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Tom Petty

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Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 05.09.05 13:32:12   
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Sweet Little Queen XIII ***
А кто это на барабанах? Что-то я не узнаЮ...
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 05.09.05 13:40:52   
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Есть предположение, что это Дэвид Грол.
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 05.09.05 13:52:28   
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Это ударник Нирваны.
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 05.09.05 13:54:48   
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А может все-таки гитарист Foo Fighters?
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 05.09.05 14:45:56   
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Нет, тогда еще Foo Fighters или не было или только создавались. У Тома была мысль его в группу пригласить, но у него были свои планы.
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Alex Red   Дата: 05.09.05 17:12:23   
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Короче, юмор ясен. Дэйв Грол - барабанщик Нирваны и гитарист Фу Файтерс в одном лице - собственной персоной. Ни хрена бы не узнал!
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 05.09.05 17:21:23   
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Ага, Два в одном!Ага, Два в одном!
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 06.09.05 10:54:49   
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Monday, September 5, 2005

Petty gives Gorge crowd all it could want


Rock 'n' roll legends Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers played a set that took the capacity crowd on a musical journey that spanned three decades of hits during their first night of a sold-out two-night stint at The Gorge Friday.


WHEN: Friday night

WHERE: The Gorge Amphitheatre

Wearing a black shirt, green military jacket and tattered blue jeans, Petty started his two-hour set with "Listen to Her Heart." The rest of the set list read like a greatest-hits compilation with a few newer songs plugged in for good measure. The bluesy "Honey Bee," and a newer song "Melinda," which featured a bridge that showcased pianist Ben Tench's versatility, were the newer songs that stood out the most. Of course, Petty staples such as "Free Fallin'," "Refugee" and his first single, 1976's "Breakdown," were performed.

Throughout the night, it was evident Petty takes pleasure in what he does, and he is basking in the afterglow of the success his Hall of Fame career has brought him.

"I always dedicate this song to the Traveling Wilburys, for wherever they may be traveling tonight," Petty said before launching into "Handle With Care." Petty has resisted playing Wilburys tunes in the past, but "Handle" has become a staple of his shows ever since Olivia Harrison asked him to play the song at The Concert for George.

The band also played a few covers, The Animals' "I'm Crying" and the extended jaunt of a jam that was Them and Van Morrison's "Gloria." It was an appropriate way for Petty to pay his respects to his influences.

Georgia-based group The Black Crowes opened the night with a set of songs that sounded better live than a meal of fried okra and boiled peanuts tastes. The band's brand of deep-fried rock gives Lynyrd Skynyrd a run for its money as the kings of Southern rock.

Accompanied by two backup singers, singer Chris Robinson shimmied and swayed through many of the group's hits, including "She Talks to Angels" and "Remedy" as his movie-star wife, Kate Hudson, watched from the side of the stage.

Hudson is relatively a big name in Hollywood, but she wasn't the biggest name at The Gorge; it was Petty and his Heartbreakers who deserved the spotlight.
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 07.09.05 15:38:54   
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Film review: Elizabethtown Film review: Elizabethtown
VENICE (Hollywood Reporter) - There's a winning little road picture with an appealing couple and great music in writer/director Cameron Crowe's "Elizabethtown," but it's not until Orlando Bloom and Kirsten Dunst blow town that it gets up any speed.
Crowe makes an awkward start with a load of tosh about the shoe business and he dwells far too long on a gaggle of sentimental small-town stereotypes instead of getting the leads out on Route 66 where they belong.

The over-elaborate film, screened Out of Competition at the Venice International Film Festival, would be far better off losing a third of its 133 minutes and its unnecessary length may contribute to a slack box office unless the sparks that finally occur between the leads prompts positive word of mouth.

Told in high spirits throughout, the story centers on Drew Baylor (Bloom), a brilliant designer of running shoes who has spent eight years ignoring friends and family while developing a unique new shoe for footwear mogul Phil ( Alec Baldwin).

For reasons not explained, the shoe is destined not just to flop but flop catastrophically, costing Phil's company nearly $1 billion. This turn of events causes Drew to contemplate suicide by attaching a sharp knife to his exercise machine so that it will stab him in the chest when he rides it.

Before he can pedal himself to death, however, his father dies while visiting Elizabethtown, Kentucky, where he grew up, and Drew is ordered by his sister and mother to travel from their Oregon home to collect his body.

Drew turns out to be the only passenger going to Elizabethtown on that flight and so attendant Claire (Dunst) is able to give him her undivided attention. This inauspicious beginning includes her divining the source of his despondency and personality analysis based on people's names.

Elizabethtown, Drew discovers, is populated by the kind of nosey, opinionated and loud people that cause so many to leave small towns like that. The major conflict is over where Drew's dad will be buried and whether or not he will be cremated, as they don't believe in that kind of thing in rural areas of the Blue Grass State.

Not only that, but Drew's mom Kitty ( Susan Sarandon) is generally regarded as a wild one as she took Drew's dad away from Elizabethtown to California, even though they only lived there for 18 months and have resided in Oregon for more than 20 years.

There's a long and tiresome sequence in which a couple's wedding banquet is taken over for a memorial to Drew's dad. Kitty shows up, a very merry widow, and proceeds to dazzle everyone with a comical speech and a tap dance to salute her late husband.

Meanwhile, Claire has attached herself to Drew even though she claims to have a married lover who is always out of town. Finally, the fun part begins when Drew sets off in his rental to drive from Kentucky across country to the coast, scattering his dad's ashes at wonderful places along the way.

Drew is guided by an intricate map created and narrated by Claire, complete with side visits, pit stops and fabulous music as he cruises through places like Memphis, Tennessee and Eureka Springs, Arkansas, and on to Oklahoma City and Scottsbluff, Nevada.

The song score is excellent, with tracks from Lynyrd Skynyrd, Tom Petty, Elton John and many others perfect for a road trip. It's that, along with the chemistry of Bloom and Dunst, and the great open roads of the American mid-south and west that make the film worth seeing.

Paramount Pictures present a Cruise/Wagner/Vinyl Films production.

Drew Baylor: Orlando Bloom

Claire: Kirsten Dunst

Hollie Baylor: Susan Sarandon

Phil: Alec Baldwin

Bill Banyon: Bruce McGill

Heather Baylor: Judy Greer

Ellen: Jessica Biel

Jessie: Paul Schneider

Aunt Dora: Paula Deen

Uncle Dale: Loudon Wainwright

Aunt Lena: Alice Marie Crowe

Sharon: Patty Griffin

Director and screenwriter: Cameron Crowe

Producers: Tom Cruise, Paula Wagner, Cameron Crowe

Executive producer: Donald J. Lee Jr.

Director of photography: John Toll

Production designer: Clay A. Griffith

Editor: David Moritz

L-R) U.S. actress Susan Sarandon, U.S. director Cameron Crowe, U.S. actress Kirsten Dunst and British actor Orlando Bloom pose during a photocall in Venice September 4, 2005. Crowe is presenting his latest movie 'Elizabethtown' at the Venice film festival. (Alessia Pierdomenico/Reuters)
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 09.09.05 12:03:47   
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Из неофициального источника : примерный список песен нового альбом ТР.

Посмотрим, так ли это будет на самом деле.
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 16.09.05 18:09:21   
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Top 20 Concert Tours By The Associated PressTop 20 Concert Tours By The Associated Press
Thu Sep 15, 9:23 AM ET

The Top 20 Concert Tours ranks artists by average box office gross
per city and includes the average ticket price for shows in North
America. The previous week's ranking is in parentheses. The list is
based on data provided to the trade publication Pollstar by concert
promoters and venue managers.


1. (1) Dave Matthews Band; $1,403,512; $44.82.

2. (2) Neil Diamond; $1,359,466; $62.11.

3. (3) Kenny Chesney; $1,063,686: $56.08.

4. (4) Anger Management Tour / Eminem / 50 Cent; $1,042,169: $64.59.

5. (5) Ozzfest; $885,892: $44.60.

6. (6) Coldplay; $806,606; $41.24.

7. (7) Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers; $613,077: $36.34.

8. (8) James Taylor; $599,550; $42.57.

9. (9) Destiny's Child; $485,051: $55.46.

10. (New) Motley Crue; $460,492; $39.05.

11. (11) Rascal Flatts; $445,361: $32.85.

12. (10) Vans Warped Tour; $434,619: $26.50.

13. (12) American Idols Live; $428,384: $44.33.

14. (New) System Of A Down; $419,887; $39.49.

15. (13) Santana; $404,764: $45.43.

16. (16) Chicago / Earth, Wind & Fire; $358,940: $41.29.

17. (15) The Sugar Water Festival; $358,139: $49.09.

18. (17) Jack Johnson; $348,167; $33.38.

19. (14) Stevie Nicks / Don Henley; $340,120: $50.75.

20. (New) 50 Cent; $337

Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 18.09.05 11:20:27   
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Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers: Live USATom Petty And The Heartbreakers: Live USA

Due for release on 26/09/2005
Tom Petty and his Heartbreakers band captured live in concert.

1. Introduction
2. Jammin' Me
3. Runnin' Down A Dream
4. Swingin'
5. Listen To Her Heart
6. Mary Jane's Last Dance
7. Hey Mona
8. Even The Losers
9. Room At The Top
10. Walls
11. Petty's Shuffle
12. Free Fallin'
13. Free Girl Now
14. Dusty Road
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Dаve   Дата: 18.09.05 21:34:36   
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Я всегда читаю эту тему с большим интересом, только не пишу, но вот, настал случай представиться вам :).

Я хотел бы сообщить вам, что наконец-то смог частично завершить работу над русскоязычным ресурсом, посвященном Тому Петти. По адресу выложены сайт и форум. Сайт пока почти не содержит информации, но подготовка материалов в процессе. Не судите строго, а лучше давайте вместе наполним сайт интересной информацией. Потому как мне в одиночку сделать это будет не столь просто (да и времени займет изрядно), а вместе можно было бы сделать достаточно интересный сайт. Буду рад любой помощи и пожеланиям!

Еще там же есть форум, форум полностью работоспособен, думаю, обсуждению всего, что связано с Томом будет тесновато в рамках одной темы... Я ничего не имею против битлз.ру, но здесь все-таки сабжевая темя -- Битлз, а не Том Петти. А Том вполне достоен и отдельного форума! В общем, feel free чтобы зарегистироваться и там, не пугайтесь, что на форуме пока пусто :) все когда-то начиналось, надеюсь, там будет вполне комфортно общаться!

Не сочтите за рекламу, нас не так уж и много, давайте объединяться в рамках своего ресурса! :) И пускай у тех, кто только заинтересовался творчеством Тома, будет в сети место, откуда можно бы было начать это знакомство.

И еще раз скажу -- я буду рад принять любую помощь или пожелания!
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 19.09.05 12:29:07   
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2Primal Scream:

>Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers: Live USA
>Due for release on 26/09/2005
>Tom Petty and his Heartbreakers band captured
>live in concert.
>1. Introduction
>2. Jammin' Me
>3. Runnin' Down A Dream
>4. Swingin'
>5. Listen To Her Heart
>6. Mary Jane's Last Dance
>7. Hey Mona
>8. Even The Losers
>9. Room At The Top
>10. Walls
>11. Petty's Shuffle
>12. Free Fallin'
>13. Free Girl Now
>14. Dusty Road
Я так понимаю - это DVD?! Было бы здорово. ХОЧУ!!!!

Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 19.09.05 12:40:22   
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2Dave May:

>Я всегда читаю эту тему с большим интересом,
>только не пишу, но вот, настал случай представиться
>вам :).
>Я хотел бы сообщить вам, что наконец-то смог
>частично завершить работу над русскоязычным ресурсом,
>посвященном Тому Петти. По адресу
>выложены сайт и форум. Сайт пока почти не содержит
>информации, но подготовка материалов в процессе.
>Не судите строго, а лучше давайте вместе наполним
>сайт интересной информацией. Потому как мне в
>одиночку сделать это будет не столь просто (да
>и времени займет изрядно), а вместе можно было
>бы сделать достаточно интересный сайт. Буду рад
>любой помощи и пожеланиям!
>Еще там же есть форум, форум полностью работоспособен,
>думаю, обсуждению всего, что связано с Томом будет
>тесновато в рамках одной темы... Я ничего не имею
>против битлз.ру, но здесь все-таки сабжевая темя
>-- Битлз, а не Том Петти. А Том вполне достоен
>и отдельного форума! В общем, feel free чтобы
>зарегистироваться и там, не пугайтесь, что на
>форуме пока пусто :) все когда-то начиналось,
>надеюсь, там будет вполне комфортно общаться!
>Не сочтите за рекламу, нас не так уж и много,
>давайте объединяться в рамках своего ресурса!
>:) И пускай у тех, кто только заинтересовался
>творчеством Тома, будет в сети место, откуда можно
>бы было начать это знакомство.
>И еще раз скажу -- я буду рад принять любую помощь
>или пожелания!

Пойду зарегестрируюсь. ПОчему бы и нет.
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 19.09.05 12:55:25   
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Primal Scream - ищу информацию по новому изданию, ничего пока нет. Поделитесь, где вы ее нашли?
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 19.09.05 13:07:51   
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2Sweet Little Queen XIII:

См. почтовый ящик
А по данным этот DVD выходит сегодня!
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 19.09.05 14:58:22   
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Судя по всему полу-официальное издание какое-то.
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Theodor   Дата: 19.09.05 17:04:41   
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Любопытное пересечение Eagles и Tom Petty. Взято из интервью Дона Фелдера, гитариста "Орлов":

"I grew up in Gainesville in North Central Florida. Stephen Stills and I had a band. I guess we were about 13 or 14. He and I and a couple other guys put together a band to play fraternity parties. We went over to play the strip in Daytona Beach during the summer when the frat parties were over because college was out for the summer. We'd lie about our age and say we were 18, though we were barely shaving at the time. There was a little blonde-headed guy named Tommy Petty who was around then. He had a band called the Rucker Brothers and I use to teach him guitar. I just wound up being attracted to the whole music industry".

2Dave May
Молодец, давай развивай это дело. )
Re: Tom Petty
Автор: Sweet Little Queen XIII   Дата: 22.09.05 17:29:25   
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