фотографы Битлз
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 17.08.10 12:23:38   
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Ричард Аведон (Richard Avedon) родился в Нью-Йорке 15 мая 1923 года. Ричард Аведон (Richard Avedon) родился в Нью-Йорке 15 мая 1923 года.
Его предки эмигрировали из России в конце 19-го века. Русская тема тонко прослеживается в его огромном фотонаследии, начиная с детского портрета великого русского композитора Сергея Рахманинова, который ныне утерян, и заканчивая портретом поэта Иосифа Бродского....

Сайт Фотографа:

Ричард умер 1 октября 2004... (((
Re: Штатные (и не только) фотографы Битлз
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 17.08.10 12:30:55   
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...здесь можно его увидеть его гениальные творения:
...здесь можно его увидеть его гениальные творения:

Masters of Photography - Richard Avedon

...в заключение - ещё одно битловское фото Ричарда..
Re: Штатные (и не только) фотографы Битлз
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 17.08.10 12:43:27   
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Добрый профессор  
Re: Штатные (и не только) фотографы Битлз
Автор: В и т а л и й   Дата: 15.09.12 13:45:28   
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2Holy Roller:

>Richard Avedon.

Это фотография не Ричарда Аведона.
Re: Штатные (и не только) фотографы Битлз
Автор: В и т а л и й   Дата: 15.09.12 13:46:00   
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Интервью Пола Маккартни о фотографе Ангусе Макбине. (из книги «Angus Mcbean: Portraits» Интервью Пола Маккартни о фотографе Ангусе Макбине. (из книги «Angus Mcbean: Portraits»

Angus McBean is perhaps best known today for his photographs of the Beatles leaning over a balcony. Here, Sir Paul McCartney talks to Curator Terence Pepper about his experiences of bеing photographed by McBean in 1963 and 1969.

When you first visited Angus McBean's studio in Endell Street, Covent Garden, in January 1963 to be photographed formally, did you know much about him as a photographer (for example, his theatre work or record covers for Cliff Richard's first albums, the Shadows, Shirley Bassey, Danny Williams, Helen Shapiro and Peter Sellers’ rather weird Songs for Swinging Sellers)?

We knew nothing about his previous works but he struck us as a very amiable, slightly eccentric kind of guy.

McBean later wrote that this first session was something of a failures but the results did appear on your first EP The Beatles' Hits and on your first American album released by Vee lay Records, Introducing the Beatles, as well as on the cover of a re-release of Love Me Do in the 1980s and in The Beatles Anthology. You appear to be wearing pink-and while checked shirts and brown suits. Who chose these particular outfits?

Lord knows!

Did you have any say in the choice or use of this image and its variants?

We didn't get involved at that time - we were too busy with other things.

The most famous session, of course, is the one used on the cover of Please Please Me, taken in February 1963. Do you remember how it all happened?

We showed up at EMI's headquarters in Manchester Square and agreed to Angus s idea to use the stairwell and basically did what he said.

Dezo Hoffman had also photographed you for the album cover on 11 February 1963 on the steps outside Abbey Road Studios. Who would have decided to go to McBean again? I suppose that EMI would have preferred a colour shot. McBean talked about being driven by his assistant David Ball to Manchester Square, squashed together with you all in a car. but this sounds unlikely.

I don't see why not. I can't realty remember really how we got there. This is quite possibly true, but we had w many photo sessions at that time that the details of any one might have been difficult to recall even the week after...

Apart from photographs taken by Dick Matthews in Liverpool and Astrid Kirchherr in Hamburg, and the audition photographs taken at Abbey Road in June 1962, McBean's colour studio shots must have been the first taken by a London-based professional photographer. Was it still a novelty then, before Beatlemania became overwhelming?

It was always a pleasure to do something a little different and a photo session with Angus was just that. He had a lively wit and an artistic bent, which was fun to be around.

How strongly did you feel about the groups image? I know you were very keen (o embrace Robert Freeman's approach, starting with his brilliant work and concept for the cover for With The Beatles.

As time went on, we began to have more and more say in our overall image, and even from the beginning we chose what we would wear and therefore were quite closely involved.

By 1969 you had sat to some of the world's greatest photographers, such as Richard Avedon. Is there the ultimate Beatle photograph that you feel the National Portrait Gallery should have?

Perhaps the psychedelic set that Avedon took at that time, or Michael Cooper's Sgt Pepper cover or Robert Freeman's half-lit faces for the cover of Meet The Beatles.

Whose idea was it to restage Please Please Me for the proposed Get Back album, the image that eventually appeared on the 'Red Album' and 'Blue Album' compilations, and which helped confirm McBean's place in pop photography history?
It was decided in a group meeting and I can't quite remember who brought it up but we all decided it was a fun and 'fill circle' idea.

Thank you so much for your time and trouble.

Sir Paul McCartney answered questions from Terence Pepper in February 2006 in advance of the National Portrait Gallery exhibition Angus McBean. Portraits and the accompanying display The Beatles on the Balcony, including ten works by Linda McCartney.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Штатные (и не только) фотографы Битлз
Автор: McLenHarSt   Дата: 15.09.12 23:06:54   
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А как же КЛАУСа позабыли?А как же КЛАУСа позабыли?
Re: Штатные (и не только) фотографы Битлз
Автор: Audrey   Дата: 16.09.12 01:05:20   
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Друзья, нельзя так много английского текста. Хотя бы вкратце передавайте содержание. Плиз, для всех.
Re: Штатные (и не только) фотографы Битлз
Автор: rinn   Дата: 17.09.12 03:04:02   
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>Хотя бы вкратце передавайте содержание.

Вот, поддерживаю...
А то краткое содержание выше помещенного интервью о фотографе Макбине (как я поняла):
длинные-длинные вопросы и ответы на них Пола: "Бог знает", "Да не помню, мы были слишком заняты" и вообще много их, фотографов всяких)))
Re: Штатные (и не только) фотографы Битлз
Автор: В и т а л и й   Дата: 28.09.12 23:17:15   
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Пол Маккартни о фотографе Дэвиде Бэйли: Пол Маккартни о фотографе Дэвиде Бэйли:
«Actually I remember hating these photos. You can like see every whisker in your beard… He was fairly brutal with it. He didn’t glamorize people».
«Вообще-то я, помню, ненавидел эти фотографии. Смотришь на них и видишь каждый волос в своей щетине… Фотографии у него довольно грубые. Он не приукрашал людей».
Re: Штатные (и не только) фотографы Битлз
Автор: romson   Дата: 06.10.12 22:13:56   
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Штатные (и не только) фотографы Битлз
Re: Штатные (и не только) фотографы Битлз
Автор: В и т а л и й   Дата: 03.11.12 22:16:47   
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Ethan RussellEthan Russell
The Ballad of John & Yoko: Falling In Love

“You must believe me when I tell you that I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties…. as I would wish to do without the help and support of the woman I love.” - Edward VIII

“Anybody who claims to have some interest in me as an individual artist, or even as part of The Beatles, has absolutely misunderstood everything I ever said if they can’t see why I’m with Yoko…. If they can’t see that, they don’t see anything. “ - John Lennon
Re: Штатные (и не только) фотографы Битлз
Автор: В и т а л и й   Дата: 03.11.12 22:17:21   
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Chosen by John Lennon in 1968 as his go-to photographer, Ethan Russell captured John and Yoko’s budding romance over the course of several months, largely in Lennon’s home and other private environments. Russell’s photographs convey an innocence and depth of feeling between them that remained largely invisible in the face of the international outpouring of public scorn that greeted their relationship.Chosen by John Lennon in 1968 as his go-to photographer, Ethan Russell captured John and Yoko’s budding romance over the course of several months, largely in Lennon’s home and other private environments. Russell’s photographs convey an innocence and depth of feeling between them that remained largely invisible in the face of the international outpouring of public scorn that greeted their relationship.
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