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David Bowie

Тема: David Bowie

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Re: David Bowie
Автор: Mary J Holly   Дата: 10.06.04 20:38:31   
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Ладно, постыжусь немножко, и хватит - я отходчивая :)
Квадрофеня есть конечно. VHS на языке оригинала. Только как ее переписать - это проблемммма... Вообще, я ее в Зигзаге видела, но вот как оно там с переводом - не знаю...
Re: David Bowie
Автор: Mary J Holly   Дата: 13.06.04 22:12:35   
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...Купила в субботу спэшл-выпуск Mojo про Дэвида. Черт возьми, есть повод поделиться радостью :))) Фотографии очаровательные, хотя рецензии на альбомы и вызывают некоторый скепсис - но в общем, все удовольствие 150 рубликов. Главное, что как обычно, попался совершенно неожиданно......Купила в субботу спэшл-выпуск Mojo про Дэвида. Черт возьми, есть повод поделиться радостью :))) Фотографии очаровательные, хотя рецензии на альбомы и вызывают некоторый скепсис - но в общем, все удовольствие 150 рубликов. Главное, что как обычно, попался совершенно неожиданно...
Добрый профессор  
Re: David Bowie
Автор: Al Sane   Дата: 15.06.04 14:21:51   
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Ага, замечательный журнальчик, у меня такой же есть.
Читается на одном дыхании, а потом хочется кричать: "А чего так мало!!!"
Re: David Bowie
Автор: Горыныч   Дата: 15.06.04 14:36:04   
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to: Mary J Holly - Mojo где нарыла? На Горбе?
Re: David Bowie
Автор: Mary J Holly   Дата: 15.06.04 16:13:06   
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2 Горыныч: нет, в Олимпийском (где комиксы и календари, третий этаж... только у них он почему-то пятый, ну да ладно))
Re: David Bowie
Автор: AlexB   Дата: 16.06.04 01:56:20   
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У вас там прям земля обетованная какая-то. Моджо-спешл ваще-то 6 фунтов стоит...

А кто там интересовался Сузан? Типа, жива ли старушка, все такое. Ходите сюда - там снизу, где фотка с Амстердамской пати, она первая слева.¤tSubSection=Bowie%20News

Не знаю, когда она к Арене привалила, но подозреваю, что часам к 11-ти утра...
Только что позырила мпег с Острова Уайт - опять Сузанс в первом ряду под Олл зе Янг Дьюдз оттягивается. Во дает бабулька. Респект. И ведь главное, с 1974-го... Уму не постижимо.

Взял и заявил со сцены - в Амстердаме столько притти пипл. Особливо после Америки...:))))
Re: David Bowie
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.06.04 08:01:15   
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David Bowie Plays The Isle Of Wight

Bowie's year long trek continued over the weekend with a performance at the Isle of Wight festival in the UK over the weekend.

The Isle of Wight music festival is a two week event spread across the British island. "I was so envious of other acts that got to do the other Isle of Wight Festivals - it is really coming back" Bowie said when he first signed up for the gig. "This is the very first time I have been to the Isle of Wight Festival. Obviously I've been to the Isle of Wight, it's a fabulous place - I used to go there on holiday when I was a kid. I jumped at it, it is a smashing thing to do."

Bowie headlined the event of Sunday night and performed a cutdown version of his 'A Reality Tour' setlist focusing more in the classic hits rather than his two recent albums.

The setlist for Sunday June 13, 2004 was:

Rebel Rebel (from Diamond Dogs, 1975)
New Killer Star (from Reality, 2003)
Cactus (from Heathen, 2002)
Sister Midnight (from Iggy Pop's The Idiot, 1977)
All The Young Dudes (from David Live, 1974)
Fame (from Young Americans, 1975)
Reality (from Reality, 2003)
China Girl (from Let's Dance, 1983)
The Man Who Sold The World (from The Man Who Sold The World, 1970)
The Loneliest Guy (from Reality, 2003)
Hallo Spaceboy (from Outside, 1995)
Under Pressure (from Queen's Hot Space, 1982)
Ashes To Ashes (from Scary Monsters, 1980)
Quicksand (from Hunky Dory, 1972)
Station To Station (from Station To Station, 1976)
I'm Afraid Of Americans (from Earthling, 1997)
Heathen (from Heathen, 2002)
Heroes (from Heroes, 1977)

Suffragette City (from Ziggy Stardust, 1972)
Ziggy Stardust (from Ziggy Stardust, 1972)
Добрый профессор  
Re: David Bowie
Автор: Al Sane   Дата: 16.06.04 10:08:28   
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Никто, случаем, не подскажет где бы в и-нете взять каКчественные wallpaper-ы с господином Боуи?
Может сам кто ваял и готов поделиться? Готов поменять на обои собственного сочинения.
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: David Bowie
Автор: Mary J Holly   Дата: 16.06.04 15:07:27   
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2 AlexB:
>>У вас там прям земля обетованная какая-то. Моджо-спешл ваще-то 6 фунтов стоит...

Да, мы такие!
...а, все равно - разве ж это жизнь?.. :-D
Re: David Bowie
Автор: Горыныч   Дата: 16.06.04 15:32:20   
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to: Alex B - "У вас там прям земля обетованная какая-то" - а я в середине 90-х коробку The Clash приобрел (3 CD, 2 буклета) по цене одного компакт-диска. И не в уцененке, а прям с прилавка. Продавщица как цену увидела - у нее от удивления аж очки запотели. Clash On Broadway как щас помню... Позже было дешевое переиздание, но я застал первый (полноценный) вариант.
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: David Bowie
Автор: AlexB   Дата: 16.06.04 21:36:28   
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Вспомнила прикол по теме с Амстердамского концерта:Вспомнила прикол по теме с Амстердамского концерта:

"Quicksand, - говорит, - она с альбома Sgt.Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band..."
Вот это да!!!  
Re: David Bowie
Автор: Ram On The Run   Дата: 16.06.04 21:52:23   
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~> AlexB:
Надо ж... никогда не видел такого фото! Bowie's Submarine :)
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: David Bowie
Автор: AlexB   Дата: 17.06.04 18:55:49   
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Их две фотки. Снял Кен Питт в 1968-м. История такая: у Питта офис находился как раз в том здании, где создавали Ж.Подлодку. Картонные фигуры битлов выставили в коридор, и Питту пришло в голову, что их здорово было бы использовать в кабаре (кхм...) номере, который он как раз в то время уламывал Дэвида сделать. Он спросил, нельзя ли купить фигуры, ему ответили, что нет, но их могут дать на время. Тогда они с ДБ похватали картонных Битлов и потащили домой - срисовывать. (Те, которые на фотках, видимо уже срисованные в Питтовской квартире.) По дороге от офиса до дома (Дэвид как раз тащил под мышкой картонного Макку) им попался навстречу живший неподалеку настоящий МакКартни. МакКартни улыбнулся, Дэвид засмущался. :)))Их две фотки. Снял Кен Питт в 1968-м. История такая: у Питта офис находился как раз в том здании, где создавали Ж.Подлодку. Картонные фигуры битлов выставили в коридор, и Питту пришло в голову, что их здорово было бы использовать в кабаре (кхм...) номере, который он как раз в то время уламывал Дэвида сделать. Он спросил, нельзя ли купить фигуры, ему ответили, что нет, но их могут дать на время. Тогда они с ДБ похватали картонных Битлов и потащили домой - срисовывать. (Те, которые на фотках, видимо уже срисованные в Питтовской квартире.) По дороге от офиса до дома (Дэвид как раз тащил под мышкой картонного Макку) им попался навстречу живший неподалеку настоящий МакКартни. МакКартни улыбнулся, Дэвид засмущался. :)))

Да-с. Кондуктор удивился, трамвай остановился...

Кстати, по сабжу, еще вспомнила: в Амстердаме после концерта запустили инструментальную версию This Boy.
Re: David Bowie
Автор: Горыныч   Дата: 17.06.04 19:13:02   
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to: Alex B - тогда сразу бы в музей Тюссо обратились - хрен ли мелочиться? Там всякого добра на любой вкус.
Re: David Bowie
Автор: Горыныч   Дата: 17.06.04 19:24:57   
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О, запостил - и тут же возник вопрос - а Боуи у мадам Тюссо есть? Насчет Битлз всем известно, есть Лайдон из Секс Пистолз (видел фото, где он делает вид, что душит свою фигуру), даже томная бестолочь Бой Джорджик имеется, а про Боуи - не в курсе...
Re: David Bowie
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.06.04 21:31:57   
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After thousands of entries and tens of thousands of votes, a winner has been crowned in DAVID BOWIE’s “mash-up” contest, a unique challenge for fans to create the best remix of a song from his current REALITY album combined with another track from his extensive catalog. Southern Californian David Choi—who creatively mashed BOWIE’s “She’ll Drive The Big Car” (from 2003’s REALITY album) and “Shake It” (from 1983’s LET’S DANCE) to form “Big Shaken Car”--was selected from the six finalists by a panel of judges that included BOWIE himself. The 18-year-old self-proclaimed “music freak” will be awarded the 2004 Audi TT coupe grand prize. The contest was co-sponsored by BowieNet, BOWIE's pioneering online community, and Audi of America, which also presented the second North American leg of BOWIE’s “A Reality Tour.”

Choi, who graduated from High School last week, said he chose to mash-up the song “She’ll Drive The Big Car” because “the song has a nice groove to it…and the contest was for a car.” At the same time, Choi selected “Shake It” because “it made me feel real good.”

With musical tastes that range from DAVID BOWIE to Usher and Switchfoot, Choi says he’ll study the music industry in college and hopes one day to produce albums and do A&R work. In addition to creating music on his home computer, Choi enjoys hanging with his friends, watching movies and working out.

Second prize was awarded to Steve Dunsford of Hamilton, Ontario, who created “Picasso Lies,” a mash-up of “Pablo Picasso,” BOWIE’s version of the Jonathan Richman-penned classic (from 2003’s REALITY), and “Telling Lies” (from 1997’s EARTHLING). He will receive a complete set of Sony Media Software titles including: ACID® PRO 4 software, Vegas® +DVD Production Suite, Sound Forge® 7 software, CD ArchitectTM 5 software, Four (4) Vision Series™ Libraries and 50 Loops for ACID™ Loop Libraries.

Third prize went to Yoni Gileadi of Salt Lake City, Utah, for “Major Tom Is A Lucky Guy,” a mash-up of BOWIE’s “The Loneliest Guy” (from 2003’s REALITY) and “Space Oddity” (from 1969’s album of the same name). Gileadi will receive a Sony Vaio Z1 series laptop. At the same time, all finalists will receive a free subscription to BowieNet and the latest software from ACID.

Meanwhile, Audi has been airing a television commercial wrapped around “Rebel Never Gets Old,” a mash-up remix of BOWIE’s “Never Get Old”--a highlight of the critically acclaimed REALITY album--and his timeless “Rebel Rebel.” The TV spot generated such a favorable response that BOWIE asked mash-up guru Mark Vidler of Go Home Productions fame to take the two original masters and create a single version of “Rebel Never Gets Old.”

Entrants visited to download portions of songs from REALITY and selected classic BOWIE tracks. They were able to utilize a free version of the Acid PRO music creation software called ACID Xpress, which was made available at the site. was created jointly by Audi and CondéNet, a division of Condé Nast.

BOWIE--who is overseas for an array of headlining performances at the top festivals in Europe and the UK--just closed the three-day Isle Of Wight Festival, thrilling an audience of over 35,000 with a set that mixed classic songs, fan favorites and tracks from REALITY. The influential rock legend's first major world tour in nearly a decade is encompassing 17 countries and earning him the best live reviews of his career.

BowieNet, at, has been expanding the limits of artist/fan interaction and collaboration since 1998. Members have co-written a song with BOWIE, helped choose album art and packaging, participated in a variety of chats, webcasts and online events and even attended members-only concerts. Trial membership to BowieNet is included with every ticket sold for A REALITY TOUR. Ticket holders receive a free 3-month membership.

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David Bowie и летающий норвежский чупа-чупс
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 21.06.04 14:04:51   
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Lollipop halts Bowie's Oslo gig

David Bowie had to stop a concert in Oslo after he was hit in the eye with a lollipop which a fan had thrown at him.

The singer winced in agony as the stick shot between his left eyeball and its lid.

He immediately stopped the gig in the Norwegian capital and shouted abuse at the thrower.

He was 20 minutes into the gig when the lollipop hit him.

One fan said: "He grabbed a mike and called the person responsible a coward and b*****d for hiding in the crowd. Everyone booed as the concert was stopped."

An aide managed to free the lollipop.

The Sun says a female fan owned up to the incident, saying: "I was dancing, holding the sweet up. Then I was pushed and it flew from my hand."
Re: David Bowie
Автор: Faker   Дата: 24.06.04 03:33:04   
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О том же самом с
Bowie hit in the eye by lollipop
Ouch! 'Love on a stick' can be painful

Tuesday, June 22, 2004 Posted: 1:49 PM EDT (1749 GMT)
OSLO, Norway (AP) -- Halfway through his third song at a Norwegian music festival, an object came flying out of the crowd and hit David Bowie in the eye.

It was a lollipop, probably sent as a message of adoration since Norwegians call the hard candy "love on a stick."

Bowie wasn't seriously injured at Friday's Norwegian Wood Festival in Oslo. He backed off the runway, hunched over, and was assisted by his set crew.

Within moments, he was facing the crowd of 7,500. Swearing at the unknown culprit, Bowie said he only had one good eye. The other eye had been damaged in a childhood fight.

"Lucky you hit the bad one," Bowie said, demanding to know who threw the lollipop. No one standing in the cold and drizzle came forward.

Bowie grumbled about the person or persons responsible hiding in the crowd. Then, regaining his composure and sense of humor, the 57-year-old singer said he was going to punish the audience by making the concert extra-long.

Later, during what the Norwegian media called one of his best concerts ever, Bowie continued to joke about the incident. He threw one of his guitar picks into the crowd, then asked if he'd hit someone in the eye.

"Oh, maybe I have to hide in the band," he joked.

Norwegian newspapers tracked down a young woman who claimed to be behind the mishap. They didn't publish her name, but said she claimed it was an accident.

The artist's official Web site said the eye was checked and wasn't seriously injured.

As for Bowie, he played 27 songs over nearly two hours and 20 minutes.
Re: David Bowie
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 24.06.04 07:48:00   
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Bowie Halts Prague Concert with Shoulder Pain
Wed Jun 23, 2004 07:40 PM ET

PRAGUE (Reuters) - Rock star David Bowie was forced to cut short a concert in Prague Wednesday, telling the crowd he had nerve problems in his shoulder.
The 57-year-old singer took to the stage late, and then after singing for one hour, left for a 10-minute break, concertgoers said.

Bowie returned to play two songs, the last one seated on a stool clutching his arm. He then apologized and left for good. There was no further word on his condition.

The singer has had a tough time in the last week -- at a concert in Oslo he was hit in the eye by a lollipop thrown by someone in the crowd.
Re: David Bowie
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 28.06.04 20:36:20   
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DAVID BOWIE was forced to cancel a German gig after being taken to hospital.

The star performed at the Hurricane Festival in the town Scheessel on Friday (June 25), but was later taken to hospital with a sharp pain in his shoulder, later revealed to be a trapped nerve.

The star was kept overnight for treatment, and missed appearing at the Southside Festival in Neuhausen ob Eck in southern Germany on Saturday (June 26).

Other concerts scheduled for Vienna (Jun e29) and Salzburg (June 30) have also been scrapped, reports the BBC.

Bowie, 57, had cut a concert in Prague short on Wednesday (June 23) because of the pain.

He took a 10-minute break during his set and returned to play two songs before apologising to fans and calling a halt to the concert.
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