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Папа Римский

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Re: Папа Римский
Автор: seal   Дата: 22.04.05 15:43:17   
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Югргис, Освенцим -символ, а винтовку, видать, поздновато бросил, у америкосов в лагере сидел.
Грязно это всё, как не смотри, ну неужели другого не было, или остальные "ещё лучше"?
Re: Папа Римский
Автор: Uliss13   Дата: 22.04.05 15:49:21   
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И все же нельзя, мне кажется вот так вот, разом ставить крест на немцах того поколения. Все ведь либо воевали, либо работали на войну...
Re: Папа Римский
Автор: seal   Дата: 22.04.05 16:01:29   
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Да я и не ставлю, как-то на субботнике могилы на немецком кладбище обихаживал в Кёниге, но он - не немецкий кардинал - ВСЕМИРНЫЙ, вдумайтесь, всему миру католиков говорит, как им жить, а их почти 2 млрд, а тут спорим - надо ли было ему брать в руки оружие против...да кого угодно, и когда это оружие бросать. Напоминаю - в гитлерюгенд вступил в 20 лет, в этом возрасте "наших" мальчишками не называли...
Re: Папа Римский
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 22.04.05 16:49:01   
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seal Если бы тот факт, против которого вы так ополчились шел бы в разрез , то его либо тщательно скрыли бы, либо его не выбрали бы.
Не считайте всех глупее себя.
Re: Папа Римский
Автор: seal   Дата: 22.04.05 17:15:36   
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Королева, значит всё зависит не от фактов, а от степени их сокрытия?
А я и не считаю всех глупее себя - у них система такая, у наших христиан - похожая...
Они что, умнее меня?
Если по деньгам - да, несомненно.
Re: Папа Римский
Автор: Малиновский Сергей   Дата: 23.04.05 09:49:42   
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Тут уже писали немного о музыке... Здесь Папа называет имена:

ONE of the Roman Catholic world's most powerful figures
has branded rock music an "instrument of the Devil" and
urged young people not to listen to it for fear of
endangering their souls.

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, head of the modern successor
to the Inquisition, said there were "diabolical and
satanic messages" in much of today's heavy metal music.
But he also warned the young against the "subliminal"
satanic influence to be found in songs by such groups
as the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Queen,
Led Zeppelin and the Eagles.

Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregration for
the Doctrine of the Faith, is considered the highest
moral authority in the Vatican after the Pope, at whose
side he has been for almost all of the latter's 18-year
reign. His stern admonishment and even excommunication
of dissident theologians has earned him a fearsome

Speaking yesterday at a Mass marking the feast of St
Cecilia, the patron saint of music, Cardinal Ratzinger
agreed that there were many good things in modern pop
music, but added that there was also a great deal that
"endangers the human soul". He urged heavy metal bands
in particular to "purify themselves".

Vatican officials identified some of the "worst
offenders" as Alice Cooper, Black Sabbath and AC/DC,
whose initials they claimed referred not to alternating
current or even bisexuality, but to the satanic phrase
"Anti-Christ, Death to Christ".
Re: Папа Римский
Автор: Uliss13   Дата: 23.04.05 10:17:31   
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А возможно, это неслучайно. В год 60 летия окончания 2МВ. Папа немец, более того, воевавший. Символ примирения что ли. Ведь Германия даже и не католическая страна. Скорее протестанско-лютеранская. Католиков там примерно четверть.
Re: Папа Римский
Автор: Mr.Moonlight   Дата: 23.04.05 10:23:05   
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Если бы его назначали главой корпорации по производству сосисок, членство в Гитлерюгенде возможно даже в заслугу надо было поставить, но Римским Папой! :)))
Re: Папа Римский
Автор: JohnLenin   Дата: 23.04.05 15:10:56   
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Я (почему-то?) предполагал, что новым Римским Папой выберут кого-то из Латинской Америки или даже (!..) чернокожего...
Re: Папа Римский
Автор: jurgis   Дата: 23.04.05 16:07:35   
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"Я (почему-то?) предполагал, что новым Римским Папой выберут кого-то из Латинской Америки или даже (!..) чернокожего..."

Ne mogli ottuda vybrat'.
V tex regionax s katolicizmom delA obstojat normalno, nikakix otklonenij i vsio takoje.

A vot v Europe nogo problem...
Re: Папа Римский
Автор: jurgis   Дата: 23.04.05 16:09:37   
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Не в себе  
Re: Папа Римский
Автор: Кир Гуцков   Дата: 03.05.05 18:33:32   
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Re: Папа Римский
Автор: Tonic   Дата: 04.05.05 01:46:14   
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2Кир Гуцков:


>Я (почему-то?) предполагал, что новым Римским
>Папой выберут кого-то из Латинской Америки или
>даже (!..) чернокожего...
Я (почему-то!) тоже так думал! Но нет же ;-)
Re: Папа Римский
Автор: JohnLenin   Дата: 04.05.05 02:17:43   
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Да-а-а уж!.. Выбрали этого..."Великого инквизитора"!.. Как-то он еще себя покажет?..
Re: Папа Римский
Автор: ИгорьИзМагазинаЦветы   Дата: 04.05.05 12:48:59   
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Иоанн Павел Второй был великий Папа! Первый публичный Папа Римский! Новому Папе будет очень тяжело. А вообще меня очень порадовало, что некоторые наши СМИ подробно, как в 80-е годы уделяли внимание Ватикану. Только тогда следили, кто будет очередным президентом США, а сейчас, кто будет Папой Римским.
Re: Папа Римский
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.05.05 14:01:39   
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Stars pay tribute to Pope John Paul II

Britney Spears, Nsync and Aerosmith's Steven Tyler are among a host of stars who have teamed up to pay tribute to the late Pope John Paul II.

The stars appear in Tribute to Pope John Paul II, a celebration of the pontiff's thoughts on peace, love, harmony, prayers and poetry.

The celebrities - also including Faith Hill, Tim McGraw, Danny Glover, Jennifer Love Hewitt, James Earl Jones, and Brooke Shields - share the words that most inspired them in the video, which has been released by OnQ Digital.
Re: Папа Римский
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 31.05.05 17:36:42   
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POPE JOHN PAUL II once wore a pair of U2 frontman BONO's trademark sunglasses during a meeting between the two men.

The Irish singer was granted an audience with the late pontiff to mark his campaign against third world debt - and he found the religious leader had a "wicked" sense of humour.

Bono remembers, "I took (his blue 'Fly' shades) off in case I was causing some offence. When I was introduced to him he was still staring at them.

"I offered them to him as a gift in return for the rosary he had just given me. Not only did he put them on, he smiled the wickedest grin you could ever imagine.

"Flashbulbs popped, and I thought: 'Wow! The Drop the Debt campaign will have the Pope in my glasses on the front page of every newspaperÂ…' (but) it seems his courtiers did not have the same sense of humour."

Re: Папа Римский
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.06.05 21:02:51   
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Angry Pope ponders Ringo Radio Row

By our man who knows a rotten apple when he sees one, Des Montpellier

In the wake of the recent papal succession, a furious row has broken out over the new Pope's choice of name

Speaking exclusively on PBC — Purley's local radio station yesterday afternoon — former Beatle, Ringo Starr, gave vent to his feelings about what he sees as the Vatican's betrayal.

"Back in the '70s when we got John Paul I, most people, including me and George, assumed that next time it would be our turn," said the one-time member of the Fab Four. "But it didn't happen. When he popped his clogs a few years later they quite brazenly named the new guy John Paul II."

Wheezing between sentences, the ageing percussionist went on to reveal what had gone on behind the scenes during those turbulent years when the shady American entrepreneur, Kelvin Klein, gained control of both Apple Corps and the Vatican, and unveiled his new line of Beatle-popes, or 'Poaples.'

"It was a deliberate snub to both of us," Ringo told PBC's Angelica Sweet. "We consulted our lawyers, because by this time we were getting really tired of the other two always stealing the limelight. So after a lot of litigation the Vatican finally gave an undertaking that the next pope would definitely be George Ringo I. And we took them at their word. So you can imagine how I felt when I found out they'd named this one after our floor manager, Benedict Gropes."

Asked about rumours that the present pontiff had been elected mainly because of his anti-Ringo credentials, the legendary Scouse timpanist merely shrugged. "You could say there was a bit of previous between me and Joe Ratzinger," he commented dryly. "He'd been to several of our Hamburg gigs in '61 with some of his old Hitler Youth chums, where they proceeded to get totally rat-arsed and cause trouble. Ratzinger was always trying to stick his tongue down Pete Best's throat. Later, when I replaced Pete as drummer I got a bomb in the post with a German stamp on it."

After the radio broadcast, a spokestypeperson for the Vatican, Ms Koko Ono, called the station and angrily denied the suggestion of an anti-Ringo bias on the part of the present incumbent. "His Holiness was a huge Stu Sutcliffe fan," Koko asserted indignantly, "He hated all the others equally, especially after they sold out in '63 by wearing suits. He preferred the rough, tousled look of the early years and those tight, drainpipe trousers."

The Merseyside mop-top was in Purley to promote his new stair-lift, when he was mobbed by twenty-seven screaming pensioners outside the PBC building. "I got the label off his underpants," sobbed a triumphant sixty-nine-year-old lady, pressing a fragment of shredded, cotton cloth to her heaving, silicone-enhanced bosom.

Mr Starr is 64 and thought to be living with a seventeen-year-old hairdresser from Chingford called 'Jade' — or possibly 'Jordan'.

А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Папа Римский
Автор: Dr. Robert!   Дата: 08.06.05 01:01:00   
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На приведённой выше странице ( другой текст, заметно разный:

Angry Pope ponders Ringo Radio Row

By our man who knows a rotten apple when he sees one, Des Montpellier

In the wake of the recent papal succession, a furious row has broken out over the new Pope's choice of name. Speaking yesterday on PBC, Purley's local radio station, former Beatle Ringo Starr gave vent to his feelings about what he sees as the Vatican's betrayal

"Back in the '70s when we got John Paul I, most people, including me and George, assumed that next time it would be our turn," said the one-time member of the Fab Four. "But it didn't happen. When he popped his clogs a few years later they quite brazenly named the new guy John Paul II."

Wheezing between sentences, the ageing percussionist went on to reveal what had gone on behind the scenes during those turbulent years when the shady American entrepreneur, Kelvin Klein, gained control of both Apple Corps and the Vatican, and unveiled his new line of Beatle-popes, or "Poaples".

"It was a deliberate snub to both of us," he told PBC's Angelica Sweet. "We consulted our lawyers, because by this time we were getting really tired of the other two always stealing the limelight. So after a lot of litigation the Vatican finally gave an undertaking that the next pope would definitely be George Ringo I. And we took them at their word. So you can imagine how I felt when I found out they'd named this one after our floor manager, Benedict Gropes."

Asked about rumours that the present pontiff had been elected mainly because of his anti-Ringo credentials, the legendary Scouse timpanist merely shrugged. "Between me and Joe Ratzinger you could say there was a bit of previous," he commented. "He'd been to several of our Hamburg gigs in '61 with some of his old Hitler Youth chums, where they proceeded to get drunk and cause trouble. Ratzinger was always trying to stick his tongue down Pete Best's throat. Later, when I replaced Pete as drummer I got a bomb in the post with a German stamp on it."

After the broadcast a spokeswoman for the Vatican, Popo Ono, called the station and angrily denied the suggestion of an anti-Ringo bias on the part of the present incumbent. "His Holiness was a Stu Sutcliffe fan," Popo asserted, "He hated all the others equally, especially after they sold out in '63 by wearing suits. He liked the rough tousled look of the early years."

The Merseyside mop-top was in Purley to promote his new stair-lift, and was mobbed by screaming pensioners outside the PBC building. "I got the label off his underpants," sobbed a sweet old lady, holding up a fragment of shredded cotton cloth.

Mr Starr is 64.

Исправили они, что ль, его?
Re: Папа Римский
Автор: Dr. Robert!   Дата: 08.06.05 01:04:47   
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Что ж они, то, что сам Ринго сказал - взяли, и слова его изменили?!?


Где же Правда?!?
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