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Let It Be... Naked - Ваши впечатления

Тема: Битлз - Let It Be (1970)

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Re: Let It Be... Naked - Ваши впечатления
Автор: AlexV   Дата: 13.11.03 20:13:32   
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истертый винил (или ацетатный диск) - шуршащий , похрустывающий и шипящий в паузах(исключая 2 песни). вот основное доказательство.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Let It Be... Naked - Ваши впечатления
Автор: Grigory   Дата: 13.11.03 20:20:30   
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Специально проверил, реально качество разное в основной массе и той паре песен. Причем вполне возможно что еще хуже оно стало после того как с винила частично убрали шумы в каком-нибудь редакторе...

Нас дурят видимо. Буду ждать релиза.
Re: Let It Be... Naked - Ваши впечатления
Автор: Gene   Дата: 13.11.03 20:36:03   
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Привет, Голубяка! обсудим через несколько дней. Медиа-архивщикам в любом случае спасибо, но говорить сейчас что-нибудь - пустое дело. Пол не стал бы рисковать своей репутацией, готовя лажу. На святое ведь замахнулся :-)
Re: Let It Be... Naked - Ваши впечатления
Автор: Grigory   Дата: 13.11.03 20:44:18   
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Во-во, я о том же, не стал бы он шум разводить по поводу бутлега какого-то... Скоро мы узнаем реальное положение вещей :).
А вообще подозрительно мал интерес к выложенному "новому" альбому. Может все и без нас знают уже что это лажа, но не хотят признатся :)!?
Re: Let It Be... Naked - Ваши впечатления
Автор: AlexV   Дата: 13.11.03 20:50:24   
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а что эти mp3 дал САМ Пол ?
Re: Let It Be... Naked - Ваши впечатления
Автор: Трицератопс Рокс   Дата: 14.11.03 20:02:32   
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Сегодня Let It Be... Naked в "двойном" исполнении был завезен в "Трансильванию". Диски, увы, Copy Controlled
Re: Let It Be... Naked - Ваши впечатления
Автор: Sundari-Xvostyadeva   Дата: 14.11.03 20:06:12   
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Трицератопс Рокс,
copy controlled в плане защиты диска - это не проблема %)
или они copy controlled - в смысле не возьмешь содрать?:))
Re: Let It Be... Naked - Ваши впечатления
Автор: Трицератопс Рокс   Дата: 14.11.03 21:16:02   
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Если бы можно было бы что-то "содрать" из Трансильвании... Я был бы счастливейшим из смертных...

PS. Боря - редкостная....
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Let It Be... Naked - Ваши впечатления
Автор: Sundari-Xvostyadeva   Дата: 15.11.03 04:01:36   
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вери гууууд ньюс!!
вот и натуральный релиз:

11-14-2003 The_Beatles_-_Let_it_Be_Naked-2CD-Retail-2003-StyLe

как токо появится возможность - выложу;)

Вот это да!!!  
Re: Let It Be... Naked - Ваши впечатления
Автор: Sundari-Xvostyadeva   Дата: 15.11.03 16:25:19   
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второй диск - это просто нечто!!!!!!!!!!!!
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Let It Be... Naked - Ваши впечатления
Автор: Sundari-Xvostyadeva   Дата: 15.11.03 18:29:50   
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вощем, что я могу сказать по этому поводу - СЛУШАЙТЕ И НАСЛАЖДАЙТЕСЬ %)

по существу -
get back, dig a pony - остались практически без изменений
стали чище звучать, приятственнее
в for you blue убрали бакграунды фузящие, вещица зазвучала интимнее как то чтоли...
long and winding road - совершенно другая песня. в результате отсутсвия скрипок и хора она стала хрупкой и очень нежной. вокал, кстати, слегка отличается ТОЖЕ.
two of us - слегка отличается аккомпаниментом, в остальном - та же.
в i've got a feeling убрали дисторшн с самого начала, благодаря этому нету режущих звуков, да и звучит она мягче и всячески приятственнее.
также более качественно выведены бэкграунды, в результате чего прорисовывается милое такое гитарное соло %)
one after 909 - в целом та же, без особых изменений. однозначно, бас перезаписан - звучит совсем по другому.
don't let me down - практически такая же, но звучит ИНАЧЕ :)
i me mine - ДРУГАЯ песня. без лишнего. ВСЕ в норме. ААА!!!! %)))
across the universe стала какойто более детско-открыто-наивной, как будто мир воспринимается глазами ребенка... это ТАК ЗДОРОВО!
так же мне показалось, что она стала чуть быстрее. кстати, ситар не так уж и слышно.
let it be - звучит иначе. очень грамотно звучат вступления инструментов. совсем не так как было. это совсем другой экспириенс.

fly on the wall - почти 22х минутная запись студийной репетиции - ну это вообще слов нет - ибо оно В ТАКОМ КАЧЕСТВЕ, ЧТО ПРОСТО ОЙ!!!
можно услышать много всего достаточно интересного :))

как я уже сказал - все вещи стали ГОРАЗДО чище. очень хорошо во всем альбоме прорисован бас (ну, не-муд-ре-но %)))))
да и вообще...
если выбирать из двух имеющихся "лет-ит-бёв" - я выбираю _этот_.

дальше думайте сами.

и качайте на здоровье!!!)))))
Re: Let It Be... Naked - Ваши впечатления
Автор: Rocky Racoon   Дата: 15.11.03 22:32:53   
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Купил сегодня LIBN на горбушке. Впечатление аналогичное - звучит как-то ярче, басы сочнее. Между песнями убраны все разговоры. А для создания атмосферы записи альбома к нему приложен второй диск с medley Get back сессий на 22 минуты. Вот его "piece"-list:

Sun King (0.17)
Don't Let Me Down (0.35)
One After 909 (0.09)
Because I Know You Love Me So (1.32)
Don't Pass Me By (0.03)
Taking A Trip To Carolina (0.19)
John's Piano Piece (0.18)
Child Of Nature (0.24)
Back In The USSR (0.09)
Every Little Thing (0.09)
Don't Let Me Down (1.01)
All Things Must Pass (0.21)
She Came In Through The Bathroom Window (0.05)
Paul's Piano Piece (1.01)
Get Back (0.15)
Two Of Us (0.22)
Maggie Mae (0.22)
Fancy My Chances With You (0.27)
Can You Dig It? (0.31)
Get Back (0.32)

Re: Let It Be... Naked - Ваши впечатления
Автор: Varna   Дата: 15.11.03 23:09:23   
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ААААААААЫЫЫЫЫЫУУУУООО!!!!!! Дайте мне!!! Умру.
Re: Let It Be... Naked - Ваши впечатления
Автор: Textpert   Дата: 16.11.03 01:30:44   
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Чем дальше тем лучне, мне нравтся отзывы в последней части топика. Мне всё интереснее и интереснее, но всё равно ничего не стану скачивать, буду ждать оригинала :))
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Let It Be... Naked - Ваши впечатления
Автор: Grigory   Дата: 16.11.03 02:20:00   
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Вот это уже дело!
Эта версия мне больше чем оргигинашльная нравится, даже сквозь убогость mp3 слышно что звук стал ощутимо лучше. С нетерпением буду ждать появления в продаже CD версии.
Всем советую качать ;))!
Re: Let It Be... Naked - Ваши впечатления
Автор: Rocky Racoon   Дата: 16.11.03 09:44:41   
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2 Varna Не умирай! Альбом уже вовсю продается на Горбушке. Стоит 600 р.

Что касается Copy controlled - на диске действительно присутствует защита от копирования, что заметно даже по рабочей поверхности CD. EAC грабил его около часа, но как ни странно, в сграбленном имидже диска искажений не слышно.
Re: Let It Be... Naked - Ваши впечатления
Автор: McSeam   Дата: 16.11.03 10:12:03   
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Это не naked, это dressed!!! Все инструменты звучат ярко, сочно. Ударные и бас - просто супер! Такое впечатление, что они записали все заново, без дурачества, без долгих, утомительных репетиций. Все песни - свежие, записаны с желанием. Слушаешь, вроде бы все то же, что и раньше, но все по новому.
Я знаю, что будет делать Маккартни, когда перестанет петь :) Он заново сведет все свои и битловские записи :)
Результат очень хорош. Спектор отдыхает.
Ироничная ухмылка  
Re: Let It Be... Naked - Ваши впечатления
Автор: Textpert   Дата: 16.11.03 11:59:05   
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Да уж,у бедного Спектора нынче дела и так не ахти какие, а тут ещё и Маккартни "поквитался" с ним за "Let It Be"
Я не знаю точные мотивы, но Спектору предъявлено обвинение в убийстве. Не знаю подробностей и мотивов, но в любом случае это неприятно.
Re: Let It Be... Naked - Ваши впечатления
Автор: Rocky Racoon   Дата: 16.11.03 12:22:55   
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Инфа из буклета:

The kids of AD 2000 will understand what it was all about and draw from the music much the same sense of well being and warmth as we do today. For the magic of the Beatles is timeless and ageless.
That prediction in the sleeve notes for Beatles For Sale was made by Derek Taylor in 1964, when pop stars had a limited shelf life of perhaps two years. But sure enough, at the beginning of our century, the sales of the Beatles' album 1 have proved him right in spectacular fashion with 25 million sales... and counting.
Now this latest addition to their catalogue provides another chapter in the most byzantine tale behind any of their albums. By stripping away the decorative layers applied to some of the tracks this special edition reveals Let It Be as it was meant to be. The dedicated Abbey Road team has also ensured the warmth of the analogue recording still colours the sound but the crackle of tape hiss has disappeared.
As Paul commented when he heard the digitally cleaned-up mixes 'If we'd had today's technology then, it would sound like this because that was the noise we made in the studio. It's all exactly as it was in the room, but you're in a clearer room with the guys. It's sort of scary; you're right there now.' So here it is, at last, Let It Be... Naked - the bare bones of the Beatles' music made in January 1969.
Why they wanted to adopt a raw and unadorned approach to these songs in the first place revolves around the ethos of the Beatles: never do what you are expected to do. After pioneering stadium events, they played their last concert on 29th August 1966. When they regrouped three months later, they focussed on the recording experimentation heard on their previous two albums and duly dazzled the world. In 1967, the extraordinary single 'Penny Lane'/'Strawberry Fields Forever' heralded the LP Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.
The following year, The Beatles - a double album in a pure white sleeve - arrived with hardly a trace of the previous record's psychedelic atmosphere. It skipped in a heartbeat from a whimsical folk song to a heavy rock riff to a nostalgic 1930s Hollywood musical pastiche. Then - and here's the thing to set today's marketing men scratching their heads in bemusement - with The Beatles in its sixth week at number one, they began work on a new project.
Let It Be evolved from an original plan to make a television show featuring the group playing tracks from the recent 'white album'. That idea changed in three ways. First, abandoning the easier path, they opted to learn a completely new batch of songs for the televised concert. A second innovative approach was added when it was decided to film the rehearsals; allowing viewers to trace the development of each song from its first rough run through to the final polished version. Thirdly, as the climax of the project was a return to live performance, no studio effects or overdubbing of voices and instruments would be allowed at any time.
With the provisional concert date set for 20th January 1969, filming began on the second day of that month. Michael Lindsay Hogg was chosen to direct both the documentary and concert. His track record included work on the British TV show Ready Steady Go!, Beatles promotional films for 'Paperback Writer', 'Rain', 'Hey Jude' and 'Revolution' and only a few weeks before, The
Rolling Stones' Rock And Roll Circus. Glyn Johns, the engineer on that show, was invited to balance the Beatles' sound for the rehearsals and concert. As usual, George Martin was the supervising producer but, as he recalled, had been instructed by John that 'none of your production rubbish' was needed!
Filming took place on a cavernous sound stage at Twickenham Film Studios amid conditions that were not very conducive to creating music. Encircled by cameras, the Beatles huddled together -one moment feeling too hot from the film crew's lights and the next too cold from the building's wintry draughts. Having recently fallen into the habit of late night recording, the group now had to adapt to office hours, starting some time between ten and eleven o' clock in the morning.
It is the Twickenham sessions that have characterised the whole Let It Be project as an unhappy one both in the minds of the Beatles themselves and anyone who saw the documentary footage in the movie. All four have talked openly about the underlying tensions within the group - no doubt amplified by their uncomfortable surroundings and the constant intrusion of cameras and boom microphones literally bugging them. The hundreds of film sound rolls now provide an invaluable historical record of these days in the life of the Beatles and they do contain some candid discussions about the future of the group.
Throughout the tapes Paul doggedly insists that only by working hard together can the group survive. He is also determined that they should break away from their insular recording career and appear before the public again. The other Beatles' enthusiasm for the planned concert ebbs and flows. But there are also happy moments in evidence as the group return to their roots - playing not only rock 'n' roll favourites but also unreleased early Lennon-McCartney compositions such as 'One After 909' and 'Because I Know You Love Me So'.
As the days ticked away, the director's primary concern was where the concert should take place. John can be heard on one of the tapes commenting, 'I've said "Yes" to every idea that's come up... America, Pakistan, the moon... I'll still be there singing 'Don't let Me Down'!'. If not quite the moon, the hire of two ocean liners (at a week's notice!) to take the group and an audience to a torch-lit concert in the Arabian desert was just one of many fanciful ideas discussed for the televised event.
But on Friday 10th January - the seventh day of rehearsal - Michael Lindsay Hogg was faced with an even more pressing problem. After an apparently harmonious morning of playing 'Get Back' and 'Two Of Us', George announced he was quitting the group. 'See you round the clubs!' was his typically understated farewell comment. Having hung out with Bob Dylan and the Band in their homes in Woodstock and enjoyed producing a Jackie Lomax album in California, George had found the Twickenham experience a grim contrast to his recent break in the States.
Re: Let It Be... Naked - Ваши впечатления
Автор: Rocky Racoon   Дата: 16.11.03 12:24:02   
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The remaining three Beatles dutifully turned up for rehearsals the following Monday and Tuesday but little was accomplished. Fortunately, George agreed to continue with the group but only if current plans were altered. So rehearsals were switched to the basement studio at their Apple headquarters in 3, Savile Row in London's West End. The Beatles immediately felt at home and their spirits were soon elevated further by the presence of another musician on keyboards. Billy Preston first met the group when he played in Hamburg with Little Richard's band. Now in town playing organ with Ray Charles, when he dropped by to say hello he was quickly drafted into the sessions.

The film sound rolls recorded at Apple disclose how much the atmosphere of the sessions had improved. On the first day in Savile Row, George and John are heard discussing their annoyance over a newspaper article that had alleged the two might have 'traded a few punches' at Twickenham. 'It's never got to that', John is heard saying, 'Except for a plate of dinner (thrown) in Hamburg!'. A few days later, munching toast together, all four chat enthusiastically about playing live in the studio. I'm just so high when I get in at night' John tells the others. 'Yeah, it's great, isn't it?' George responds.
It is also clear that while they recognised the need for individual pursuits, at this stage they believed that these could be reconciled with continued group activity. George is heard telling John about his plan for a solo LP 'I've got so many songs that I've got my quota of tunes for the next ten albums! So I would like to do an album of songs mainly to get them all out the way. It would be nice if any of us can do separate things as well. That way it also preserves this - the Beatle bit of it - more.'
Although still aiming at some sort of live 'pay-off' to the rehearsals, once settled in a recording studio - albeit one that was
unfinished and stocked with equipment borrowed from EMI - their days became more focussed. 'For You Blue', 'Get Back' and 'Don't Let Me Down' were all 'properly' recorded during the first week at Apple. Eventually, it was decided to film two live sets in order to give what was now a movie a fitting final sequence. Four of the tracks on this album were recorded during an unannounced lunchtime concert on the roof of 3, Savile Row. Playing into the freezing wind, the Beatles' public performance on 30th January 1969 turned out to be the last one ever. The following day, they were filmed in the studio playing three quieter numbers that were unsuitable for the open air.
During the early summer of 1969 'Get Back' and 'Don't Let Me Down' were released on a single that topped charts around the world. By this time, the group had reverted to their painstaking multi-track recording methods in EMI's studios. The sessions produced their final album Abbey Road, which went to number one in October. Interestingly, twelve of its songs had been introduced at some time during the Twickenham and Apple sessions in January 1969.
With the group and George Martin concentrating fully on a new album, none of
them had the time to sort through the many live takes from the previous project. Glyn Johns was asked to compile an album called Get Back that would match the documentary nature of the forthcoming film. He came up with a record featuring studio chatter and a selection of incomplete takes and some rather under rehearsed performances. Although given several release dates throughout the year and an amended running order as late as January 1970, the album was eventually rejected.
The shelved recordings were eventually released after producer Phil Spector had been brought in to complete the project. Two tracks were added to the original list to mirror the songs featured in the imminent movie. As the Beatles were seen in Let It Be playing 'Across The Universe', it was decided to include it on the album. Their recording made in February 1968 had recently emerged on a charity LP for the World Wildlife Fund called No One's Gonna Change Our World. But Spector modelled a new version by significantly slowing down the tape and adding an orchestra and choir. Similarly, because an early rehearsal of 1 Me Mine' was featured in the film, that song was recorded in January 1970 and then given the Spector touch a few months later.
Although a chart-topping album featuring three American number one singles could hardly be called a failure, for the Beatles the Let It Be project retained an air of unfinished business. The memory of its creation tainted by the unhappy business dealings of the period and the tensions threatening to pull the group apart. But, in reality, these new mixes show the group playing as a tight and co-operative unit. As Ringo observed, 'In that time there was a lot of emotional turmoil going on amongst us but I've always felt that once the count-in happened we turned back into those brothers and musicians. And when you listen to the pared down version I said to one of my partners, "Not a bad band!"'
Paul is equally enthusiastic about Let It Be... Naked. 'It's just the bare tapes; just the bare truth and the great thing now about the re-mixed versions is that, with today's technology, they sound better than ever.'
That's one of the wonders of our digital age and it ensures the magic of the Beatles will be timeless and ageless.
Kevin Hewlett August 2003
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