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Какова судьба Патти Бойд?

Тема: Джордж Харрисон - Pattie Boyd (Патти Бойд)

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Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Expert   Дата: 23.08.08 12:02:18   
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When he admitted that one of his lovers was pregnant with his child, she considered leaving him, but coaxed by the prospect of a second round of IVF (Pattie has never been able to conceive), she decided to try again. It was only when, in a drunken rage,

he stormed into the room in which she was sleeping and started throwing her clothes out of the window that she finally accepted their marriage was over.

By the time she had reached her early 40s and her second marriage had failed, Pattie Boyd, despite her famous beauty and the strength of love she had once inspired, was reduced to little more than a trinket, used up and cast aside.

Eric Clapton himself admitted in his autobiography: "I . . . coveted Pattie because she belonged to a powerful man who seemed to have everything I wanted: amazing cars, an incredible career and a beautiful wife."

Finding herself alone for the first time, with nothing -- no marriage, no career, completely stripped away -- she had to renegotiate her whole relationship with the world.

"I thought that without being Mrs Famous, I was actually no one," she tells me. "No one would know who I was, I was a lost person in the world. And I moved to London, which was pretty scary, and I felt even smaller."

But, even after the party stops, life goes on. So, she hired a therapist and started having friends round to dinner. She discovered interests of her own -- first in nutrition and then, ultimately, in photography, which has become a sort of ad hoc career.

"I gradually started nurturing myself and getting back on track." she says. "But it took a long time. Nothing of value happens overnight. Irritatingly."

True, her looks have faded, the extravagance and wealth have gone, and she is no longer the muse who inspires unending sexual obsession. She may have lost the things she was famous for but, in truth, they were never really hers. As an object of desire, it was always other people who were the beneficiaries. This must be why she is so convincingly lacking in either bitterness or self-pity. She's not one of those women who, having channelled all of her self-worth into the way she looks, finds herself feeling redundant as ageing sets in.

There is a dignity and pride in the way she has rebuilt her life, moving on, growing up without regret. In the week that we meet, a former lover of hers, Ronnie Wood, had just been hauled back to London from a bender in Ireland, to face reality and rehab. The difference between her and the Rolling Stone who still refuses to relinquish the myth is striking.

"I think Ronnie is a very romantic person," she says loyally, "and I'm sure he wanted to draw this girl and paint her. Because she's quite cute. But the reality is, he wants a drinking partner. So that's number one. And number two is that he wants to draw her, she has a cute little body, face, whatever . . . I don't think that he wanted a lover. No. It's the alcohol talking."

She is not in a relationship herself at the moment. She would like one, but it would have to be on completely different terms to all of those in which she has been involved in the past. What she values most now is independence.

"I fall into the role of being co-dependent so that I want to help them, I want to feed them, I want to cook for them. But then I don't want to do it all the time. Otherwise, I fall into that trap where everything is for them, everything is about them. To me, that is a trap. I don't want to do that."

Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Expert   Дата: 23.08.08 12:02:41   
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Does she ever get lonely?

"Oh yes. And I see it as loneliness and I recognise it and I think, 'Oh, I'm feeling lonely,'" she says, throwing back her head and laughing heartily. "This is interesting. And I think, well, am I going to do something about it? And I think of all the options, the possibilities, of avoiding this lonely feeling. Because that's all it will be, avoiding it. So I think, 'No, I won't avoid it.' I know I can go out, see some friends. I have a range of things I can do to stop this lonely feeling. But I won't. I'll sit here, and I'll feel it. If you just sit there, and think: 'I'm lonely'" -- she wrinkles her nose and does a little shimmy that suggests sliding into the feeling as she would a silk slip -- "and if you don't fight it, it'll go away, you see. As soon as you start fighting, it'll come back and bite you another day."

Pattie credits psychology and the help of her therapist for the rehabilitation of her self-esteem. But she doesn't sound like someone who has swallowed a self-help library either. Not everything she says has a defensively positive spin, and she's honest enough to own up to her battle scars. Being battered around by bad relationships has, she admits, coloured her view on men.

"Sometimes I think I must be damaged," she says, looking at, but somehow through, me. "I must be in some way. I must be -- I think this is why I'm not in a relationship now. Because of all the damage that I had, that is so under my skin that I can't tell what it is yet."

I'm curious as to whether, having had two faithless marriages, she thinks there are any men out there capable of fidelity?

"No." she says simply.

None of them?

"No." she pauses. "No, there must be some. But I think it's rare."

Does it matter?

She pauses for what seems like an age before answering. "I don't know," she says eventually. "I used to think it was vitally important. When I was young. But if somebody has the need to stray, it's not because they don't love you. Men have a different way of thinking, and I think it's for other reasons that women can't understand that they have to stray. But I think it's more to do with them, it's nothing to do with the woman. So, in fact, the woman shouldn't feel hurt about it. I'm not condoning it, though. I'm saying that should it happen, I don't think that the woman should blame herself. Sometimes men just do."

We chat for a while about the era she was part of. The trailblazing, the excess, the bed-hopping, wife-swapping and the casualties along the way, which include her sister Paula, a heroin addict.

"I don't know where she is. I was trying to get her into treatment while I was in America, she kept escaping. And drinking. I couldn't control it because I was miles away. And my brother is away, another sister is away, and my mother is too old and she gets too distressed. To have an alcoholic and a drug addict in the family is one of the most debilitating things. Although it pulls us all together, it causes such huge anxiety. Because, until that person really wants to take care of themselves, there is nothing you can do. You all have to go through the motions, and we do it to the best of our ability. But, at the end of the day, it's like hitting your head against a brick wall. You can't do a thing."

But now she has her photography and her friends, and her life is full again. She is kept busy by a schedule of touring exhibitions of her photographs -- including an upcoming one in Dublin. It's a combination of her own works and collected snaps that document her life.

"What inspires me is light," she says. "Light is the most wonderfully fascinating part of life and, as a photographer, what I want to do is capture it at that moment. Because, in the next few moments, it's too late, it's gone."

It's a nice metaphor for the way Pattie has lived, struggling for years to try to pin down the exultant, the fleeting, the ephemeral. It's only through finally letting everything go, that she eventually discovered something worth holding on to.

- Julia Molony
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Expert   Дата: 02.09.08 01:54:33   
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 She was the inspiration of love songs written by both musicians. Harrison purportedly wrote Something (though he later denied this in interviews, such as those given to Japanese reporters during his early 90's Japanese tour with Eric Clapton) and What is Life, while Clapton wrote, Layla, Wonderful Tonight, and Bell Bottom Blues. She was the inspiration of love songs written by both musicians. Harrison purportedly wrote "Something" (though he later denied this in interviews, such as those given to Japanese reporters during his early 90's Japanese tour with Eric Clapton) and "What is Life", while Clapton wrote, "Layla", "Wonderful Tonight," and "Bell Bottom Blues."
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Патти Бойд   Дата: 03.09.08 19:00:33   
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Вот это да!!!  
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Патти Бойд   Дата: 03.09.08 19:05:57   
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Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 08.09.08 13:37:33   
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Теперь она обо всем рассказала сама.Теперь она обо всем рассказала сама.
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Pataphisist   Дата: 08.09.08 13:38:15   
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Вид сзаду.Вид сзаду.
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: zand   Дата: 08.09.08 14:07:07   
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> She was the inspiration of love songs written
>by both musicians. Harrison purportedly wrote
>"Something" (though he later denied this in interviews,
>such as those given to Japanese reporters during
>his early 90's Japanese tour with Eric Clapton)

Это Жорик обманывает-на Beatles tapes в интервью за 1969 год он на хорошем английском четко говорит,что на написание Something его вдохновила Патти.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: DarkSweet Lady   Дата: 09.09.08 09:09:29   
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Джошуа Грин своей книжке приводит новое (для меня во всяком случае) объяснение появления этой песни. По его словам, Something - песня о любви к Всевышнему...
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: zand   Дата: 09.09.08 13:35:45   
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2DarkSweet Lady:

>Джошуа Грин своей книжке приводит новое (для
>меня во всяком случае) объяснение появления этой
>песни. По его словам, Something - песня о любви
>к Всевышнему...

Самое надежное объяснение-это все-таки слова самого Джорджа.
А вы знаете, что...  
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Expert   Дата: 10.09.08 17:30:28   
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>Это Жорик обманывает-на Beatles tapes в интервью
>за 1969 год он на хорошем английском четко говорит,что
>на написание Something его вдохновила Патти.

Видимо в Японии он говорил на плохом английском да и нечетко :) Кому хочет тому и посвещает автор. К тому же у него в 1969 был роман с Морин Старки. Так что разобраться здесь по-настоящему трудно и невожможно. Определенно можно сказать, что в песне речь идет о девушке - Самфинге...
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Expert   Дата: 11.09.08 01:51:11   
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В оригинале это звучит вот так:

- Когда я сочинял, у меня в голове звучал Рэй Чарльз.
- Но он менее привлекательный чем Патти.
- Да, но он лучше поет. :)))

Paul Cashmere: Can you tell me about "Something". Now, you wrote that about Patti, is that right?

George Harrison: Well no, I didn't. I just wrote it, and then somebody put together a video. And what they did was they went out and got some footage of me and Patti, Paul and Linda, Ringo and Maureen, it was at that time, and John and Yoko and they just made up a little video to go with it. So then, everybody presumed I wrote it about Patti, but actually, when I wrote it, I was thinking of Ray Charles.

Paul Cashmere: He's not as good looking, but well, you know ...

George Harrison: Yeah, but he's a better singer. (Laughs) But that's what I was thinking of. I could hear in my head Ray Charles singing it.

Джордж почти полностью отрицает участие в записи ""While My Guitar Gently Weeps" Леннона (который значится вроде у Льюисона).

I don't believe John was there.

То есть у него устойчивое мнение по поводу тех лет было, что "Леннон мои песни не записывает". Видно по причине реакции Джорджа на Йоко. Или может еще чего, например Индия и Махариши. Ведь не просто так появилась "Not Guilty".
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Патти Бойд   Дата: 11.09.08 15:10:54   
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так сейчас я вас новыми фотками порадую))))))))))))так сейчас я вас новыми фотками порадую))))))))))))
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Патти Бойд   Дата: 11.09.08 15:11:19   
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Какова судьба Патти Бойд?))
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Патти Бойд   Дата: 11.09.08 15:11:38   
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Какова судьба Патти Бойд?3)))
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Патти Бойд   Дата: 11.09.08 15:12:08   
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реклама духов))реклама духов))
Вот это да!!!  
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Патти Бойд   Дата: 11.09.08 15:12:40   
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Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Патти Бойд   Дата: 11.09.08 15:13:04   
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Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Патти Бойд   Дата: 11.09.08 15:13:34   
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Re: Какова судьба Патти Бойд?
Автор: Патти Бойд   Дата: 11.09.08 15:13:55   
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