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Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение

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Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: Игорь Цалер   Дата: 12.12.07 14:33:16   
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Сюда можно, любопытно поглядеть!
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: Kalina   Дата: 12.12.07 15:09:41   
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2Игорь Цалер:

Специально для тебя, топ от любимого журнала!

MOJO - 50 best albums of 2007

1. Radiohead - In Rainbows
2. Arcade Fire - Neon Bible
3. Bruce Springsteen - Magic
4. Arctic Monkeys - Favourite Worst Nightmare
5. LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver
6. The Good, The Bad & The Queen - The Good, The Bad & The Queen
7. The White Stripes - Icky Thump
8. PJ Harvey - White Chalk
9. Robert Wyatt - Comicopera
10. Kings of Leon - Because of the Times
11. Klaxons - Myths of the Near Future
12. The Hold Steady - Boys and Girls in America
13. Rufus Wainwright - Release the Stars
14. The Shins - Wincing the Night Away
15. Andrew Bird - Armchair Apocrypha
16. Bright Eyes - Cassadaga
17. Field Music - Tones of Town
18. Grinderman - Grinderman
19. Robert Plant & Alison Krauss - Raising Sand
20. Nick Lowe - At My Age
21. Neil Young - Chrome Dreams II
22. Wilco - Sky Blue Sky
23. Efterklang - Parades
24. Björk - Volta
25. Joni Mitchell - Shine
26. Pissed Jeans - Hope for Men
27. Linda Thompson - Versatile Heart
28. The Cinematic Orchestra - Ma Fleur
29. Iron & Wine - The Shepherd's Dog
30. Thurston Moore - Trees Outside the Academy
31. Gruff Rhys - Candylion
32. Panda Bear - Person Pitch
33. Seasick Steve - Dog House Music
34. Willy Mason - If the Ocean Gets Rough
35. Bettye LaVette - The Scene of the Crime
36. Tinariwen - Aman Iman: Water Is Life
37. Edgar Jones and The Joneses - Gettin' a Little Help
38. The Besnard Lakes - Are the Dark Horse
39. Battles - Mirrored
40. Yoko Ono - Yes, I'm a Witch
41. Amiina - Kurr
42. Gravenhurst - The Western Lands
43. Interpol - Our Love to Admire
44. Les Savy Fav - Let's Stay Friends
45. Matthew Dear - Asa Breed
46. Kevin Ayers - The Unfairground
47. Edwyn Collins - Home Again
48. Babyshambles - Shotter's Nation
49. Voice of the Seven Woods - Voice of the Seven Woods
50. Alasdair Roberts - The Amber Gatherers
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: karp   Дата: 15.01.08 17:59:13   
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Лидеры 2007-го года!
Всероссийские Рейтинги Продаж Компании «СОЮЗ»

Музыка. Российские исполнители

1. C. Трофимов «Следующая остановка»
2. Сборник «СОЮЗ 40»
3. Мaкsим «Трудный возраст»
4. Макsим «Мой рай»
5. Holly Dolly “Pretty Donkey Girl”
6. Сборник «Euro Союз 5»
7. Сборник «Танцевальный Рай Восточный 5»
8. Сборник «Танцевальный Рай Best»
9. Машина Времени “Time Machine”
10. М. Круг «Новая коллекция»

Музыка. Зарубежные исполнители

1. Paul Van Dyk “In Between”
2. Nelly Furtado “Loose”
3. Eagles “Long Road Out Of Eden 2CD”
4. Linkin Park “Minutes To Midnight”
5. Madonna “Confessions Tour 2CD”
6. Manowar “Gods Of War”
7. Tokio Hotel “Zimmer 483”
8. Scooter “Ultimate Aural Orgasm”
9. Gary Moore “Close As You Get”
10. De-Phazz “Days Of Twang”
Валяюсь от смеха  
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 16.01.08 11:52:05   
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>1. Paul Van Dyk “In Between”
>2. Nelly Furtado “Loose”
>3. Eagles “Long Road Out Of Eden 2CD”
>4. Linkin Park “Minutes To Midnight”
>5. Madonna “Confessions Tour 2CD”
>6. Manowar “Gods Of War”
>7. Tokio Hotel “Zimmer 483”
>8. Scooter “Ultimate Aural Orgasm”
>9. Gary Moore “Close As You Get”
>10. De-Phazz “Days Of Twang”

Н-да. Умом Россию не понять.
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: Kalina   Дата: 16.01.08 13:46:36   
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The 30 Best-Reviewed Albums of the Year по версии сайта

1 Untrue by Burial 2007 91
2 From Here We Go Sublime by The Field 2007 90
3 In Rainbows by Radiohead 2007 88
4 And Their Refinement Of The Decline by Stars Of The Lid 2007 88
5 Raising Sand by Robert Plant And Alison Krauss 2007 87
6 Let's Stay Friends by Les Savy Fav 2007 87
7 Neon Bible by The Arcade Fire 2007 87
8 Children Running Through by Patty Griffin 2007 87
9 Kala by M.I.A. 2007 87
10 Sound Of Silver by LCD Soundsystem 2007 86
11 Comicopera by Robert Wyatt 2007 86
12 Person Pitch by Panda Bear 2007 86
13 Mirrored by Battles 2007 86
14 45:33 by LCD Soundsystem 2007 86
15 Boxer by The National 2007 86
16 New Moon by Elliott Smith 2007 85
17 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend by Miranda Lambert 2007 84
18 Ire Works by The Dillinger Escape Plan 2007 84
19 The World Has Made Me The Man Of My Dreams by Me'Shell NdegéOcello 2007 84
20 Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga by Spoon 2007 84
21 Copia by Eluvium 2007 84
22 Sweet Warrior by Richard Thompson 2007 84
23 A Place To Bury Strangers by A Place To Bury Strangers 2007 84
24 The Shepherd's Dog by Iron & Wine 2007 84
25 Beauty & Crime by Suzanne Vega 2007 84
26 Frank by Amy Winehouse 2007 84
27 Vieux Farka Toure by Vieux Farka Toure 2007 84
28 The Besnard Lakes Are The Dark Horse by The Besnard Lakes 2007 83
29 Grinderman by Grinderman 2007 83
30 23 by Blonde Redhead 2007 83 там же еще куча топов.
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 07.02.08 02:01:44   
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25 величайших дуэтов всех времён: величайших дуэтов всех времён:
Снесло крышу  
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: Ram On The Run   Дата: 07.02.08 02:18:42   
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~> john lee hooker:

Всё вроде бы ничего, но опять же не без ПУКА ! :)))

Ну КАК на 3-ем месте находятся Dr. Dre и Snoop Dogg?..

Ну хоть кол на голове чеши!
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: karp   Дата: 07.02.08 11:51:33   
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>там же еще куча топов.
И, главное, к дуэтам даны клипы.
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.02.08 12:35:12   
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Лучшим британским альбомом назван дебют Oasis

Дебютный альбом группы Oasis 1994 года "Definitely Maybe" возглавил список лучших британских пластинок всех времен, пишет в понедельник газета The Telegraph. Таковы результаты опроса, проведенного среди читателей музыкального журнала Q и покупателей онлайн-магазина HMV.

Второе место в рейтинге также досталось пластинке Oasis – "(What's The Story) Morning Glory?" 1995 года. Тройку лидеров замыкает "OK Computer" группы Radiohead, выпущенный в 1997 году.

The Beatles с альбомом "Revolver" 1966 года поднялись лишь до четвертого места. Пятую строчку занял одноименный дебют группы The Stone Roses 1989 года.

По свидетельству редактора Q Пола Риза (Paul Rees), в настоящее время Oasis являются несомненными любимцами нации, поскольку в ходе опроса собрали втрое больше голосов, чем их ближайшие конкуренты. Следует заметить, что дебютный диск Oasis довольно часто попадает в похожие топы, создаваемые другими музыкальными журналами.

1. Definitely Maybe - Oasis

2. (What's The Story) Morning Glory? - Oasis

3. OK Computer - Radiohead

4. Revolver - The Beatles

5. The Stone Roses - The Stone Roses

6. Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - The Beatles

7. London Calling - The Clash

8. Under The Iron Sea - Keane

9. Dark Side Of The Moon - Pink Floyd

10. Urban Hymns - The Verve

11. The Bends - Radiohead

12. Abbey Road - The Beatles

13. Hopes And Fears - Keane

14. Don't Believe The Truth - Oasis

15. Violator - Depeche Mode

16. The Queen Is Dead - The Smiths

17. A Night At The Opera - Queen

18. Whatever People Say I Am - Arctic Monkeys

19. The White Album - The Beatles

20. Never Mind The B******s - Sex Pistols

21. Rubber Soul - The Beatles

22. Be Here Now - Oasis

23. Absolution - Muse

24. Rio - Duran Duran

25. Parklife - Blur

26. A Rush Of Blood To The Head - Coldplay

27. The Holy Bible - Manic Street Preachers

28. Origin Of Symmetry - Muse

29. IV - Led Zeppelin

30. The Wall - Pink Floyd

31. Up The Bracket - The Libertines

32. X&Y - Coldplay

33. Who's Next - The Who

34. Black Holes And Revelations - Muse

35. Back To Black - Amy Winehouse

36. Songs Of Faith And Devotion - Depeche Mode

37. Word Gets Around - Stereophonics

38. The Fat Of The Land - Prodigy

39. Different Class - Pulp

40. In Rainbows - Radiohead

41. Hunky Dory - David Bowie

42. Favourite Worst Nightmare - Arctic Monkeys

43. Everything Must Go - Manic Street Preachers

44. Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd

45. Behaviour - Pet Shop Boys

46. Ziggy Stardust - David Bowie

47. Parachutes - Coldplay

48. Exile On Main Street - Rolling Stones

49. Unknown Pleasures - Joy Division

50. Let It Bleed - Rolling Stones
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: Holy Roller   Дата: 18.02.08 12:52:33   
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2john lee hooker:
25 величайших дуэтов всех времён:

почему-то нет этого дуэта:

и этого:
Frank Sinatra "What Now My Love" with Aretha Franklin

и этого:
Berry Chuck & Etta James - Rock N' Roll Music

забавно, что фамилия составителя списка - Берри... странный какой-то Берри. "Ненастоящий"...

тут еще смешнее список
The All Time Greatest Duets of The Millennium

Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 17.04.08 00:21:19   
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2Holy Roller:

>2john lee hooker:
>25 величайших дуэтов всех времён:
>почему-то нет этого дуэта:

патамушта это не дуэт вовсе.
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: john lee hooker   Дата: 17.04.08 00:23:42   
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Топ 10 худших причесок в музыке:
Топ 10 худших причесок в музыке:
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: karp   Дата: 18.04.08 20:17:35   
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Старое и "неглобальное"... но зато близко к одной параллельно развивающейся теме


4. YES
Как ни странно, группа со столь простым названием считается эталоном заумного жанра...
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: realife   Дата: 19.04.08 05:07:11   
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>Старое и "неглобальное"... но зато близко к одной
>параллельно развивающейся теме
>4. YES
>Как ни странно, группа со столь простым названием
>считается эталоном заумного жанра...

да, в тему про Yes очень кстати. даже альбом подобрали тот, что нужно. как знали....что мы его обсуждали в параллельной теме, шайтаны. вообще статейка очень призабавная.
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: хх вуман   Дата: 19.04.08 14:14:27   
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Сюда что ли всякие топы и зе бэсты сваливать?Сюда что ли всякие "топы" и "зе бэсты" сваливать?
Вот этого, по-моему, еще не было.
10-ка музыкальных "возвращенцев" (Top 10: Comeback Albums).

Number 10
Paul Simon, 1986

Paul Simon’s career didn’t exactly suffer after he and Art Garfunkel parted ways in 1971. In fact, he continued to release successful records and write hit songs. Songs like "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover," "Slip Slidin’ Away" and "Late in the Evening" rivaled even Simon and Garfunkel’s greatest successes. Multiple appearances in films and on SNL added to his popularity, but by the early ‘80s Simon's output had slowed. After plans for a reunion record fizzled following he and Garfunkel's famous Concert in Central Park, Simon released Hearts and Bones. Meant to be the duo’s first album together since their heyday in the late ‘60s, the project fell off the rails and it became another solo effort for Simon that ultimately didn’t live up to expectations.

Back in action: Released on the heels of Simon’s involvement in the hugely successful "We Are The World" single and Simon’s work with USA for Africa, Graceland depended heavily on African musical styles. The album marked a return to Simon’s early 1970s experiments with world music and was a critical and commercial smash. Inspired by a visit to Elvis’ Memphis home, it was Paul Simon’s highest-charting record to date, hitting No. 3 on the U.S. Billboard charts and No. 1 in the UK.
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: хх вуман   Дата: 19.04.08 14:15:45   
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Number 9Number 9
Red Hot Chili Peppers, 1999

Admit it: You’re tired of Dave Navarro. Tired of his shirtless reality show antics. And tired of the fact that people seem incapable of calling him by his first name alone. Apparently the rest of RHCP tired of him as well. The only album recorded with Navarro, One Hot Minute, is widely considered to be their weakest. Even though it sold respectably, it was a disappointment to critics and many fans alike. For a band that seemed to approach their music, their shows and their careers with so much confidence, the sudden show of weakness made it look like RHCP were losing their collective way.

Back in action: Former guitarist, John Frusciante had his own problems: a near fatal heroin addiction, for one. He may have sold his gear and lived in poverty after leaving RHCP, but his return to the band, at Flea’s insistence, heralded the band’s return to making great records. Frusciante revitalized the Pepper’s and Californication revitalized their career. The album was a huge success and contained a Grammy-winer for Best Rock Song. Californication sold 15 million copies and set the stage for their massive follow up, Stadium Arcadium.
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: хх вуман   Дата: 19.04.08 14:17:10   
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Number 8Number 8
American Idiot
Green Day, 2004

When Green Day first hit the mainstream they were the kind of band that caused riots and prompted fans to rip up the lawns at festival shows across North America. There was a point a few years ago, however, where you might have wondered where the new punk became the old punk. Bands like Green Day, Rancid and The Offspring seemed to have fallen off the map. Green Day may not have completely disappeared, but certainly they were in danger of doing so. Nimrod and Warning kept the band in the public eye, but they didn’t have the same impact as earlier efforts and the public eye was wandering.

Back in action: Nobody expected a concept album from Green Day, least of all the band. They began writing American Idiot after the masters to the album they had been working on were apparently stolen. American Idiot debuted at No. 1 on Billboard, proving the band still had teeth, and seriously sharp ones. American Idiot was just the right mix of rock, riot and political dissatisfaction to resonate with fans and raise the band’s profile and legacy to heights not seen since Dookie.
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: хх вуман   Дата: 19.04.08 14:18:39   
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Number 7Number 7
Van Halen, 1986

Van Halen’s self-titled debut, rich with Eddie Van Halen’s incendiary fretboard mastery and singer David Lee Roth’s over-the-top personality, launched the band to stardom and kept them there from the late '70s until midway through the tour in support of their album, 1984. Together since 1972, ultimately Roth and the rest of Van Halen had just about enough of each other by then and couldn’t stand to finish the tour together. Roth left, and Van Halen started a complicated singer juggling act that continues to this day.

Back in action: Many figured the band would have a hard time replacing Roth and a harder time convincing fans to stick with them. 5150 put that assumption, and the new guy, Sammy Hagar, to the test. Though some of the band’s fans remained true to Dave, the new lineup proved solid and profitable. 5150 widened Van Halen’s appeal and sound and gave them their first No. 1 on the Billboard charts.
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: хх вуман   Дата: 19.04.08 14:19:54   
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Number 6Number 6
Hell Freezes Over
Eagles, 1994

For a band that sung so sweetly together, the Eagles managed to pack in a lot of mutual animosity for each other. After six studio albums they allegedly spent their final show together threatening each other in great detail on stage. Glenn Frey and Don Henley were so pissed that they apparently couldn’t work in the same room, or even in the same part of the country, anymore. The two mixed a live album culled together from the band's performances on the last tour, but on separate coasts.

Back in action: Henley repeated, ad nausea, the band would only get back together when hell froze over. When they did in April ’94, for the first time in 14 years, they celebrated with a massively successful reunion tour, and an equally successful live album. That wasn’t the end of the bickering, however, and in 2001, Don Felder was fired and he subsequently brought a suit against the band. It was settled out of court for an undisclosed amount. The Eagles' new record, 2007’s Long Road Out of Eden, has gone seven times platinum, but Don Henley believes it will be their last.
Re: Лучшие/Худшие... Есть мнение
Автор: хх вуман   Дата: 19.04.08 14:21:26   
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Number 5Number 5
Permanent Vacation
Aerosmith, 1987

After a string of records in the ’70s and ubiquitous classic rock anthems like "Walk This Way" and "Dream On," Aerosmith’s collective star faded badly following their 1980 greatest hits release. If a documentary on the band was filmed during this time it could easily be named Drunk and Drunker, with Toxic Twins Steve Tyler and Joe Perry playing the leads. Between lineup changes, rampant substance abuse and dubious records it looked like they were finished.

Back in action: Capitalizing on their collaboration with Run DMC, the band straightened out and released Permanent Vacation. It went five times platinum and spawned three top 20 singles, setting Aerosmith up for the greatest success of their career and Grammy nods for Pump and Get a Grip. Perhaps more importantly, because with out Permanent Vacation there would be no Get a Grip, the album served as the spark that helped launch the acting career of Alicia Silverstone and Tyler’s daughter Liv Tyler.
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