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Michael Jackson

Тема: Michael Jackson

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Re: Michael Jackson
Автор: Paula   Дата: 10.06.04 15:30:58   
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Да уж....после всего этого добренький альбомчик должен получиться. Похлеще HIStory!Да уж....после всего этого "добренький" альбомчик должен получиться. Похлеще HIStory!
Re: Michael Jackson
Автор: Paula   Дата: 10.06.04 17:20:28   
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Времён Jackson 5. Солнце!  :о)Времён Jackson 5. Солнце! :о)
Re: Michael Jackson
Автор: zand   Дата: 10.06.04 20:33:31   
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Так History,вроде,наполовину сборником был,разве нет?
Re: Michael Jackson
Автор: Paula   Дата: 10.06.04 21:29:35   
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Ну да. Первый диск - сборник, а второй - новый альбом. Про этот второй я и говорю :о)
Re: Michael Jackson
Автор: Paula   Дата: 13.06.04 20:14:32   
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Michael Jackson:о)
Re: Michael Jackson
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.07.04 00:08:09   
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Report: Michael Jackson to Be Father of QuadrupletsReport: Michael Jackson to Be Father of Quadruplets
Tue Jul 20, 2004

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Pop star Michael Jackson, facing a trial on child molestation charges, is about to become a father to four more children -- quadruplets -- by way of a surrogate mother, Us Weekly magazine reported on Tuesday.

Citing unnamed sources close to the self-proclaimed "King of Pop," the magazine said Jackson recently spent time with the pregnant mother-to-be in Florida, where he stayed in a $4,000-a-night luxury hotel suite in Miami Beach.

The magazine said Jackson's spokeswoman Raymone Bain declined to confirm or deny the story, saying, "We do not respond to these kinds of stories."

Bain could not be immediately reached for comment by Reuters.

Jackson, 45, already has three children -- Prince Michael I and daughter Paris Michael by his former wife, Debbie Rowe, and Prince Michael II, the child he notoriously dangled from the balcony of a Berlin hotel in November 2002.

Jackson later revealed in a television documentary that Prince Michael II had been born to a woman who was essentially a stranger to him. "I used a surrogate mother and my own sperm cells," he told British interviewer Martin Bashir. "She doesn't know me."

It was in that same interview that Jackson ignited a public furor by saying he saw nothing wrong with having other children spend the night with him in the bedroom of his Neverland ranch home in California.

One youth who appeared in that documentary is now at the center of the child molestation case pending against the performer.

Jackson is charged in a 10-count indictment with committing lewd acts on a boy under the age of 14, as well as child abduction, extortion and false imprisonment. He has pleaded innocent, and a trial is set for Sept. 13.
Re: Michael Jackson
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.07.04 09:08:49   
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Jackson Denies Quadruplets Report

Beleaguered pop star Michael Jackson today (July 20) flatly denied a magazine report that he is about to become a father to quadruplets by way of a surrogate mother. "This is not true, and we are not going to further comment on stories of this nature," publicist Raymone Bain said when asked about the report in Us Weekly magazine.

Bain also denied that Jackson, who is facing a trial later this year on child molestation charges, was to be the father of any children born through a surrogate-mother arrangement. "This is not true. None of this is true," she said.

But a spokesperson for Us Weekly said the magazine stood by its story, which cited unnamed sources close to Jackson as saying he recently spent time in Florida with a woman who was pregnant with quads she was to bear for the singer.

The 45-year-old performer already has three children -- Prince Michael I and daughter Paris Michael by his former wife, Debbie Rowe, and Prince Michael II, the child he notoriously dangled from the balcony of a Berlin hotel in November 2002.

Jackson later revealed in a television documentary that Prince Michael II had been born to a woman who was essentially a stranger to him. "I used a surrogate mother and my own sperm cells," he told British interviewer Martin Bashir. "She doesn't know me."

It was in that same interview that Jackson ignited a public furor by saying he saw nothing wrong with having other children spend the night with him in the bedroom of his Neverland ranch home in California. One youth who appeared in that documentary is now at the center of the child molestation case pending against the performer.

Jackson is charged in a 10-count indictment with committing lewd acts on a boy under the age of 14, as well as child abduction, extortion and false imprisonment. He has pleaded innocent, and a trial is set for Sept. 13.
Re: Michael Jackson
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.08.04 19:52:21   
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VH1 Movie to Tell Michael Jackson's Story VH1 Movie to Tell Michael Jackson's Story
Mon Aug 2

NEW YORK - Going behind the music isn't enough when it comes to Michael Jackson — an entire film is needed. On Friday, VH1 will debut an original movie on the King of Pop, "Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story," the cable network said Monday.

The film traces the trials and tribulations of Jackson's life from his Motown days to his present legal woes. Flex Alexander, who plays the gloved-one, performed all the dance moves in the movie. Alexander now stars in UPN's "One on One."

Though Jackson still awaits trial, the movie concludes in January of this year when the singer appeared in court to plead innocent to child molestation charges.

The final scene shows Jackson after that plea, when fans clogged the Santa Maria, Calif., streets and cheered him as he hopped on top of a sport utility vehicle and entertained them with a few dance steps.

Фото: Это Фред Александер
Re: Michael Jackson
Автор: Paula   Дата: 04.08.04 20:19:12   
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Michael Jackson Goes on Surprise Shopping Spree at Houston Mall         Michael Jackson Goes on Surprise Shopping Spree at Houston Mall

Tuesday, 27 July 2004

Michael Jackson was accompanied by his entourage and a female friend who identified herself as Monique.

ABC13 Eyewitness News

(7/27/04 - HOUSTON) A surprise visit by Michael Jackson to the Bayou City throws fans and shoppers into a frenzy.

Eyewitness News obtained exclusive access as Michael went on a shopping spree inside Memorial City Mall Tuesday evening. The King of Pop came to Houston on business, to meet with one of his attorneys on a music contract issue. He flew in late Monday night.

While here, Jackson, accompanied by his entourage and a female friend who identified herself as Monique, went shopping. He didn’t answer any questions from our staff, but he was gracious to fans who turned out in throngs for the surprise visit. Jackson shook hands, signed autographs, and even sampled a pretzel.

He shopped mainly for toys, stopping in several stores. Jackson’s purchases were mostly whisked out to his vehicle, but we did spot him buying several teddy bears.

Although fans weren’t expecting Jackson, they soon mobbed the stores where he shopped. Most we spoke with were unconcerned about the abuse allegations he faces.

After his shopping spree, Jackson immediately left town again.

Re: Michael Jackson
Автор: Paula   Дата: 05.08.04 13:52:13   
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Кстати, в сентябре у Майкла новый Box Set выходит с 9-ю новыми песнями и ещё кучей ранее не изданных записей, что не может не радовать :о)Кстати, в сентябре у Майкла новый Box Set выходит с 9-ю новыми песнями и ещё кучей ранее не изданных записей, что не может не радовать :о)
Я тащусь!  
Re: Michael Jackson
Автор: McCaPaul   Дата: 05.08.04 14:51:34   
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О, ДААА!-)))) Радует ещё кааак!-))) Так что выпьем за плодотворную Осень!-)))
Re: Michael Jackson
Автор: Paula   Дата: 06.09.04 11:41:12   
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Скоро выходит новый box-set :)Скоро выходит новый box-set :)

Box-Set Available For Pre-Order From SONY

After months of speculation concerning the new Michael Jackson box-set, it seems as if the five-disc package is just around
the corner.

The set, titled Michael Jackson: The Ultimate Collection is set for release in the US on the 19th of October and is
available for pre-order now from the Sony Music Store.

The track listing contains 57 songs over four CD's which span the King of Pop's career from his days with the Jackson 5
right up to tracks from 2001's Invincible, as well as including several unreleased tracks.

The box-set also contains a DVD, a concert from Bucharest taken from the Dangerous tour.

The track listing is as follows:

1. I Want You Back
2. ABC
3. I'll Be There
4. Got To Be There
5. I Wanna Be Where You Are
6. Ben
7. Dancing Machine
8. Enjoy Yourself
9. Ease On Down The Road
10. You Can't Win
11. Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) – Demo
12. Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)
13. Don't Stop 'til You Get Enough
14. Rock With You
15. Off The Wall
16. She's Out Of My Life
17. Sunset Driver
18. Lovely One
19. This Place Hotel

1. Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
2. The Girl Is Mine
3. Thriller
4. Beat it
5. Billie Jean
6. P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)
7. Someone In The Dark
8. State Of Shock
9. Scared Of The Moon
10. We Are The World
11. We Are Here To Change The World

1. Bad
2. The Way You Make Me Feel
3. Man In The Mirror
4. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
5. Dirty Diana
6. Smooth Criminal
7. Cheater
8. Dangerous
9. Monkey Business
10. Jam
11. Remember The Time
12. Black Or White
13. Who Is It
14. Someone Put Your Hand Out

1. You Are Not Alone
2. Stranger In Moscow
3. Childhood
4. On The Line
5. Blood On The Dancefloor
6. Fall Again
7. In The Back
8. Unbreakable
9. You Rock My World
10. Butterflies
11. Beautiful Girl
12. The Way You Love Me
13. We've Had Enough

DVD - Live In Bucharest
1. Jam
2. Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
3. Human Nature
4. Smooth Criminal
5. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
6. She's Out Of My Life
7. I Want You Back
8. I'll Be There
9. Thriller
10. Billie Jean
11. Working Day And Night
12. Beat It
13. Will You Be There
14. Black Or White
15. Heal The World
16. Man In The Mirror
Re: Michael Jackson
Автор: Alice Cooper   Дата: 06.09.04 19:46:51   
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Да-а, мощно.
Все равно  
Re: Michael Jackson
Автор: Norman-5   Дата: 06.09.04 21:55:08   
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Воть я честно скажу. Не очень разбираюсь в творчестве Джексона, но, по-моему, не обязательно было вставлять в подобные сборники композицию "Dirty Diana". Люди могут не понять. Еще мне интересно, почему туда не попала какая-нибудь вещь из сделанных совместно с Фредди Меркьюри (к примеру, "State Of Shock").
Re: Michael Jackson
Автор: Paula   Дата: 08.09.04 11:25:35   
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Да, я вообще думаю, что можно было бы старые и всем известные песни сюда не включать..... :о) А только новые и неизданные. И побольше! ....Но это так, мечты.... :о))))
Я тащусь!  
Re: Michael Jackson
Автор: McCaPaul   Дата: 08.09.04 16:40:49   
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На счёт песни State of Shock... На сколько я знаю, она спета дуэтом с Миком Джаггером (так, по крайней мере, написано в книге Джеффа Брауна "Michael Jackson&the Jackson family"). А вот дуэт (если это можно так назвать) с Фредди Меркьюри - это "The must be more then life". Там Майкл поёт, а Фредди играет на рояле... Вот... Кстати, если судить по выложенному списку вещей, то, как раз State of Shock туда включена.
Re: Michael Jackson
Автор: Paula   Дата: 08.09.04 17:39:15   
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Norman-5, а что Вам в песне "Dirty Diana" не понравилось-то? :о)
Re: Michael Jackson
Автор: papan   Дата: 08.09.04 18:41:06   
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Впервые в России и на Украине
Мастер-классы Jennifer Batten.

Лучшая гитаристка мира продемонстрирует секреты своего мастерства при помощи гитарной рабочей станции Digitech GNX-3/4, а также ответит на вопросы гитаристов.
Re: Michael Jackson
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 12.09.04 08:59:36   
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Unreleased Michael Jackson To Surface On Box Set
12 September 2004

A five disc box collection spanning the solo career of Michael Jackson from 1969-2004 will be released by Sony in November.

The collection will feature four CDs featuring 57 tracks including 13 previously unreleased plus a DVD with a complete concert from Budapest in 1992.

The rarities include 'Shake Your Body' which evolved to become a 1978 Jacksons hit, 'Sunset Driver' recorded during the Off The Wall sessions, an early version of Thiller's 'PYT', Michael's solo demo of 'We Are The World'. 'Cheater', recorded by not used for Bad and the unreleased 'Fall Again', 'Beautiful Girl', 'The Way You Loved Me' and 'Scared Of The Moon'.

The box set will be released on November 16.
Re: Michael Jackson
Автор: Paula   Дата: 18.09.04 16:59:47   
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Т-Мез зачитал заявление. Я его целиком переводить не буду (лень сейчас :о)  ) , скажу основные моменты:Т-Мез зачитал заявление. Я его целиком переводить не буду (лень сейчас :о) ) , скажу основные моменты:

Главная мысля в том, что Майкл на протяжении своей карьеры являлся хорошей мишенью для вымогания из него денег, учитывая его уязвимость как знаменитости и как человека, посвятившего свою жизнь детям. Из-за этого в прошлом было 2 лживых обвинения и 2 урегулирования за деньги. В обоих договорах была подчеркнута невиновностть Майкла в каком-либо причинении вреда ребенку. Деньги были заплачены по совету людей, которые ожидали большие прибыли от вложений в альбомы, турне и т.п. ( То бишь им скандалы были нах не нужны -слишком много денег они потеряли бы.) ПОэтому они советовали Майклу заплатить и продолжить со своей жизнью. ОДнако, Майкл теперь сожалеет об этом и готов драться до конца. И типа, не фуй теперь использовать эти урегулирования против него, волки позорные. Майкл невиновен и будет оправдан. Аминь.
Ваш Т-Мез.


Regretfully, we are compelled to vigorously respond to numerous and false statements being made about Mr. Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson was recognized as a musical genius as a child. His life and development were devoted to cultivating his musical talents and extraordinary gifts. Discipline, hard work, and a desire to heal and better this world through his creativity were emphasized throughout his youth.

It was recognized very early that Michael Jackson’s musical talent and genius could generate many millions of dollars to him and others around him. From the time he was a little boy, others have sought to exploit and take advantage of his creative talent and inherent goodness.

Mr. Jackson has donated large sums of money around the world to foster the interests and welfare of our world’s children. Early in his life, he learned and believed that while others sought to exploit and take advantage of his vulnerabilities and idealism, children did not.

Believing that children are the true example of God’s beauty, innocence and purity, Michael has devoted much of his life to helping the world’s children. He has donated millions of dollars to healing children with disease, helping children with AIDS, and traveling the world to emphasize the importance and welfare of our children. He would never harm a child.

Mr. Jackson has been a target of frivolous lawsuits throughout his career. To date, well over a thousand ridiculous lawsuits have been filed or threatened against Mr. Jackson for all kinds of reasons by those who sought to obtain money by exploiting his achievements and love for people. None of these claims involved allegations that he ever harmed a child. However, they involved, for the most part, creative and outrageous attempts to take money from Mr. Jackson. Throughout his career, Mr. Jackson’s desire to create and help our world has been subjected to efforts to exploit, undermine and take advantage of this wonderful human being.

Mr. Jackson has been repeatedly advised by those who stood to make fortunes in his business affairs to pay money, rather than face certain false allegations. As a result, many years ago, he did pay money, rather than litigate, two false allegations that he had harmed children. People who intended to earn millions of dollars from his record and music promotions did not want negative publicity from these lawsuits interfering with their profits.

These two false allegations must be placed in a proper perspective. Mr. Jackson has interacted with millions of children. Many millions of children around the world love Michael Jackson and never alleged that he harmed them in any way.

Those who wanted to profit from his good deeds and vulnerabilities were also threatening to destroy his ability to raise his own children and to champion the welfare, integrity, humanity and interests of children around the world. Michael Jackson occupies a world where his privacy is continually violated.

Michael Jackson now regrets making these payments. Nevertheless, these efforts to settle are now being used against him regardless of the merits or the truth behind them. These settlements were entered into with one primary condition. That condition was that Mr. Jackson never admitted any wrongdoing. Mr. Jackson always denied doing anything wrong.

Mr. Jackson had hoped to buy peace in the process. He was advised that while these sums of money appeared large, they were actually very small compared to money he could make in music. Mr. Jackson has earned well over one billion dollars in his career. Placed in this perspective, they were very small sums, indeed.

Greed begets greed. Mr. Jackson now realizes that the advice he received was wrong. He should have fought these actions to the bitter end and vindicated himself. The recent publicity about these settlements is unfair and damaging to him, his family and his dedication to the world’s children. The false charges he is facing will be battled in a court of law within our justice system. He is innocent and will be vindicated.

Thomas A. Mesereau, Jr.
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