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Последние новости:
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05.06 Sky News сравнили успехи Тейлор Свифт и Битлз
05.06 В Аделаиде отмечают 60-летие визита Битлз
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12.03 Интервью с Алексеем Курбановским, переводчиком книг Джона Леннона
12.03 Юлий Буркин, автор книги "Осколки неба, или Подлинная история Битлз" - интервью № 2


Today In The Beatles History

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Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 30.11.17 22:29:44   
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30 ноября 196830 ноября 1968

"Hey Jude", четырнадцатую неделю в Топ-30(US Billboard).
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 30.11.17 22:31:39   
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Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 30.11.17 22:34:33   
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30 ноября 197130 ноября 1971

Альбом Imagine номер 1 (UK Record Retailer).
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 30.11.17 22:35:21   
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Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 30.11.17 22:41:12   
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30 ноября 197430 ноября 1974
Джордж выступает с концертами(2 шоу) в Чикаго,Иллинойс("North American Tour").

Photo:Chicago Stadium images, before and after the Indian set/ George’s stage clothes change.
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 30.11.17 22:42:07   
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30 ноября 197430 ноября 1974
Джордж выступает с концертами(2 шоу) в Чикаго,Иллинойс("North American Tour").
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 30.11.17 22:43:06   
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30 ноября 1974 Джордж выступает с концертами(2 шоу) в Чикаго,Иллинойс(North American Tour).30 ноября 1974
Джордж выступает с концертами(2 шоу) в Чикаго,Иллинойс("North American Tour").
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 30.11.17 22:44:27   
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Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 01.12.17 00:16:19   
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Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 01.12.17 00:17:39   
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30 ноября 1984 Сидней, Австралия Джордж и Дерек Тейлор проводят пресс-конференцию.30 ноября 1984
Сидней, Австралия
Джордж и Дерек Тейлор проводят пресс-конференцию.
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 01.12.17 00:19:07   
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30 ноября 1984 Сидней, Австралия30 ноября 1984
Сидней, Австралия
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 01.12.17 00:20:09   
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30 ноября 1984 Сидней, Австралия Джордж и Дерек Тейлор проводят пресс-конференцию.30 ноября 1984
Сидней, Австралия
Джордж и Дерек Тейлор проводят пресс-конференцию.
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 01.12.17 00:21:02   
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30 ноября 1984 Сидней, Австралия30 ноября 1984
Сидней, Австралия
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 01.12.17 00:22:21   
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30 ноября 1984 Сидней, Австралия30 ноября 1984
Сидней, Австралия
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 01.12.17 00:53:13   
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30 ноября 2011: 30 ноября 2011:
Пол Маккартни выступил во дворце Омниспортс, Берси, Париж,Франция

Sir Paul McCartney performs on stage on November 30, 2011, at the Bercy Palais
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 01.12.17 00:56:21   
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30 ноября 2011:30 ноября 2011:
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 01.12.17 00:57:08   
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30 ноября 2011:30 ноября 2011:
Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 01.12.17 00:58:33   
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Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 01.12.17 08:23:33   
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Re: Today The Beatles History
Автор: игорь комсомоленко   Дата: 01.12.17 08:28:49   
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Этот день в истории Битлз:

Meeting of Brian with Colin Borland and Beecher Stevens, both from Decca, to negotiate a recording contract, at their London office.

Lunchtime show at the Cavern.

Evening concert at the Tower Ballroom, New Brighton.

Gerry Marsden arrives at the London Airport from Hamburg. He tries to evade customs duty on a guitar bought in Germany.

7:30pm-1:00am. Concert at the Tower Ballroom, New Brighton, with Rory Storm and the Hurricanes, Dale Roberts and the Jaywalkers, Kingsize Taylor and the Dominoes, Derry and the Seniors, Steve Day and the Drifters.

Concert at the De Montfort Hall, Leicester ("The Beatles Autumn Tour").

Ringo Starr books into University College Hospital to have his tonsils removed.

Visit at Neil and Mal's flat (16 Montagu Mews West, Marylebone, London).

Royal Albert Hall, London. Concert of Delaney & Bonney & Friends, with guest Eric Clapton. George, Ringo, Pattie and Maureen attend.

POB single "You Know My Name (Look Up The Number)"/"What's The New Mary Jane" is on hold.

At the Kolnischer Kunstverein in Cologne, West Germany, the exhibition of Yoko's work "Happening And Fluxus" is shown.

In New York, Paul and George meet for a planned social meeting, but things don't go well. Paul further believes that the Beatles should be dissolved.

US single release: "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)"/"Listen The Snow Is Falling" (Apple 1842).

UK single release: "Hi Hi Hi"/"C Moon" (Apple R 5973).

Filming is complete for the Apple film "Count Downe". Sound dubbing is done at the World Wide Studios in London.

In the US, ABC Records is set to conclude a recording deal with Ringo. The deal is for five years at $5,000,000.

Jonathan Cape's book "Linda's Pictures" is published, featuring Linda's work from her early days with "Rolling Stone" magazine through her days at the Fillmore East in New York to her portraits of Paul and family.

End of first season of London Town LP sessions at Abbey Road Studios.

Ringo begins recording sessions for his album Bad Boy at the Elite Recording Studios in the Bahamas and the Canadian based premises of The Can-Base Studios and Nimbus 9.

At Universal Studios in Hollywood, shooting begins for the film "I Want To Hold Your Hand".

US album release: Wings Greatest (Parlophone PCTC 256).

US album release: Rarities (Capitol SPRO 8969).

Wings perform in concert at the Gaumont, Southampton, England ("Wings UK Tour").

Paul and Linda donate $10,000 to the "New York Times" Neediest Fund, a charity set up to help the poor at Christmas.

At the Compass Point Studios, Ringo resumes recording for the album Can't Fight Lightning.

George, Olivia and Dhani vacation on Hamilton Island in Australia.

At the Beverly Theater in Los Angeles, the stage play "Beatlemania" runs for a limited time.

At the Dorchester Hotel in London, a meeting is held in Yoko's suite with Paul, George and Ringo, reportedly to conclude the affairs of Apple.

Ringo records the narration for 26 more episodes of "Thomas The Tank Engine And Friends".

In the US, the first of a two-part interview with Paul is aired onthe CBS TV show "Entertainment Tonight".

Cleveland radio station WGCL transmits an interview with Paul, promoting Pipes Of Peace, on the program "The Source".

EMI Records announce details of a new Beatles compilation album called Sessions.

In the US, "Playboy" magazine publishes an interview with Paul and Linda, conducted by Joan Goodman.

In England, a pre-recorded interview with Paul is transmitted on the ITV station TV AM.


UK single release: "Only Love Remains"/"Tough On A Tightrope" (Parlophone R 6148).

In the US, MTV begins re-screening select highlights from the original cartoon series "The Beatles".

US album release: All The Best! (Capitol CLW-48287).

The "Beatle City" exhibition runs at the West End marketplace in Dallas, Texas.

In the US, Billboard album charts for 1987 list Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band as the 13th Best Selling CD of the Year and The Beatles at number 25.

At the AIR Studios in London, Paul and George Martin work on a new piece for the "Rupert The Bear" film.

UK album release: The Royal Concert (Telstar 2TCD2401), featuring Paul performing "Get Back" and "I Saw Her Standing There" from 1986 and George performing "Here Comes The Sun" from 1987.

Tripping The Live Fantastic number 26 (US Billboard).

In London, the exhibition by Bob Whittaker, accompaning his book "The Unseen Beatles", is on display at the Photographer's Gallery in Great Newport Gallery.

George and Eric Clapton perform in concert at The Yokohama Arena, Yokohama ("Tour Of Japan").

In Los Angeles Superior Court, a suit is filed on behalf of George against the tabloid newspaper "The Globe", which classified him as a "Devotee of Adolph Hitler". George seeks over $200 million in damages for defamation of character.

In the US, the Disney Channel airs its "Eight Days A Week Tribute To The Beatles", featuring a different Beatles film every night.

According to MTV, reports are made that Paul will re-sign a deal with EMI/Capitol for $100 million and tie him to the labels for the rest of his life.

In London, reports state that a film on the life of Stuart Sutcliffe will be made. The purposed title is "Back Beat".

Chile CD release: Live At The BBC.

Cine Alameda, Santiago, Chile. Chile premiere: "Backbeat" (re-titled: "Backbeat. El inicio de los Beatles").

UK album release: Standing Stone (EMI Classics 5 56484 1) on vinyl.

UK album release: Diana Tribute (Virgin/Sony 69012), featuring Paul's track "Little Willow".

At the Museum of Modern Art in Oxford, Yoko's art exhibition "Have You Seen The Horizon Lately" is on display.

At A&M Studios in Los Angeles, final mixing for the Ringo track "One".

In New York, Yoko recreates her and John's 1969 Peace campaign with banners in Times Square stating "War Is Over! If You Want It... Happy Christmas From John And Yoko."

1 number 1, 3rd week (Federazione Industria Musicale Italiana Albums Charts).

Ringo's 1964 Facel Vega II Coupé sells at Bonhams for £337,500 ($552,686).
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