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Re: Разные интересные новости!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 04.08.05 09:27:01   
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He’s So Pretty: New AXL ROSE DVD Out Now [Rock Hard - 05.08.03 09:55:42] He’s So Pretty: New AXL ROSE DVD Out Now [Rock Hard - 05.08.03 09:55:42]

Music Video Distributors ( currently have a new DVD available on GUNS N’ ROSES frontman Axl Rose.

Entitled Axl Rose: The Prettiest Star, MVD has issued the following description of the DVD:

Axl Rose - The Prettiest Star is the first ever documentary to reveal the true story of Axl’s life and career, from his earliest days growing up in Lafayette, Indiana, through his escape from abuse and neglect via music and onto his incredible success with Guns N’ Roses.

The film continues by documenting Axl’s more recent activities including the recording of the eagerly anticipated Chinese Democracy album. It includes previously unseen film footage of both Axl and Guns N’ Roses, exclusive in-depth interviews with those who have worked closely with Axl during his life and career, including; Chris Weber, Vicky Hamilton, Skip Sailor, Robert John, and more.
Re: Разные интересные новости!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 05.08.05 10:14:52   
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Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Bruce Springsteen and U2 are among the many artists who will appear in Get Up, Stand Up: The Story of Pop and Protest, a PBS documentary set to premiere Sept. 28. The film, which explores the use of popular music as an instrument for political change, also will feature Jackson Browne, the Clash, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Fleetwood Mac, Peter Gabriel, Mick Jagger, John Lennon and Sting.Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Bruce Springsteen and U2 are among the many artists who will appear in Get Up, Stand Up: The Story of Pop and Protest, a PBS documentary set to premiere Sept. 28. The film, which explores the use of popular music as an instrument for political change, also will feature Jackson Browne, the Clash, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Fleetwood Mac, Peter Gabriel, Mick Jagger, John Lennon and Sting.
Re: Разные интересные новости!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 06.08.05 12:13:21   
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Sire Boxes Madonna, Heads Sire Boxes Madonna, Heads
Seymour Stein chronicles label's storied history
Re: Разные интересные новости!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.08.05 10:38:00   
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Умер солист Buena Vista Social Club Ибрагим ФеррерУмер солист Buena Vista Social Club Ибрагим Феррер

В возрасте 78 лет в Гаване скончался солист легендарной кубинской группы Buena Vista Social Club Ибрагим Феррер. Несколько дней назад певец вернулся из европейского турне, почувствовал себя плохо, и его поместили в больницу. В субботу он скончался, сообщает Reuters.

Ибрагим Феррер родился в 1927 году. Его карьера профессионального певца началась в 14. В 40-е и 50-е годы он пел в нескольких популярнейших кубинских оркестрах, но к 90-м его имя было прочно забыто, и немолодой уже Феррер зарабатывал на жизнь чисткой обуви.

Во второй половине 90-х техасский гитарист Рай Кудер собрал группу пожилых кубинских музыкантов, специализировавшихся на афро-кубинских музыкальных жанрах сон и болеро. Записанная ими пластинка Toda Cuba Le Gusta вызвала фурор и была удостоена премии "Грэмми". В 1999 году знаменитый режиссер Вим Вендерс снял фильм об этих музыкантах под названием Buena Vista Social Club.

После этого триумфа музыканты Buena Vista Social Club начали сольную карьеру. Ибрагим Феррер записал два сольных диска, за которые получил две латиноамериканские и одну американскую премию "Грэмми". Он много гастролировал, побывал весной 2004 года и в России.

Два других знаменитых участника Buena Vista Social Club - Компай Сегундо и Рубен Гонсалес - скончались в 2003 году.
Re: Разные интересные новости!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.08.05 01:52:36   
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Разные интересные новости!
Re: Разные интересные новости!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 08.08.05 01:53:06   
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Mötley Crüe Live Double-Disc DVD Drops October 4

On October 4th, Mötley Crüe will be releasing a first time ever, special double disc DVD featuring all four members from their outrageously successful concert tour, "Red, White & Crüe". The DVD, "Carnival of Sins" features a non-stop rock-n-roll "circus gone bad" performance under a huge circus stage set. See the comeback Rolling Stone calls "monstrous" and Entertainment Weekly dubs "the Feelgood reunion of the year" as Mötley Crüe bring their three-ring circus of freaks to your TV to perform their greatest hits live. The DVD special bonus feature disc includes behind-the-scenes film, interviews, clay animation film, additional music videos and so much more.

Shot live on location at the Van Andel Arena in Grad Rapids, Michigan April 27th, 2005; Mötley Crüe’s Carnival of Sins is the live concert DVD of their sold out Red, White & Crüe world wide tour. Featuring their greatest hits" as well as new songs, Carnival of Sins is an unprecedented ALL ACCESS look at the band with behind the scenes footage and bonus material that will blow your mind. Mötley Crüe delivers the concert that Rock ‘N’ Roll has been waiting for.
Re: Разные интересные новости!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 09.08.05 07:58:52   
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Singer Marc Cohn Shot in DenverSinger Marc Cohn Shot in Denver

Singer Marc Cohn, best known for his 1991 hit "Walking in Memphis," was shot Sunday in Denver, according to the Denver Police department.

Per a DPD statement released Monday, Cohn was shot in the head late Sunday during an attempted carjacking near the city's convention center.

Cohn is said to be recovering after doctors successfully removed a bullet from his temple.

The Grammy-winning singer-songwriter, who is married to ABC News' Elizabeth Vargas, is expected to make a full recovery.

Vargas is in Colorado with her husband, who has already been released from Denver's Health Medical Center.

"All of us at ABC News are thinking of Marc and Elizabeth at this time and wish Marc a speedy recovery," an ABC News publicist said in a statement released to E! Monday. "The good news is that he will be fine. Elizabeth has made her way to Denver to be with Marc, and they are likely to return to New York soon."

Cohn, who was in Denver to play a sold-out concert at the city's botanical gardens, was allegedly shot by a man named Joseph Yachteen, according to police.

Police have released a picture of the suspect, in addition to the license-plate number of the car he was last seen in, to local media--they hope to have him in custody soon.

Yachteen is suspected of attempting to carjack Cohn's vehicle. The 26-year-old reportedly fired a single shot into the singer's rented van in the process of the unsuccessful vehicle boost, grazing the driver (Cohn's road manager Thomas Dube) and seriously injuring Cohn after they refused to unlock the van door for the suspect.

Both Dube and Cohn were treated and released for their respective bullet wounds after driving away from the armed suspect.

Cops nearly arrested Yachteen yesterday for crimes allegedly committed earlier Sunday, but he slipped away by fleeing on Denver's Stout Street, which intersects with the city's 16th Street Mall.

He was last seen carjacking a Subaru Forester at 14th and Stout, where he allegedly forced four white males out of the car.

An arrested warrant has been issued for Yachteen, who is wanted for first-degree attempted murder and multiple aggravated robbery charges.

Cohn, who rose to fame in 1991 after his eponymously titled Atlantic Records debut clicked with fans and critics alike, hopes to rejoin his current tour with Suzanne Vega as soon as he recovers--perhaps even by Thursday when the tour stops in Chicago.

If Cohn is unable to rejoin the tour, he said he'll do his best to reschedule the missed gigs.;_ylt=Ap5Ne1kijJbk.Lq5J0qeFMeVEhkF...
Re: Разные интересные новости!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 09.08.05 13:50:09   
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Radiohead, Gorillaz, Bloc Party For War Child 2005 Radiohead, Gorillaz, Bloc Party For War Child 2005

Radiohead, the Manic Street Preachers, Razorlight, Bloc Party and Damon Albarn's Gorillaz have all signed up to be a part of War Child’s tenth anniversary album release, a decade on from the original ‘Help’ compilation album.

Famously recorded on a Monday and in the shops by the following Saturday, the original ‘Help’ was released almost ten years ago on September 9 1995 and went straight to number one after just a single day's sales.

The new project, entitled ‘Help: A Day In The Life’, will feature returning contributions from Radiohead, Damon Albarn (in his Gorillaz guise) and the Manic Street Preachers, while the UK’s new school of indie are represented by the The Zutons, Razorlight, The Coral, Mylo and Elbow amongst others.

20 acts will record tracks for the record with Xfm favourites The Magic Numbers, Maximo Park, Bloc Party and Hard-Fi also signed up for the project. Ex-Stone Roses axe-man John Squire has agreed to design a cover. The only confirmed track so far is from the Manic Street Preachers who have confirmed their song is called ‘Leviathan’.

The album will once again raise funds to help children in war-torn regions including Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia and The Democratic Republic of The Congo. It will be available from the War Child website and other sites from September 9. A CD release will follow in the weeks to follow.

Like the original album, the charity aims to record and get the album to shop shelves as quickly as possible setting themselves the challenge of breaking their own 1995 record and releasing the fastest album ever.

The original ‘Help’ featured Radiohead’s ‘Lucky’, the Manic Street Preacher’s cover of ‘Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head’ and Blur's ‘Eine Kleine Lift Musik’. Other artists involved were The Levellers, Suede, Oasis, Paul McCartney, Stone Roses, Suede, the Boo Radleys, Orbital, Portishead, Massive Attack, The Charlatans, the Chemical Brothers, Stereo MC’s, Sinead O’Conner, Terrorvision, The One World Orchestra, Planet 4 Folk Quartet, Terry Hall and Salad, Neneh Cherry & Trout, Paul Weller, P.J.Harvey.
Re: Разные интересные новости!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 11.08.05 14:02:11   
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Eric Clapton and Peter Frampton are among the musicians taking part in Mad Dogs & Okies, an album organized by session drummer Jamie Oldaker. Due in stores on August 30th, the album features 16 songs written by or associated with Oklahoma artists. Clapton sings and plays acoustic guitar on Willis Alan Ramsey's "Positively" and backs country star Vince Gill on the country singer's own "Wait Til Your Daddy Gets Home." Frampton sings and plays guitar on the Jerry Lynn Williams - John Francis Miller tune, "Sending Me Angels." Willie Nelson, J.J. Cale, Taj Mahal, Asleep at the Wheel's Ray Benson, and Bonnie Bramlett from Delaney & Bonnie also appear on the album.

Oldaker, who's played with Clapton, Frampton, Gill, Leon Russell, and Bob Seger, has been working on Mad Dogs & Okies since 2001. The album was recorded in Nashville and Los Angeles.
Re: Разные интересные новости!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 15.08.05 11:09:12   
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Clinton Gives New Funk Clinton Gives New Funk
Colorful music legend celebrates fifty years in the biz

George Clinton will celebrate his fiftieth year in the music business with a new album, How Late Do U Have 2BB4UR Absent, due August 23rd. The funk legend -- who started out with a vocal group called the Parliaments in 1955 -- will be joined by members of his bands P-Funk All-Stars and Parliament Funkadelic, as well as superstar disciple Prince, on the double-disc set.

"It's one of the best records we've ever done," says Clinton.

Clinton will hit the road this summer, beginning at Los Angeles' Greek Theater. The tour features an opening act composed of Jane's Addiction drummer Stephen Perkins, bassist Me'Shell Ndegeocello and R&B man Raphael Saadiq, with a revolving door of special guests.

"Flea will play at some of the shows, and Big Boi from OutKast, Snoop, Redman, Flavor Flav, Chuck D, Gwen Stefani, Lenny Kravitz, Fishbone, Erykah Badu, D'Angelo, Musiq, the Black Eyed Peas and the Roots."

Clinton has further reason to celebrate. Last week he won a court ruling that gave him the rights to the master recordings of four classic Funkadelic albums: Hardcore Jollies (1976), One Nation Under a Groove (1978), Uncle Jam Wants You (1979) and The Electric Spanking of War Babies (1981). The catalog is a goldmine, as Funkadelic samples have been staples of blockbuster hip-hop records, most notably Dr. Dre's 1992 The Chronic.
Умер Боб Муг, изобретатель синтезатора "Moog"
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.08.05 15:27:58   
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Bob Moog Dead at 71Bob Moog Dead at 71
22 August 2005

Bob Moog, the inventor of the Moog synthesizer, has died at the age of 71 in his home in North Carolina on August 21, 2005.

Moog was diagnosed with brain cancer in April 2005 and received radiation and chemotherapy treatment to combat the disease.

At his official website, a statement reads "Bob was warm and outgoing. He enjoyed meeting people from all over the world. He especially appreciated what Ileana referred to as "the magical connection" between music-makers and their instruments".

He is survived by his wife, Ileana, his five children, Laura Moog Lanier, Matthew Moog, Michelle Moog-Koussa, Renee Moog, and Miranda Richmond; and the mother of his children, Shirleigh Moog.

According to his website "No public memorial is planned. Fans and friends can direct their sympathies or remembrances to".

To continue working in his name the website also announces that "Bob's family has established The Bob Moog Foundation dedicated to the Advancement of Electronic Music in his memory. Many of his longtime collaborators including musicians, engineers and educators have agreed to sit on its executive board including David Borden, Wendy Carlos, Joel Chadabpe, John Eaton, David Mash, and Rick Wakeman".
Re: Разные интересные новости!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 22.08.05 21:35:44   
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The title role in a new movie about singer Dusty Springfield has been announced. is reporting that Tony-winning singer/actress Kristin Chenoweth, who recently starred in the Broadway musical Wicked, and is currently seen on NBC's drama The West Wing, has signed on to portray the singer who is best remembered for her string of '60s hits including "I Only Want To Be With You," "You Don't Have To Say You Love Me," "The Look Of Love," "Spooky," and "Son Of A Preacher Man." Dusty Springfield died in 1999 at the age of 59 after a long battle with cancer.

The still untitled movie will focus on Springfield's '60s career, culminating with the recording of her legendary 1969 Dusty In Memphis album.

Springfield's longtime manager Vicki Wickham will act as consultant on the project. No title or start date for filming has been announced.

Elton John, a lifelong fan of Springfield's, gave her induction speech when she was posthumously inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame back in 1999, just ten days after her death. Elton explained that for him, her first solo hit in 1964, "I Only Want To Be With You," defined her unique sound: "I collected her singles, every release that she ever made and I had them all separate from the rest of my record collection. She was that important to me. I think her first single 'I Only Want To Be With You' is so different from the Springfields (the trio she was in before going solo) because the Springfields were a kind of country, kind of folky thing. But I think that was her first record... and later on 'Son Of A Preacher Man' obviously."
Re: Разные интересные новости!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.08.05 09:27:24   
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Voivod guitarist D'Amour dies of colon cancer By Greg Prato Voivod guitarist D'Amour dies of colon cancer By Greg Prato
Mon Aug 29

NEW YORK (Billboard) - Voivod guitarist Denis D'Amour, better known to fans as Piggy, died Friday at a Montreal hospital after a battle with colon cancer. He was 45.

Although it was the group's futuristic lyrics on which fans most focused, D'Amour's complex, jazz-based guitar work fueled the band musically.

One of the first Canadian thrash metal bands, the Quebec-based Voivod (which also originally included singer Denis "Snake" Belanger, bassist Jean-Yves Theriault and drummer Michel Langevin) has released a string of genre classics such as 1984's "War and Pain" and 1987's "Killing Technology." But the band truly hit its stride on 1989's prog-metal effort "Nothingface," even headlining a U.S. tour over Faith No More and Soundgarden.

Just as it appeared the mainstream metal world might be catching up with Voivod in the '90s, Theriault and Belanger exited the band. Voivod continued recording throughout the decade and was in recent years rejuvenated by the addition of former Metallica bassist Jason Newsted, as well as the return of Belanger.

The new lineup toured as part of Ozzfest in 2003, and issued a new, self-titled studio album the same year on Newsted's Chophouse label. In 2004, Belanger appeared on Dave Grohl's star-studded metal detour, "Probot."

Voivod recently signed a new contract with the End Records, and was gearing up to enter the studio early next year. Newsted recently told that more than an album's worth of songs had already been demoed.

While it is unknown what will happen to the new material, D'Amour recently completed guitar tracks for a reunion by the obscure '70s Montreal band, Aut'Chose. First up will be Voivod's first DVD, "D-V-O-D-1," due October 25 via Music Video Distributors. The project compiles all the group's videos from 1983-1991, as well as live performances from this period.
Re: Разные интересные новости!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.08.05 10:14:02   
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Talking Heads Refurbish Catalog For DualDisc Talking Heads Refurbish Catalog For DualDisc

The Talking Heads have expanded their eight studio albums with previously unreleased content for their release as DualDiscs. Due Oct. 4 via Rhino, the sets will be packaged together in a white molded plastic box that holds eight jewel cases. Each album has also been remastered by Talking Heads keyboardist Jerry Harrison.

The group's 1977 debut, the appropriately named "Talking Heads: 77," will include a 5.1 mix of a previously unreleased acoustic version of "Psycho Killer" and an alternate 5.1 mix of "Uh-Oh, Love Comes to Town." The DVD side sports a live clip of "Pulled Up" taped in 1978 in Berkeley, Calif., and "I Feel It in My Heart" shot in 1976 at New York's now-defunct the Kitchen.

The follow-up, "More Songs About Buildings and Food," is bolstered by alternate versions of "The Big Country," "I'm Not in Love" and "Thank You for Sending Me an Angel," as well as a "1977 version" of "Stay Hungry." The DVD pulls "Warning Sign" from the aforementioned Berkeley show plus "Found a Job" from a 1978 gig at New York's Entermedia Theatre.

Best known for "Cities" and "Life During Wartime," 1979's "Fear of Music" is expanded here with alternate versions of those tracks as well as "Mind," and an unfinished outtake of "Dancing for Money." The DVD side includes performances of "Cities" and "I Zimba" from the German TV show "Rockpop" in 1980.

"Remain in Light" is beefed up with four unfinished outtakes: "Fela's Riff," "Unison," "Double Groove" and "Right Start." "Rockpop" performances of "Once in a Lifetime" and "Crosseyed and Painless" are utilized for the DVD side. The 1983 album "Speaking in Tongues" features an alternate 5.1 mix of "Burning Down the House" as well as videos for that tune and "This Must Be the Place (Naïve Melody)."

"Little Creatures" is filled out with previously unreleased early versions of its most notable tracks, "Road to Nowhere" and "And She Was," plus videos for both songs. The 1986 companion to "True Stories," directed by Heads vocalist David Byrne, includes a bonus Pop Staples Vocal Version 5.1 mix of "Papa Legba" and videos for "Wild Wild Life" and "Love for Sale."

The Heads' final studio album, "Naked," tacks on a 5.1 mix of "Sax and Violins" as well as its video and a clip for "Blind."

As previously reported, the Talking Heads and the spin-off group the Tom Tom Club are represented on the Sire Records box set "Just Say Sire," due Sept. 13 via Rhino.
Re: Разные интересные новости!
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 05.09.05 14:21:12   
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The Rolling Stones, Paul McCartney, Lynyrd Skynyrd and Neil Young have joined previously announced performer John Mellencamp and others on the lineup for the ReAct Now: Music & Relief telethon to benefit victims of Hurricane Katrina. The three-hour special airs Sept. 10 on MTV, VH1, CMT and other outlets at 8 p.m. ET. Funds raised will go directly to the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army, America's Second Harvest and other organizations.The Rolling Stones, Paul McCartney, Lynyrd Skynyrd and Neil Young have joined previously announced performer John Mellencamp and others on the lineup for the ReAct Now: Music & Relief telethon to benefit victims of Hurricane Katrina. The three-hour special airs Sept. 10 on MTV, VH1, CMT and other outlets at 8 p.m. ET. Funds raised will go directly to the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army, America's Second Harvest and other organizations.
Re: Разные интересные новости!
Автор: Textpert   Дата: 09.09.05 00:05:53   
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На официальном сайте Judas Priest оявилась информация о шести дополнительных концертах в странах восточной Европы. А страны эти...

7th September 2005

We are very pleased to announce the following dates - a continuation of the Judas Priest Retribution 2005 Tour:



Re: Разные интересные новости!
Автор: pempe   Дата: 09.09.05 00:14:32   
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очень приятная новость
Re: Разные интересные новости!
Автор: JohnLenin   Дата: 09.09.05 01:23:59   
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Но самая большая рок-музыкальная новость этой осени, на мой взгляд, это все-таки воссоединение "Cream"!.. "Deserted Cities Of The Heart"...
Re: Разные интересные новости!
Автор: oblako9   Дата: 11.09.05 01:11:04   
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Спасатели вывезли пионера рок-н-ролла Фэтса Домино на лодке в безопасное место из его затопленного новоорлеанского дома. Кадры хроники помощи жителям города, пострадавшего от урагана "Катрина", увидела дочь певца Карен. Один из телеканалов показал репортаж, в котором спасатели помогают пожилому чернокожему человеку выбраться из лодки. По мнению Карен Домино-Уайт, это был ее отец. Правда, до сих пор не известно, где сейчас находится Фэтс Домино, сообщает газета Los Angeles Times.
Очевидно, что спасателям удалось добраться до дома Домино и уговорить его покинуть жилище. Но пока его родным, проживающим за пределми Луизианы, не удалось связаться с ним лично. Также неизвестно, удалось ли спасти жену Домино, Розмари.

Фэтс Домино жил в одном из районов Нового Орлеана, затопленных после обрушения дамбы. За несколько дней до того, как "Катрина" обрушилась на побережье Луизианы, 77-летний музыкант сказал по телефону своему знакомому, что пережил в своем доме уже не один ураган и не уедет из города.

В последние годы Домино мало гастролировал и стал домоседом. В одном из интервью он сказал: "Я много путешествовал, видел много красивых мест и полюбил их. Но я предпочитаю свой дом".

Ссылки по теме
- Rock Pioneer Domino Is Believed Rescued - LA Times, 02.09.2005
- Во время урагана в Новом Орлеане пропал знаменитый музыкант -, 02.09.2005

Re: Разные интересные новости!
Автор: pempe   Дата: 11.09.05 09:24:37   
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2 oblako9
Фэтса Домино нашелся, но о об также пропавшом в Новом Орлеане блюзмене Clarence "Gatemouth Brown неслышал нечего.
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