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Katie Melua

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My Secret Life: Katie Melua, singer/songwriter
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 26.11.07 01:47:18   
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The Independent, 24 November 2007 The Independent, 24 November 2007

Katie Melua was born on 16 September 1984 in Kutaisi, Georgia. A singer/songwriter, she moved to Northern Ireland aged eight before relocating to England seven years later. She made her musical dйbut in 2003 and in 2006 was the biggest-selling British female artist in the world. In that year she also set the world record for playing the deepest underwater concert, 303m under the Troll A oil rig in the North Sea. She lives alone in west London and her third album Pictures is out now

I drive: an Alfa Romeo Spider convertible.

If I have time to myself: I love reading, especially Haruki Murakami. I am also getting into Ian McEwan, who is amazing.

You wouldn't know it but I'm very good at: ironing. Especially shirts. I even wrote a song called "Shirt of a Ghost" about doing the ironing for someone who had just passed away. It wasn't a very happy song.

You may not know it but I'm no good at: cooking. I once tried to fry a shepherd's pie.

A book that changed me: Brave New World by Aldous Huxley.

Movie heaven: horror films – my favourite genre. Especially Japanese horror. I love a lot of Tarantino's films and also Larry Clark – his work is great too.

Comfort eating: cheese. The smellier and richer the better!

When I was a child: I wanted to be a historian. I used to love history, it was my favourite subject at school and I got an A+ in my GCSE.

All my money goes on: gear for my studio.

At night I dream of: weird things, like lots of stairs in different directions – like that scene from the film Labyrinth with David Bowie.

My favourite building: I don't have one favourite building, but I love cathedrals and churches. They are just so massive and detailed and incredible.

My biggest regret: is not having done an AFF (Accelerated Free Fall ) course, but hopefully I will get to do so in the future.

It's not fashionable but I like: flowers and gardening. I've got a small patch of garden with my flat and I try and get out there as much as I can.

If I wasn't me I'd like to be: David Attenborough, I just love the nature programmes that he does. He is such a legend and his work is amazing.

The shop I can't walk past: is All Saints, I just love their stuff. They always have something in there that takes my fancy.

My favourite work of art: Banksy's print of Ronald McDonald and Mickey Mouse from Santa's Ghetto in 2004.

The soundtrack to my life: Joni Mitchell.

The best invention ever: is probably the electric guitar. It's my favourite instrument to play and I write my songs on it.

Я тащусь!  
Re: Katie Melua
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 27.11.07 02:06:03   
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Katie Melua - Call Off The Search (live AVO Session)

Katie Melua - Crawling Up A Hill (live AVO Session)

The Closest Thing To Crazy - Katie Melua

Katie Melua - My Aphrodisiac is You

Katie Melua--Blowing In The Wind ( Bob Dylan)

Katie Melua-Blame It On The Moon in Berlin 23.07.2007

Katie Melua - I Think It's going to rain today

Mockingbird, live AVO Session Basel 10.11.2007

Katie Melua (Faraway voice) Live in Basel

Tiger in the night

Katie Melua-Belfast (Penguins And Cats) in Berlin 23.07.2007

Re: Katie Melua
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 27.11.07 02:21:17   
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Katie Melua - Shy Boy

Nine Million Bicycles
Katie Melua live in norwegian television in 2006 singing nine million bicycles and makes a mistake with the lyrics as she sings "there are six billion light years in the world".

Piece by piece 16.10.2005

Katie Melua - Half way up The Hindu Kush (Live in Bonn)

Katie Melua - Blues In The Night - NSJF 2007

Katie Melua-spider's web

Katie Melua - On The Road Again (Live Children In Need BBC 18-11-2005)

Thank You Stars

Katie Melua - Just like Heaven

I Cried For You

Katie Melua - I Do Believe in Love (Live)

Re: Katie Melua
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 27.11.07 02:37:26   
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Mary Pickford

It's all in my head

If the Lights Go Out [live]

What I Miss About You in Berlin 23.07.2007

Scary Films, live AVO Session Basel 10.11.2007

'What It Says On The Tin' Interview & Preview

Perfect Circle (live AVO Session)

Ghost Town

If You Were A Sailboat

If You Were A Sailboat Live

If I were a Sailboat (alternative lyrics)

Re: Katie Melua
Автор: Андрей Beatleman   Дата: 02.12.07 21:19:52   
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Очень милые песенки. Про 9 млн. велосипедов в Бейджине - первая, которую я услышал где год назад...
Melua's charity call to TV bosses
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 05.12.07 11:03:53   
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2007-12-04 2007-12-04

Singer KATIE MELUA is pleading with bosses of British TV show THE X FACTOR to donate profits from their Christmas single to charity.
The 23-year-old star has blasted the talent contest for annually saturating the Christmas singles market with rush-released songs from the series' winners - insisting it's stripping the festive spirit out of the race for U.K. number one. But Melua - who has recorded a duet of What A Wonderful World with late jazz singer Eva Cassidy to raise money for the British Red Cross charity this Yuletide (07) - believes X Factor bigwigs can redeem themselves by donating all sales proceeds to a worthy cause.
She says, "In recent years the whole Christmas number one thing hasn't been focused on the Christmas spirit.
"I'm not saying What A Wonderful World is a Christmas song, it obviously isn't, but what it's raising money for and awareness for is very much in the Christmas spirit. Maybe this will encourage The X Factor to donate all their money to charity. I think they should.
"To me Christmas is about families and giving. It should not just be about giving each other the latest iPods and Nintendo games. The reason why the Christmas number one is such a big deal is because that's the song people buy to give each other presents. So if all that money was to go to charity that would be great." Proceeds from Melua's single will be spent on projects in Britain, including emergency aid after fire and floods.
The winner of The X Factor series will release a cover of Mariah Carey's When You Believe after the show ends on 15 December (07). /
Re: Katie Melua
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 07.12.07 10:00:22   
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Led Zeppelin: Katie Melua on rock'n'roll riffs that rake the psyche
Published: 07 December 2007

My light Spanish picking is far from Jimmy Page's epic guitar solos, but that doesn't mean late at night I don't pretend to be able to play them. I can do the dreaded intro for "Stairway to Heaven"; it's a rite of passage for any guitarist. Occasionally, the eight year-old Katie comes out and I have to jump up and down on the bed playing air guitar to "Black Dog" or "Immigrant Song". It's lucky I have good noise insulation at my West London flat because you have to play them really, really loud.

All my guitar friends, mostly blokes, are fans. We share the passion for Led Zeppelin, but it's not the type of thing I generally share with my girlfriends, although if they bought the Led Zeppelin albums Physical Graffiti and Led Zeppelin IV they would be astounded at how many of the songs they recognise. Teenagers always hear a Led Zeppelin song and say "Who's that? I love that song!"

I wasn't around in their heyday, I'm only 23, but I grew up in Georgia with my uncles who listened to Led Zeppelin, Queen, Metallica and Black Sabbath. It was Led Zeppelin that stood out. As a very young child, I'd sneak into my uncle's room which was covered with Led Zeppelin posters. I'd head bang and play air guitar and jump on the bed to the songs on my favourite album, Led Zeppelin IV.

Musically, they are complicated, with seven to eight-minute songs, huge extended intros, with odd time signatures. At a young age the hooks and riffs went straight into my psyche and the songs are bound to capture anyone of any age. It's rare to hear a hardcore metal band and still have the song going round in your head because it is so catchy.

I rediscovered Led Zeppelin when I was 15 years old and I'd moved to England. Songs such as "Kashmir" from Physical Graffiti, and "Whole Lotta Love" from the album Led Zeppelin II, blew me away. Also I started to appreciate the folkier, more experimental songs such "When The Levee Breaks". The guitar riffs of Page were the lifeblood of the songs but Robert Plant's vocals sounded as if he was playing an instrument. Listening to Led Zeppelin, it almost felt as if there was a competitiveness between them that raised the stakes and made the music even better.

Obviously, Led Zeppelin hasn't influenced my music on the surface, as it doesn't sound anything like Led Zeppelin. I think the band has influenced my live work more than my music because I try to rock out on stage, improvise and be energetic. I've seen footage of them performing, but I've never seen them play live.

I suppose a lot of people my age wouldn't be in to Led Zeppelin but most musicians like them. There is nothing dated about their music. There is still that innovative spirit to it. They are not the kind of band you listen to in a romantic situation. Mainly I listen to Led Zeppelin when I want to fall in love with music. Again.
Re: Katie Melua
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 11.12.07 11:35:44   
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Tesco and The British Red Cross very proudly present the Christmas Single of 2007 What a Wonderful World by Eva Cassidy and Katie Melua.
Tesco and The British Red Cross very proudly present the Christmas Single of 2007 "What a Wonderful World" by Eva Cassidy and Katie Melua.

Soaring high on the success of her latest album 'Pictures', Katie has recorded this new unique duet alongside her idol, the late Eva Cassidy.

As part of the Tesco Charity of the Year partnership, Tesco will donate all of its profits from sales of the single to the British Red Cross (Registered Charity Number 220949).

Katie - who also donated her time for free - said, "For many, Christmas is a time of fun and celebration, but at this time of year there are vulnerable and isolated people up and down the country in need of help. I’m glad that 'What a Wonderful World' will be raising funds for the British Red Cross to help people in crisis."

This unique and beautiful recording is available exclusively at Tesco and


Katie Melua & Eva Cassidy - What A Wonderful World live

Eva Cassidy Katie Melua Duet Over the Rainbow

Katie Melua regrets missing out on the 'uni' experience
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 14.12.07 08:43:23   
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The London News.NetThe London News.Net
Wednesday 12th December, 2007

London, Dec 12: Jazz singer Katie Melua revealed that she misses out on her university days.

The 23-year-old songtress, who's planning to move to New York, said that if she goes, she would definitely get herself enrolled in a university.

"I missed out on the 'uni' experience," Contactmusic quoted the singer, as saying.

"If I go to New York I'll definitely enrol at university and take a course in English literature or history. Nothing connected to music," she added.

Melua admitted that she wants to immerse herself in a new culture and hence wants to move on to New York.

"I might move to New York - I've had the thought for a couple of years - to immerse myself in a different culture and come up with a different sound," she said.

"I like the way artists like David Bowie made totally different music by moving to a city like Berlin," she added.
Re: Katie Melua
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 18.12.07 09:07:21   
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Katie Melua and Eva Cassidy top chartsKatie Melua and Eva Cassidy top charts

LONDON (Reuters) - Singer Katie Melua and the late Eva Cassidy topped the singles chart on Sunday with a version of the classic Louis Armstrong song "What a Wonderful World".
Their charity duet knocked "Bleeding Love" by last year's "X Factor" winner Leona Lewis from the number one spot after seven weeks, according to the Official UK Charts Company.

Cassidy, who died of cancer in 1996, is Melua's musical idol. Money raised by their duet goes to the British Red Cross.
Re: Katie Melua
Автор: Maryleen Foxy   Дата: 28.04.08 21:08:37   
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Узнала о ней я относительно недавно, но... успела послушать больше 300 раз точно. Она молодец, мне так нравятся и песни, и ее голос. Здорово!!!
Re: Katie Melua
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 28.04.08 22:15:57   
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2Maryleen Foxy:

>Узнала о ней я относительно недавно, но... успела
>послушать больше 300 раз точно. Она молодец, мне
>так нравятся и песни, и ее голос. Здорово!!!

а Еву Кэссиди вы слушали?
Re: Katie Melua
Автор: Maryleen Foxy   Дата: 30.04.08 08:40:04   
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>а Еву Кэссиди вы слушали?
Да!!! И мне еще нравится ее перепев Imagine, очень красиво!!!
Re: Katie Melua
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 03.05.08 08:59:42   
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2Maryleen Foxy:

>>а Еву Кэссиди вы слушали?
>Да!!! И мне еще нравится ее перепев Imagine,
>очень красиво!!!

Yesterday в её исполнении слышали? а Fever? а альбом The Other Side с Чаком Брауном?

уважаемая Мэрилин, вот это Вам ничего не напоминает:
Re: Katie Melua
Автор: mary_live   Дата: 03.05.08 09:13:23   
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Tour Dates - 2008

25.03.08 Le Vinci, Tours, France
26.03.08 Salle Erasme, Strasbourg, France
28.03.08 Galaxie, Amneville, France
29.03.08 Le Colisee, Roubaix, France
30.03.08 Salle 3000, Lyon, France
01.04.08 Zenith de Montpellier, Montpellier, France
02.04.08 Geneva Arena, Geneva, Switzerland
04.04.08 Palais Des Congres, Paris, France
05.04.08 Palais Des Congres, Paris, France
06.04.08 Messehalle, Erfurt, Germany
07.04.08 Colorline Arena, Hamburg, Germany
09.04.08 Schleyerhalle, Stuttgart, Germany
10.04.08 Olympiahalle, München, Germany
11.04.08 Hallenstadion, Switzerland
13.04.08 AHOY, Netherlands
14.04.08 Forest National, Belgium
15.04.08 Philippshalle, Düsseldorf, Germany
17.04.08 AWD Hall, Hannover, Germany
18.04.08 Ballerup Super Arena, Copenhagen
20.04.08 Warsaw Congress Hall, Poland
21.04.08 Gdansk AWFiS Hall, Poland
23.04.08 Poznan Arena, Poland
25.04.08 Stadthalle Halle D, Vienna, Austria
26.04.08 Salzburg Arena, Austria
27.04.08 Krizanke, Ljubljana, Slovenia
29.04.08 Milan, Italy
30.04.08 Zenith Omega Toulon, France
02.05.08 Zenith De Caen, France
04.05.08 Royal Albert Hall, UK
05.05.08 iTunes Live: Berlin Festival
26.06.08 Montreal Jazz Festival, Canada
28.06.08 Fan Fest 2008, Gelsenkirchen, Germany
04.07.08 Broadlands, Hampshire, UK
05.07.08 The Rec, Bath, UK
12.07.08 Blickling Hall, Norfolk, UK
13.07.08 Castle Howard, North Yorkshire, UK
27.07.08 'Summer Nights' at Powderham Castle, UK
06.08.08 Leipzig, Germany
07.08.08 Fulda Veranstaltungsort Domplatz, Germany
08.08.08 Ganter Open Air, Freiburg, Germany
10.08.08 Skanderborg Festival, Denmark
12.08.08 Trier Arena, Germany
13.08.08 Schlossplatz, Meersburg, Germany
14.08.08 Schlossplatz, Coburg, Germany
16.08.08 Dalane Kulturfestival, Norway
20.10.08 Zenith de Paris, France
29.10.08 Nottingham Arena, UK
30.10.08 Sheffield Hallam FM Arena, UK
31.10.08 Manchester Arena, UK
02.11.08 Newcastle Arena, UK
03.11.08 Glasgow Arena, UK
04.11.08 Aberdeen ECC, UK
06.11.08 Birmingham NEC, UK
07.11.08 Cardiff Arena, UK
08.11.08 London O2 Arena, UK
10.11.08 Bournemouth BIC, UK
11.11.08 Brighton Centre, UK
Re: Katie Melua
Автор: yellow submarine   Дата: 04.05.08 15:00:40   
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2Андрей Beatleman:
>Очень милые песенки. Про 9 млн. велосипедов в
>Бейджине - первая, которую я услышал где год назад...

Бейджин по-русски - это Пекин.
Re: Katie Melua
Автор: Maryleen Foxy   Дата: 04.05.08 22:35:43   
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>Yesterday в её исполнении слышали? а Fever? а
>альбом The Other Side с Чаком Брауном?

Первые 2 да, слышала, просто Imagine безумно зацепила, так как кроме Леннона я эту песню не воспринимала (т.е. перепев). А вот альбома The Other Side не имею.
Могу сказать, что о ней я узнала недавно и более досконально познакомиться с ее альбомами пока не успела, но, думаю, все еще впереди.
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