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Новый альбом Пола - "Memory Almost Full" вышел 5 июня 2007!

Тема: Пол Маккартни - Memory Almost Full (2007)

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Re: Пол Маккартни 2007
Автор: alex53   Дата: 27.12.06 23:28:14   
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Ну чтож!Подождём до первой звезды!
Re: Пол Маккартни 2007
Автор: Beatlekid   Дата: 28.12.06 00:35:08   
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Молодец, пусть работает, и дарит нам ещё много своих замечательных мелодий.
Re: Пол Маккартни 2007
Автор: Art   Дата: 07.01.07 12:21:23   
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Может, слух, а может, правда - Маккартни планирует сотворить дуэт с Ленноном, взяв песню "Now And Then" и доработав ее по принципу "Free As A Bird".
И это, якобы будет сингл...

Источник (не единственный):
Macca resurrects Beatles?

Paul McCartney wants to resurrect a John Lennon song from beyond the grave, it has been claimed.

The former Beatle is planning to finally complete a duet with his former band mate on the track "Now And Then", which has never been finished.

Apparently Sir Macca could release the track as a single, in the same style as two further Beatles tracks, "Free As A Bird" and "Real Love", which were released after Lennon's death.

A 'source' told The Daily Express he feels the song has "a lot of potential". He explained: "It has always bothered Paul a bit that they didn't finish 'Now And Then'.

"Although George wasn't keen, Paul always felt the song had a lot of potential. He is now hoping to complete it, with him singing the harmonies to John's lead vocal.

"It would be very moving to hear the two of them singing one last time," the 'source' told explained.
Re: Пол Маккартни 2007
Автор: Corvin   Дата: 07.01.07 22:44:06   
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>Может, слух, а может, правда - Маккартни планирует
>сотворить дуэт с Ленноном, взяв песню "Now And
>Then" и доработав ее по принципу "Free As A Bird".
>И это, якобы будет сингл...

Вау, вот это информация!
Re: Пол Маккартни 2007
Автор: Art   Дата: 08.01.07 05:50:59   
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Да, но смущает два факта: 1) не все источники подхватили тему (на contactmusic не видел) 2) Ни слова про Йоко... а ведь тут все от нее зависеть должно, как и ранее.
Re: Пол Маккартни 2007
Автор: Expert   Дата: 08.01.07 12:38:06   
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Wednesday January 19

During Paul's visit to New York for the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame event, Yoko gives him four John Lennon home demos, on which the "Beatles Comeback" recordings will be based. The songs in question are 'Free As A Bird' (from 1977), 'Real Love' (a version previously released in 1988 as 'Girls And Boys' on the soundtrack album Imagine: John Lennon), 'Grow Old With Me' (a version previously released on the 1984 Milk And Honey album) and 'Now And Then', from 1980, which is often referred to as 'Miss You' or 'I Don't Want To Lose You'.
Re: Пол Маккартни 2007
Автор: STARRina RINGO   Дата: 08.01.07 15:34:18   
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Получается, что Йоко остаётся в этом случае в стороне))
Re: Пол Маккартни 2007
Автор: Oblada   Дата: 26.01.07 00:43:18   
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"It would be very moving to hear the two of them singing one last time"
Re: Пол Маккартни 2007
Автор: Walrus   Дата: 31.01.07 17:23:10   
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Почему то новости в тему не добавляются
я с англицким не дружу, поэтому, уж извиняйте..

The Beatles legend, who is currently involved in a bitter divorce battle with the former model, is set to reveal his heartbreak on a new record to be released next year.
A source told Britain's Daily Express newspaper: "Paul never stops writing songs and they often reflect what's going on in his life at the time. It's now understood that tracks on his next album will include some direct references to his recent difficulties.
"He's also said to have written a song to his three-year-old daughter Beatrice, explaining to her how things turned out the way they did."
Paul's 2005 album 'Chaos and Creation In The Backyard' is also said to have contained references to his troubled marriage to Heather.
'Friends To Go' includes lyrics about Paul feeling alone, while in 'Riding To Vanity Fair' Paul sings "the feelings have gone. you don't fool anyone".
Paul once said he finds music is "great therapy", adding: "Inevitably moods, feelings and emotions find their way into your music, whether you like it or not. You can't help it."
The 64-year-old dedicated his 2006 classical album 'Ecce Cor Meum' to his first wife Linda who died of breast cancer in 1998.
Re: Пол Маккартни 2007
Автор: Олег Игоревич Мокряков   Дата: 04.03.07 16:09:02   
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Вообще-то интересная ситуация. "Риал лов" и "Фри эс э бёд" были настолько тщательно отобраны и так классно доделаны, что стали самыми моими любимыми песнями Битлз. Но неужели это - всё? Я тогда был уверен, что теперь-то раз в год, в два, по паре песен будут извлекать таким же образом из запасников.

Как же я жестоко ошибался! За 12(двенадцать!) лет - ни-че-го!
Re: Пол Маккартни 2007
Автор: 1966   Дата: 04.03.07 16:52:28   
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Так все-таки Пол приедет в Россию в этом году?Так все-таки Пол приедет в Россию в этом году?
Re: Пол Маккартни 2007
Автор: Walrus   Дата: 05.03.07 15:55:57   
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вот, еще нашел_
Paul McCartney’s next album will reportedly address his split from second wife Heather Mills, currently going through a tense divorce process, according to a source talking to the Daily Express. One song in particular is to his three-year-old daughter Beatrice explaining why her parents’ marriage ended. The album is targed for a 2008 release.
Re: Пол Маккартни 2007
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.03.07 12:02:28   
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Маккартни планирует выпустить следующий альбом, как только закончится бракоразводный процесс.Маккартни планирует выпустить следующий альбом, как только закончится бракоразводный процесс.

Sir Paul pleads: Get me back to where I once belonged
By Chris Goodman

PAUL McCartney is planning to release an album as soon as his bitter divorce from Heather Mills is over.

Friends say the former Beatle is desperate to be known for his music again, not his stormy private life, and has been writing songs since the couple’s acrimonious split

“The album is scheduled for seven or eight weeks’ time, it’s imminent,” said a source close to McCartney’s company MPL.

“It’s a rock album. But he knows that just because he might win a court case, it doesn’t necessarily mean fans will buy his album.

“It’s almost like starting out again for him. He lost touch with his core fans when he married Heather and he wants to reconnect.”

Another McCartney aide said: “We’ve been told to stand by for an album. He has been working on it for some time and it will be the first of two projects, the second being a guitar concerto.”

McCartney appears to be winning the High Court battle raging in London.

Lawyers have been challenging Mills, 39, over a catalogue of claims they say are fraudulent as McCartney fights to keep his reported £835million fortune.

But he is just as concerned at the damage the marriage has done to his reputation as Britain’s biggest rock star.

“Before he met her, he was the chairman of the board of rock’n’roll,” said the source.

“Now he’s more like the chairman of Grace Brothers. He’s old Mr Grace. People love Paul because he’s a national icon but the national icon has been made to look a fool.

“While married to Heather, Paul became stand-offish with the public and the media. He was phoning to harangue journalists about their treatment of his wife. He would never do that before.”

McCartney, 64, is said to be particularly riled by his tabloid image. He feels that having always been a rock star, recent events have relegated him to being a celebrity.

“Prior to this, he was always ‘Paul McCartney, the former Beatle’,” says one friend. “Now it’s ‘Paul McCartney, the husband of Heather Mills’.

"This marriage has made him a celebrity and he was never a celebrity, he was a star, a rock star at that. He absolutely hates being a celebrity, he used to use the term as a swear word.

“The fact he and Heather have superseded the Beckhams is probably the worst thing that’s ever happened to him with fame.”

Colleagues are talking about a series of intimate gigs to relaunch McCartney, or even an impromptu tour in the style of his 1970s band, Wings, who turned up unannounced at universities, asking to play.

Sir Paul has always been keen on intimate gigs as a way of directly reaching fans.

After The Beatles gave up live performances in 1966, he suggested they turn up at pubs to play and has repeatedly planned smaller shows over the years. His daughter, fashion designer Stella, 35, has been helping him plan his post-divorce future and has taken an active role in his business affairs over the past few months.

“It’s true, Stella has been running the show,” said the source. “She’s making decisions, backing Paul up on a lot.

“She’s his main ally and of all his children, the one most like him. She took the marriage personally, she hated it from day one, everyone who was at the wedding will tell you that, she wasn’t smiling. Stella’s a good girl, she has the same honesty and work ethics as her father. She understands the responsibility of being a McCartney.”

Ms Mills is expected to walk away with around £30million. The judge will “ring fence” Sir Paul’s fortune gained prior to their 2000 marriage but his earnings during their four years together included significant income from three tours. His 2002-3 tour reportedly grossed £63million.
Re: Пол Маккартни 2007
Автор: 1966   Дата: 11.03.07 12:12:52   
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2Primal Scream:

А на русском есть....? :(
Re: Пол Маккартни 2007
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.03.07 12:28:55   
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>2Primal Scream:
>А на русском есть....? :(

Там вкратце сказано, что Пол писал песни, как только начались эти неприятности в его жизни. Альбом будет записан за 7-8 недель, и это будет РОК-альбом. Пол считает, что потерял связь с основным костяком своих поклонников после женитьбы на Хезер и хочет вернуть ее обратно. Этот альбом будет одним из двух будущих проектов. Второй - гитарный концерт.
Re: Пол Маккартни 2007
Автор: Стас   Дата: 11.03.07 12:32:50   
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2Primal Scream:

>>2Primal Scream:
>>А на русском есть....? :(
>Там вкратце сказано, что Пол писал песни, как
>только начались эти неприятности в его жизни.
>Альбом будет записан за 7-8 недель, и это будет
>РОК-альбом. Пол считает, что потерял связь с основным
>костяком своих поклонников после женитьбы на Хезер
>и хочет вернуть ее обратно. Этот альбом будет
>одним из двух будущих проектов. Второй - гитарный концерт.

Давно пора Полу что-то серьёзное написать,а то меня от его последнего альбома до сих пор воротит...
Re: Пол Маккартни 2007
Автор: 1966   Дата: 11.03.07 12:51:36   
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2Primal Scream:

>Там вкратце сказано, что Пол писал песни, как
>только начались эти неприятности в его жизни.
>Альбом будет записан за 7-8 недель, и это будет
>РОК-альбом. Пол считает, что потерял связь с основным
>костяком своих поклонников после женитьбы на Хезер
>и хочет вернуть ее обратно. Этот альбом будет
>одним из двух будущих проектов. Второй - гитарный концерт.

Спасибо! Да, действительно Полу бы не помешал рок-альбом! Давно рока у него не было.
Re: Пол Маккартни 2007
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.03.07 12:58:56   
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>Так все-таки Пол приедет в Россию в этом году?

Кто знает. Там еще сказано, что Пол планирует серию камерных, спонтанных концертов в духе ранних Wings.
Re: Пол Маккартни 2007
Автор: semiotov   Дата: 11.03.07 16:00:01   
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>меня от его последнего альбома до сих пор воротит...

Надо бы Вам немного угомониться со своими репликами и уважать может быть Вам не известное мнение о его последнем альбоме других посетителей форума...
Re: Пол Маккартни 2007
Автор: Стас   Дата: 11.03.07 16:04:19   
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>>меня от его последнего альбома до сих пор воротит...
>Надо бы Вам немного угомониться со своими репликами
>и уважать может быть Вам не известное мнение о
>его последнем альбоме других посетителей форума...

Вам этот альбом нравится ну и слушайте его на здоровье,а я лично от него не в восторге, о чём уже заявлял на форуме после первого прослушивания!Ну не нравится мне этот "хаос" и всё тут...
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