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Paul and Heather Mills news

Тема: Пол Маккартни - Heather Mills (Хэзер Миллз)

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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.08.07 19:11:05   
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All at sea ... Paul sails in a dinghy named after beloved first wife LindaAll at sea ... Paul sails in a dinghy named after beloved first wife Linda
Я тащусь!  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: PrudenS   Дата: 18.08.07 22:24:22   
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>эй! а где?

где-нибудь наверняка есть... а здесь семейные обстоятельства :)
Голливудская улыбка  
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.08.07 22:36:58   
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2Кот Котофеич:

>2Primal Scream:
>>Paul McCartney and Christie Brinkley get close
>>at the James Taylor concert in Easthampton,
>Long Island

Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.08.07 22:56:07   
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talking = токование
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: PrudenS   Дата: 18.08.07 23:43:20   
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вчера в бэ вторая ответила, как называется яхта... и дядьволодя приз не дал((
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Лена me mine   Дата: 18.08.07 23:56:29   
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>вчера в бэ вторая ответила, как называется яхта...
>и дядьволодя приз не дал((

Света, Костяныч чесслово прислал ответ секунд на 15-20 раньше...
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: PrudenS   Дата: 18.08.07 23:58:47   
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2Лена me mine:

)))) дядьволодя воплощенная честность и принципиальность...
да я не обижаюсь, просто в кои веки ответ знала ))
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.08.07 14:39:52   
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EXCLUSIVE: Macca and Mucca come together without fighting EXCLUSIVE: Macca and Mucca come together without fighting

By James Desborough

COME together, right now ...over Bea.

These sensational exclusive pictures show Macca and Mucca CLOSER than they've ever been since their bitter split.

They met in New York for a handover of the daughter whose love is slowly melting the wall of ice between them in their multi-million-pound divorce war.

At one point three-year-old Beatrice had her arms round the necks of both mummy and daddy—as if willing them back together in a family hug.

And, for the bewildered little girl in pigtails clutching her dolly, there is hope that their fighting might be over and even some affection rekindled between the two, we can reveal.

For this rendezvous—as Paul picked Bea up from model wife Heather close to his Long Island home—was the SECOND TIME in a WEEK that the pair have met.

Aides say they secretly got together at the ex-Beatle's £10million beachside home for a two-hour family lunch earlier this week.

One told us: "Paul and Heather did it for Beatrice. They both decided on longer holidays of two weeks each with their daughter and agreed at the meeting to stop talking about the divorce in front of her.

"Paul is worried it's the lawyers causing most of the ill feeling. He's asked Heather to ignore these battles when they meet.

"In recent weeks he's been more accommodating to Heather. The tensions and stress of a year ago have eased off and they spend time face to face."


For their latest meeting on Thursday both drove separately to a railway station car park.

Beforehand tanned Heather, 39, spent nearly two hours at a beauty salon with Beatrice and arrived in a low-cut, revealing dress.

As the tot, clutching a toy Garfield, spotted her music legend father she squealed with delight: "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy."

Smiling Paul picked up his daughter and gave her a cuddle. He looked tense as Beatrice, reached out for Heather to pull her close for a kiss.

But the frostiness of previous handover meetings between 64-year-old Macca and Mucca had clearly thawed. At times they looked into each other's eyes as they chatted, with Heather fidgeting her hands around.

They said their goodbyes then Macca put Beatrice in his car.

Clinical psychologist Dr Kristina Downing-Orr—a top body language expert —believes the couple have made great strides since their acid meeting at Bea's third birthday last October where Heather was pictured scowling at Macca from a play park bridge.

And she sees clues that their relationship could be warming up again after closely studying our set of pictures. "Considering what's happened between them in the last year, their behaviour at this meeting is incredible," she said.

"They're both nervous but that's over-ridden by their love for Beatrice. And Paul looks very guarded, but I think that's because he still loves her and is trying to stop her seeing that."

Dr Downing-Orr said Macca was going "all-out" not to show any feelings. "Heather is nervous, but she is really placating her husband. She wants to be friendlier with him, which he's wary about," she said.

"If they didn't want to be there, they could have just done a quick ‘here's the child, thank-you and goodbye' in just 10 seconds. They are talking, there is eye contact and they leave on a positive note. This a building block to a good future.

"I'm sure these pictures show they could still get back together."

Macca's daughter, fashion designer Stella, has flown to join her father as he looks after his daughter. They went out partying last weekend and attended a James Taylor concert. Paul chatted to Billy Joel's ex-wife Christie Brinkley.

Meanwhile Heather was seen playing pool in a New York bar with a male friend after spending the previous two weeks with Beatrice, taking her to Las Vegas.

In June we revealed how the warring couple were secretly planning to meet at Macca's US home after calling a truce in their divorce war in May when Paul agreed to support Heather and settle the divorce by early 2008.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.08.07 14:42:39   
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Working relationship: Heather's body language, says an expert, shows a softening of her attitude to Sir PaulWorking relationship: Heather's body language, says an expert, shows a softening of her attitude to Sir Paul
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.08.07 14:43:44   
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Give us a hug: Sir Paul reaches out to his daughter Give us a hug: Sir Paul reaches out to his daughter
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.08.07 14:44:11   
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That's my girl: Beatrice gets a lift into Daddy's arms That's my girl: Beatrice gets a lift into Daddy's arms
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.08.07 14:44:52   
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Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 20.08.07 14:53:48   
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Mummy too: Beatrice stretches an arm out to Heather  Mummy too: Beatrice stretches an arm out to Heather
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sergphil   Дата: 21.08.07 01:57:43   
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Primal Scream, огромнейшее спасибо за фотографии!
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Jos   Дата: 21.08.07 06:34:21   
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ЛОНДОН, 16 авг - РИА Новости, Мария Табак. Фотограф, преследовавший бывшую супругу музыканта Пола Маккартни Хизер Миллз, приговорен магистратским судом Брайтона к 140 часам общественных работ, сообщает телеканал "Скай Ньюз".

Суд вынес 32-летнему Джею Кейкаппе из графства Хэмпшир обвинительный приговор в связи с двумя эпизодами, имевшими место 5 и 6 июля 2006 года.

5 июля фотограф приблизился к Миллз, схватил ее за плечо и повернул так, чтобы ему было удобно ее сфотографировать. На следующий день он также преследовал друга бывшей фотомодели Марка Пейна.

Нынешний приговор - редкий случай, когда Миллз удалось доказать вину папарацци.

Экс-супруга Маккартни так часто жаловалась в полицию на преследования фотографов, причем, по мнению представителей полиции, часто без всякого на то повода, что суперинтенданту полиции Брайтона и Хоува однажды пришлось через прессу просить ее звонить пореже.

Пик внимания прессы к бывшей модели пришелся на разгар ее бракоразводного процесса с участником группы "Битлз".
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 27.08.07 18:02:26   
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Add Zellweger to McCartney's let it be me list Add Zellweger to McCartney's let it be me list

Monday, August 27th 2007, 4:00 AM
Here's one fight we'd love to see: Renee Zellweger vs. Christie Brinkley.

Zellweger, 38, spent some animated face time with Beatle Paul McCartney on Saturday jamming to Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers.

As Zellweger smiled, laughed and hung on the 65-year-old musical icon's every word, our lensman spotted Brinkley casting what appeared to be less-than-delighted glimpses in their direction - and no wonder.

After all, it was just two weeks ago at a James Taylor concert in the same East Hampton venue that Brinkley, 53, sparked romance rumors when she and Sir Paul, who is estranged but not yet divorced from Heather Mills, cut a rug.

They were even seen slow-dancing to "How Sweet It Is to Be Loved by You."

A witness at Saturday night's Petty concert at the Hampton Social insisted that they're all just friends.

"I don't believe there's anything between them.

"He was sitting with Amy Poehler and her husband, and she [Renee] was with two friends and left 15 minutes after he did," said the source.

Still, McCartney is known to have an eye for younger women - and blonds. And Zellweger and Brinkley fit that bill to a T.

Paul McCartney's been busy making blonds' hearts throb at Hampton Social concerts. On Saturday, he spent quality face time with Renee Zellweger.

Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 27.08.07 18:02:52   
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On Aug. 11, McCartney and free-as-a-bird Christie Brinkley got cozy. On Aug. 11, McCartney and free-as-a-bird Christie Brinkley got cozy.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 29.08.07 10:17:07   
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Мужчина познакомится с блондинкой моложе себя. Хочет подержать ее за руку!Мужчина познакомится с блондинкой моложе себя. Хочет подержать ее за руку!
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.08.07 13:42:56   
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Rocker SIR PAUL MCCARTNEY stunned sports fans in New York on Wednesday night (29Aug07) - by turning out to watch the city's baseball stars. The former Beatle was in the crowd at the Bronx's Yankee Stadium to watch the New York Yankees play fierce rivals the Boston Red Sox. MCCartney was greeted with a huge cheer and applause when the stadium announcer revealed he was in attendance, and he duly took the time to sign autographs. The singer is currently taking time out, staying at his home in the Hamptons on New York's Long Island.
Re: Paul and Heather Mills news
Автор: Zhanna   Дата: 30.08.07 22:34:35   
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Пол снова жгучий брюнет!?!
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