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Paul and Heather Mills news

Тема: Пол Маккартни - Heather Mills (Хэзер Миллз)

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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 24.09.07 21:31:47   
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Monday September 24,2007

SIR Paul McCartney may be romancing Renée Zellweger but Hollywood bosses are wooing him.

Macca is in talks with film producers about working on the soundtrack to Shrek 4 and could even have a speaking role.

His Live And Let Die with Wings was used in Shrek The Third and Macca is said to be keen to contribute to the next film because his daughter Beatrice, three, with estranged wife Heather Mills, is a big Shrek fan. He has told how he does impressions for her.

A Hollywood film source said: “Paul has been discussing working on the next Shrek. Live And Let Die was sung in the last movie at Shrek’s father-in-law’s funeral and was one of the funniest moments.

“Producers want Paul to compose some original tunes for the next one. He could even briefly voice a character. There have been meetings and apparently he’s very keen, because his daughter is a fan.”
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Maria (MJ) MacKenzie   Дата: 25.09.07 12:08:00   
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Обалдеть просто!!!
Мы с Димой 1го посмотреть-то толком не смогли...

Можт, скачаешь 3й (с песней кот.), посмотреть хоть,
чем он так понравился.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 27.09.07 09:36:12   
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Paul and James go for a ride

Rare recent video of Paul and son James out and about in London.

Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Andrey   Дата: 28.09.07 11:34:35   
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Пол МакКартни внесен в список выступающих в Олимпии (Olympia) в Париже 22 октября 2007 г. Билеты будут продаваться в день выступления из расчета максимум 4 штуки в каждые руки. Билеты можно будет приобрести по телефону 08-92-68-33-68 с 10 часов и в касcе Олимпии с 11 часов.

МакКартни в данный момент репетирует с симфоническим оркестром для парижского выступления и, возможно, для высупления в Roundhouse 25-го октября.

Билеты на выступлении в Roundhouse (BBC) 25-го октября стоимостью $669 можно заказать по адресу:
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 29.09.07 00:38:00   
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в добабок к этой ( новости

- Макка и Ринго выступят на Ливерпуль 08, смешно сделано :)
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.10.07 16:24:17   
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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sveta_Maccarock   Дата: 03.10.07 01:28:09   
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2Primal Scream:2Primal Scream:


А я подписалась, и мне сейчас пришло письмо со ссылочкой на превью. (правая кнопка мыши, сохранить объект как)
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.10.07 09:30:19   
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More than 40 years on, Beatle's hair gets back to where it once belongedMore than 40 years on, Beatle's hair gets back to where it once belonged
2nd October 2007

He was once nearly as famous for his moptop as for his music.

Yesterday, Sir Paul McCartney seemed to turn the clock back more than 40 years to the Beatles' early days by returning to the hairstyle the group popularised in the Sixties.

Gone was the silvery grey colour he allowed to show after his marriage to Heather Mills broke up last year.

In its place was a rich shade of chestnut and the evocative moptop with its wispy fringe and bouffant-layered hair in a cropped bob covering his ears.

Back to his roots: Paul McCartney sporting the 60s mop top of his early Beatles days

His attempts to hang on to his youth extended to his footwear as he left his office in central London.

For while he was wearing a smart grey suit with a white shirt, he opted for grey and pink trainers. The Beatles-inspired hairstyle - so-called because of its resemblance to a mop - became hugely popular for a time in the Sixties as the group conquered the world.

Fans also knew it as Arthur, after a quip by George Harrison. Asked what he would call the hairstyle, he replied: 'Arthur'.

In those days, girls fought for a lock of Sir Paul's hair.

Now single again at the age of 65, perhaps his renewed fondness for hair dye and a youthful cut could have something to do with the coterie of glamorous women clamouring to spend time with him.

He has recently been seen in the company of Renee Zellweger, Elle Macpherson and Christie Brinkley.

Sir Paul's hair has long been a point of controversy. His mop has been various shades of brown and grey over the years.

Two years ago, he put out a bizarre statement to defend himself against allegations that Heather Mills had pressured him into dyeing his hair.

He said in a blog on her website at the time: 'It is true that I colour my hair. Wow, shock horror!

'I have actually been doing this for many years now with varying degrees of success, but it's my hair and if you don't like the result I'm afraid it's just too bad but it's certainly nothing Heather suggested.

'I was engaged in this devilish practice years before I met her.'
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.10.07 09:30:57   
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Which decade's that? McCartney's latest music video 'Ever Present Past' is a play on Michael Jackson's 'Thriller'Which decade's that? McCartney's latest music video 'Ever Present Past' is a play on Michael Jackson's 'Thriller'
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.10.07 09:31:25   
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Paul and Heather Mills news
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.10.07 09:32:50   
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Heather Mills goes househunting in McCartney's streetHeather Mills goes househunting in McCartney's street
Last updated at 23:28pm on 3rd October 2007

<-- Close to home: The street where Sir Paul McCartney has a mansion - and where Heather went househunting

By changing the locks on his former marital home, Sir Paul McCartney made it abundantly clear he wanted his estranged wife Heather Mills to keep her distance.

But it seems she's finding it hard to stay away.

Miss Mills, from whom the the 65-year-old Beatle split last May after four years of marriage, appeared to be househunting in the same street where Sir Paul's London mansion is located.

The 39-year-old animal rights campaigner has had a second viewing on a £16million, four-bedroom house situated less than 50 yards from the couple's one-time family home.

Last night a spokesman for the activist insisted, however, that Miss Mills was not househunting for herself - but 'on behalf of a third party'.

Casually dressed in jeans and a blue cardigan and sporting a pair of

designer sunglasses, a toned and tanned Miss Mills toured the property accompanied by a male estate agent.

The Regency-style, white-pillared detached house has a driveway with electronic gates and is monitored by 24-hour CCTV security cameras.

It has a rear garden, with a fifth-ofan-acre landscaped lawn accessed via a small courtyard.

An unconverted basement is billed by estate agents as the ideal space for a gym.

Despite a hugely acrimonious initial split, Miss Mills and Sir Paul are believed to be on better terms.

"There is very little tension between Heather and Paul right now.

"They are friendlier than they've been for some time," said a source close to Miss Mills.

Once a final divorce settlement is negotiated, she is reportedly due to receive £70million of Sir Paul's £825million fortune, broken down into a lump sum of £15million followed by another £3.5million a year until their daughter Beatrice's 18th birthday.

She is three at the moment.

Last year, in the midst of their separation, Sir Paul changed the locks on his home without telling Miss Mills, leaving her stranded outside his gates.

During this time he also allegedly froze their joint bank account, leaving her unable to withdraw any cash.

Last night, Miss Mills's spokesman Phil Hall confirmed his client looked around the house but played down the significance.

He said: "Heather is not looking to buy a house in the same road as Paul.

"She was there on behalf of a third party but it is private and she is not prepared to discuss it."
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.10.07 09:33:28   
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Second viewing: Miss Mills arrives with the estate agent Second viewing: Miss Mills arrives with the estate agent
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.10.07 21:10:58   
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Singer Paul McCartney attends the Spring/Summer 2008 ready-to-wear fashion collection designed by his daughter Stella McCartney in Paris October 4, 2007.Singer Paul McCartney attends the Spring/Summer 2008 ready-to-wear fashion collection designed by his daughter Stella McCartney in Paris October 4, 2007.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.10.07 21:16:35   
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Paul McCartney filming his new music video

Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.10.07 22:01:00   
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Mills denies McCartney neighbour reportsMills denies McCartney neighbour reports

Heather Mills has denied reports she is to become neighbours with her estranged husband Sir Paul McCartney, after she was spotted viewing a GBP16 million mansion just two doors away from the ex-Beatle's London home.

Mills, 39, was photographed with an estate agent at the property in an affluent area of leafy north-west London on Wednesday (03Oct07), sparking reports she is to move into the same neighbourhood as the musician.

But a spokesman for the former model, who has a daughter, three-year-old Beatrice with McCartney, has dismissed the claims.

He says, "She is not looking to buy a property in the same road as Paul. Her visit to the house was on behalf of a third party, but it is a private matter and she is not prepared to discuss it."

McCartney split from Mills in May 2006 after four years of marriage. They are currently in the middle of divorce proceedings, which is expected to be finalised early next year (08).
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 06.10.07 21:09:10   
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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 06.10.07 21:10:36   
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October 6, 2007 -- 6, 2007 --

The day the Beatles Paul McCartney saw her standing there (Jenny blonde on left)

Go back in time to the 1960s where every girls dream was to meet one of the fab four. In 1964, unassuming local girl, Jenny Lamb lived this dream when she was lucky enough to snare the opportunity to join Paul McCartney at his 21st (?) birthday party.

Jenny is immortalised in photos from the night, which were on display at the Beatles memorabilia display at Belmont Library, where last week ABC Newcastle presenter Simone Thurtell broadcast on location.

The question on everyone's lips was: how did she do it? How on earth did Jenny get the chance to be part of a famous Beatles legend's 21st birthday party?

"When I was young and living in Sydney, we knew a lot of people, and there was always a lot of celebrities coming into town," Jenny says. "I think that the media at the time realised that Paul was having his birthday, and thought they better get some people together."

"They didn't want to have it go crazy, so they decided to get some sensible people who weren't going to go loco - I don't know how I got in there - so a few of us were chosen," she says.

The party was organised through the a daily Sydney newspaper, with guests transported from the company's building, to the a hotel where the Beatles were staying, in hire cars.

"I was about 17 years old, so I was pretty naïve, but the party was fairly relaxed," Jenny recalls. "(It was) just like a drinks party, where you could mingle and chat with the Beatles.

"I particularly remember talking with George - I really liked him - he was just a gentle guy and a bit more down to earth."

Incredibly, Jenny met Paul McCartney again in 1975, when he returned to Australia to tour with his band Wings. A photo was among a large collection of Beatles fans collectibles on display, at the Beatles Memorabilia event, Belmont Library.

"He came out with Wings and I think he was married to Linda; she was certainly with him," she says.

"There were a few other girls in the photograph from the 21st birthday, and they found us - I don't know how because I was married then and had changed my name -and asked us to come back again and meet Paul."

"We went backstage at the Horden Pavilion and Linda was there, arms crossed, like "Ok, how well do you know him?" It was funny," Jenny says.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 09.10.07 17:58:31   
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Paul McCartney and Heather Mills to hammer out million pound divorce deal in secret hearingPaul McCartney and Heather Mills to hammer out million pound divorce deal in secret hearing
Last updated at 14:39pm on 9th October 2007

Sir Paul McCartney and Heather Mills will meet this week at a secret court hearing in a bid to hammer out a multimillion pound divorce deal.

The estranged couple and their legal teams will attend a private, one-day hearing on Thursday to thrash out a settlement estimated to be worth between £30-£50 million.

If Sir Paul and Lady McCartney fail to agree a deal, the case will go to a full trial next year.

If successful, Heather could walk away with between £30 million to £50 million, made up of a lump sum plus annual payments for the couple's daughter, Beatrice, who is four later this month.

Family lawyers speculate that the appropriate settlement range in this case is £25 million to £30 million. But Sir Paul may pay much more to avoid any unpleasant allegations being aired in public.

Unfortunately for Heather, her divorce lawyer has quit the case ahead of a crucial hearing in the battle for Sir Paul McCartney's £825million fortune, it has emerged.

Nicola Fletcher, will not be present, having left law firm Mishcon de Reya last month. The move had gone unreported until now.

A new divorce specialist has been appointed to act alongside litigator Anthony Julius, whose only other divorce case was for Princess Diana in her split from Prince Charles.

Ms Fletcher said: "I only moved for career prospects."

The hearing is a financial dispute resolution, at which a judge will "bang heads together" if necessary.

James Stewart, a divorce specialist with the Manches law firm, said: "Eight out of 10 cases are settled at this stage."

A source said: "This case ought to settle. It is absolutely straightforward."

Paul was named the Q Icon at the Q awards in London yesterday.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: sasha m   Дата: 11.10.07 07:49:18   
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Сегодня начинается развод МАККАРТНИ

по данным 1 канала ТВ
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Flaming Rain   Дата: 11.10.07 12:51:18   
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