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Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 09.09.07 14:23:13   
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Hotel California
ASYLUM, 1976
Balmy West Coast country-rock at its chilling best. Don’t let familiarity breed contempt: “Hotel California” remains a benchmark song, and the rest of this album, although dwarfed by the title track, is a soft-rock masterpiece. And that’s something you don’t hear too often.
Standout track: “Hotel California”

Their Greatest Hits (1971–1976)
ASYLUM, 1976
They liked Gram Parsons, drugs, rock & roll and money, but they sounded smooth as platinum, with harmonies that made the Beach Boys seem like pigs. The Eagles had hits like teens have acne: everywhere and all the time.
Standout track: “Take It to the Limit”

Strange Magic: The Best of Electric Light Orchestra
EPIC, 1995
Part British whimsy, part faux classical, but mostly a better-produced Beatles, Electric Light Orchestra were the sound of the mid-’70s for a bespectacled generation.
Standout track: “Livin’ Thing”

All-Time Original Hits
RHINO, 1999
A huge influence on the Beatles, the ever-squabbling Don and Phil Everly were energetic, country-influenced rock & rollers who proved even before the Fabs did that pop could motor and that tunes were no enemy to rocking.
Standout track: “Cathy’s Clown”

Fleetwood Mac
On which an ailing Brit-blues band is transformed into megaplatinum superstars by the arrival of brilliant songwriter-guitarist-producer Lindsey Buckingham and his hippie-chick partner, Stevie Nicks. A benchmark for aspiring AOR tunesmiths.
Standout track: “Rhiannon”

The culmination of F-Mac’s transformation from British blues icons to masters of California pop, Rumours spent an astonishing 31 weeks at number 1. Feather-light harmonies and deep, dark soap-opera emotions give it real bite.
Standout track: “Go Your Own Way”

Sin City: The Very Best of the Flying Burrito Brothers
Piloted by ex-Byrds Chris Hillman and Gram Parsons, the classic Burritos lineup lasted for two albums, but it alchemized the monster known as country-rock.
Standout track: “Hot Burrito #2”

Peter Gabriel (3)
GEFFEN, 1980
Acknowledged as the former Genesis man’s best solo effort. Paranoia and navel gazing has never sounded so captivating; the production is beautifully sympathetic; and with songs as extraordinary as “Games Without Frontiers,” there are no defects.
Standout track: “Games Without Frontiers”

Workingman’s Dead
Temporarily putting aside their long space jams and LSD-inspired studio games, the Dead mined Hank Williams, Robert Johnson and Buck Owens for this album full of working-class blues.
Standout track: “Uncle John’s Band”

American Beauty
The Dead’s second great country-rock album is a masterpiece of cosmic American songwriting, mostly acoustic arrangements and angelic vocal harmonies. You’ll hardly notice the absence of guitar solos.
Standout track: “Box of Rain”

Two From the Vault
Although they still relied on keyboardist Ron “Pigpen” McKernan’s R&B growl for their power, this set finds the Dead beginning the transition from LSD-soaked folk-blues act to psychedelic, genre-destroying rock explorers.
Standout track: “Dark Star”

Are You Experienced?
MCA, 1967
The most thrilling electric guitar playing ever recorded. The ejaculatory spurts of “Foxey Lady” seemed to catch even Hendrix marveling at his own genius. The reissue also offers singles “Hey Joe” and “Purple Haze.” Lucky you.
Standout track: “Foxey Lady”

Electric Ladyland
MCA, 1968
The guitar genius’s third and most ambitious album is a sprawling, eclectic masterpiece, taking in jazzy extended jams, concise riff-pop, psychedelic reveries, cosmic dashiki soul and fevered blues deconstructions.
Standout track: “Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)”

The Buddy Holly Collection
MCA, 1993
The Beatles got the inspiration for their name from Holly’s backing band, the Crickets. Had he lived, Holly might have been their competitor. The first wise white rock & roll songwriter, Holly remolded the primal beat and made eyeglasses cool.
Standout track: “Not Fade Away”

Fit to Be Tied: Great Hits
Starting in 1981, when Jett and her bad reputation split from the all-girl, sexploitative Runaways, she rocked harder and more consistently than anyone without a dick, inspiring a generation of riot-grrrl stepdaughters.
Standout track: “I Love Rock & Roll”

The Essential Janis Joplin
Joplin could belt out basic blues, but her electrifying performances prefigured female rockers as disparate as Bonnie Raitt and Courtney Love. But her early years with acid-tinged Big Brother & the Holding Company are the most rewarding listening here.
Standout track: “Piece of My Heart”

Greatest Hits Vol. 1
RHINO, 1989
The crowning glory of garage rock, courtesy of Dave Davies’s blitzkrieg solo on “You Really Got Me.” Brother Ray was already a master of the wry and bittersweet, and this collection of 18 early singles doesn’t even get up to 1967’s “Waterloo Sunset.”
Standout track: “I’m Not Like Everybody Else”

The Kink Kronikles
The Kinks’ glorious 1966–’70 era documents not only a vanishing England, but endearing melancholy. Magical songwriting and stoic ensemble work make a first-rate introduction to this influential but still underheralded band.
Standout track: “Waterloo Sunset”

Double Platinum
Kiss’s hits underscored their status as a first-class heavy-metal pop band. Thumping good tunes and Spinal Tap–like lyrics (Paul Stanley’s “Love Gun,” Gene Simmons’s “God of Thunder”) reign supreme. Alas, Double Platinum predates their disco phase.
Standout track: “Detroit Rock City”

Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 09.09.07 14:24:00   
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Led Zeppelin
Guitarist Jimmy Page’s panoramic vision and heavy metal’s very existence begin here. Strap yourself in as folk, ’60s pop and blues meet electricity and singer Robert Plant emerges, grunting and victorious, like prehistoric man discovering fire.
Standout track: “Communication Breakdown”

Led Zeppelin II
If their debut suggested that Page’s talents were flowering spectacularly, six months later Led Zeppelin delivered a thrilling ensemble piece. John Bonham’s brutal genius is showcased on “Moby Dick,” but it’s Plant who truly thrusts himself to center stage.
Standout track: “Whole Lotta Love”

Led Zeppelin IV
Formerly known as Four Symbols, this combines heavy metal (“Rock and Roll”) with densely arranged blues, heady English folk and a touching British hanker for the moist pleasures of California. You’ve heard “Stairway to Heaven”? Page plays God.
Standout track: “Stairway to Heaven”

Physical Graffiti
A double album of immense scope that demonstrates why Zep were much more than a lumpen rock band. Sometimes funky (“Trampled Underfoot”) or countryish (“Down by the Seaside”), by today’s standards this isn’t very heavy. But its power remains undimmed.
Standout track: “Kashmir”

John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band
With the simplest musical backing, the former Beatle invents angst-rock with primal-scream howls about the perils of fame, the illusions of the ’60s, the British class system and the nonexistence of God, arriving finally at a brave conclusion: “The dream is over.”
Standout track: “God”

Worldly, romantic and spiteful, Imagine is easily Lennon’s most cohesive and fully realized solo album. He mercilessly lambastes everyone from Richard Nixon to Paul McCartney, but as usual, he sings most of the best tunes in the direction of Yoko Ono.
Standout track: “Imagine”

All Killer, No Filler: The Anthology
RHINO, 1993
The wildest of the first rock & rollers, Jerry Lee lived how he sang: slightly crazed, on the edge of something dark and inspired. Note, too, that he’s canny enough to have become a great survivor.
Standout track: “Great Balls of Fire”

Pronounced Leh-Nerd Skin-Nerd
MCA, 1973
Skynyrd’s debut is remarkable for its sheer songwriting confidence and Ronnie Van Zant’s flawless vocal performances. The man sings his heart out throughout, while “Free Bird” proves that dueling guitars do have their place.
Standout track: “Free Bird”

Street Survivors
MCA, 1977
If you think teary-eyed rockers treasure Street Survivors simply because it appeared mere days before the plane crash that killed much of the band, think again. Tight but loose, raw but relaxed, this is effortlessly righteous material from a band at its zenith.
Standout track: “That Smell”

Wingspan: Hits & History
Dismissed as too sweet, Macca’s best moments (“Jet,” “Maybe I’m Amazed”) take on the intelligence and peerless songcraft of his Beatles work. This collection insists he’s equal parts experimenter and commercial artist.
Standout track: “Jet”

Bat Out of Hell
If Bruce Springsteen had written a Broadway musical, this would’ve been it. No one could write for Meat Loaf but genius Jim Steinman, and no one could sing Steinman except “The Loaf.” More than any other record, this is all of rock in one album.
Standout track: “For Cryin’ Out Loud”

Master of Puppets
Having revitalized metal in the early ’80s, these San Franciscans smartly refined the most distinctive elements of their first two albums for this perfectly crafted creative high. For many, it remains the greatest metal album ever.
Standout track: “Master of Puppets”

The album that moved thrash-metal onto a whole new plane. This is the sound of Metallica growing up, spreading out and making music that’s always heavy in intent but also shaded with subtlety and grace. Astonishingly, even the ballads manage to work.
Standout track: “Enter Sandman”

Greatest Hits 1974–78
This is all you really need to enjoy the airless pleasures of Miller’s ’70s FM rock. Just three albums are plundered for this best-of set, but it’s still a damn-near-perfect aid to growing your hair and, hey, rolling with it.
Standout track: “Take the Money and Run”

“The bed’s too big/The frying pan’s too wide.” You know the feeling. Mitchell’s acoustic confessionals of freewheeling love and fuckups among the L.A. hipperati touch everyone. Blue’s open-hearted beauty inspired Annie Lennox, Alanis Morissette . . . and Led Zeppelin.
Standout track: “Carey”

Court and Spark
ASYLUM, 1974
Rarely has romantic longing been so poetically documented. Mitchell circles the singles scene (“People’s Parties”), yearns for a lover (“Car On a Hill”) and still finds time to tear strips out of a cynical music industry in the David Geffen–inspired “Free Man in Paris.”
Standout track: “Free Man in Paris”

Astral Weeks
Take a white thug-hippie from Belfast who sings like Ray Charles, drop some acid and give him a great jazz band. Bliss. This cryptic dreamscape features some of the most beautiful singing on record and some of the most gently erotic music.
Standout track: “Madame George”

Romantic, sensual, finger-clicking, free as a bird: The belligerent Belfast cowboy never sounded happier or more effortlessly in touch with his muse. Is it rock? Jazz? Folk-poetry? Rhythm & blues? Morrison takes what he loves and makes it his own.
Standout track: “Into the Mystic”

No Sleep ’Til Hammersmith
Road dogs Motörhead were a barnacle on the ass of British rock for most of the late ’70s. Then came this pivotal live album, which kicked their amphetamine-fueled din out of the Hell’s Angels social club and onto the U.K. album charts.
Standout track: “Ace of Spades”

Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 09.09.07 14:25:59   
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Can’t Buy a Thrill
MCA, 1972
Seventies FM rock with a flinty heart. As debuts go, this is remarkably sophisticated: Surreal lyrics blend with music that appears instantly commercial yet gradually reveals a weird undertow of jazz. “Reelin’ in the Years” is just too good to be true.
Standout track: “Reelin’ in the Years”

Countdown to Ecstasy
ABC, 1973
Buoyed by the reception to Can’t Buy a Thrill, Walter Becker and Donald Fagen added jazz, black humor and rock dynamics. Impeccably played, steeped in learning but full of hooks and hits, this confirmed them as the most unlikely of superstars.

Pretzel Logic
ABC, 1974
Stoner-rock with a Master’s degree. Becker and Fagen’s third album splices their lissome jazz and blues with a side order of corrosive wit and sparks of guitar feedback. It’s smart-ass pop without a doubt, but the prickly duo’s intelligence never eclipses the tunes.
Standout track: “Rikki Don’t Lose That Number”

Katy Lied
ABC, 1975
Cementing the commercial breakthrough conferred by Pretzel Logic, Katy Lied gave Steely Dan’s blues-dipped jazz-rock another lap of honor, while easing up — just a little — on the biting wit. It remains the last word in precision-built, supersmart ’70s rock & roll.
Standout track: “Doctor Wu”

MCA, 1977
Ignoring punk, the impeccable jazz-rock ironists take an album off from messing with people’s heads to deliver chocolatey grooves, manly soloing and the oft-sampled “Peg.” Mellow to the point of catatonia, for when you really need that kind of thing.
Standout track: “Deacon Blues”

Remember: The Ultimate Collection
Twenty-four songs from a man who later changed his name and religion, but not his nature. Stevens had shown love and humanity all along, with an easy voice destined to sing these beautiful songs with effortless grace.
Standout track: “Matthew & Son”

Storyteller (Box Set)
Four CDs that trace Stewart’s 30-year passage from the London blues scene to transatlantic soft-rock behemoth. The best stuff, inevitably, is his early- to mid-’70s material, in which the music coheres with that remarkable voice to irresistible effect.
Standout track: “You Wear It Well”

Greatest Hits
Taylor was as emblematic of the ’70s as Kurt Cobain would be to the ’90s. As a sensitive troubadour who suffered and took drugs for his art, he defined the singer-songwriter archetype. This collection, devoted to his early work, is a poignant, heart-wrenching marvel.
Standout track: “Fire and Rain”

Shoot Out the Lights
There’s nothing less likely to save a failing marriage than recording an album of painfully honest songs about it. Shoot Out the Lights is uncomfortable but compulsive. Folk rock is far too feeble a term.
Standout track: “Wall of Death”

20th Century Boy: The Ultimate Collection
HIP-O, 2002
Fusing the dumbness of early rock & roll with ’70s glam, Marc Bolan managed to make Chuck Berry riffs and nonsensical lyrics sound fantastic. Albums were never his forte: This is all you need.
Standout track: “20th Century Boy”

Best of the Troggs
Seemingly a bunch of bickering simpletons who influenced Spinal Tap, England’s Troggs were much more — and they gave us “Wild Thing,” the nastiest, most perfect piece of fuzzed-out guitar filth known to man. And “Love Is All Around.”
Standout track: “Wild Thing”

Meaty, Beaty, Big and Bouncy
MCA, 1971
The first (and best) Who compilation collects revelatory ’60s singles that act out insecurity and frustration with frenzied intensity in blazes of guitar feedback and drum mayhem. This is rock played with unequaled musicianship, style and abandon.
Standout track: “I Can See for Miles”

Who’s Next
MCA, 1971
They were once too steeped in English eccentricity to appeal to everyday Americans, but Who’s Next made the Who a global concern. Here, angry rhetoric and Pete Townshend’s spiritualism were smuggled inside riffs that could fell a man from 20 paces.
Standout track: “Won’t Get Fooled Again”

MCA, 1973
By this point, Pete Townshend thought that 12-song albums were for losers. So he came up with an opus about the Who’s original audience: London’s mods. The concept aside, Quadrophenia contains enough of his band’s potent rock to ensure it was a winner.
Standout track: “5:15”

Lucinda Williams
KOCH, 1988
The notorious perfectionist needed only 40 minutes to demonstrate everything good that contemporary “roots music” had to offer. Practically all Southern genres are combined in these yearning, gritty, drawling songs.

Car Wheels On a Gravel Road
For Williams, quality matters more than quantity — so in the first 20 years of her career, she delivered just five albums, and this was the best. Simple truths, real situations and honest feelings beautifully sung. Who needs more?
Standout track: “Drunken Angel”

Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 09.09.07 14:26:29   
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RHINO, 2001
Eric Clapton’s presence ensured that these Brit-blues pioneers would create a cult that survives to this day. The later recruitment of both Jeff Beck and Jimmy Page made them legendary. As this two-CD set proves, the music backs up the myth.
Standout track: “Shapes of Things”

After the Gold Rush
A classic collection of mainly intimate reflections (“Southern Man” is the notable exception), this is where Young sealed his reputation while also introducing the remarkable talents of 17-year-old guitarist Nils Lofgren.
Standout track: “Only Love Can Break Your Heart”

Tunes ache and hearts break in a nasal country croon sung to a lonesome guitar (with a side order of patched-denim rock and symphony orchestra) in that endless soul search. After all, a singer-songwriter’s gotta do what a singer-songwriter’s gotta do.
Standout track: “Heart of Gold”

Tonight’s the Night
A memorial to Crazy Horse’s guitarist Danny Whitten, a heroin victim, this finds a potent mixture of grief and tequila taking Young and his associates perilously close to the edge. Harrowing and ragged, but magnificent.
Standout track: “Tonight’s the Night”
Rust Never Sleeps
Half electric, half acoustic, all amazing. This collection of new songs, some recorded on Young’s 1978 tour, was imbued with his ever-peculiar mix of beguiling sentimentality, cussedness, bravery and willful conservatism.
Standout track: “Hey Hey My My (Into the Black)”

Grandpa Grunge in all his ragged glory. Young’s third live set was packed with sonic slop and rough edges, providing a template for future alt-rockers the world over. The sound of metal on metal, delivered with punch-drunk swagger.
Standout track: “Powderfinger”

We’re Only in It for the Money
Zappa’s skewed, salacious worldview floods the Mothers’ second album, offset by instrumental showmanship and his growing skill as a writer.
Standout track: “What’s the Ugliest Part of Your Body”

Genius: The Best of Warren Zevon
RHINO, 2002
The Chicagoan’s imminent demise has served to remind what a talent the world is about to lose. Zevon’s humor was black, but he was always as likely to cheerily lacerate himself as others.
Standout track: “Werewolves of London”

Greatest Hits
The best of Phase Two ZZ Top, where an ’80s modernizing of the Texas trio’s boogie sound yielded such monster hits as “Gimme All Your Lovin’.” They also threw in a few reminders of their former lo-fi choogle — “Tush,” “La Grange” — just for good measure.
Standout track: “Legs”

Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 09.09.07 15:15:03   
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(мнение одного из блоггеров)
10. Sean Lennon
While I realize that Sean had a lot of hardships in his life, his father's death when he was 5 and Yoko as his mother, Sean's musical career has left a lot to be desired. While his debut album in 1998, "Into the Sun," was hailed by critics, the record did not achieve the popular approval that one would expect from a Beatle child. Sean has basically made a career of collaborating with other artists-- Lenny Kravitz, Jurassic 5 and his mother, Yoko Ono. Sean released a new album last month entitled "Friendly Fire" which was awarded 4 out of 5 stars in Rolling Stone. But anyone who reads Rolling Stone knows that the magazine never dares insult music royalty no matter how bad an album might be. Interestingly, Sean has dated two other rock star offspring-- Bijou Phillips, daughter of John Phillips of The Mamas and the Papas and later, Elizabeth Jagger, daughter of Mick.


9. Nelson
Looking like the Hilton sisters, this cheesy hair-metal duo hit the music scene in 1990 with the #1 hit "(I Can't Live Without Your) Love and Affection." Matthew and Gunnar Nelson, the twin sons of Ricky Nelson, an American music icon and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame member, milked their family name for all it was worth and pretty much disappeared. Following their debut album, "After the Rain", Nelson's subsequent two albums were not produced by their record label. While their music did, in fact, suck, the failure of Nelson can be partially attributed to the strange musical climate of the early 90s. The early 90s was an uncomfortable transitional period in music when hair-metal suddenly gave way to alternative. This switch left platinum-blond balladeers (see photo) without any real place in the music scene. However, right when something becomes uncool in America, it usually becomes cool in Japan and this was true for Nelson who continues to find success there. As their grandparents are also famous muscians, Ozzie and Harriet Nelson, the Nelson family, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, is the only family to have 3 generations of #1 songs. This record: something to be proud of. Playing a gig at the Warner Theater in Torrington, Connecticut next week: disappointing.


8. Nona Gaye
While Nona Gaye, daughter of soul legend Marvin Gaye, does in fact have a successful acting career, her musical career has proven profoundly disappointing. Nona released a highly touted debut album at the age of 18 entitled "Love For the Future" in 1992. Despite it being the first Gaye release since her father died 8 years earlier, Nona's album sold modestly. She then joined Sheila E., Sheena Easton and Carmen Electra in the illustrious line of Prince girls. She performed and recorded with Prince for 3 years though never broke out of the background. Nona then turned to acting and has appeared in numerous movies and currently stars in "Law & Order: Something or Other." Nona joins the #10 and #1 offspring as one whose famous music parent was shot dead.

7. Jakob Dylan
It pains me to include Jakob Dylan on this list because he's the only person on the countdown whose music I listen to. Son of songwriting legend Bob Dylan, Jakob and his band The Wallflowers hit it big with the 1996 album "Bringing Down the Horse." The album sold over 4 million copies and earned Dylan's band 2 Grammys. However, after "Bringing Down the Horse" Dylan's band somewhat faded away. Their subsequent 3 albums did not achieve anything close to the level of success as their 1996 album. While Dylan has never disappointed me, the incredible fame of his father makes Jakob worthy of a spot on the list.


6. Rockwell
What a one-hit wonder. But what a hit-- "Sometimes it feels like, somebody's watching meeeeeeeee." Rockwell, born Kennedy Gordy, was the son of Motown founder Berry Gordy. The prince of Motown, Rockwell did not want to use his father's influence to establish himself. So in 1983, under the pseudonym "Rockwell", Gordy inked a record deal at Motown without his father knowing. The next year, Rockwell recorded the smash single, "Somebody's Watching Me" which featured a chorus sung by Rockwell's friend, Michael Jackson. The song hit #1 on the R&B charts and Rockwell had exactly 15 minutes of fame. Rockwell learned that without M.J., he didn't have much. His next two albums were stinkers and he was never heard from again
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 09.09.07 15:15:51   
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5. Kelly Osbourne5. Kelly Osbourne
This photo makes me gag. Kelly Osbourne was thrust into the limelight in 2002 with the MTV reality show "The Osbournes". Her father, Ozzy Osbourne, is world reknown for singing in the 70s metal group Black Sabbath and being completely fucking nuts. Hence, the need to follow him and his family around with cameras. Kelly, once the fat, annoying Osbourne (or was that Jack), made a leap into the music world in 2002 with her debut album "Shut Up!". Which is exactly what she should have done during the period of time she recorded the album. Despite a cheap Madonna cover, the album was a complete commercial failure and was dropped by her label. Pretty sad for the daughter of Ozzy Osbourne.


4. Carnie Wilson
Daughter of Beach Boy Brian Wilson, Carnie Wilson's musical career has been somewhat of a disappointment. Similar to Jakob Dylan, Carnie had a very strong start and was unable to achieve any long-term success. Carnie formed a group with her much prettier sister Wendy and Chynna Phillips in 1990 and released a self-titled album that sold 10 million copies and produced a #1 hit, "Hold On". Their second album flopped, the band broke up and that was pretty much it for Carnie's career in music. Unlike the other two members of the group, Carnie remained famous for other reasons. First, in 1995 she got her own talk show called Carnie!, but the show did not last. Then in 1999, the tremendously obese Wilson underwent gastric bypass surgery. And 4 years later, the newly-deflated singer posed for Playboy. Gross. Wilson got fat again and recently starred in VH1's "Celebrity Fit Club."


3. Frank Sinatra Jr.
As the Family Guy called him, "The Member of the Board" never lived up to the reputation of his famous name. Frank Jr., or the fat Frank Sinatra, has always been seen as kind of a joke. He was kidnapped at the age of 18 and released after his father paid his captors $240,000 in ransom. During the trial, the kidnappers claimed that Frank Jr. had been in cahoots with his kidnappers in an attempt to extort money from his dad. Throughout his career, Frank Jr. has constantly been compared to his dad and on all fronts, falls very short of the Chairman of the Board.


2. Lisa Marie Presley
Any daughter of "The King" who goes and marries Michael Jackson qualifies as a disappointment. I realize Lisa Marie Presley, who has had two albums reach the Billboard Top Ten, has had some moderate achievements in her short-lived music career. But you have to think about whether her commercial success has more to do with her father than with the quality of her music. But again, Lisa Marie has made more of a name for herself doing stupid things like kissing Michael Jackson in public and well, drugs.


1. Julian Lennon
And the #1 Most Disappointing Rock and Roll Offspring is Julian Lennon. The second Lennon on the list, Julian has the most striking resemblance to his famous parent than any other person on the countdown. And for looking so much like John Lennon, people came to expect Julian to write songs like John Lennon. And that he didn't. Julian's 1984 debut, and for all intents and purposes, his finale "Valotte" produced two hit songs-- the title track and "Too Late For Goodbyes," a pretty good song. But as most one or two hit wonders of the 80s, success has a strange way of turning into a drug habit. In 1991, after 4 poor albums, Julian left the music business altogether. For no fault of his own, Julian's musical career never met the expectations the world had for him. Similar to Frank Sinatra Jr. or Jakob Dylan, no matter what Julian does, it will always be compared to what his father did, which in the world of music, is impossible to match.
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Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 09.09.07 15:23:24   
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по версии Роллинг Стоун

1. “Under Pressure” off Queen’s Hot Space
2. “This Is England” off the Clash’s Cut The Crap
3. “Eminence Front” off The Who’s It’s Hard
4. “Brownsville Girl” off Bob Dylan’s Knocked Out Loaded
5. “Hallo Spaceboy” off David Bowie’s Outside
6. “Kill Your Sons” off Lou Reed’s Sally Can’t Dance
7. “2000 Light Years from Home” off the Rolling Stones’ Their Satanic Majesties Request
8. “Goin’ Home” off Neil Young’s Are You Passionate
9. “Song For Guy” off Elton John’s A Single Man
10. “Don’t Look Back” off Boston’s Don’t Look Back
11. “Jammin’ Me” off Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers’ Let Me Up I’ve Had Enough
12. “Shipbuilding” off Elvis Costello’s Punch the Clock
13. “Go Let It Out” off Oasis’s Standing on the Shoulder of Giants
14. “Big Love” off Fleetwood Mac’s Tango In the Night
15. “Tonight” off Elton John’s Blue Moves
16. “Celluloid Heroes” off the Kinks’ Everybody’s in Show-Biz
17. “Country Death Song” off the Violent Femmes’ Hallowed Ground
18. “Busy Doin’ Nothin’” off the Beach Boys’ Friends
19. “Supernova” off Liz Phair’s Whip-Smart
20. “The Most Beautiful Girl in the World” off Prince’s The Gold Experience
21. “Human Touch” off Bruce Springsteen’s Human Touch
22. “Learning To Fly” off Pink Floyd’s Momentary Lapse of Reason
23. “I Don’t Want Your Love” off Duran Duran’s Big Thing
24. “Wild Wild Life” off The Talking Heads’ True Stories
25. “My Love” off Wings’ Red Rose Speedway

Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: Expert   Дата: 12.09.07 01:45:16   
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Опрос журнала Q Magazine. 10 лучших песенок по мнению 50 английских сонграйтеров. Уже постил инфу с Опрос журнала Q Magazine. 10 лучших песенок по мнению 50 английских сонграйтеров. Уже постил инфу с

Songwriters reveal top 10 tracks

Coldplay's Chris Martin picked The Verve's Bittersweet Symphony
The Beatles' Strawberry Fields and Jeff Buckley's cover of the Leonard Cohen classic Hallelujah feature in a poll to find the 10 greatest tracks.

Fifty songwriters, including Coldplay's Chris Martin and John Legend, took part in the vote for Q Magazine.

"Hallelujah is as near perfect as you can get. It transcends your mood. I can listen to it anywhere," said Legend.

The songwriters were asked to name their top three and from there the list was whittled down to the final top 10.

"You can play Strawberry Fields Forever on an acoustic guitar and it sounds beautiful," said Serge Pizzorno, of Kasabian.

"But the Beatles took the song to its furthest point, and the results are mind-bending."

Other classic tracks on the list include David Bowie's Life on Mars, The Rolling Stones' Sympathy For The Devil and Bruce Springsteen's Born To Run.

"It makes me feel like I'm being dragged away by this euphoric moment that could any moment tip into being corny, but doesn't," said Manic Street Preachers' star James Dean Bradfield of the Springsteen hit.

Coldplay singer Martin picked The Verve's Bitter Sweet Symphony.

"Bitter Sweet Symphony is as perfect a song as there is. And I say that as somebody who believes perfection is the enemy of imperfection," said Martin.

Bob Dylan's Blowin' In The Wind, Billie Holiday's Strange Fruit, God Only Knows by The Beach Boys and Lou Reed classic Perfect Day complete the list.

Bitter Sweet Symphony - The Verve
Blowin' In The Wind - Bob Dylan
Born To Run - Bruce Springsteen
God Only Knows - The Beach Boys
Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley
Life On Mars - David Bowie
Perfect Day - Lou Reed
Strange Fruit - Billie Holiday
Strawberry Fields Forever - Beatles
Sympathy For The Devil - Rolling Stones

На фото Джефф Бакли поет Аллелуйю пера Леонарда Коэна..
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: papan   Дата: 12.09.07 02:17:00   
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Подозреваю неплохо заработали Миша с Кешей на Симфонии:-).
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: UT4   Дата: 12.09.07 11:57:29   
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Улыбнуло) Я оказывается должен иметь у себя 8 альбомов Боба Дилана) А в списке с Under Pressure явно не помешает Precense, если уж подходить объективно.
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 21.10.07 02:15:17   
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15 Songs that left you wondering: Until Now 15 Songs that left you wondering: Until Now
In our musical listening experiences we've all come across songs that baffle us, that hide their possibly non-existent meanings in folds of corpulent and superfluous lyrics, and leave us wondering long after their bloated cocaine riddled corpses have surfaced for a closed casket funeral. Harnessing the innate knowledge of popular opinion, I surveyed a group of 100 people to investigate what they thought the meanings were behind these 15 songs.

1. I'll do anything for love, but I wont do that. -Meat Loaf

15% Pay Alimony
17% A Threesome
19% The Dishes
22% Help You Bury The Body
27% Anal

2. Give It To Me -J. Geils Band

1% Your Ja Rule Mixtape
14% Road Head
14% The Car Keys (you're drunk)
71% The Antidote

3. Downtown -Petula Clark

20% Heaven
20% Fight Club
20% Anal
20% Visiting A Fictional Place In Jim Croce's Mind.
20% Sweep The Leg

4. This Is How We Do It - Montell Jordan

1% Land a successful record contract
3% Doggie Style
4% Get A D.U.I.
92% Father illegitimate Children

5. Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough -Michael Jackson

3% Touchdowns
4% Types of Soup
9% Love (Apparently that's what the lyrics indicate)
84% Supple Young Boys

6. We Can Work It Out -Beatles

9% My Finger Is Caught In The Car Door
10% Suicide Pact
19% Child Custody
28% Premature Ejaculation
34% Inhibited Ejaculation

7. You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet -Bachman-Turner Overdrive

5% Those Types Of Droppings In The Yard
7% Irregular Body Hair
25% Lit Fart
26% An Inny nipple
36% Spectacular Boating Accident

8. Do That To Me One More Time -Captain and Tenille

6% Kiss
10% Disrespect Me, I dare you
40% Choke Me For My Own Sexual Gratification
44% Foot Rub

9. You Always Hurt The One You Love -Mills Brothers

17% With Words
21% With A Baseball Bat
29% By Cheating
33% Because They Deserve It

10. I'm Into Something Good -Herman's Hermits

3% Loose Slots
4% Microwaved Watermelon
26% Fried Twinkie
30% Harry Potter Only Book Club
37% Whippits

11. Did You Ever Have To Make Up Your Mind? -The Lovin Spoonful

3% Raisinets or Goobers (Only 3 percent?)
14% Which Escort To Choose From (catalog)
38% DC or Marvel
45% Which Child Lives

12. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For -U2

4% The Saran Wrap (Stop putting it in different places)
6% On Hoth
11% A Good Light Beer
19% My Contacts
24% Happiness (in a carnal sense)
36% Dental Dam

13. Don't Look Back in Anger -Oasis

8% On Our Vacation To Nebraska
9% Switching Back to Margarine (It's not going to help)
21% At The Umpire
30% Studio 60 (Aaron Sorkin excluded)
32% Not Getting Mr. T's Autograph

14. We Shall Overcome -Joan Baez

2% Accidentally Losing One Of Our Children To A Wood-chipper
4% The Fact That You're Asleep
7% Losing Our Engines (Submarine)
10% Old Man Pritchard
14% Pink Eye
15% The Jew Problem
19% Reality T.V.
29% The Age Of Consent In This State

15. I Don't Want To Miss A Thing -Aerosmith

2% Bio-Chem Lecture
5% Battle Star Galactica
17% Everything Up To And Then Immediately After Child Birth
18% You Trying To Sing Unchained Melody After 16 Beers
24% Loved One's Abject Terror
34% Our Makeup Sex (Bet you didn't see the camcorder)
- Kai
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: Тёма Стоунз   Дата: 22.10.07 20:38:18   
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есть такая подборка известного журнала

1. Bob Dylan: Like A Rolling Stone
2. The Rolling Stones: (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction
3. The Beach Boys: Good Vibrations
4. John Lennon: Imagine
5. Nirvana: Smells Like Teen Spirit
6. Aretha Franklin: Respect
7. The Beatles: Strawberry Fields Forever
8. Marvin Gaye: What's Going On
9. The Beach Boys: God Only Knows
10. The Beatles: Hey Jude
11. The Clash: London Calling
12. Chuck Berry: Johnny B. Goode
13. The Kinks: Waterloo Sunset
14. The Who: My Generation
15. The Beatles: Yesterday
16. The Rolling Stones: Gimme Shelter
17. Bob Dylan: Blowin' In The Wind
18. Otis Redding: Dock Of The Bay
19. Jimi Hendrix: Purple Haze
20. Ray Charles: What'd I Say
21. The Rolling Stones: Jumpin' Jack Flash
22. The Rolling Stones: Sympathy For The Devil
23. Elvis Presley: Heartbreak Hotel
24. Bruce Springsteen: Thunder Road
25. Sam Cooke: A Change Is Gonna Come
26. The Beatles: A Day In The Life
27. Bruce Springsteen: Born To Run
28. Bob Marley & The Wailers: Redemption Song
29. Ike & Tina Turner: River Deep Mountain High
30. Bob Dylan: Tangled Up In Blue
31. The Beatles: Help!
32. The Kingsmen: Louie Louie
33. Randy Newman: Sail Away
34. Bob Marley & The Wailers: No Woman No Cry
35. U2: One
36. Johnny Cash: I Walk The Line
37. The Beatles: I Want To Hold Your Hand
38. Neil Young: Cortez The Killer
39. Chuck Berry: Maybellene
40. Elvis Presley: Hound Dog
41. Roxy Music: Virginia Plain
42. The Beatles: Let It Be
43. The Ronettes: Be My Baby
44. The Beatles: In My Life
45. Jimi Hendrix: All Along The Watchtower
46. The Impressions: People Get Ready
47. Derek & The Dominos: Layla
48. Randy Newman: In Germany Before The War
49. Sex Pistols: Anarchy In The U.K.
50. The Beatles: She Loves You
51. Led Zeppelin: Stairway To Heaven
52. The Beach Boys: Don't Worry Baby
53. Michael Jackson: Billie Jean
54. Element Of Crime: Weißes Papier
55. Mick Jagger: Memo From Turner
56. The Undertones: Teenage Kicks
57. The Righteous Brothers: You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'
58. The Doors: Light My Fire
59. Led Zeppelin: Whole Lotta Love
60. David Bowie: Space Oddity
61. Bob Dylan: Subterranean Homesick Blues
62. The Beatles: While My Guitar Gently Weeps
63. The Kinks: You Really Got Me
64. Buddy Holly & The Crickets: That'll Be The Day
65. Marvin Gaye: I Heard It Through The Grapevine
66. Elvis Costello: Alison
67. Martha & The Vandellas: Dancing In The Streets
68. Elvis Presley: Mystery Train
69. The Band: The Weight
70. Bob Dylan: Visions of Johanna
71. Pink Floyd: See Emily Play
72. Eddie Cochran: Summertime Blues
73. Little Richard: Tutti Frutti
74. Creedence Clearwater Revival: Proud Mary
75. The Rolling Stones: Honky Tonk Woman
76. The Mamas & The Papas: California Dreamin'
77. Ray Charles: Georgia On My Mind
78. David Bowie: Heroes
79. Simon & Garfunkel: Bridge Over Troubled Water
80. The Eagles: Hotel California
81. The Velvet Underground: I'm Waiting For The Man
82. Smokey Robinson: The Tracks Of My Tears
83. The Rolling Stones: Tumbling Dice
84. Bob Dylan: Boots Of Spanish Leather
85. Tindersticks: Kathleen
86. Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five: The Message
87. Prince: When Doves Cry
88. R.E.M.: Losing My Religion
89. Bob Dylan: Ballad Of A Thin Man
90. Oasis: Live Forever
91. The Byrds: Eight Miles High
92. The Rolling Stones: Paint It, Black
93. U2: With Or Without You
94. Chic: Good Times
95. Percy Sledge: When A Man Loves A Woman
96. Randy Newman: Political Science
97. Bob Dylan: Desolation Row
98. Little Richard: Long Tall Sally
99. Procol Harum: A Whiter Shade Of Pale
100. Bob Dylan: The Times They Are A-Changin' (more) (less)
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: Kalina   Дата: 26.10.07 09:15:19   
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John Lennon & Paul McCartney
Bob Dylan
John Lydon
Kurt Cobain
David Bowie
Elvis Presley
Michael Jackson
Led Zeppelin
Damon Albarn
James Brown
The Velvet Underground
Public Enemy
Ian Curtis
Lee Scratch Perry
Jimi Hendrix
Brian Eno
Ian Brown
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: Kalina   Дата: 26.10.07 09:16:12   
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The Beatles "Meet the Beatles" [1964]
Bob Dylan "Highway 61 Revisited" [1965]
The Beach Boys "Pet Sounds" [1966]
The Velvet Underground "The VU & Nico" [1967]
The Rolling Stones "Beggars Banquet" [1968]
Led Zeppelin "Led Zeppelin" [1969]
Joni Mitchell "Blue" [1971]
David Bowie "Ziggy Stardust" [1972]
Kraftwerk "Autobahn" [1974]
Ramones "Ramones" [1976]
"Saturday Night Fever" soundtrack [1977]
The Sex Pistols "Never Mind the Bollocks" [1977]
Michael Jackson "Thriller" [1982]
The Smiths "The Queen is Dead" [1986]
U2 "The Joshua Tree" [1987]
Nirvana "Nevermind" [1991]
Dr Dre "The Chronic" [1992]
Jeff Buckley "Grace" [1994]
Oasis "Definitely Maybe" [1994]
Radiohead "OK Computer" [1997]
The Strokes "Is This It" [2001]
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: Kalina   Дата: 26.10.07 09:17:19   
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комментарии Олега Бочарова к обоим спискам.
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: Eumtyr   Дата: 26.10.07 11:03:03   
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комментарии Олега Бочарова к обоим спискам.

ф топку:

David Bowie
При всей массивности этого персонажа, и при том очевидном факте, что его фигуру невозможно обойти стороной обозревая историю рок-музыки, в таком тесном списке, как "21 персона изменившая музыку" можно было бы найти ему более оправданную замену.

Группа, которая принесла электронный саунд в поп-музыку

Jimi Hendrix
Объяснимо и очевидно, но все же спорно. Гитару как первичный символ рок-музыки на сцену вынес все же не он, а Пит Тауншенд, но Хендрикс придал ей особый, мифический и макабрический статус. Может, и верно, что он оказался в таком списке.

Bob Dylan "Highway 61 Revisited" [1965]
Важное, революционное и все такое в том же духе... Но все же я мечтаю, чтобы когда-нибудь, хоть раз появился такой список без Боба Дилана.
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: zappa2000   Дата: 26.10.07 11:53:23   
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Порадовало, что в списке 500 альбомов обязательных к прослушиванию два полноценных Леннона, а от Маккартни только какая-то невразумительная сборка.
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: karp   Дата: 26.10.07 12:25:35   
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>комментарии Олега Бочарова к обоим спискам.
Традиционные для Бочарова комментарии. Понравились.

Помните споры про Beach Boys?
Коротко и прям по сути:

The Beach Boys "Pet Sounds" [1966]
Важнейший исторический документ музыкального прогресса. Слушать, правда, почти невыносимо даже старому фэну The Beach Boys... но что делать?
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: Eumtyr   Дата: 26.10.07 12:37:52   
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karp, так можно о любом альбоме написать. Особенно о тех, в которые ты не впираешься и поповоду которых все равно хочется повыпендриваться. Тогда зачем такой "комментарий"?
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: karp   Дата: 26.10.07 12:47:46   
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>так можно о любом альбоме написать
Попробуйте... Мне кажется, это не так просто.

>в которые ты не впираешься
А кто заставляет воспринимать список или его критику как догму?
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