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Wishbone Ash

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Re: Wishbone Ash
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 30.06.06 18:04:32   
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Who Would Turn Down a Beatle? Wishbone Ash Did!

Not many people would give up the opportunity to record with John Lennon but Wishbone Ash's Andy Powell did just that. (He did however record with George and Ringo) Powell discusses that as well as touring with Aerosmith back in the day, the brand new Wishbone Ash album 'Clan Destiny' and a lot more in an exclusive new interview with Rock N Roll Universe! Here is an excerpt with Powell discusses the Fab Four experience.

RNRU : Also during the early 70's, you played on some sessions for George Harrison and Ringo Starr at the Apple studios, and at the time you declined working on John Lennon's 'Imagine' recording sessions. How did those sessions come about, and what do you recall about them?

AP : Well, we were sharing the same road manager at the time, living in London, as were The Beatles. Of course, The Beatles weren't touring at the time, they were doing a lot of recording at Apple. They were signing up artists like James Taylor. It was interesting because we were poor, starving musicians with no money. Our road managers would show up in John Lennon's white Rolls Royce or something. (Laughs) Or George's Pullman Mercedes, and we'd end up going out for a beer. He just happened to mention to us, and we always were dying to hear any news of The Beatles, "George is in the studio at the moment, he's laying down tracks, he's looking for a bunch of acoustic guitar players, do you want to come down?" It was literally like that. You'd go down to Apple, and there was George. He was very low key, very humble. We were the new wave of bands. They had ceased to be, but everybody... The Beatles are rock royalty. They were in those days. It was a great honor to play. The thin gs I worked on, I don't think particularly saw the light of day. They're all sessions that are in the vaults somewhere. There was an Australian artist that they signed up, Ringo was the producer and drummer on that session. With Klaus Voorman, and a couple of other noted players. I did a session with George, and I think Ringo was on that one too, actually. There was a John Lennon session that came up, that Ted Turner took. I, naively, had been rehearsing all day, and I said I was too tired. Which, I regret eternally. That was for the 'Imagine' album. It was recorded in London. Actually, it was down at his house in Surrey. Ted went along and played on that, and he's actually on that album, on the song "Crippled Inside." There's a little bit of Wishbone Ash in there somewhere.

RNRU : Were The Beatles aware of you as a band at that time?

AP : Oh, I'm sure they were. When we went in, speaking to George and Ringo, they were very deferential. I couldn't believe it. It was very nice to be acknowledged, for sure. [see the full story for a lot more including a discussion of the sessions that produced the classic 'Argus' album.]

Полный текст
Re: Wishbone Ash
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 31.08.06 10:58:46   
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Wishbone Ash: 25th Anniversary Of The MarqueeWishbone Ash: 25th Anniversary Of The Marquee

Wishbone Ash live in performance.
Re: Wishbone Ash
Автор: zappa2000   Дата: 31.08.06 11:04:32   
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Слушал последний раз эту группу лет 25 назад. До сих пор помню, что ощущения были очень положительные. Посоветуйте, какие альбомы купить, чтобы переслушать. Самые-самые. Из ранних и нынешних. (Не больше 3-4-х штук).
Re: Wishbone Ash
Автор: karp   Дата: 31.08.06 11:10:47   
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>Посоветуйте, какие альбомы купить
Argus и Pilgrimage
Остальные гораздо менее интересные, по-моему...
Добрый профессор  
Re: Wishbone Ash
Автор: Simon   Дата: 31.08.06 11:20:43   
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>> Посоветуйте, какие альбомы купить

> Argus и Pilgrimage
> Остальные гораздо менее интересные, по-моему...

Я бы еще посоветовал их дебютный альбом "Wishbone Ash" (1970), а также "Wishbone 4" (1973) и "There's the Rub" (1974).
Re: Wishbone Ash
Автор: zappa2000   Дата: 31.08.06 11:24:27   
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Re: Wishbone Ash
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 01.03.07 15:32:39   
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Wishbone Ash
Re: Wishbone Ash
Автор: Simon   Дата: 01.03.07 16:04:14   
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2Primal Scream
> Впервые в России...

Во как! :))) А то, что WISHBONE ASH приезжали с гастролями еще в СССР это что - не считается? :))) В "перлы" афишку! Адназначна!

См. выше интервью с Энди Пауэллом: "WISHBONE ASH были одним из первых западных коллективов, выступавших в СССР..."
Re: Wishbone Ash
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 14.03.07 14:19:07   
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Wishbone Ash и Kosheen приезжают в Россию
Re: Wishbone Ash
Автор: Debora   Дата: 15.03.07 01:03:09   
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2Primal Scream:

>Wishbone Ash и Kosheen приезжают в Россию
Ура! Жаль, что не получится сходить на их концерт. Одна из любимейших групп. Не знаю, как остальные участники, но Пауэл всегда в отличной форме.
Re: Wishbone Ash
Автор: Папа-гитара   Дата: 16.03.07 14:17:08   
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Я сегодня иду на их концерт в Апельсин. Кто-нибудь ещё пойдёт? Отзовитесь:)
Re: Wishbone Ash
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 17.03.07 19:08:11   
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(2007 8-track CD album - This album was found in acetate form from a studio recording in 1969, featuring the Argus line-up, it was used to get their first MCA deal and including 2 previously unreleased recordings).
02 April 2007

1. Lady Whiskey
2. Roads Of Day To Day
3. Blind Eye
4. Joshua
5. Queen Of Torture
6. Alone
7. Handy
8. Error Of My Way
Re: Wishbone Ash
Автор: Гарринча   Дата: 18.03.07 00:43:51   
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16 марта в Апельсине прошёл концерт.
Примерно сет-лист был:
Eyes Wide Open
Healing Ground
King Will Come
Sometime World
Why don't we
Blowin' Free
Capture The Moment
Tales Of The Wise
Almighty Blues
Standing In The Rain
На бис кажется Ballad Of The Beacon
Не захватил фотоаппарат :((
Концерт хороший. Интересная красивая мелодичная музыка. Особенно захватывала, когда ускорялся темп. Мне сильно понравилась Sometime world. Понравилась игра Маннинена. Боб Скит и Рэй Уэстон составили сильную ритм-секцию. Голос Энди Пауэлла совсем такой же как на записях. Бэк-вокал - Боб Скит и Мадди Маннинен.
Народу было мало, я легко пробился к сцене.
Общая оценка 4. Wishbone ash уступают Deep Purple и Jethro Tull в мощи и энергетике.
Re: Wishbone Ash
Автор: Debora   Дата: 18.03.07 05:10:14   
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>Общая оценка 4. Wishbone ash уступают Deep Purple в мощи и энергетике
Трудно в это поверить. Довольно странное сравнение с Jethro Tull...
Re: Wishbone Ash
Автор: Папа-гитара   Дата: 28.03.07 01:45:21   
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Я тоже не взял фотоаппарат - на сайте Апельсина было написано, что видео/фото съёмка запрещена, ну и я, как порядочный человек... А оказалось, что...:)
Не буду ни с кем их сравнивать, тем более с Deep purple. Жаль только, что Leaf and Stream они не сыграли. Из сыгранного на концерте больше всего понравились Sorrel. Sometime world (естественно:)) тоже затронула ностальгические струны в душе. Хотя скорее всего, слушая эту вещь вживую, в голове в тот момент звучала оригинальная версия.
P.S. Blowin' free была? Интересное кино... Наверное я в тот момент отлучался. А я ведь всех спрашивал после концерта: А что же они Blowin' free-то не сыграли?..
Re: Wishbone Ash
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 02.04.07 22:38:24   
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Wishbone Ash - Tracks 3 (3CD)

Disc 1
Surfing a slow wave
Ancient remedy
The ring
Healing ground
Changing tracks
Living proof
Rock n roll widow
Ballad of the beacon
Wings of Desire
Capture the moment
Comfort zone
Why don't we
Baby what you want me to do

Disc 2
The Raven
Error of my way
Wait out the storm
Dreams outta dust
Eyes wide open
Faith hope and love
Cell of fame
Baby don't mind

Disc 3
Hard on you
Ship of dreams
Come in from the rain
High heeled sneakers
Rock me baby
Another time
Motherless child
Hard times
Blind eye
East coast boogie
Loose change
Warrior (with Orchestra)
Re: Wishbone Ash
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 06.11.07 14:50:15   
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Argus (Deluxe Edition)Argus (Deluxe Edition)

Disc 1
Time Was
Sometime World
Blowin' Free
The King Will Come
Leaf And Stream
Throw Down The Sword
No Easy Road (Single Version)
The Pilgrim (Live In Memphis 1972)
Phoenix (Live In Memphis 1972)

Disc 2
Time Was (1972 BBC In Concert Session)
Blowin' Free (1972 BBC In Concert Session)
Warrior (1972 BBC In Concert Session)
Throw Down The Sword (1972 BBC In Concert Session)
The King Will Come (1972 BBC In Concert Session)
Phoenix (1972 BBC In Concert Session)
Blowin' Free (1972 BBC Session)
Throw Down The Sword (1972 BBC Session)
Re: Wishbone Ash
Автор: Drybushchak   Дата: 07.11.07 10:12:32   
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А был кто-либо на их московском концерте в 1986 году? WA тогда основным составом приезжали.
Re: Wishbone Ash
Автор: волчица 2   Дата: 19.11.07 19:22:16   
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 Bona Fide - альбом на 5 с плюсом!Мой любимый. Bona Fide - альбом на 5 с плюсом!Мой любимый.
Re: Wishbone Ash
Автор: Primal Scream   Дата: 03.12.07 14:57:32   
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Wishbone Ash: Live In HamburgWishbone Ash: Live In Hamburg

Wishbone Ash are a British rock band who achieved particular success in the early and mid-1970s. Formed in Devon in 1969 out of the ashes of the group The Empty Vessels, which had featured Wishbone Ash's founding members Martin Turner and Steve Upton, the original line-up was completed by Andy Powell and Ted Turner.

Wishbone Ash are celebrating 37 years together with a massive tour across the UK, Europe and the US. This new DVD brings that live experience to the band¿s legions of fans with high production values, superb sound and vision and backstage footage and interviews. Recorded Live in Hamburg 2007.


01. Eyes
02. Healing
03. King
04. Warrior
05. Why Don't We
06. Dreams Outta Dust
07. Raven
08. Sometime World
09. Valediction
10. Sorrel
11. Capture
12. Tales
13. Almighty Blues
14. Standing in the Rain
15. Phoenix
16. Blind Eye
17. Ballad of the Beacon
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