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Led Zeppelin - РОК-группа #1 ?

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Re: Led Zeppelin - РОК-группа #1 ?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.08.04 20:04:33   
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Bonham Lil' Sister Records AlbumBonham Lil' Sister Records Album

(08/18/04) -- Led Zeppelin drummer John Bonham's baby sister, Deborah Bonham, has recorded a collection of songs called The Old Hyde. A mix of blues and rock, the album features appearances by Mick Fleetwood, guitarists Robbie Blunt and Dougie Boyle of Robert Plant's band and Pretenders guitarist Robbie McIntosh. The Old Hyde will hit stores on September 14th.
Re: Led Zeppelin - РОК-группа #1 ?
Автор: Андрей Beatleman   Дата: 20.08.04 09:30:51   
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Дебору на ударные! И вперед!
Re: Led Zeppelin - РОК-группа #1 ?
Автор: Андрей Beatleman   Дата: 20.08.04 09:33:40   
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Участие Робби МакИнтоша должно привлечь к этому продукту внимание и битломанов.
Re: Led Zeppelin - РОК-группа #1 ?
Автор: Varna   Дата: 20.08.04 16:19:55   
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Happy Birthday, Robert Plant! :)Happy Birthday, Robert Plant! :)
Re: Led Zeppelin - РОК-группа #1 ?
Автор: Николь   Дата: 20.08.04 18:12:15   
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ОТличная фотка!
Re: Led Zeppelin - РОК-группа #1 ?
Автор: еж ушастый   Дата: 20.08.04 23:42:06   
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Подмывает написать - Led Zeppelin, группа особая и на этом закончить. Однако, такое утверждение неизбежно повлечет за собой необходимость указать: также как и Дип Перпл, Роллинг Стоунз, ЭЛП, Битлз, Дженесиз, Кинкс, Доорз, Дж. Талл, Пинк Флойд и ВСЕ прочие талантливые группы, которые шли и идут своей собственной, неповторимой дорогой. Лед Зеп я обычно рассматриваю на контрасте с Дип Перпл, хотя, строго говоря, каждая талантливая группа напрашивается на сравнение лишь с самой собой, со своими собственными работами. И Планта и Гиллана могу слушать долго, с удовольствием, шикарные вокалисты. Если же сравнивать стиль игры Пейджа и Блэкмора, к примеру, то в очень-очень целом я отдаю предпочтение Пейджу, композиции которого нахожу в конечном итоге более разнообразными и изобретательными, более интонационно богатыми. Черт его знает, но по-видимому увлеченность Пейджа кельтским фольклором и дала переход количества в качество. А неистощимая работоспособность Блэкмора обеспечила то, что Дип Перпл - остаются королями строгого риффа, такой всесокрушающей слаженности, такой энергичной атаки при сохраняемой легкости ее восприятия слушателем я больше ни у кого не знаю. Тексты Дип Перпл и Лед Зеп - на равных, у обеих групп есть шедевры, но в целом ни та ни другая в этом плане звезд с неба не хватали. Бонзо - мастер, но и Пэйс мастер, каждый в своем роде. Джон Пол Джонс временами придумывает партии на клавишах, которые в контексте произведения не уступают партиям Лорда. Гловер - отличный бас-гитарист и хороший композитор. Но все же, есть такие интонации гитарные у Пейджа в Gallows Pole, Friends, The Rain Song, их ждешь с замиранием сердца.
Re: Led Zeppelin - РОК-группа #1 ?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.08.04 16:51:52   
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LED ZEPPELIN legend JIMMY PAGE is to make a very special appearance in LONDON next week.

The guitarist will be plunging his hands into wet concrete outside the new Piccadilly Circus Virgin Megastore on Monday (August 23) at 10am, officially opening of the ’Walk Of Fame’.

The handprints will be the first to be immortalised in a permanent display of paving stones outside of the store, which will soon feature others from musical icons.

Page is best known for his work with the hugely influential rock band – famous for their anthems ’Stairway To Heaven’, ’Black Dog’, ’Whole Lotta Love’, ’Dazed And Confused’ and ’Rock And Roll’.

The event will mark the opening of the new Virgin Megastore. Other acts set to appear include The Killers and Faithless.
Re: Led Zeppelin - РОК-группа #1 ?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.08.04 10:31:11   
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Former LED ZEPPELIN Bassist Guests On 'Conan O'Brien': Video Available - Aug. 21, 2004

Video footage of former LED ZEPPELIN bassist John Paul Jones performing with THE MUTUAL ADMIRATION SOCIETY on NBC's "Late Night With Conan O'Brien" on August 12 has been posted online at (Windows Media).

THE MUTUAL ADMIRATION SOCIETY is Glen Phillips (ex-TOAD THE WET SPROCKET), with Sara Watkins, Chris Thile, and Sean Watkins (NICKEL CREEK).
Re: Led Zeppelin - РОК-группа #1 ?
Автор: чайка   Дата: 23.08.04 08:32:35   
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так как мой вопрос проигнороровали я его повторю и еще повторю.......


Cartoone - альбом 1969

если у кого-то есть, то прошу записать. куплю диск.
Re: Led Zeppelin - РОК-группа #1 ?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 23.08.04 22:30:43   
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Page Gets Spot on London's Walk of Fame Page Gets Spot on London's Walk of Fame

LONDON - Jimmy Page hasn't yet made it up the stairway to heaven, but he's the first to reach the new British Walk of Fame.

The former Led Zeppelin guitarist cast his hand prints in cement Monday as the first music legend to feature on London's reply to the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

"It's a real privilege and a great honor to be the first. I'm really chuffed," said Page, 60. "A Walk of Fame is a fantastic idea, and it's high time we had one in London."

The site of the British version, which will feature popular music giants, is taking shape outside the new Virgin Music superstore on Piccadilly Circus, London's landmark crossroads.

Page predicted it would soon become crowded with hand prints. "If you started putting in all the people I think are deserving, you could cover the whole of London," he said.

Led Zeppelin — which included singer Robert Plant (news), bassist John Paul Jones and drummer John Bonham, who died in 1980 — was one of the top rock bands in history and produced nine chart-topping albums from 1969 to 1979.

Its most famous song was the epic "Stairway to Heaven," which was never released as a single but became one of the most requested radio songs of all time.

Led Zeppelin was back on top of the U.S. rock chart last year with a greatest hits album, "How the West Was Won."

Page frequently is rated as one of the greatest rock guitarists in history. In 2002, a readers' survey of Total Guitar magazine rated him No. 2 to the late Jimi Hendrix.
Re: Led Zeppelin - РОК-группа #1 ?
Автор: чайка   Дата: 23.08.04 23:28:32   
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не, народ, ну как вас вывести на обсуждение гр. Cartoone ? мне очень интересно ваше мнение о творчестве этой гр. с т.з. ЛЗ-пности

1 мр3. кому интересно
Re: Led Zeppelin - РОК-группа #1 ?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 24.08.04 07:32:17   
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Additional details have come to light regarding the highly anticipated DVD release of Jimmy Page and Robert Plant's "No Quarter -- Unledded." The project, which captures the Led Zeppelin principals' historic 1994 reunion for an "MTV Unplugged" broadcast, will arrive Oct. 27 on DVD via Warner Strategic Marketing/Atlantic. The soundtrack will be released the same day.

DVD extras will include the bonus tracks "Black Dog" and "Most High," interviews with Page and Plant and a montage of footage from the duo's performance in Morocco. The release was overseen by Page in tandem with longtime engineering collaborator Kevin Shirley.

The VHS release of "Unledded" peaked at No. 4 on Billboard's Top Music Video chart. The accompanying Atlantic album has sold more than 1 million copies in the United States, according to Nielsen SoundScan.
Re: Led Zeppelin - РОК-группа #1 ?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 24.08.04 07:48:39   
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Re: Led Zeppelin - РОК-группа #1 ?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 24.08.04 20:22:14   
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Former LED ZEPPELIN Guitarist To Pen Autobiography - Aug. 24, 2004

Former LED ZEPPELIN guitarist Jimmy Page, 60, is planning an autobiography chronicling the group's years of rock'n'roll excess.

"There are a lot of stories to be told about what went on and insights to give into things that people don't really know about," he said at yesterday's launch of the British Walk of Fame. "So there's a good book to be written and I'm thinking about writing it."

As previously reported, Page became the first artist to be immortalized in Britain's version of the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Monday.

The guitarist officially opened the new attraction on London's Piccadilly by casting his handprints in cement.
Re: Led Zeppelin - РОК-группа #1 ?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 27.08.04 07:50:18   
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Jimmy Page Rules Out Led Zeppelin Future

Former Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page says there is no plans for Led Zeppelin in the future.

Page told Associated Press if something was going to happen, it would have happened after the live DVD was released. "It is far too nebulas a situation" he said. "It is far too cloudy. When I worked on the DVD I really thought if there was going to be any overtures made by the band it may well been after that point after we visited the first nights of the premieres but there wasn't anything forthcoming".

Page was in London this week and become the first star to be honored at the new London Walk of Fame outside the revamped Virgin Megastore.
Re: Led Zeppelin - РОК-группа #1 ?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 27.08.04 07:55:01   
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Former LED ZEPPELIN Bassist To Begin Work On Solo Album - Aug. 26, 2004

Former LED ZEPPELIN bassist John Paul Jones has posted the following message on his web site:

"Well, here I am, back in England. THE MUTUAL ADMIRATION SOCIETY tour has finished and I shall take a few weeks off to recover! The whole experience has been immensely enjoyable and I have found myself inspired by the great musicianship (and energy!) of my fellow bandmates. It is a pleasure to work with people who are not only extremely talented but who have a great enthusiasm for any and every kind of music, and they can play it!

"I would also like to thank everyone who turned out to see us. It was so nice to be appreciated by ZEP, [TOAD THE WET SPROCKET], and [NICKEL CREEK] fans, rock and bluegrass fans alike. Diversity and the crossing of borders has for me always been one of the most interesting aspects of making music, (something those that know me may have already guessed!) but we need a ready, willing and open-minded audience to complete the experience, thank you for being just that. I hope now to spend the next few months writing and recording for my next solo album and attempt to turn all this inspiration into hard currency whilst the fingers are hot and the brain is buzzing!"
Re: Led Zeppelin - РОК-группа #1 ?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.08.04 09:54:47   
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Jimmy Page: The godfather of rock
As Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page is honoured in London's Rock'n'Roll Walk of Fame, Tim Cooper meets the legend who inspired an entire generation of air guitarists
27 August 2004

On the pavement at Piccadilly Circus stands a man with a pen and a faded Led Zeppelin concert ticket from 1975. He's been waiting nearly 30 years to get it signed by his rock idol and it's about to happen - just as soon as Jimmy Page gets his hands out of wet cement.

This is the sort of devotion Page still inspires, and why he was chosen to inaugurate this week Britain's first Rock'n'Roll Walk of Fame, leaving his hand-prints outside the former Tower Records, now re-branded as the capital's flagship Virgin Megastore.

Page might be an old man now, but his legacy is immense. He has sold more than 200 million albums and he played on countless Sixties hits, drew the blueprint for heavy metal, and inspired countless teen-agers to pick up their first guitar.

Not that you'd know it to look at him. Now in the lobby of a business hotel in Slough, where he has chosen to conduct this interview, the multi-millionaire rock god cuts a strangely nondescript figure. Once, a visit to a hotel would not have been complete without him smashing up a room and throwing the television out of the window. Today, shuff- ling about in shabby jeans and an anorak, it's mainly his scruffiness that sets him apart from the businessmen checking messages before their morning meetings.

Page, the guitarist with Led Zeppelin, was one of the wildest men in rock - the prototype for the lead guitarists lampooned in films such as Spinal Tap, Almost Famous and Still Crazy. But now, at 60 years old, he is catching up on some of the things that he missed during those decades of excess. Clearly he has different priorities to sex and drugs and rock'n'roll. Hence our breakfast meeting.

He has, he announces cheerily, been up since six o'clock to get his children ready for school. He says his principal pastime now is parenthood. "I've got three small children," he explains from beneath a dyed-black mop of curls crowning a crinkly, lived-in face. "That passes the time. And I enjoy it."

By his own admission, he wasn't around much for his eldest daughter, Scarlet, because he had other things on his mind in the early Seventies - chiefly a mission to explore the very essence of sex, drugs and rock'n'roll. Page embraced the lifestyle with particular enthusiasm. Led Zep's favourite groupie, Pamela Des Barres, thoughtfully chronicled some of the highlights in her book Rock Bottom, a compelling compendium of true-life sexual perversion, drugs and violence. She revealed, for example, that Page enjoyed dressing up in Nazi uniform and visiting transvestite clubs in each city Led Zeppelin played, taking drugs with drag queens in the toilets. When his behaviour got particularly uncontrollable, she added, the band's tour manager would take him back to his hotel room and chain him to the toilet - with a groupie, if it was his lucky day - until it was time to move on.

Although Page remains close to Scarlet, now 33 and a respected rock photographer, he admits he regrets his absence from her childhood. "In those early years of my daughter's life I was not physically there for her. I missed all those precious moments in a child's life: getting their first teeth, taking their first steps and all that. I have made a point of not missing out on any of that this time."

Despite having five children from three different relationships, including three with his current partner, Jimena, he tries to fulfil his paternal duties to all of them. Last year he organised his hectic schedule, mastering and promoting Led Zeppelin's live DVD and CD, to ensure he did not miss his teenage son James's high school graduation in Florida. "Every Christmas we are all together, all the mums and all the children," he smiles. "We are a close-knit family."

It sounds a far cry from the Led Zep days of debauchery, but Page stubbornly (and somewhat implausibly) insists that, despite the band's drug-crazed hell-raising and trail-blazing around the globe in the 1970s - when they were without doubt the biggest band in the world - they were all "family men" at heart. It is this, he claims, that kept them together from their formation in London in 1968 to the death of their drummer, John Bonham, in 1980. "The four members of Led Zeppelin were very different characters in their lifestyles, and that's what made them tick. Two lived in the South and two lived in the Midlands and, apart from when we got together to do rehearsals and write and record, we were all family men with separate lives. Yet when the four members bonded together musically, it brought out this different, fifth, element."

He recalls with perfect clarity their very first rehearsal and the first song they played together - "Train Kept a Rollin'" - along with his reaction. "When it finished it was scary. None of us had played with our musical equals until that point." After Bonham's death, there was never any question about Led Zeppelin continuing. "We had to stop as a mark of respect to John's contribution. We could not have gone on without him. It would have been dishonest. Nobody else could have fitted into his role."

A couple of years ago Page was "really peeved" to read in the newspapers that a Led Zeppelin reunion tour had been announced. It was the first he, or the other remaining members, Robert Plant and John Paul Jones, had heard of it. "None of us had even discussed it - and we still haven't," he says, going on to disappoint all those who dream that it may yet happen. "I thought how awful and dreary that somebody seriously thinks a band would promote what they did 30 years before with a tour. It would be ludicrous. I am not going to go back out on the road simply because someone has booked a tour, or someone says you will earn multi-millions of dollars out of it. We haven't talked about it and we haven't even discussed talking about it."

Not one to spin nostalgic anecdotes about Led Zeppelin's drug-and-groupie-fuelled heyday, Page evades all such inquiries, only remarking cryptically that: "When you came offstage after three-and-a-half hours of intensity, it was not really on the cards that you would go home, put your slippers on and have a cup of cocoa."
Re: Led Zeppelin - РОК-группа #1 ?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.08.04 09:55:40   
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There is, though, perhaps a middle ground between reading a book before bedtime and touring transvestite clubs in Nazi uniform in search of cross-dressing drug buddies. But each to their own.

It is this sort of thing that lends itself so splendidly to parody, but I'm not sure that Page himself is best equipped to appreciate it. He thought Almost Famous put a "rather charming" spin on somewhat sordid events, but confesses he found Spinal Tap "close to the bone". He adds: "I definitely recognised the band politics - people getting puffed-up and self-important."

In view of this it is perhaps surprising that when punk arrived, in 1977, he identified with the explosion of energy that revitalised a moribund scene dominated by over-blown, self-indulgent dinosaurs such as, er, Led Zeppelin. He was one of the few of rock's old guard to check out the new bands, though I can also recall the Led Zep singer, Robert Plant, turning up at a gig at the Roxy one night in those early days, attracting sneers that still failed to mask the excitement of seeing a rock superstar in the flesh.

"I remember going to see The Damned and I became really friendly with [the drummer] Rat Scabies - I even played with him once," says Page. The energy of punk reminded him of Led Zeppelin, he says, and of the music that had inspired him. "I tapped into the same energy in the 1950s when I heard people such as Elvis Presley and Jerry Lee Lewis. And I hear it now in The White Stripes."

Unlike many of his contemporaries, Page keeps in touch with contemporary music, having recently watched - and enjoyed - The White Stripes, Korn and the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and is currently planning an album with guest musicians, along the lines of the recent Santana albums. He has even revised his initial verdict on rap ("They steal your riffs and then shout at you") since collaborating with Puff Daddy on his hip-hop adaptation of the Led Zep song "Kashmir". "It was a real privilege working with him," he says, although they never met, the partnership being conducted entirely by satellite link between Page in London and Puffy in LA. "He has incredible energy and a great imagination."

Page still regards music as a hobby. He always has, even when he was a teenage session guitarist playing on records by The Rolling Stones ("Heart of Stone"), The Who ("Can't Explain"), Them ("Baby Please Don't Go"), Lulu ("Shout"), Tom Jones, Donovan, The Tremelos and Herman's Hermits. "I was fortunate enough to turn it into my career, with the added good fortune that it made people happy and inspired some of them to pick up a guitar," he says. "That makes me a very fortunate man."
Re: Led Zeppelin - РОК-группа #1 ?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.08.04 09:56:56   
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Это было на

В целом же, Пейдж собирается записать свой новый альбом на манер Сантаны - с вереницей приглашенных звезд!
Re: Led Zeppelin - РОК-группа #1 ?
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 05.09.04 09:32:06   
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LED ZEPPELIN's JIMMY PAGE: Video Interview Posted Online - Sep. 4, 2004

A video interview with LED ZEPPELIN legend Jimmy Page discussing the Jimmy Page Signature Model Les Paul guitar has been posted online at the new Gibson web site. Check it out here

As previously reported, the much-anticipated music DVD from Page and ZEPPELIN singer Robert Plant, "No Quarter: Unledded", is set to hit retail selves Oct. 26, preceded the night before by a nationwide theatrical premiere through Regal Entertainment Group cinemas.

"Unledded" (Atlantic/Warner Strategic Marketing), which premiered in 1994 on MTV, features a mix of acoustic and electric tracks — including the classics "Kashmir", "Gallows Pole" and "When the Levee Breaks" — along with 17 tracks filmed in such locations as Morocco and Wales and studio segments filmed at the London Weekend Television Studios.
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